更新时间:2023-03-23 09:13:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载
Dear Mr./ Ms.:
I am writing an invitation to you to join the banquet we host for
All of my classmates feel it a great honor to have been your
students in the past three years. Thanks to your patience and
devotion, we benefited a lot from your class. Time flies. Now, its
time to say goodbye. Despite the near departing, we would like to
invite you to have dinner with us in Jinyuan at 6 o’clock on July 18th
in order to express our gratitude to you. All of us are looking
forward to this banquet with your presence. Please do come.
Best regards.
Yours, 10 class C
dear officer,
i am writing to confirm that i wish to invite
name: xx
relationship: xx date of birth: xx
to visit me while i am studying at abbey college cambridge in uk. i would like to invite him to visit me from xx october xxxx to xx october xxxx.
i confirm that my father will be staying with me during his stay. after my father gets his visa, he will book the hotel in uk.
i would be very grateful if you would approve request for uk visa so that he can visit me. i hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. please find enclosed the following evidence:
1. cas, certificate of abbey college cambridge, payment receipt from abbey college cambridge.
2. a copy of my passport
3. a copy of my police registration certificate
please do not hesitate to contact if you need any further information. my mobile number: xx email address: xx
your consideration about permission of xx’s uk visa would be highly appreciated. thank you very much.
yours faithfully
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