Lesson Plan - 图文

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TKT Practical lesson plan template Centre number: Candidate name: Lesson number: Lesson l length: Date: MO301 Joan 40 2014.3.10 Level: Lesson type: Candidate number: Elementary Reading &vocabulary Information about the class: There are 20 students in class, Grade7 .they are 13 or 14 years old. Some of them have learned English for 3years and some of them haven’t .Some students aren’t good at learning English. Their first language is Chinese. So they speak Chinese more than English. They like speaking English but some of them are afraid to speak aloud in class because they are not confident enough and they are not good at cooperative. Main aim: By the end of the class, students will be better able to read for gist, read for specific information and read for detail about the story of the little horse crosses the river. Subsidiary aim: By the end of the class students will be able to use the new vocabulary (horse, cow, squirrel, mill, deep, cross, sadly Shout, wheat and drown)accurately in spoken form to talk about a little horse Personal aim: Make the pace of class a little fast, so that I can finish the tasks. To reduce TTT by not repeating and echo Materials (referenced): 1. The handout 1(A Little Horse Crosses the River) is downloaded from internet .http://gz.yingyu.com/e/20111010/4e92b6cc4457d.sht 2. The ppt slide1to slide12are downloaded from internet 1.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 2.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 3.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 4.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 5.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 6.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 7.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 7.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 9.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 10.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 11.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 12.http://imgt2.bdstatic.com/it/u=1279823957,2380418469&fm=116&gp=0.jpg 3. The hundout2 (task: 1 what’s this passage about? 2. Fill in the blanks. 3. True or false? 4 4 .Look at the pictures and tell the story about A Little Horse Crosses the River) is design by teacher. 4. The ppt slide13 and slide15 to 17 design by teacher(the answer about task1 to task 4) Assumptions: 1. Some students have read the passage about the little horse. 2. .Students don’t use the meaning of cross, wheat, squirrel, drown, sadly, shout, deep and mill Anticipated difficulties with materials, Solutions: activities and tasks: 1.Students might read slowly in the first 1. Remind students to read fast and set a time reading.(read for gist) limit of 2 minute, and use ccq’s to check if they

2.Students will speak Chinese in task 3

understand it.

2. Remind students not speak Chinese. Monitor during the task.


This lesson plan is my own work …….…Joan………………………..(candidate’s signature).

Language analysis Form Meaning Phonology 1 [h?:s] 2 [ka?] 3 [wi:t] 4 ['skw?r?l] 5 [kr?s] 6 [dra?n] 7 [s?dli] 8 [?a?t] 9 [di:p] 10 [m?l] Anticipated problems 1. Some students can’t pronounce [wi:t] they might pronounce [wit] 2. Some students can’t pronounce [di:p] they might pronounce [de:p] 3.Some student might not use drown. Solutions 1. Give them correct pronunciation and practice more. 2. Use choral drilling or peer drilling to practice the pronunciation 3. Use ppt slide8 to convey the meaning of word some students know these words 1 horse n 1. A large animal which people can ride. Some horses are used for pulling ploughs and carts 2 cow n 2. A large female animal that is kept on farms for its milk. student don’t know these words 3 wheat n 3 Wheat is a cereal crop grown for food. 4 squirrel n 4. A small animal with a long furry tail. 5 cross v 5. You move or travel to the other side of it. 6 drown v 6. They die because they have gone or been pushed under water and cannot breathe. 7. unhappily 7sadly adj 8 shout v 8. you say something very loudly 9 deep adj 9. it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something. 10 mill n 10.Com is ground into flour in a mill

Skill analysis Skill/subskill Reading for gist Reading for specific information Reading for detail. Tasks for skills development 1. Giving the students hand-outs of the reading passage And Ask students to read the passage fast, and do task1. What’s this passage about, ask students to choose the answer. 2. Ask students to read the passage carefully and do task2. (Fill in the blank) 3. Ask students to read the passage again and do task3 (true or false) Preparing learners for tasks 1. Present the new words, elicit the word they have learned, use ppt show the new words, teach the pronunciation by choral drilling or peer drilling. 2. Feed back task 1, teacher gives them answer on ppt, let them check the answer and correct the answer 3. Feed back task2. Ask some students in different group to speak out the answers in class, then teacher gives them answer on ppt slide14, let them check the answers and correct the answers. 4. Ask some students to speak out the answers in class, Then teacher gives students answers on ppt slide15, let them check the answers and correct the answers Anticipated problems 1 Students might read slowly in the first reading. 2 Students might speak Chinese in checking the answers in pairs or group. Solutions 1, in the instruction, reminds students to read fast and set a time limit of 1 minute, and use CCQS to check if they understand it. 2, Use CCQS or elicit to remind students to speak English, and monitor during the activities. Stage Lead in Stage aim Let students interest in the topic Procedure Inter-action S-S Time 2 Presentation practice Reading1 Feedback Reading 2 Feedback Use the ppt slid 2, teacher asks 4 students in a group .Ask them to look at the picture and talk about “what can you see in the picture? Then ask them speak out. After seeing the picture, teacher elicit the topic A Little Horse Crosses the River To present the new words Show some pictures on pptslide2 to slide12 .use pictures or body language to of about the text and focus convey the meaning of the new words (horse, cow, squirrel, mill, deep, cross, on the meaning and sadly Shout, wheat and drown), use choral drilling or peer drilling to present pronunciation pronunciations of new vocabulary. By this way students can learn the words easily. To provide more chance for Teacher will show the pictures on ppt about the new words(horse, cow, squirrel, practicing the new words mill, deep, cross, sadly Shout, wheat and drown)that student studied just now. Then the picture will disappear quickly, when student remember the words, they should stand up and speak out. To develop skills about Ask students do the Task 1: what’s this passage about by themselves. Give reading for gist. students handouts of about reading text A Little Horse Crosses the River, remind students read the text quickly in 2minuts ,teacher monitor the class, when the time is up, ask students to talk about and peer check the answers in a pair. To check students have the Ask some students to speak out the answers in class, Then teacher gives them correct answers. answer on ppt slide13, let them check the answers and correct the answers For students to practice Give all of the students the task 2(Fill in the blanks),Ask students to read the text reading for specific again and do the task 2 by themselves.(Fill in the blanks) Give them 3 minutes to information. write down the answers. Then teacher divide the class into 5 groups, Ask students to talk about and check their answers in groups of four. To check students’ answers Ask some students in different group to speak out the answers in class, Then and ask students correct teacher gives them answer on ppt slide14, let them check the answers and correct answers the answers. T-Ss 8 Ss 4 Ss 3 T-Ss S-Ss Ss 2 4 T-Ss S-Ss 2

