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Key to Exercises (Units 1-8)

Unit 1

Part I Pre-reading Task

Script for the recording:

Have you ever heard of the pop singer, John Lennon? Here he is singing a song he wrote for his son. It's called Beautiful Boy.

Close your eyes

Have no rear

The monster s tone

He's on the run and your daddy's here

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep Say a

little prayer

1 John Lennon (1940-1980): First became famous as a singer and guitarist in the Beatles, a British rock group, writing many of their most successful hits. Later he left the group, but continued to be popular as a singer and songwriter.


66 -Appendix I

Every day in every way

It's getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Out on the ocean sailing away

I can hardly wait

To see you come of age

But I guess we’ll both

just have to be patient

‘Cause it's a long way to go A bard row to hoe

Yes it's a long way to go

But in the meantime

Before you cross the street

Take my band

Life is what happens to you

While you're busy making other plans

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep Say a little

prayer Every day in every way It's

getting better and better

1 A hard row to hoe: To hoe is to use a special farming tool, a hoe, to clear small weeds and break up the surface of the soil.

The row referred to is a row of plants.


