市场营销双语 科特勒 亚洲版 期末总结 - 超详细版
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Chapter 1
Marketing: managing profitable customer relationships
What is marketing?
? A social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating
and exchanging products and value with others. ? 广义上,营销是通过创造和交换产品及价值,从而使个人或群体满足欲望和需要的社会和管理过程。 ? 狭义上,营销是指和顾客建立有利可图、充满价值的交换关系。
? 总之,营销就是企业为了从顾客身上获得利益回报、创造顾客价值和建立牢固顾客关系的过程。
1. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants 了解市场及顾客需求和欲望
2. Design a customer-driven marketing strategy
3. Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value 构建传递卓越价值的营销方案
4. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight
5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality
? Selecting customers to serve 选择服务对象
? What customers will we serve?
? Marketers select customers that can be served profitably
? 通过把市场划分为不同的顾客和选择它将要针对的那部分顾客来实现。营销管理者必须决定目标顾
? Choosing a value proposition选择价值方案
? How can we serve these customers best?
? Includes the set of benefits or values a company promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs
? 公司承诺传递给顾客用来满足顾客需求的价值和利益的组合
Understanding the Marketplace
? ? ? ? ?
Needs, wants, and demands
Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction
Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
Definition should distinguish: Need, Want and Demand
? Need: A state of felt deprivation.
? Want: The form taken by a human need as shaped by culture and individual personality.
? Demand: Human wants that are backed by buying power, or wants backed by ability and willingness to buy.
? 需要:人们感到缺乏的一种状态。
? 欲望:是由需要派生出的一种形式,它受社会文化和人们个性的限制。
? 需求:具有支付能力的欲望就是需求,人们依据他们的欲望和支付能力来选择并购买能最大限度满足其欲
Marketing offer
? Combination of products, services, information or experiences that satisfy a need or want. ? Offer may include services, activities, people, places, information or ideas.
? 营销供给物是提供给某个市场来满足某种需要和欲望的产品、服务、信息和体验的组合。更广义上,还包
? 如果过多地注重实物产品本身,而忽视产品所提供的利益,往往会导致错误,犯上“营销近视症”。 Customer value and satisfaction
? Customer value: the customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a
marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.
? Customer satisfaction: the extent to which a product’s perceived performance matches a buyer’s expectations.
? 顾客感知价值是指与其他竞争产品相比,顾客对拥有或使用某种产品的总利益和总成本进行衡量后的差额
? 顾客满意取决于产品的感知使用效果,如果产品的感知使用效果低于顾客的期望,他们就不满意;如果产
Exchange and relationship
? Exchange: the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. ? One exchange is not the goal, relationships with several exchanges are the goal. ? Relationships are built through delivering value and satisfaction.
? 交换是指从他人那里取得想要的物品,同时以某种物品作为回报的行为。
? 营销包括与想要某种产品、服务、思想或其他事物的目标人群建立和保持合理交换关系的所有活动。
? The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service.
? 市场是指某种产品的实际购买者和潜在购买者的集合。这些购买者都具有某种购买欲望和需要,并且能够
Marketing management philosophies
? Production concept ? Product concept ? Selling concept
? Marketing concept
? Societal marketing concept
Production concept生产观念
? The philosophy that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable and that management
should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency.
? 顾客会接受任何他能买到并且买得起的产品。因此,管理的主要任务就是提高生产和分销的效率,这种观
念是最早的营销思想。 ? 容易导致营销近视,因为公司过度集中于自身运作,而失去了对满足顾客需求和建立顾客关系的真正目标。
Product concept产品观念
? The idea that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance, and features and that the
organization should therefore devote its energy to making continuous product improvements. ? 认为顾客喜欢质量最好、操作性最强、创新功能最多的产品。因此,公司集中力量改进产品。 ? 例如,一些制造商相信,如果他们能生产出更好的捕鼠器,就会顾客盈门。 ? 导致营销近视。
Selling concept推销观念
? The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the organization’s products unless the organization undertakes a
large-scale selling and promotion effort. ? 如果组织不进行大规模的促销和推销,顾客就不会购买足够多的产品,这种观念在非渴求类商品的厂商中
? 所谓非渴求商品,是指在正常情况下,顾客不想购买的商品,例如保险。
Marketing concept营销观念
? The marketing management philosophy that holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining
the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors do.
? 实现组织目标的关键在于正确确定目标市场的欲望和需要,并不竞争者更有效地满足顾客的欲望和需要。 ? 在营销观念下,得到顾客的关注和顾客价值才是销售和获利之路。
Societal marketing concept社会营销观念
? The idea that the organization should determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and deliver the
desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than do competitors in a way that maintains or improves the consumer’s and society’s well being. ? 营销战略在给顾客传递价值时应该保持或发展消费者与社会的双方面的利益。 ? 社会营销观念要求营销人员在公司利润、顾客需要和社会利益三方面进行平衡。
Chapter 2
Company and marketing strategy: partnering to build customer relationships
Strategic Planning
? The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its
changing marketing opportunities.
? 在组织的目标和能力与组织不断变化的营销机会之间建立和保持战略配适的过程。
Steps in strategic planning战略计划的阶段和步骤
Corporate level公司层级
1. Defining the company mission定义公司使命
2. Setting company objectives and goals 设定公司目标
3. Designing the business portfolio, business unit, product, and market level规划业务,业务单位、产品和市场层级 4. Planning marketing and other functional strategies 计划营销和其他职能战略
The Business Portfolio业务组合
A business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company 业务组合就是构成公司的业务和产品的集合。
Business portfolio planning involves two steps:
1. Analyzing the current business portfolio
2. Shaping the future portfolio by developing strategies 1. 必须分析当前的业务组合,对其进行优化; 2. 制定成长战略,塑造未来的业务组合
Strategic business unit (SBU)战略业务单位
? A unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives and that can be planned independently from
other company businesses. An SBU can be a company division, a product line within a division, or sometimes a single product or brand.
? SBU就是在公司中有独立的使命和目标,独立于公司其他业务之外制定计划的一个单元。一个SBU可以是
Business portfolio analysis业务组合分析
? 即评估各个SBU的吸引力,决定各项业务应当给予多大的支持。业务组合分析的原则是坚持紧密结合的原
? 大多数标准的分析方法从两个维度来评价:SBU所在的市场或产业的吸引力以及SBU在该市场或产业中的
The BCG Growth-Share MatrixBCG矩阵
Relative Market Share High Low
High Star QueMarket stion Dog Cash Growth Mar? 纵轴上,市场增长率度量市场的吸引力;横轴上,相对市场份额衡量公司在市场中的实力和地位,将SBULowCow
k ? 明星业务:需要大量资金投入以支持其快速增长。
? 现金牛业务:产生大量现金,支持其他业务。
? 问题业务:需要大量现金保持或增加其市场份额。
? 廋狗业务:可能产生足够现金来满足自身的需要,但是不足以成为大量现金的源泉。
? ? ? ?
维持:保持当前的投入水平,维持SBU的市场份额; 收获:不考虑长期效果而是榨取短期现金流;
Developing Growth Strategies:Product-market expansion grid产品——市场扩展方格
Developing Growth Strategies:Product-market expansion gridProductsPresentProductsMarketsPresentCustomersNewCustomersMarketPenetrationMarketDevelopmentNewProductsProductDevelopmentDiversification ? ? ? ?
市场渗透:提高现有产品对现有顾客的销售额。 市场开发:为现有产品识别、开发新的市场。 产品开发:向现有市场提供改良的产品或新产品。 多元化:新产品、新市场。
4Ps vs 4Cs
Product Price Place Promotion Customer solution Customer cost Convenience Communication ? 4P是站在卖方的角度来看市场,4C是从买方来看。顾客感兴趣的远不只是价格,而是包括取得、使用、处
置一个产品在内的全部成本,而且尽可能方便的获得产品或服务,希望得到双方的沟通和交流。 ? 营销人员首先通过4C来思考,然后用4P来实施。
Managing the Marketing Effort
Managing the Marketing EffortMarketing FunctionsManaging the Marketing EffortMarketingFunctions–Marketing plans include: ?Executive summary?Analysis of current situation?Objectives?Targets and positioning?Marketing mix?Budget?Controls????AnalysisPlanningImplementationControl–Finding opportunities–Avoiding threats–Understanding strengths–Analyzing weaknesses????AnalysisPlanningImplementationControl
Managing the Marketing EffortMarketing FunctionsManaging the Marketing EffortMarketing Functions????AnalysisPlanningImplementationControl–Plans are turned into action with day-to-day activities –Good implementation is a challenge????AnalysisPlanningImplementationControl–Evaluation of the results of marketing strategies–Checks for differences between goals and performance
Chapter 5
Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior
Consumer buyer behavior
The buying behavior of final consumers----individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption
Consumer market
All the individuals and households who buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption
Model of consumer behavior刺激反应模型
Buyer Buyer’s responseblack box s Marketingother Buyer Product Product buyer Characteristics affecting consumer behavior choice Characteristics affecting consumer behavior economic Cultural Social Personal Character Brand psychological Culture Groups (Opinion leader) Age and life-cycle stage Motivation Subculture Perception Price Family decision Occupation Social class Roles and Status Economic situation choiceLearning Lifestyle Belief and attitude technological Personalityand self-concept -istics Dealer Cultural factors文化因素 Place process choice ? Culture: The set of basic values, perceptions, wants, and behaviors learned by a member of society from family and other important institutions. political ? Subculture: A group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations.
Purchase They have their own distinct modes of behavior. Promotion ? 文化是引发人类愿望和行为的最根本原因。人类通过家庭和其他社会机构获得的基本的价值观、观念、喜timing 好和行为。 cultural ? 亚文化是基于共同生活经验和环境而带来的明确的认同感和集体感。亚文化包括民族、宗教、种族和地域等。 Purchase Social classes社会阶层 amount ? Relatively permanent and ordered divisions in a society whose members share similar values, interests, and Marketing and other stimuli behaviors.
? 社会阶层是在一个社会中具有相对的同质性和稳定性的群体,他们按等级排列,每个阶层成员具有类似的
Social factors
? Groups and opinion leader ? Family
? Roles and status
Groups and Opinion leader群体和意见领袖
? Group: two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals.
? Person within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics,
exerts influence on others. ? 群体:凡是一个人所从属并对他有着直接影响的群体成为成员群体,参照群体是指对一个人的态度与行为
? 意见领袖是从属于某参照群体,凭借特殊技能、学识、个性或其他特征,对他人施加影响的人。
? The family is the most important consumer buying organization in society. Marketers are interested in the roles
and influence of the husband, wife, and children on the purchase of different products an services.
Roles and status角色和地位
? ? ? ? ?
Roles define behavior that members of a group expect of individuals who hold specific positions within it. Status is the relative position of any individual member in a group. 每个人在群体中的位置可以用角色和地位来界定。 角色是在群体中人们被期望进行的活动内容。
Personal factors
? ? ? ? ?
Age and life-cycle stage Occupation
Economic situation Lifestyle
Personality and self-concept
? A person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her activities, interests, and opinions.
? 生活方式是个人生活的模式,可以由其消费心态表现出来,包括消费者的活动、兴趣和意见,即消费者的
AIO模式(activities, interests, opinions)。
? A person’s distinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to his or her own environment.
? 个性是指个人独特的心理特征,这种心理特征将使个人对环境作出相对一致和持久的反应。
Brand personality
? The specific mix of human traits that may be attributed to a particular brand.
? 品牌个性是指某种品牌可以具有的人类特质的具体组合。研究发现很多知名品牌都明显趋向和某种特定个
Self-concept or self-image
? The basic self-concept premise is that people’s possessions contribute to and reflect their identities; that is, “we
are what we have.” Marketers should understand the relationship between consumer self-concept and possessions.
? 人们的拥有物决定和反映了其地位,“我们有什么就是什么”。因此,需要弄清自我观念和拥有物之间的关
Self-Concept Theory
? The consumer’s self-concept—a person’s multifaceted of himself/herself—plays an important role in consumer
? The self-concept has four components: real self, self-image, looking-glass self, and ideal self
Psychological factors
? ? ? ?
Motivation Perception Learning
Belief and attitude
Needs and Motives
? A need is an imbalance between the consumer’s actual state and desired state.
? Motive (drive): A need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction of the need.
Self-ActualizatioEstn Needsee Social/Belm ongingneSafety Ness Needs Needs Perceptions Physiological eds ? The process by which people select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. Needs ? 感知是人们收集、整理并解释信息,形成有意义的世界观的过程。 Three perceptual processes感知的筛选过程
? Selective attention: the tendency for people to screen out most of the information to which they are exposed.
? Selection distortion: the tendency of people to interpret information in a way that will support what they
already believe.选择性曲解:人们将信息加以扭曲,使之合乎自己意愿的倾向。 ? Selective retention: the tendency to retain information that supports their attitudes and beliefs and forget
others. 选择性记忆:人们只记住那些符合自己态度和信念的信息,忘记其他大量信息
? Learning: Changes in an individual’s behavior arising from experience.
? Learning in a marketing concept refers to immediate or expected changes in consumer behavior as a result of
experience. ? 学习是指由经验所引起的个人行为的改变。
? 对营销人员而言,学习的实际意义在于他们可以把产品与强烈的驱动联系起来,利用刺激性诱因提供正面
Belief and attitude信念和态度
? Belief: A descriptive thought that a person holds about something.
? Attitude: A person’s consistently favorable or unfavorable evaluations, feelings, and tendencies toward an object
or idea. ? 信念是人们对事物所持的具体看法,人们往往会按照自己的信念行动。
? 态度是指一个人对某些事物或观念所持的相对稳定的评价、感受和倾向。态度导致人们喜欢或不喜欢某些
Types of buying decision behavior
Complex buying behavior
? Consumer buying behavior in situations characterized by high consumer involvement in a purchase and significant
perceived differences among brands. ? 复杂的购买行为:当消费者参与购买程度较高,并且觉察到品牌间的显著差异时的购买行为。
Dissonance-reducing buying behavior
? Consumer buying behavior in situations characterized by high involvement but few perceived differences among
brands. ? 寻求平衡的购买行为:当消费者参与购买程度较高,购买的产品很昂贵、购买不频繁、有风险,但品牌差
Habitual buying behavior
? Consumer buying behavior in situations characterized by low consumer involvement and few significant perceived
brand differences.
? 习惯性购买行为:当消费者参与程度不高,品牌间差异不大时的购买行为。
Variety-seeking buying behavior
? Consumer buying behavior in situations characterized by low consumer involvement but significant perceived
brand differences.
? 寻求变化的购买行为:消费者参与程度低,品牌间差异大,消费者经常改变品牌的选择的购买行为。品牌
The buyer decision process购买决策过程
Need recognition
? The first stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need. ? 购买者意识到自己的实际状态与期望值之间存在差异,产生了需要。
Information search
? The stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer is aroused to search for more information; the
consumer may simply have heightened attention or may go into active information search. ? 信息收集取决于消费者的动力、初始信息、获得信息的难易程度、信息的价值和消费者的满足程度。
Information Search
?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Internal Sources Group Sources Marketing Sources Public Sources
Experimental Sources
Alternative evaluation
? The stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer uses information to evaluate alternative brands in
the choice set.
? 方案评价是指消费者是如何处理信息并选择品牌的。消费者通过评价过程对不同品牌形成一定的态度。
Purchase decision
? The stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer actually buys the product. ? 购买决策是指实际执行或不选择购买的活动。
Post-purchase behavior购买后行为
? The stage of the buyer decision process in which consumers take further action after purchase based their
satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
? Cognitive dissonance: buyer discomfort caused by post-purchase conflict.
? 购买后,消费者的
? 期望值与产品所表现的性能之间的关系。二者之间的差距越大,消费者越发不满。不平衡感是指因购买后
The adoption process for new products
? The mental process through which an individual passes from first hearing about an innovation to final adoption.
? 采用是指个人初次听到一种创新到最终采用的心理过程。 Stages in the adoption processAwareness(知晓)
? ? ? ?
Interest (兴趣) Evaluation (评价) Trial (试用)
Adoption (采用)
Time of adoption of innovations扩散曲线
34% 34% 13.5early late 16% majormajor2.5% % laggarity ity early innovads 所有人都接受只是不同的阶段 ⅹ-o adopttors ⅹ-2o Determinants of Adoption rate ⅹⅹ+o ers 1) Relative advantage 2) 3) 4) 5)
Compatibility Complexity
Possibility of trial use Observability
1. 2. 3. 4.
匹配程度:新产品与潜在消费者的价值观和经验相吻合的程度。 复杂程度:了解和使用新产品的相对困难程度。 可分程度:人们有多少种方法可以购买新产品。
5. 交流程度:使用新产品是否被他人看到。
Chapter 7
Customer-driven marketing strategy: creating value for target customers
Steps in market segmentation, targeting, and positioning
Select customers to serve Segmentation Targeting Create value for targeted customers Decide on a valueproposition Differentiation Positioning STP
Market segmentation市场细分
? Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers on the basis of needs, characteristics, or behavior who might
require separate products or marketing mixes.
? The division of the total market into smaller and relatively homogeneous groups in order to satisfy their needs
better. ? 根据消费者的不同需求、特征和行为,将一个市场分为几个有明显区别的消费者群体,他们可能需要不同
? 公司设计市场细分的不同方法,并确定不同细分市场的大体情况。
Market targeting选择目标市场
? The process of evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. ? 评价每个细分市场的吸引力,选择一个或多个细分市场进入。
? Actually differentiating the firm’s market offering to create superior customer value. ? 将公司的产品与竞争者的产品进行区分,创建较高的顾客价值。
? Arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the
minds of target consumers. ? 使产品处于有竞争力的地位,并设计详细的市场营销组合。
Segmenting Consumer Markets
Segmenting Consumer Markets Geographic segmentation 地理细分 Details Dividing a market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods. 把市场分成不同的地理区域,如国家、地区、州、县、城市或者街区。 Demographic segmentation 人口细分 Dividing a market into groups based on variables such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, and nationality. 将市场按人口因素(年龄、性别、家庭人口、家庭生命周期、收入、职业、教育、宗教、种族和国籍等)分为多个群体。 Dividing a market into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics. 根据社会阶层、生活方式或个性特点,将购买者分为不同的群体。 Psychographic segmentation 心理细分 Behavioral segmentation 行为细分 Dividing a market into groups based on consumer knowledge, attitude, use, or response to a product根据人们对产品的了解、态度、反应和使用情况,将购买者分为不同的群体。 上述四种市场细方法可综合使用 Behavioral segmentation
? Occasion:according to occasions when buyers get the idea to buy, actually make their purchase, or use the
purchased item. ? ? ? ?
Benefit: according to the different benefits that consumers seek from the product. User status:nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular users Usage rate: light, medium, and heavy users
Loyalty status:according to the degree of loyalty
? ? ? ? ?
时机:打算购买、实际购买或使用的时间。 利益:购买寻求的好处是什么。
使用者情况:非使用者、潜在使用者 使用率:轻量、中度、重度使用者
Criteria for Effective Segmentation
1. Measurable:The market segment must present measurable purchasing power and size
2. Accessible:Marketers must find a way to effectively promote to and serve the market segment 3. Substantial:Marketers must identify segments sufficiently large to give them good profit potential
4. Differentiable
5. Actionable:The firm must target a number of segments that match its marketing capabilities
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
可测量性:细分市场的规模、购买力等可以测量。 可接近性:细分市场能够接近并提供服务。 重要性:细分市场足够大,带来足够赢利
Target market
? A set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve. ? 目标市场:一个消费者群体,他们有共同的需求或特点,公司为这些需求服务。
Three alternative market-coverage strategies
? ? ? ?
Undifferentiated marketing: a firm produce or promote only one product to all customers. Differentiated marketing: a firm promotes numerous products to satisfy smaller segments.
Concentrated marketing: a firm focuses its efforts on profitably satisfying only one market segment.
The practice of tailoring products and marketing programs to the needs and wants of specific individuals and local customer groups—includes local marketing and individual marketing.
? Micromarketing微市场营销:根据特定个人和特定地区的口味调整产品和营销策略。
Company mar1. marketinket Undifferentiated g mix Company marketing mix 1 Segmmarketing2. Company marketing mix 2 Segment 1 DifferentiCompany marketing mix 3 Segment 2 ated ent3 Segment 1 Company Segment 2 marketin3.ConceSegment 3 gmarketing ntrated 选择目标细分市场 mix 1. 无差异(大众)营销 marketi2. 差异化(细分市场)营销 3. 集中(补缺市场)营销 ng 4. 微市场营销(本地或个人营销) Choosing target market strategy选择目标市场策略
? ? ? ? ?
Company resources公司的资源 Product variability产品种类
Product’s life-cycle stage产品生命周期 Market variability市场的差异性
Competitors’ marketing strategies竞争对手的营销战略
Chapter 8
Product, services, and branding strategy
? Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want
or need. ? 产品是向市场提供的,引起注意、获取、使用或消费,以满足欲望或需要的任何东西。
Levels of product and services产品层次理论 ? Core product: What is the buyer really buying?
? Actual product may have as many as five characteristics: a quality level, features, design, a brand name, and
packaging. ? Augmented product offers additional consumer services and benefits.
? 核心产品:购买者真正购买的是什么?营销人员必须首先确定顾客所找寻的解决问题的核心利益或服务。 ? 实体产品:包括质量水平、特色、设计、品牌名称和包装。
? 扩展产品:一些附加的服务和利益,如安装、交付和信用条件、担保、售后服务。
产品和服务分类 p206
消费品(Consumer products) --- 最终消费者购买用于个人消费的产品。可分为,
1.便利品:消费者经常购买的消费品和服务,购买几乎不做比较,也不费精力,迅速决定和购买。 例如:Film, bread, magazines
2.选购品:消费者购买频率比较低的消费品和服务,消费者会对实用性,价格和款式仔细比较。例如:VCD or DVD, clothes, furniture
例如:Luxury cars, designer clothing, health foods
4.非渴求品:消费者或者不了解,或者虽然了解但一般不考虑购买的消费品。 例如:Life insurance, graveyard
在购买上花费时间与精力的意愿从低到高分别为:非渴求品、便利品、选购品、特购品 产业用品(Industrial products) --- 购买后用来进一步加工或用于企业经营的产品。可分为,
2.资本品:帮助购买者生产和运营的产业用品,包括装备和附属设备。 3.辅助品和服务:包括作业辅助品和维修维护品。 消费品和产业用品之间的显著区别就在于它们被购买的目的
产品 和服务 属性 品牌 包装 管理 标签 管理 产品支持 服务 Definition of Brand
? A Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or
services for one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. ? A brand is a far more complex symbol, which can convey up six levels of meaning.
? 品牌是用于识别一种产品或服务的生产者或销售者的名称、术语、标记、符号、设计或者上述这些要素的
? 品牌是一个复杂的概念,包括六层含义。
What is a Brand?
User Most enduring meanings personality rof brand: values, culture,
Culture Personality ureonalityAttributesBenefits Values ibutesefitses
Brand equity
? Brand equity is the positive differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the
product or service. ? 品牌资产(品牌权益) 是一种积极的差异化结果,这种努力将使得品牌名称影响到消费者选择产品或服务
? The value of a brand to an organization
? Closely related to number of customers who are devoted to brand
? Brand LoyMajor brand strategy decisions
alty ? Brand Associations ? Other Brand ? NamProprietarpositione y Brand ing AwaAssets Brand Brand reneAttributdevelopsponsorshiBrand ss es ment p name ? PercBrand sponsorship Benefits eiveLine Manufacturselecti? Manufacturer’s brand (national brand) extension? onPrivate brand (store brand): a brand created and owned by a reseller of a product or service. er’s brand d Beliefs ? licensing: the practice of allowing other companies to use a brand name in exchange for a payment. s ? Co-branding: the practice of combining two strong brands perhaps owned by different companies, to sell a
Quaand product. Private Selectility 品牌所有权 valuesBrand brand on ? 制造商品牌:制造商自己拥有的品牌。 ? 自有品牌或商店品牌:由零售商和批发商拥有的品牌。extension ? 许可:通过支付一定的费用,获得已经被认可的品牌的使用权。 Licensing protects ? 联合品牌:将不同公司的两个已有品牌用在相同的产品上。 ion Brand development Co-brandinMulti-bra? Line extension: extending an existing brand name to new forms, colors, sizes, ingredients, or flavors of an existing product category. g nds ? Brand extension: extending an existing brand name to new product categories. ? Multi-brands: companies often introduce additional brands in the same category. ? New brands
? ? ? ?
产品线延伸:在一个已有产品类别中引进新产品时,使用原来的品牌。 品牌延伸:使用一个成功品牌在新产品类别中推出新产品或者改进的产品。 多品牌:在一个产品类别中使用多个品牌,树立不同的特色和定位。 新品牌:引起全新品牌
Product line
? A group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same
customer groups, are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges.
? 产品线就是一组以相似的方式发挥功能、销售给相同的顾客群体、通过相同类型的渠道分销或者都属于给
Product mix (product portfolio)
? The set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale. ? 产品组合是由某一企业所销售的所有产品线和产品项目组成。
Length, width, and depth
? ? ? ?
Product line length: the number of products in the product line. Product mixwidth : the number of product lines
Product mix length: refers to the total number of products the company carries within its product lines. Product line depth : the variations of each product
? 产品线的长度是指一条产品线所包含的产品项目的数量。 ? 产品组合的宽度是指企业经营的不同产品线的数量。
? 产品组合的长度是指公司所经营的产品线当中所包含的产品项目的总数量。 ? 产品组合的深度是指产品线中每项产品所提供的型号数量。 品牌战略——公司关于品牌建设和管理的决策
Brand positioning Brand name selection Brand sponsorship Brand development Attributes Benefits Beliefs and values Selection Protection Manufacturer's Brand Private brand Licensing Co-branding Line extensions Brand Extensions Multi-brands New brands
? Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the
ownership of anything. ? 服务是由活动、利益或满足组成的用于出售的一种产品形式,它本质上是无形的,对服务的出售也不会带
Service characteristics
? ? ? ?
Intangibility Inseparability Variability perishability
Service intangibility
? A major characteristic of services—they cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought. ? 服务的无形性是指服务在购买前看不见、听不到、尝不着、摸不了,闻不到。
Service inseparability
? A major characteristic of services—they are produced and consumed at the same time and cannot be separated
from their providers. ? 服务的不可分性是指服务与其提供者(人员或设备)是分割不开的。
Service variability
? A major characteristic of services—their quality may vary greatly, depending on who provides them and when,
where, and how. ? 服务的可变性是指服务的质量取决于提供服务的人员、时间、地点和方式。
Service perishability
? A major characteristic of services—they cannot be stored for later sale or use. ? 服务的易消失性是指服务不能够储存用来在以后销售或者使用。 其他考虑因素
内部营销(Internal marketing)是指服务企业必须有效地培训和极力企业的员工,促使他们以团队的形式展开工作,为顾客提供满意的服务。
互动营销(Interactive marketing)是指服务质量很大程度上取决于在服务过程中买卖双方之间彼此互动的质量。
企业 内部营销
雇员 顾客
Chapter 9
New-product Development and product life-cycle strategies
New product development
? The development of original products, product improvements, product modifications, and new brands through
the firm’s own R&D efforts.
? 新产品开发是指公司通过研发所新发明的产品、改进或调整了的产品,以及新品牌的产品。 Management View of a New Product主要形式
? ? ? ? ?
Invention: New to the world (10%) New category entries
Additions to Product Lines Repositioning (7%) Improvements (37%)
New Product Development Strategy
? New products can be obtained via acquisition or development. ? New products suffer from high failure rates. ? Rewards from success high
New-product development strategy
Marketing strategy Concept developmenIdea t and testing screenIdea ing genera新产品开发的主要阶段 tion Business analysis Product Test develomarketpment Coming merial-ization 1. 构思产生(Idea generation) ? 构思来源:顾客建议、雇员、研发部门、竞争者、海外等
2. 构思筛选(Idea screening) ? 尽可能去掉不好的构思,而留下好的想法。 ? 大多数公司要求用标准的表格形式来描述新产品构思,以便于新产品委员会审核。 ?
3. 概念发展和测试(Concept development and testing) ? 产品概念:是用有意义的消费者术语表达的详尽描述的产品设想。 ? 概念测试:是与合适的目标消费者小组一起测试这些产品概念,概念可以用符号或实物形式来表示 ?
4. 营销战略制定(Marketing strategy) ? 描述目标市场、计划产品定位、销售量、市场份额以及利润目标;产品在第一年的价格、分销和预算;预计长期销售量、利润目标和营销组合策略。 ?
5. 商业分析(Business analysis) ? 审查销售量、成本和利润计划,以确定它们是否符合公司的目标。
6. 产品开发(Product development) ? 研发部门或工程部门可以把产品概念转化成实体产品。
7. 市场测试(Test marketing) ? ? ? ? ? ? 产品和营销计划在真实的市场环境中进行检验和测试。 三种测试方法 标准市场测试 控制市场测试 模拟市场测试
8. 商品化(Commercialization) ? 商品化就是正是在市场中推出新的产品。 ? 商品化需要确定实际、确定在什么地方推出新产品。公司需要建造或租赁全面的生产设施,还要试试营销组合。 Product life cycle (PLC)
The course of a product’s sales and profits over its lifetime. It involves five distinct stages:
? Product development ? Introduction ? Growth ? Maturity ? decline
Sales & Profit Life Cycles 产品生命周期
Introduction stage
? In this stage, products often bring new technical features to a product category.
? Since the product is unknown to the public, promotion stress information about its features.
? Financial losses are common as the firm incurs high costs associated with heavy promotion and extensive R&D. 介绍期(引入期):指产品引入市场,销售缓慢增长的时期。在这个阶段,因为产品引入市场所支付的费用高昂,致使利润几乎不存在。
Growth stage
? Sales volume rises rapidly during the growth stage as new customers make initial purchases and early buyers
repurchase the product.
? The growth stage usually begins when a firm begins to realize substantial profits from its investment. However,
success attracts competitors.
? The firm may need to make improvements and changes to a product. 成长期:产品被市场迅速接受和利润大量增加的时期。
Maturity stage
? Industry sales continue to grow during the early part of the maturity stage, but eventually they reach a plateau. ? The firm’s profits begin to decline as competition intensifies.
? Firms try to differentiate their products by focusing on attributes such as quality, reliability, and service. 成熟期:市场饱和,销售增长放缓,利润稳定或下降。
Decline stage
? In this stage, sales fall and industry profits decline, sometimes actually becoming negative. Firms cut prices in
order to milk the market.
? Firms gradually drop the declining products from their product lines and search for alternatives. At this time,
firms try to maximize the profit margin. 衰退期:销售和利润不断下降的时期。
Chapter 10
Pricing products: understanding and capturing customer value
Value-based pricing
? Value-based pricing: Setting prices based on buyers’ perceptions of value rather than on the seller’s cost. ? Good-value pricing: offering just the right combination of quality and good service at a fair price.
? Value-added pricing: attaching value-added features and services to differentiate a company’s offer and to
support charging higher prices.
? 价值定价法是指不把销售商的成本作为主要因素,而是根据购买者感知的价值来定价。
? 价值定价:以合适的价格提供合适的质量和良好服务。例如,推出已有品牌产品的便宜品种。 ? 增值定价:不与竞争者打价格战,而是附加增值服务而区分自己的产品、维持较高的利润。
Cost-based pricing
? Cost-plus pricing: adding a standard markup to the cost of the product.
? Break-even pricing (target profit pricing): setting prices to break even on the costs of making and marketing
a product; or setting prices to make a target profit.
? 成本加成定价法:在产品成本上加一个标准的加成。 ? 盈亏平衡定价法(目标利润定价法):企业试图找到一种价格,在该价格下,企业的收入与成本相抵,
或者能达到期望中的利润目标。 两种计算方法
? 成本10元,希望赚取成本的10%,则(元) ? 成本9.9元,希望赚取售价的10%,则(元)
Value-based pricing vs. cost-based pricing Cost-based pricing
Product—cost—price—value—customers 产品——成本——价格——价值——顾客
Value-based pricing
Chapter 11
Pricing products: pricing strategy
New-product pricing strategies新产品定价策略
? Market-Skimming Pricing市场撇脂定价法
? Setting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer from segments willing to
pay the high price; the company makes fewer but more profitable sales. ? 许多公司发明新产品后,开始时确定较高的价格,在市场上一层一层地获取收入。
? Market-Penetration Pricing市场渗透定价法
? Setting a low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers and a large market
? 公司制定较低的初始价格,目的是迅速和深入地渗透进市场,可以快速吸引大量购买者,赢得较大
Product Mix Pricing Strategies
? Product Line Pricing
? Setting price steps between product line items.
? Price points
? Optional-Product Pricing
? Pricing optional or accessory products sold with the main product
? Captive-Product Pricing
? Pricing products that must be used with the main product
? High margins are often set for supplies
? Services: two-part pricing strategy
? Fixed fee plus a variable usage rate
? By-Product Pricing
? Pricing low-value by-products to get rid of them
? Product Bundle Pricing
? Pricing bundles of products sold together
? ? ? ?
产品线定价:对同一产品线中不同产品进行差别定价,企业必须建立可感知的质量差别以支持价格差异。 备选产品定价:在销售与主体产品配套的备选产品或附件时采用的定价方法。
? 副产品定价:生产肉类、石油产品、化工产品和其他产品时,常常会有副产品,为这些产品定价,价格只
? 一揽子产品定价:销售商将几张产品组合在一起,总价比单个产品价格加总后降低很多。
Price Adjustment Strategies: Discount / allowance 价格调整策略:折扣和折让
折扣和折让定价:为回报顾客的某些行为,如提前付款或促销产品等,调整产品基础价格。 Types of discounts
? 现金折扣 Cash discount ? 数量折扣 Quantity discount
? 功能折扣(贸易折扣) Functional (trade) discount ? 季节折扣Seasonal discount
折让是对标价的另一种降价形式,有销售折让(Trade-in allowances)和促销折让(Promotional allowances)
Price Adjustment Strategies: Segmented pricing 价格调整策略:细分市场定价
? 消费者子市场定价 Customer-segment ? 产品形式定价 Product-form pricing ? 地点定价 Location pricing ? 时间定价 Time pricing
? 这种方法也叫收入管理,即“将适当的产品在适当的时间以适当的价格卖给适当的人”。Certain conditions
must exist for segmented pricing to be effective
Price Adjustment Strategies: Psychological pricing 价格调整策略:心理定价
? The price is used to say something about the product.
? ? ? ?
价格——质量之间的关系Price-quality relationship
参考价格:当购买者看到产品时心里所想到的价格。Reference prices
即使5分钱这样的价格差异也能显示产品的差异。Differences as small as five cents can be important 数字具有象征意义和视觉感受,在定价时需要考虑。Numeric digits may have symbolic and visual qualities that psychologically influence the buyer
Price Adjustment Strategies: Promotional pricing 价格调整策略:促销定价
促销定价:暂时降低产品价格以促进短期销售;但有可能带来负面影响。Temporarily pricing products below the list price or even below cost
? 先赔策略Loss leaders:少数产品定价较低以吸引客流
? 特殊事件定价策略Special-event pricing:在特殊时节吸引更多顾客光临 ? 现金返还Cash rebates:在消费者购买后将一部分现金返还给他们。
? 低息分期付款、长期质量担保、免费维修服务 Low-interest financing, longer warranties, free
? Promotional pricing can have adverse effects
Price Adjustment Strategies: geographic pricing
? FOB起点定价法FOB-origin pricing:货物装上运输工具后,所有权和责任就转移给购买者,由购买
? 统一交货定价法Uniform-delivered pricing:公司给所有客户的定价加运费是统一的,不考虑送货地
? 地区定价法Zone pricing:公司设计两个或更多的地区,在同一地区的客户适用同一个价格,较远地
? Freight-absorption pricing
? 基本定价法:以一个地点为基点,运费按基点到客户驻地的距离计算,不考虑货物运输的实际距离。 ? 无运费定价法:销售商承担了所有的运输费用,目的是获得所期望的业务。
Price Adjustment Strategies: international pricing
? Prices charged in a specific country depend on many factors
1. Economic conditions 2. Competitive situation 3. Laws / regulations 4. Distribution system 5. Consumer perceptions
6. Corporate marketing objectives 7. Cost considerations
? 经济状况、竞争形势、法律法规、批发与零售系统的发展状况、消费者偏好、公司的营销目标、成本考虑
Chapter 12
Marketing channels and supply chain management
Marketing channel
? Value Delivery Network
? The network made up of the company, suppliers, distributors, and ultimately customers who “partner”
with each other to improve the performance of the entire system.
? Marketing channel (distribution channel)
? Set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for
use or consumption by the consumer or business user.
? 价值传送体系由企业自身、供应商、分销商和最终顾客组成,这些伙伴相互合作以改进整个系统绩效。 ? 营销渠道(分销渠道)是由一些相互依赖的组织构成,参与提供产品或服务以供消费者或产业用户使用。
Number of channel levels
Channel level: A layer of intermediaries that performs some work in bringing the product and its ownership closers to
the final buyer.
? Direct marketing channel: A marketing channel that has no intermediary levels. ? Indirect marketing channel: Channel containing one or more intermediary levels.
? 直接营销渠道:没有营销中介,公司直接向消费者销售。 ? 间接营销渠道:包含一家或多家营销中介。
Managing distribution channel管理营销系统
? ? ? ?
Vertical marketing systems垂直营销系统
Conventional distribution channel常规分销渠道 Horizontal marketing systems水平营销系统 Hybrid marketing systems混合营销系统
Vertical Marketing Systems (VMS)
? A distribution channel structure in which producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system. One
channel member owns the others, has contracts with them, or has so much power that they all cooperate. ? 垂直营销渠道:由制造商、批发商或零售商组成一个统一的系统,一个渠道成员拥有其他成员,或是与
Vertical marketing system
? Corporate VMS ? Contractual VMS
1. Franchise organization: A contractual VMS in which a channel member, called a franchiser, links several stages in
the production-distribution process.
? Administered VMS
? 统一型VMS:将一系列从生产到分销的步骤都统一起来,归于同一个所有权下,协调和冲突管理工作通过
? 契约型VMS:通过合同使渠道成员合作。例如,特许权组织
? 管理型VMS:通过某个渠道成员的规模和实力来协调生产和分销的过程。
Conventional distribution channel常规营销渠道
? A channel consisting of one or more independent producers, wholesalers, and retailers, each a separate business
seeking to maximize its own profits even at the expense of profits for the system as a whole.
? 是由一个或多个独立制造商、批发商和零售商组成,每个企业都是独立的企业,寻求自身的利益最大化,
Horizontal marketing system水平营销系统
? A channel arrangement in which two or more companies at one level join together to follow a new marketing
opportunity. ? 同一层次的两个或多个公司联合起来,抓住新的营销机会。通过共享资源以达到单一公司无法达到的经营
Hybrid marketing system混合营销系统
? Multichannel distribution system in which a single firm sets up two or more marketing channels to reach one or
more customer segments.
? 当一个企业建立两个或两个以上的分销渠道,为某个或多个消费者细分市场服务时,就产生了多渠道营销。
Channel Breadth营销密度 (Determining Distribution Intensity)
? Intensive Distribution ? Exclusive Distribution ? Selective Distribution
Intensive Distribution
? To place goods or services in as many outlets as possible. ? Local Convenience ExclusiveDistribution
? Purposely limit the number of intermediaries, giving exclusive rights to distribute its products in their territories. ? Gain strong selling support from the outlet
? More Control over dealer prices, promotion, credit and services ? Enhance brand image Selective Distribution
? use more than 1 but fewer than all of the intermediaries
? used by established companies & new companies seeking distributors– gain adequate coverage with more control
and less cost
? 密集型分销:尽可能多的使用经销商,一旦消费者可以非常方便的获得产品。
? 专卖型分销:制造商只把专卖权给各个地区的少量经销商,并限制它们在特定的区域内销售。 ? 选择型分销:使用不止一个中间商,但又不包括所有愿意经销公司产品的中间商。
Chapter 14
Communicating customer value: Integrated Marketing Communications
Promotion mix: Marketing Communications Mix
? The specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations a company uses to pursue
its advertising and marketing objectives. ? 促销组合(营销沟通组合):将广告、人员推销、销售推广、公共关系和直销工具组合在一起,用来达
The promotion mix
? ? ? ? ?
Sales promotion Public relations Personal selling Direct marketing
? Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
? 广告:由特定的资助者出资,以非人员的方式对创意、产品或服务进行推广。 Sales promotion
? Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service. ? 销售推广:鼓励购买产品或服务的短期激励行为。
Public relations
? Building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good
corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events. ? 公共关系:通过有利的宣传树立良好的公司形象,并应付或阻止不利的谣言、新闻或事件,从而与公司的
Personal selling
? Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer
relationships. ? 人员销售:由公司的销售人员介绍商品,以达到销售和建立顾客关系的目标。
Direct marketing
? Direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response, and
cultivate lasting customer relationships. ? 直复营销:与经过认真确定的目标顾客进行直接的联系,从而获取直接的回应,建立持久的顾客关系。运
Integrated marketing communications (IMC)
? The concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to
deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products. ? 整合营销沟通公司通过将所有的形象与信息结合在一起,整合各种沟通渠道,在市场上传达一种清晰、一
The nature of each promotion tool
Advertising:Public, Pervasive, Expressive, Impersonal
Sales Promotion:Communication, Incentive, Invitation
Public Relations & Publicity:Credibility, Surprise, Dramatization Personal Selling: Personal Confrontation, Cultivation, Response Direct Marketing: Nonpublic, Customized, Up-to-Date, Interactive
? ? ? ? ?
广告:较低的显示单位成本,多次重复到达地理分散的广大受众;非人员沟通,费用高昂。 人员推销:在确信和成交阶段最为有效,双向沟通、费用高昂。
销售推广:刺激购买快,但效果短期,建立长期品牌偏好无效或负面效果。 公共关系:可信度高,戏剧化或故事化。
Setting the total promotion budget and mix
? ? ? ? ?
Setting the total promotion budget Affordable method
Percentage-of-sales method Competitive-parity method Objective-and-task method
Affordable method
? Setting the promotion budget at the level management thinks the company can afford. ? 量力而为法:将促销预算定在公司有能力负担的水平上。
Percentage-of-sales method
? Setting the promotion budget at a certain percentage of current or forecasted sales or as a percentage of the unit
sales price. ? 销售百分比法:以目前销售额或预测销售额的一定百分比来制定促销预算,或者以单位售价的百分比来做
Competitive-parity method
? Setting the promotion budget to match competitors’ outlays. ? 竞争平衡法:使促销预算与竞争者的支出匹配。
Objective-and-task method
? Developing the promotion budget by
1. 2. 3. 4.
Defining specific objectives
Determining the tasks that must be performed to achieve these objectives Estimating the costs of performing these tasks.
The sum of these costs is the proposed promotion budget.
? 公司根据促销所要完成的任务来制定促销预算。这个预算方法必须做到: 1、明确特定的促销目标;
2、确定达到这些目标所需执行的任务; 3、预计完成这些任务的成本。
4, 这些成本的总和就是建议的促销预算。
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