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答题须知 :本试卷共29页,满分1000分;每题5分,共200题;考试时间为180分钟。 考生注意:

1. 答卷前,考生务必在试卷和答题卡上都用钢笔或圆珠笔填写姓名、中学名称、准考证号,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写试卷类型(A卷或B卷)和准考证号。

2. 本卷为单选题,由机器阅卷,答案用铅笔涂在答题卡上。在答题卡上,考生应将代表正确答案的小方格涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将员选项用橡皮擦擦干净,从新选择并填涂。填涂不清楚。涂改污损会影响阅卷判读,将导致考试成绩无效。答题卡上除填涂规定信息外,不得书写任何文字符号。答题卡不得折叠。 3. 本卷每题答对5分,不答得0分,答错扣2分!! 4. 答案不能写在试卷上,写在试卷上一律不给分。

5. 考试结束后,考生必须将试卷、草稿纸、答题卡按要求交给监考人员,严禁带出考场。

1、当代小说家毕淑敏在《提醒幸福》中写道:―幸福有时会同我们开一个玩笑,乔装打扮而来。机遇、友情、成功、团圆......它们都酷似幸福,但它们并不等同于幸福。‖与这里的―乔装打扮‖一语意思最远的一项是 ( )

A、涂脂抹粉 B、改头换面 C、庐山面目 D、面目全非

2、下列没有错别字的一句是 ( )

A、教育是至高无上的事业,教师是无尚光荣的职业。 B、这摞纸可以留作他用,不该当做废纸卖掉。



3、下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是( )



C、她每次去超市都会买很多零碎的东西,什么杏肉呀、酸奶呀、薯片呀,满满地装了一车。 D、朋友问:―这条路谁能走通呢?‖我干脆的回答:―我不知道这条路谁能走通?但我一定要坚定不移

4、下列古代饮食器用常识说法有错误的一项是:( ) A、【五谷】古代所指的五种谷物。指麻、黍、稷、麦、菽。 B、【五牲】五种动物,麋、鹿、磨、狼、兔; C、【五味】指酸、咸、甜(甘)、苦、辣(辛)五种味道。 D、【八珍】指古代八种珍贵的食品则醍醐、麝沆、野驼蹄、鱼唇、驼乳麋、天鹅炙、紫玉浆、玄玉浆也。

5、按时间先后为序,以下作家名称排序正确的是:( )


A、王粲、谢灵运、杜甫、苏轼、王实甫、汤显祖、莎士比亚、但丁 B、屈原、司马相如、陆机、李白、罗贯中、马致远、莫泊桑、托尔斯泰 C、司马迁、陶渊明、王维、李清照、关汉卿、曹雪芹、巴尔扎克、罗曼·罗兰 D、杨雄、曹植、高适、辛弃疾、龚自珍、归有光、泰戈尔、安徒生

6、古人依经、史、子、集四目给图书分类,指出下列分类无误的一项( ) A、楚辞、昭明文选、文心雕龙、李太白集、稼轩长短句。剑南诗稿(集部) B、论语、诗经、尚书、左转、国语、战国策、吕氏春秋(经部) C、史记、汉书、资治通鉴、新五代史

D、庄子、老子、淮南子、论衡、韩非子、离骚(子部) 三国志、世说新语(史部)

7、一下作者获得过诺贝尔奖,其中有一组有未获此奖者,是( ) A、显克微支、泰戈尔、罗曼·罗兰、叶芝 B、萧伯纳、罗素、海明威、肖洛霍夫 C、川端康成、马尔克斯(马奎斯)、大江健三郎、高行健 D、托尔斯泰、陀思妥耶夫斯基、萨特、高尔基

8、下列干支纪年说法有错误的一项是( )

A、甲子、乙丑、丙寅、丁卯 B、戊辰、己已、庚午、辛未 C、壬申、癸酉、甲庚、乙亥 D、丙子、丁丑、戊寅、己卯

9、下列诗句作者与所指人物正确的一项是( ) A、千山万壑赴荆门,生长明妃尚有村。(杜甫/西施) B、杜郎俊赏,算而今重到须惊。(姜夔/杜甫) C、生当万人杰,死亦为鬼雄。(李清照/关羽) D、东风不与周郎便,铜雀深宫锁二乔。(杜牧/周瑜)

10、下列成语中没有错别字的一组( ) A、一劳永逸 川流不息 相形见绌 东鳞西爪 B、为虎作伥 金玉良言 甘之如殆 闲庭信步 C、喧宾夺主 按部就班 匪夷所思 祁路亡羊 D、风声鹤唳 潜移默化 党同伐异 方兴未艾

11、下列一组有关―月‖的名句,对其作者判断错误的一项是( ) A、―撩乱边愁听不尽,高高秋月照长城。‖的作者是王昌龄。 B、―举杯邀明月,对影成三人‖的作者是李贺。 C、―人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺‖的作者是苏轼。 D、―疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏‖的作者是林

12、【诗文集的命名方式】古人为诗文集命名的方式,下面错误的是:( ) A、以作者姓名命名。如《孟浩然集》、《李清照集》、《陶渊明集》。 B、以官爵命名。如《王右丞集》(王维)、《杜工部集》(杜甫)。 C、以谥号命名。如《范文正公集》(范仲淹)、《欧阳文忠公集》(欧阳修)。 D、以书斋命名。如《七录斋集》(张溥)、《饮冰室合集》(梁启超)、《惜抱轩文集》(秦观)


13、作家名作品名称国别全对的一组是( ) A、斯汤达《红与黑》《法尼娜·法尼尼》 法 巴尔扎克《人间喜剧》《欧也妮·葛朗台》 法 B、狄更斯《石城记》《大卫·科波菲尔》 英 莫泊桑《漂亮朋友》《羊脂球》《项链》 法 C、普希金《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》《上慰的女儿》 俄 果戈理《死魂灵》《套中人》《钦差大臣》 俄

D、托尔斯泰《战争与和平》《委娜·卡列尼娜》《复活》俄 契柯夫《第六病宝》《圈套》《变色龙》 俄

14、按照―一代有一代文学‖的说法,以下列哪一组提法正确( )。 A.汉赋、六朝骈文、唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清小说

B.秦汉古文、六朝辞赋、唐宋古文、元杂剧、明清八股文 。 C. 先秦诸子、汉魏古诗、六朝小赌、唐人传奇、宋元笔记

D. 汉魏小说、南北朝乐府、唐代散文、宋代诗词、明清白话小说

15、苏轼称韩愈―文起八代之衰‖,八代是指( )。 A. 九秦、汉、晋、宋、齐、梁、陈、隋

B. 三国、西晋、东晋、十六国、南朝、北朝、隋、唐 C.两汉、三国、两晋、前秦、北魏、北周、隋、唐 D.东汉、魏、晋、宋、齐、梁、陈、隋 、

16、杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》中有―南村群童欺我老无力,忍能对面为盗贼。‖对本句合理解释的一项为( )。

A. 杜甫缺乏对下层百姓的同情心,竟对拾茅草的穷孩子破口大骂。

B. 小孩子抢拾茅草戏玩,杜甫追讨不及,只好骂小孩出气,显示了诗人潦倒无奈。 C. 杜甫觉得连小孩子都欺负他,这个世界太残酷了,表现了诗人的绝望。

D. 杜甫感到茅屋的不仅草被秋风吹跑了,而且还被小孩抢走了,房子完全不可修复了。

17、鲁迅《为了忘却的记念》:―我又沉重的感到我失掉了很好的朋友,中国失掉了很好的青年,我在悲愤中沉静下去了,不料积习又从沉静中抬起头来,写下了以上那些字。‖以下评析哪—句更合适( )。

A. ―积习‖就是司马迁所说的―发愤著书‖的情景。 B. 这就是古人所说的―诗言志‖。

C. 这种情景如同韩愈所说的―不平则鸣‖。 D. 庄子说的―大言无声‖就是这样一种情况。

18、下列加点字与―隐忍以行‖中的―以‖词性相同的一项是( )。 A.至丹以荆卿为计,始速祸焉。 B.各各竦立以听。 C.而此山独以钟名,何也? D.覆之以掌。

19、下列加点字与―攻之不克,围之不继,吾其还也‖中―其‖用法相同的是( )。 A.其皆出于此乎? B.杳不知其所之也。 B.C.其若是,孰能御之? D.尔其无忘乃父之志。

20、分析《项链》节选片断,说明珞赛尔太太激动的原因,选择最合适的一项。 ―某一个星


期日,她正走到香榭丽舍大街兜个圈子去调剂一周之中的日常劳作,这时候忽然看见了一个带着孩子散步的妇人。那就是伏来士洁太太,她始终是年轻的,始终是美貌的,始终是有诱惑力的。骆塞尔太太非常激动。‖ ( )

A. 自己调换项链多年对方竟然不知道,她感到很得意。

B. 幸福就是获得成功的时候,她终于还清了债务,她有成功感与幸福感。 C. 她恨对方,如果不是还对方项链,自己也会与对方一样漂亮。

D. 她由对方看到了自己为一时虚荣所付出的代价,发现了人生痛苦的缘由。

21、《红楼梦》―黛玉焚稿‖片断:―紫鹃这才明白过来,要那块题诗的}日帕,只得叫雪雁拿出来递给黛玉。紫鹃劝道:―姑娘歇歇罢,何苦又劳神,等好了再瞧罢。‖只见黛玉接到手里,也不瞧诗,挣扎着伸出那只手来狠命的撕那绢子,却是只有打颤的分儿,那里撕得动。紫鹃早已知他是恨宝玉,却也不敢说破,只说:―姑娘何苦自己又生气!‖ 黛玉点点头儿,掖在袖里,便叫雪雁点灯。雪雁答应,连忙点上灯来。黛玉瞧瞧,又闭了眼坐着,喘了一会子,又道:―笼上火盆。‖……那黛玉却又把身子欠起,紫鹃只得两只手来扶着他。黛玉这才将方才的绢子拿在手中,瞅着那火点点头儿,往上一撂。紫鹃唬了一跳,欲要抢时,两只手却不敢动。雪雁又出去拿火盆桌子,此时那绢子已经烧着了。紫鹃劝道:―姑娘这是怎么说昵。‖黛玉只作不闻,回手又把那诗稿拿起来,瞧了瞧又撂下了。紫鹃怕他也要烧,连忙将身倚住黛玉,腾出手来拿时,黛玉又早拾起,撂在火上。此时紫鹃却够不着,干急。雪雁正拿进桌子来,看见黛玉一撂,不知何物,赶忙抢时,那纸沾火就着,如何能够少待,早已烘烘的着了。雪雁也顾不得烧手,从火里抓起来撂在地下乱踩,却已烧得所余无几了。那黛玉把眼一闭,往后一仰,几乎不曾把紫鹃压倒。‖以下对划线旬的分析那一项不合适( )。 A. ―狠命的撕那绢予,‖表明黛玉伤心之极。

B. ―点点头几,掖在袖里‖,是想骗一下紫娟,目的是准备烧掉。 C. ―点点头儿,往上一撂‖,表明最终对宝玉完全绝望了。

D. 前面说―瞧了瞧又撂下了‖,表明黛玉对自身的才华与生命还是珍惜的,―又早 拾起,撂在火上‖,表明她对生活已完全绝望了。

22、余光中《娓娓与喋喋》:―吓的闭气都来不及了,哪里还听得进什么肺腑之言。此人的肺腑深深深几许,尚不得而知,他的口腔是怎么一回事,早已有各种菜味,酸甜苦辣地向你告密了。‖其中―此人的肺腑深深深几许‖一句化用了古人的诗句。其所化用的是( ) A、周邦彦 B、苏轼 C、欧阳修 D、李清照

23、―这是东方的微光,是林中的响箭,是冬末的萌芽,是进军的第一步,是对于前驱者的爱的大纛,也是对于摧残者的憎的丰碑。‖这里使用的修辞手法有( ) A.排比、比喻、对偶、对比 B.比喻、排比、夸张、拟人 C.排比、比喻、拟人、拟人 D.排比、比喻、对偶、夸张

24、《庄子·秋水》庄子与惠子游于濠梁之上,庄子日:―绦鱼出游从容,是鱼之乐也。‖惠子日:―子非鱼,安知鱼之乐?庄子日:子非我,安知我不知鱼之乐?‖惠子日:―我非子,固不知子矣,子固非鱼也,子之不知鱼之乐,全矣。‖庄子日:蝉请循其本,子日汝安知鱼乐云者,既已知吾知之而问我,我知之濠上也。\以下理解,哪一项更合理( )。 A.―循其本‖,意思是退回到对话的开头。安知,意思是―知道什么‖。 B.―循其本‖,意思是退回到问题的根本。安知,意思是―怎么知道‖。 C.―循其本‖,意思是退回到对话的话题。安知,意思是―在哪里知道‖。



25、阅读古文,指出以下各项繁简体转换标点都无误的句子:向秀思舊赋曰予舆嵇康吕安居止接近其人蓝有不羁之才嵇康意达而疎吕安心曠而放其後各以事犯法嵇博综技藝於絲竹特妙臨當就命顧視目影索琴而弹之逝將西邁經其舊廬鄰人有吹笛者發音寥亮追想曩昔遊宴之好,感音而歎故作賦云( )。

A. 予于嵇康吕,安居止,接近其人,皆有不羁之才。 B. 嵇康意达而竦,吕安心旷而放其,先各以事犯法。

C. 嵇博综技艺,于丝竹特妙,临当就命,顺视日影,索琴而弹之。 D. 逝将西,进经其旧屋,都人有吹笛者,起音寥亮。

26、指出下列无语病的句子( )。


B.经过张主任再三解释,才使他的怒气逐渐平息,最后脸上勉强露出一丝笑容。 C.昨晚,我刚好花了约一个小时才完成这个小程序。 D.我们再也不是任意被列强欺侮的国家了。

27、―少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼;爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。‖辛弃疾的这首词从一个侧面反映了( ) A、人们对事物的看法受其世界观的影响 B、亲身经验只是对事物现象的认识

C、人们对事物的认识有一个不断深化发展的过程 D、人们对事物的认识有一个从错误到正确的过程

28、下各组人物中,哪一组都是中国现代学术史上的重要学者( )。

A.孙中山、黄兴、詹天佑、丁玲 宗 B.张限水、林语堂、金庸、巴金

C.李四光、钱学森、华罗庚、艾青 D.王国维、陈寅恪、郭若沫、钱锺书

29、(元)施惠《绿林寄迹》:―依山为寨,号为拦路虎,金银财宝,劫来如粪土。‖句中―拦路虎‖一语作( )

A、补语 B、 状语 C、 动宾短语的宾语 D、宾语

30、下列作品在时间上排序有误的一项县 ( ) A.《王子复仇记》、《套中人》、《神曲》、《茶花女》 B.《离骚》、《古诗十九首》、《五柳先生传》、《送杜少府之任蜀州》 C.《庄子》、《世说新语》、《李娃传》、《西厢记》 D.《师说》、《黄州快哉亭记》、《水龙吟·登建康赏心亭》、《促织》 31、(元)赵禹圭《折桂令*过金山寺》:―长江浩浩西来,水面云山,山上楼台。山水相连,楼台相对,天与安排。诗句成云烟动色,酒杯倾天地忘怀。醉眼睁开,遥望蓬莱,一半云遮,一半烟霾。‖对这首元曲解释不恰当的一项( )

A、 作者用―浩浩西来‖的长江的动景来衬托巍峨的金山寺,幻化成天上蓬莱显得绚丽动人 B、 这首元曲的开头没有直接写金山寺,而是描写金山寺气势不凡的背景


C、 ―诗句成云烟动色,酒杯倾天地忘怀‖是用狂态来表现自己沉醉在如此美景中的豪情 D ―山水相连,楼台相对‖是说金山寺倒影江中,山与水连在一起,楼中上下相互映照,山在水中水在山上,一派奇妙景象

32、魏征《谏太宗十思疏》:―虑壅蔽则思虚心以纳下‖两句翻译,选择比较合适的一项( )。 A.如果考虑到言论被堵塞,自己被蒙蔽,就想到虚心地接纳下级人员参政。‖

B.应该忧虑言论被堵塞,自己被蒙蔽的问题,并想法尽量虚心地接纳下面人的意见。 C.一当考虑到言路被阻塞,视线被遮蔽,就要想想怎么虚心地接纳下面人的意见。


33. Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster ______ we radically change way we live.

A) but B) although C) unless D) lest

34. Deserts and high mountains have always been a ______ to the movement of people from place to place.

A) jam B) barrier C) fence D) prevention

35. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has _____ the quality of the programs.

A) affected B) effected C) lessened D) declined

36. For more than 20 years, we've been supporting educational programs that _____ from kindergartens to colleges.

A) spread B) shift C) move D) range

37. In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some _____ shops in the residential area. A) flowing B) mobile C) drifting D) unstable

38. When carbon is added to iron in proper ____, the result is steel. A) rates B) densities C) proportions D) thicknesses

39. His business was very successful, but it was at the _____ of his family life. A) exhaustion B) consumption C) credit D) expense

40. This is what you should bear in mind: Don't a salary increase before you actually get it. A) hang on B) draw on C) wait on D) count on

41. Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) _______ way to deal with some stressful situation A) effective B) efficient C) favorable D) favorite

42. Some plants are very _____ to light; they prefer the shade.

A) sensible B) flexible C) objective D) sensitive


43.On the way I noticed that the pavement( )from side to side and the road heaved up and down。 A.Bounced B. hopped C.swayed D.darted

44、The police department is appealing for any information that may be( )to this inquiry. A.pertinent B.Acute

C.persistent D.appropriate

Sleep is part of a person’s daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles. If you are an __45__ sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber, your eyes will__46___ about a bit, your muscles will relax, you’re your __47___will slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves become slow and quite regular, too. That’s the stage 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down __48___stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep, the slower your brain waves will be. Then about 40 to 69 minutes after you lose __49__ you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. Your brain will show the large slow waves. This is stage 4 sleep.

You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again ___50___. The delta rhythm will disappear, to be __51___ by the activity pattern of brain waves. Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something ___52___in front of you. This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutand is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep period, your body will soon ___53___ again, your breathing will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep----only to ___54__ once again to the surface of near consciousness some 80 minutes later.

45. A) average B) normal C) usual D) common 46. A) roll B) turn C) move D) rise 47. A) breath B) breathing C) breathe D) breathed 48. A) to B) in C) through D) from

49. A) consciousness B) heart C) face D) consciences 50. A) slightly B) greatly C) slowly D) easily

51. A) changed B) shifted C) replaced D) removed 52. A) putting B) occurring C) existing D) coming 53. A) relax B) hold C) disturb D) recreate 54. A) ascend B) raise C) lift D) rise

Most fatal accidents involve a disproportionately(不成比例地) high number of men under the age of 25. A report on young driver research prepared last year by Monash University’s accident research centre found that in 1990 and 1991, almost a third of the people killed in road crashes were drivers under 25, yet this age group represents only 14 percent of the population. The report, which also updated a review of international literature about, among other things, driver training, also reached what many would consider a startling conclusion: training and education where they occur – principally in the U.S. – do not appear to reduce younger drivers’ risk of crashing.

The Monash University researchers looked at crash information from New South Wales for


1986 to 1990, from Victoria for 1984 to 1990 and from South Australia for 1986 to 1990. The only Australian evidence which possibly indicates that counter-measures targeted specifically at young/novice drivers have been effective comes from evaluations of zero blood alcohol concentration legislation. The Monash researchers also looked at United States road-crash information for 1989 on 6.6 million police-reported crashes involving fatalities, injuries and motor vehicle damage. The researchers looked at a sample of 44,000 crashes. The conclusion was that the available literature gives a pessimistic(悲观的) view of the efficacy of driver training and education, reflected in the inability to produce drivers safer than those who have not been trained.

The Monash University report into young drivers concluded that younger drivers were more likely to take risks at night, younger men were more likely to take risks than younger women, but younger women appeared to have ―greater skills deficiency‖. Overall, the researchers concluded that it appears that vehicle-control skills improve rapidly with increasing experience but that their development is still incomplete after one or two years and possible after considerably longer periods.

55. Men under 25 years old

A) are responsible for a third of all accidents. B) need more driver training.

C) represent 14% of the whole population . D) represent a third of the population.

56. When young drivers receive training and education

A) the number of accidents drops B) the number of accidents rises C) the risk of accidents rises D) the risk of accidents stays the same

57. The oldest crash information studied by the Australian researchers came from A) Monash University B) New South Wales C) Victoria D) South Australia

58. One measure that seems to have reduced the number of crashes in Australia is

A) making it illegal for young drivers to have any alcohol in their bloodstream when driving. B) giving provisional licenses to men under 25 years old . C) evaluating blood tests

D) improving driver training and education

59. The researchers concluded that

A) young women need as much training as men.

B) young men and young women need equal training. C) driving ability improves with experience.

D) driving ability does not improve with experience.

Teachers and other specialists in early childhood education recognize that children develop at different rates. Given anything that resembles a well-rounded life – with adults and other children to listen to, talk to, to do things with – their minds will acquire naturally all the


skills required for further learning.

Take, for example, reading. The two strongest predictors of whether children will learn to read easily and well at school are whether they have learned the names and the sounds of the letters of the alphabet before they start school. That may seem to imply that letter names and sounds should be deliberately taught to young children because these skills will not happen ―naturally‖.

But in all the research programs where they have done just that – instructed children, rehearsed(排练、练习) the names and sounds over and over – the results are disappointing. The widely accepted explanation is that knowledge of the alphabet, for it to work in helping one to read, has to be deeply embedded in the child’s mind. That comes from years of exposure and familiarity with letters, from being read to, from playing with magnetic letters, drawing and fiddling(无意识而不停地拨弄) with computers.

Some psychological theories re-introduce all the people who also inhabit the child’s world – parents, care-givers, relatives and all those other children at play or school. They are not simply noise, clattering in the background while the child’s developing mind struggles on its own. The cognitive development of the child, that is, the learning of colors or numbers or letters – depends on learning how to interact socially, how to learn from the people as well as the things in the environment.

What is important is that the child develops the range of social skills – being able to express a preference, knowing how to take turns, being able to stand up for themselves, and having confidence to go off on their own. These all require careful nurturing. No one is telling parents not to think about their children’s development. It is just that it is more important to think about a child’s desire to chat and the importance of social behavior and play activity than the actually more trivial markers of intellectual achievement such as being the first kid in the group to cut out a circle that looks like a circle.

60. During early childhood, children

A) like to talk to other children B) develop at different rates

C) are keen to learn new things D) find it hard to acquire new skills

61. Children will generally learn to read easily and well at school if

A) they have often talked with other children and adults B) they have good teachers C) they have learned their skills ―naturally‖ D) they have learned the alphabet well

62. Research programs studying how children learn have A) tried exposing children to reading, drawing and computers B) B) proved that children learn best at school C) had poor results

D) accepted the common explanations

63. The ability of a child to learn depends on A) learning from his or her surroundings B) learning about colors, numbers and letters C) being sent to school when young


D) knowing how to take turns

64. When considering their children’s development, parents should

A) set them tests of intellectual achievement. B) focus on social behavior and play C) not to be too concerned D) teach them to cut out a circle

65、《左传·桓公二年》:―故天子建国,诸侯立家,卿置侧室,大夫有贰宗,士有隶子弟,庶人工商各有分亲,皆有等衰。‖这段话指的是西周的( ) A.分封制 B. 宗法制 C. 井田制 D. 世袭制

66、―绝圣弃智,民利百倍;绝仁弃义,民复孝慈;绝巧弃利,盗贼无有。‖这段话反映的是( )的思想

A.老子 B. 孔子 C. 墨子 D. 韩非子

67、―(公元前513年)晋赵鞅、荀寅帅师城汝滨,遂赋晋国一鼓铁,以铸刑鼎,著范宣子所为刑书焉。‖该段文字描述的时期是( )

A.商朝时期 B.西周时期 C.春秋时期 D. 战国时期

68、―(南宋)孝宗即位,诏求直言。先生上封书事:帝王之学,必先格物致知,以极夫事物之变,使义理所存,纤悉毕照,则自然意诚心正,而可以应天下之务。‖此段文字中所提到的―先生‖是指( )。

A. 程颢 B.朱熹 C.陆九渊 D. 王阳明

69、钱穆曾说―内阁只是皇帝的私人办公厅,不是政府正式的政事堂,内阁学士也只是皇帝的内厅秘书,不是外朝正式宰相之职,于是皇帝在法理上变成在政府里的真正领袖。‖这钱穆所说的制度最早出现于( )

A.宋朝 B.元朝 C.明朝 D.清朝

70、晚清某一不平等条约规定:在―诸国人民被戕害凌虐之各城镇,五年内概不得举行文武各等考试‖。该条约是( ) A.《南京条约》 B.《马关条约》 C.《烟台条约》 D.《辛丑条约》

71、1807年来华的马礼逊是伦敦传福音会(London Missionary Society)派到中国大陆的第一位传教士。他在中国境内首次把《圣经》全译为中文并予以出版,使基督教经典得以完整地介绍到中国;编纂第一部《华英字典》,成为以后汉英字典编撰之圭臬;……他所开创的译经、编字典、办刊物、设学校、开医馆、印刷出版等事业,使其成为开创近代中西文化交流的先驱。马礼逊所属的教会应该是( )。

A.天主教 B. 东正教 C.路德宗 D.加尔文宗

72、宋教仁把同盟会改组成某政党后,在该政党鄂支部欢迎会上演说道:―以前,我们是革命党;现在,我们是革命的政党。以前,是秘密的组织;现在,是公开的组织。以前,是旧的破坏的时期,现在,是新的建设的时期。以前,对于敌人,是拿出铁血的精神,同他们奋斗;现在,对于政党,是拿出政治的见解,同他们奋斗。‖此处,宋教仁所领导的政党是( )。 A.兴中会 B.中华革命党 C.国民党 D.中国国民党


