大学区教案At the zoo

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课题名称 科 目 教学时间 教学内容 Unit3《At the zoo》 课型: 会话课 小学英语 一课时 年级 三年级 教学目标 本课选自人民教育出版社《义务教育教科书》(三年级起点)三年级下册第三单元第四课时,课本第29页会话。内容是老师带领学生去动物园的一段会话。学习重点句型It has__.和表示人体特征的一些形容词。其中It has a+形+名和It has +形+名(s)句型的区别与用法是学生理解和运用的难点。本课将在保证落实教育重点的前提下尝试突破这一难点,帮助学生运用本课语言谈论动物。以下是教材的对话内容: Miss White: Come here, children! Look at the elephant. Chen Jie: Wow !It has a long nose. John: It has a short tail. Mike : It has small eyes and big ears. 1. 语言知识和语言技能:(1)能听懂、会说、会读对话中出现的以下词汇和句型:Come here, children Wow !It has a long nose/ a short tail.. It has small eyes and big ears. (2) 能运用本课句型It has a+形+名和It has +形+名(s)进行交流。 2、文化意识、情感态度及学习策略:(1)能体会文本的感情色彩,感受真实语言交际中灵活运用英语所带来的乐趣。(2)能积极与同伴合作,灵活运用本课语言知识进行交流。 教学重点、1 教学重点:1、灵活运用句型 It has---. 难点 2 教学难点:It has a+形+名和It has +形+名(s)句型的区别与用法。 教学资源 教学活动1 多媒体课件,单词卡片,句子卡片,录音机,磁带 教学过程 Step1 Warm--up. 1. Free talk 1)Greeting. 2)Introduce ;师生间,生生间,三组展示 2. Ask and answer T: (CAI to show word card) Look at the word, It is ____. Ss: It is thin/fat/short/tall S:t-h-i-n thin T: Good child write on the black, please. Same method: fat short tall 3. Let’s do 4.Game: T: Come here, children, Let’s have a game: Guess, What is it? All the girls are group 1 , All the boys are group 2. You’ll get stars. Ready, Children Ss: S S S Giraffe 刘马佳怡李玉香 monkey 孟佳乐 elephant 导入新课3 游戏,引出主题 T: (CAI show animal pictures)Do you like these animals, children? Ss: Yes, . T: Why ?(师手势提示) S1: It’s so lovely/funny/nice/cute T: Where can you see these animals? Ss: At the zoo T: Can you talk about the animals? Ss Yes, we can. T:clever children, In these class, Let’s go to the zoo to see all the animals. 揭示主题后,教师板书课题At the zoo 教学活动2 Step2 Presentation 1. 学习句型 “It’s so__. It has___. (1) 呈现句型 T:(CAI show elephant)Good morning, children. S孟佳乐 My name is an elephant, Look at me, I have two small eyes and two big ears, I have a long nose, I have four legs. T: Let’s talk the elephant. S刘马佳怡(To S李玉香 ) Look at that elephant, S李玉香 Wow! It’s so tall . S刘马佳怡 It has a fat body, S李玉香 It has a short tail and short legs . T: (CAI point to the elephant) 带读短语,指名读 Now, children! Let’s try to speak the elephant. Come here , this child Look at the elephant, S1: Wow! It’s so big (do action) T: Good child , It’s big, (please write on the black) S1: (write word on the black) SS: Yes. T: What’s he like? S1: He is young. S2: He has short black hair and small eyes. S3: He’s strict. 教师在与学生交流的同时,将写有“What’s he/she like? He is …” 的句型卡片贴在黑板上,并复习该组句型。 (2) 操练句型 ? 通过问答操练句型 课件呈现学生的音乐老师的照片。 T: What about this teacher? SS: She’s our music teacher. T: What’s she like ? S1: She is pretty. S2: She is tall and thin. S3: 2.学习句型 “What’s he/she like? He/She is … (1) 呈现句型 课件呈现学生的计算机老师的照片。 T: Look, is this your computer teacher? SS: Yes. T: What’s he like? S1: He is young. S2: He has short black hair and small eyes. S3: He’s strict. ? 教师在与学生交流的同时,将写有“What’s he/she like? He is …” 的句型通过歌谣操练句型 第一步 教师示范编歌谣 T: OK. Let’s make a chant. First, listen to me. What’s she like? What’s she like ? She is young .Young ,young , young. 第二步 学生跟读一遍以上歌谣 第三步 学生替换歌谣中的形容词,续编歌谣。 以类似的方法操练另外的单词

教学活动3 Step3 Practice 1. 总体复习 (1)以pair-work的形式复习 以上一个环节呈现的阴影照片为切入点展开活动。 T:Who’s this woman? Please guess. 点击照片呈现原始照片,原来刚才反复猜的老师是英语老师Miss Zhang T: Miss Zhang is your English teacher. What’s she like ? SS: She is short and strict. She has big eyes and short hair. T: Is she funny? SS: Yes, she is . 教师便询问边点击课件, 同步呈现以下句型结构 T:Who’s this woman? Please guess. SS: She is … T:What’s she like ? SS: She is….. T: Is she…? SS: Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t (2) 之后,学生同桌之间进行问答操练,谈论Miss Zhang . 然后选择几组同学展示对话。一组学生对话如下: S1:Who’s this woman? S2:She’s Miss Zhang S1:What’s she like? S2 : She’s strict but kind. S1: Is she kindly? S2 :Yes, she is .She is a great teacher. I like her. (3) 以Group Work的形式复习 课件呈现学生语文老师的照片。 T: Miss Zheng is a good teacher. What about this woman? Who’s she? SS: She is Miss Zheng T: Miss Zheng is your math teacher. Can you say something about Miss Zheng? Discuss in groups. 学生以小组为单位,共同描述Miss Zheng 一组学生展示对话 : S1: Mr Zheng is our math teacher. S2: She is tall. She wears glasses. S3: She teaches math well. S4: she’s strict but kind .We all like him. T: Well done. Miss Zheng is a good teacher too. 教学活动4 Strp4 consolidation 1.试着描写自己的一位老师 1) 教师示范写作。 T: Boys and girls, I have a kindly teacher, he is John. And I also have a funny teacher. She’s Miss Zhou. I’d like to write something about her. 教师用投影仪在大屏幕上示范如何写作。 My kind Teacher I like Miss Zhou. She is my Chinese teacher. She is thin and pretty. She has short hair. She is kind and strict. This is my teacher. I like her. 2) 教师引导学生描述自己的老师。 教师示范完毕,继而引导学生:What about you? Do you have a kind teacher/ a pretty teacher/ a funny teacher/ a super teacher? 3)学生练习写作并展示。 My Pretty Teacher I like Miss Chen. She is my music teacher. She is pr 小学五年级英语教学反思:


1. 师生交流,融洽情感,引入主题。

通过关于学生自己的老师的问答,营造轻松 愉快的学习氛围,自然

引入本课话题My Teachers, 同时为引出所要复习的句型做铺垫。

2 复习以学知识,滚动操练,渗透新学知识。

通过引出学生的两位老师,复习“What’s he/she like? He/She is… He/She has…” 句型。并以这两位老师为背景,不断滚动旧知,最终形成琅琅上口的歌谣。此外,通过引入学生熟知的老师的阴影照片,复习“Is she…? Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.” 等句型。 在复习该句型时,笔者让自己选择形容词提问,其余学生作答,肯定或否。

