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promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political wareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions初中学科之语文知识点记忆口诀大全

汉语知识要点歌诀 ㈠拼音 ⒈韵母定调法

读准韵母看调号,一拼就要定好调, 读出拼音就是字,声调不差半分毫。 ⒉两拼法

前音轻短后音重,两音相连猛一碰。 碰出读音就是字,字词拼读没放松。 ⒊标号歌

如何标调有诀窍,首先记住其顺号: a o e i 和 u ü,依次排列来查找。 i u 并立标在后;轻声音节空“戴帽”; 单个韵母头上标;抓住规律效果好。 ⒋Y的拼写规则口诀

小 i 当头他有气,i in ing 前站大Y; i 后紧跟 a o e ,小 i 就被大Y 替。 ⒌ W 的拼写规则口决

独子 u 前兄弟无, 找个朋友叫大W, u 后同学a o e , 小 u 淘汰换大W。 6. ü的拼写规则口诀

小ü领头天要变,先张Y伞再去点。 ü后天晴字照写,读音不变记心间。 ⒎ ü上两点省写规则

小ü爱撒娇, 两眼柱上瞄。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, he unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\Zhihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions碰到 jqx , 傲帽便取消。 8 .隔音口诀

a o e 开头, 又接他人后, 两人若混淆, 隔音号来标。 ⒐音节大小拼写规则

人名地名专用名,开首字母大写明。 叙写句子要注意,第一字母有样行。 ㈡汉字

10 笔顺规则要领

先横后竖十字架,先撇后捺人不怕。 从上到下看清楚,从左到右没乱抓。 由外到内同携手,由内到外建国家。 先里头来后封口,先中后边水平佳。 11“六书”歌诀

六书最早见《周礼》,象形指示和会意; 形声转注与假借, “四体二用”须熟记。 描摹事物为象形, 造字最早的方式; 辅助造字有指示, 象形加符表新义; 会意可分同异体, 以上三种纯表意。 半音半意形声字, 汉字最多应熟悉; 基本类型有六种, 分析结构抓本质。 12.形声字决

形声字好识记,音形义有联系, 取声旁读字音,看形旁辩字义。 上与下左和右,内跟外都熟悉。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions析结构多比较,六类型勤练习。 13 汉字书写诀

书写汉字有诀窍:整体布局把握好, 单个结构米字格,勤学苦练熟生巧。 ㈢词汇


名动形、数代量,数量带名喜洋洋; 名不副实是对头,各自去把主谓帮; 动词经常作谓语,大多带宾响当当; 形前可加很非常,记住性状勿相忘。 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

副叹助、介拟连,多向连接把话传; 介宾结构经常见;孤独感叹令人怜; 助词跟在别人后;摹拟声响很自然; 副词修饰动与形;构词连句组成篇。 15.合成词歌诀⑴[选学]

正对反对可调换,并列方式好区别。 两字拆开有实义,组合构成称重叠。 修饰限制名动形,前偏后正多体验。 前正后偏为补充,正偏方式比较练。 对象位置不相同,陈述支配细钻研。 实虚虚实是附加,鉴别名量很方便。 16合成词歌诀⑵[选学]

男女并列朋友笑,雪白 汽车偏正道。 支配司机急转车,补充说明车撞倒。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions陈述年轻亦面熟,附加记者叠滔滔。 车辆 人口为名量,心明眼亮事不糟。 17 短语要诀

短语又名叫词组,划分角度有两种: 结构功能要清楚,认真训练理自通。 ※ ※ ※ ※

常见结构有七类,平起平坐是并列; 前偏后正有限制;前正后偏重补谓; 主谓动宾无修饰,回答方法定主宾; 介加名词称介宾;的字短语好标识。 ※ ※ ※ ※

相互区别多体验,勤学苦练析疑点。 不动笔墨不练习,照此训练日胜年。 ㈣语法

18 划分单句歌诀

主谓宾,定状补,先把主干搞清楚。 步骤方法应记清,核心人物谓为首, 回答方法定主宾。再理枝叶没含糊, 定后主宾相呼应,谓前为状谓后补; 得后是补名前定,形式标志要掌握。 19 修改病句歌诀

语法修改有诀窍,主干枝叶别忘掉。 层层压缩找主干,主谓宾语是否到。 前后搭配读句子,反复推敲改协调。 词序不当要调整;重复累赘不能要。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions误用词语细思考,忠实愿意没乱搞。 ※ ※ ※ ※

逻辑修辞较深奥,自相矛盾不可靠; 事情次序勿颠倒;感情色彩要配好; 形象贴切做得牢,对症下药不白劳。 20 复句类型判别歌诀

不是而是要记得,分句平等是平列; 于是然后和接着,先后有序为承接; 不是就是须熟知,任选限选属选择; 虽然但是尽管还,然而可是称转折; 既然配就叫因果;无论除非和越越, 不管只要讲条件;即使配也称假设; 不仅配还是递进,预递承递可后挈; 解证总分属解说;判别类型抓要诀。 21 分析多重复句要领[选学] 化繁为简切没忘,抓住标志记端详。 逐层剖析是关键,分析复句不乱忙。 ※ ※ ※ ※

两种方法多实践,符号图表灵活搬。 标出符号或图表,线条划在层次间。 ※ ※ ※ ※

统观全局很重要,划出一层是难关。 再对二层做比较,如此类推乐无边。 ㈤修辞

22 修辞手法辨别歌诀

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 over

promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions修辞特征要牢记,辨别辞格容易对。 比喻重在相似点,起码三组才排比。 对比内容可正反,对偶形式最整齐。 反反复复同词句,反意正说明真义。 自问自答来设问,反问不答强语气。 相关借代不能喻,引用原话须确切。 动作情感人格化,夸张言过又其实。 ㈥标点

23 标点符号歌诀

学点符号并不难,特征用法勤实验。 句号用它表话完;话没说完逗号现; 提出问题问号练;喜怒哀乐要感叹; 并列顿号中间点;冒号启示写后边; 话里套话分双单;书文名称两边尖; 省略意思话没完;递进转折一条线; 中间注释括号全;多看多练手不闲。 附



定语必居主宾前,谓前为状谓后补。 六者关系难分辨,心中有数析正误。

什么谁称主,做是怎样才充谓; 宾语动支配,回答谓语什么谁。

前置状语目(的)时(间)地(点), 意义不变能复位。补语从后说前谓,

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions定语才和后宾配。介宾短语多状补, 不能充当宾主谓。


阅读系列知识要点歌诀 ㈠现代文阅读 24 朗读技巧三字歌

练朗读,没放松。眼口心,都集中。 音句段,要搞通。读重音,宜弄懂: 强调读,须由衷;中心词,可轻重。 快慢处,要适中:哀深沉,应慢诵; 喜怒乐,快速诵。巧停顿,不尽同: 语法短,味道浓;感情顿,灵活用; 结构顿,没落空,句到段,理自通。 读忌讳,一口钟。做腔调,现平庸。 真朴实,才正宗。 25 阅读圈划三字歌

开卷前,备笔砚。读圈划,没空闲。 生字词,方框框。关键词,圆圈圈。 总起句,打浪线。优美句,横线联。 自然段,序号现。分层次,两竖线。 重点段,括号全。疑问处,问号点。 学能用,乐桃源。 26 阅读三遍歌


o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions辨音义,查字典。理脉络,第二遍: 思布局,想谋篇。多推敲,第三遍: 抓主题,概括练;写法妙,苦钻研。 讲方法,力气省。


27 文言文阅读翻译四字诀 首览全文,掌握大意。 词不离句,句不离词。 词句难解,前后联系。 跳跃句子,补出本意。 人名地名,不必翻译。 省略倒装,都有规律。 常见虚词,因句而异。 实词活用,领会语意。 翻译整句,句子流利。 对照原文,务求直译。 字词句篇,连成一气。 翻译完毕,检查仔细。


28 考场阅读解题歌诀

整体通览第一遍,理清内容抓要点; 再把题目审清楚,围绕要求读二遍, 抓住条件与结论,理顺关系不能省; 上挂下联不离题,比较排除方法选;

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions核实准确写答案,考场高分能实现。

中学生作文系列知识要点歌诀 ㈠作文总论诀 29 观察要诀

身边事物留心看,作文素材有来源。 静观默察讲方法,常用四法勤学练。 一法顺序远及近,上下观看叙井然; 二法移步换形观,环环紧扣深体验; 三法对比辨差别,正对反对抓特点; 四法观察有点面,主次分清周而全。 以上四法有关联,综合运用像过年。 30 立题审意歌诀

审清题目辨体裁,把握重点和要害。 依题联实多比较,围绕主题选素材。 善于辐射把缰找,抓住一点没忘怀, 面面俱到得分少,小题大做巧安排。 立题审意若做到,胸中有数神笔来。 31 写作程序诀

练习写作要记清:审清题意动脑筋; 打好腹稿定中心,筛选材料抓典型; 提纲挈领条条清,段落层次安排定; 思想成熟叙不停,草案完工仔细吟; 反反复复找毛病,闲话废语删干净; 关键事情讲详尽,错字别词要留心;

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions百改不厌誊写清,照此程序次次新。 32 考场作文三步曲

首先三审此标题,文体题眼和范围。 弄清题意抓规律,切没急忙来动笔。 其次三慢须切记,构思提纲和立意。 详略清晰中心明,磨刀不误砍柴时。 最后作文有三快,行文誊写与修改。 心中有数巧安排,恰倒好处妙笔来。 33 叙述要诀

叙述方式抓四点,人称顺序贯全篇, 还有线索与要素,撮其要点叙不偏。 耳闻目睹一人称,前后一致把话传; 局外人物三人称,调查访问写不完。 叙述顺序有四种,四种顺序灵活搬。 一种顺序按时间,有头有尾周而全; 二种倒叙后提前,再按顺序叙根源; 三种插叙补事件,回忆往事话原泉; 四种平叙两条线,花开两朵分枝言。 叙述线索有双单,单线穿珠最常见; 头绪复杂多线联,主次清楚讲明暗。 叙述要素有六点:时地人事叙全面, 揭示原因述发展,开花结果事满圆。 34 描写歌诀

常见描写四方面,具体形象抓特点。 人物描写方法多,说谈演唱有语言; 音容笑貌贵传神,外貌形象现眼前;

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 over

promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions举手投足描个性;心理刻画善体验。 环境描绘重烘托,社会背景写自然。 场面描述要真切,形声色味周而全。 细节描摹讲重点,于微细处精神现。 多看多练没空闲,功到自成心儿甜。 35 抒情四字歌

抒发感情, 三点要求: 情真意切; 丰富细腻; 表情达意; 一定牢记。 表达和谐, 两种方式: 坦率质朴, 直抒胸臆。 间接抒发, 寓情于景; 即事抒情; 寓情于理; 即物抒情; 表现主题。

㈡记叙文歌决 36 记叙文要领

记叙开篇像凤头,小巧漂亮看不够。 四大要素不可忘,开门见山中心扣。 ※ ※ ※ ※

文中事件如猪肚,内容丰富又实厚。 过渡衔接要自然,精雕细刻话不完。 ※ ※ ※ ※

四种描写求形象,空洞语言没力量 。 写人描景记事件,主次详略记心上。 ※ ※ ※ ※

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions文章结尾若豹尾,尾巴简短又有力。 写完以后看两遍,认真修改紧扣题。

㈢ 说明文歌诀 37 说明文要领

说明文体较常见,读写常做四方面。 对象特征把握好,说明写作第一点。 ※ ※ ※ ※

说明顺序想周全,时空把握没瞎编; 事物结构有繁简,条理紊乱使人厌。 ※ ※ ※ ※

说明结构比较深,并列递进及总分; 还有连贯共四种,单用合用讲求真。 ※ ※ ※ ※

说明方法很重要,常用八法别忘掉。 熟能生巧多实践,善于读写见提高。

㈣议论文歌诀 38 立论要诀

提出问题点龙睛,分析问题抓本质: 理论事实必真实,论据才有说服力; 直接间接来证明,围绕论点有破立; 议论简明须确切,论证巧妙合逻辑; 讲理摆事重举例,解决问题就得力。 39 驳论歌诀


o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions抓住要害,实质批深; 又揭又批,事理俱精; 推理严密,旗帜鲜明; 过渡照应,详略分清; 完整单一,成竹在心。

㈤ 材料作文歌诀 40 供材作文⑴

所供材料意丰富,最佳立意要抓住。 认真看读细思量,各项要求理清楚。 提供材料不能丢,不能违背选角度。 扣料用料并联料,参照命题作文做。 41 供材作文四字法⑵

供材作文四字法,引议联结好处大。 选准角度极重要,围绕中心善开发。 引用原文须确切;议论点旨要记得; 联系实际摆道理;结论有力又简洁。

㈥ 话题作文歌诀 42 话题作文要领

话题作文很流行,常见考题三类型: 命题提示和材料,围绕话题马不停。 ※ ※ ※ ※

话题特点开放性,大题小作写真情; 抓住一点述详尽,以小见大显水平。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions㈦ 读后感歌诀 43 读后感诀

读懂原文是首要,抓住重点定基调。 引议联结重感想,围绕中心细细表。

㈧ 扩写歌诀 44 扩写四字诀 扩写无巧,方法记牢: 一练扩首,简洁可靠; 二练扩中,详尽为好; 三练扩尾,点睛是宝。 ※ ※ ※ 扩写要好,要求做到。 主要内容,切没砍掉; 合理想象,必不可少; 重点地方,深挖细找。

㈨ 缩写歌诀 45 缩写要领

缩写首先应做到:遵循原作是首要。 其次做到四方法:句子缩写要思考; 保留重点应得体;略写材料删削掉; 概括方法讲精当;强化训练才牢靠。

㈩ 改写歌诀 46 改写要诀

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions改写方法有诀窍,因文而异很重要。 一法改变原体裁,抓住体裁没抛掉。 二法改革人称呼,人称一致定做到。 三法改动其结构,顺倒插叙应推敲。 四法改换原表达,叙述描写求提高, 议论抒情点中心,细腻具体又一招。

(十一)续写歌诀 47 续写要诀

续写作文有条件,条件把握是关键, 关键在于细推敲,思想成熟立意全。 围绕开头把话联,过渡衔接要自然; 续写下文好做到,参照命题作文练。

(十二)应用文歌诀 48 应用文要诀

应用作文若不差,格式正文讲方法。 语言简明又生动,心中有数笔生花。 ※ ※ ※ ※

基本格式有五家,标题称呼顶呱呱, 正文署名和日期,各就各位把话拉。 ※ ※ ※ ※

正文方法四大侠,叙述议论文武夹; 说明综合顶梁柱,机动灵活人人夸。

四 、其它知识精点歌诀

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 over

promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions㈠新闻歌诀 49 新闻要素歌诀

新闻要素不能忘:导语交代记端详; 标题意思应完整;主体部分求形象。 ㈡ 小说歌诀 50 小说要素歌诀

小说要素有三条:人物描写不可少; 环境衬托为中心;情节具体收效好。 ㈢ 语文解题法诀 51 语文解题方法要诀

排除方法有技巧:排除正确讲实效, 排除错误抓要害,单用双用快选好。 ※ ※ ※ ※

比较方法勤动脑,易学易做收效高。 同类异类善比较,围绕题意相近找。 ※ ※ ※ ※

以上两法要记牢,反复实践错不了。 弄清题意抓规律,照此训练低分少。 ㈣ 听力要诀 52 听力歌诀

听话能力应做到:思想集中是首要。 听人讲话勿打岔,尊重别人不骄傲。 听时眼神示礼貌,边听边记边思考, 抓住核心记详细,不懂问题作记号, 听后请教要虚心,活到老年学不了。 ㈤ 说话歌诀

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions53 说话要领

说话艺术忌口禅,衣着仪表要自然。 眼看听众示礼貌,手势助说如语言。 ※ ※ ※ ※

表述方式三类别:叙述说明和议论, 哪种表达有风韵,具体情况来识辨。 ※ ※ ※ ※

叙述事情一中心,交代要素穿红线; 抓住重点说详尽;顺倒插叙求连贯。 ※ ※ ※ ※

说明事物抓特点,条理清晰听不厌。 选择方法要恰当,举例类比讲精练。 ※ ※ ※ ※

发表议论明观点,事理俱精又全面。 说理过程应严密,幽默语言适时变。 ※ ※ ※ ※

技巧终究是辅助,经常实验口不闲。 从小注意练表达,说谈演唱乐无边。 ㈥ 文学常识歌诀 54 四大古典小说家诀

四大古典小说家,罗施吴曹都不差, 三国水浒去西游,红楼梦中人人夸。 55 三大现代文学家诀

现代文学三大家,旗手鲁迅顶呱呱, 巨匠沫若和茅盾,文学园地开鲜花。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions㈦仿用名家学习法诀 56 仿用名家学习十法诀

终南捷径有十家,十家学习有十法: 学而不思惑如麻,使用孔子学思法; 学了就用收获大,遵循泽东学用法; 事半功倍人人夸,实现陈毅劳逸法; 寓乐于学是不差,遵循列宁乐趣法; 博览精读顶呱呱,模仿鲁迅精博法; 储存相同批伪假,仿用卢棱储批法; 眼到口到心未到,学习朱熹三到法; 厚簿簿厚方法嘉,实验罗庚厚簿法; 静观默察好处佳,学用尔文观察法; 遗忘规律多到寡,遵守艾宾复习法; 以上十法可采纳,结合实际选方法。

语法词类歌诀 名词:

人和事物各有名,万千名目可辨清。表示名称即名词,具体抽象有不同。 时间空间和地点,方向位置有专称。主宾定谓都可作,名词具有多功能。 动词:

世间万物皆运动,于是动词相应生。行为动作和发展,存在消失与变更。 心理活动及判断,一概可作谓语用。能愿趋向两动词,配合谓语意更明。 形容词:

人有特征物有形,修饰动名靠形容。事态动作有性状,描摹性状用形容。 形容词语极丰富,准确修饰需深功。形容词语功能多,主要充当状谓定。 数词:


o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions整数前加老第初,排列顺序是序数。分数倍数表增加,减少只能用分数。 量词:

表示单位量词全,单位各异按习惯。事物行动作统计,物量动量分两款。 量词数词相结合,数量短语功能全。动量短语居动后,物量短语在名前。 代词:

代词代替人事物,按照作用分三族。人称代词我你他,咱们自己和大家。 疑问代词谁什么,进地性状数如何。提示代词这和那,每各某另别其他。 副词:

副词修饰动与形,范围程度与时间。肯否估计与情态,语气频率用法全。 稍微没有全都偏,简直仅仅只永远,已经曾经就竟然,将要立刻刚偶然, 渐渐终于决忽然,难道连续又再三,也许必须很非常,最太十分更马上, 越极总挺常常再,屡次一定也不还。时名副名看加在,名前可加副不来。 前很后名都不行,单独回答更不能。 介词:

自从以当为按照,由于对于为了到;和跟把比在关于,除了同对向往朝; 用在名词代词前,修饰动形要记牢。 助词:

结构助词的地得,时态助词着了过,语气助词啊吧呢,他词后边附加义。 连词:



1 颐指气使态度傲 2 未雨绸缪先准备 3 改弦更张制度变 4 改弦易辙态度变 5 出奇制胜不带宾 6 评头品足挑毛病 7 不绝如缕声细长 8 文不加点一气成 9 敬谢不敏婉推辞

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions10 屡试不爽都不错 11 无可厚非本有错 12 耸人听闻多夸大 13 知微见著小见大 14 不刊之论删不得 15 釜底抽薪才彻底 16 扬汤止沸不彻底 17 明日黄花今日凋 18 汗牛充栋藏书多 19 罄竹难书罪恶多 20 无所不至坏事多 21 始作俑者是首恶 22 休戚与共同祸福 23 不负众望不辜负 24 不孚众望人失望 25 师心自用太自负 26 不瘟不火恰到好 27 不赞一词文章妙 28 狗尾续貂坏接好 29 不可理喻太蛮横 30 闪烁其词话含糊 31 左右逢源事圆滑 32 如沐春风受教化 33 良莠不齐藏好坏 34 不容置喙没机会 35 胸无城府无心机 36 拍案而起愤怒极 37 不绝如缕情势急 38 空穴来风有根据 39 首鼠两端迟不决 40 风声鹤唳太惊恐 41 韦编三绝太刻苦 42 白驹过隙时间快 43 振振有词强夺理 44 庆父不死制动乱 45 谦谦君子有礼貌 46 浅尝辄止重表面

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 over

promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions47 倚马可待文思敏 48 如丧考妣死父母 49 同舟共济共患难 50 万人空巷真热闹 51 穷形尽相文细腻 52 骇人听闻真正怕 53 首当其冲遭头炮 54 相敬如宾是夫妻 55 鳞次栉比屋多齐 56 不名一文是贫穷 57 弹冠相庆是小人 58 沆瀣一气是小人 59 以邻为壑嫁祸人 60 城下之盟受屈辱 61 粉墨登场坏人上 62 望其项背可赶上 63 耳提面命老教少 64 十室九空人口少 65 微言大义意义深 66 如履薄冰心谨慎 67 噤若寒蝉不敢声 68 炙手可热有权势 69 安步当车好闲适 70 目无全牛技艺熟 71 甘之如饴苦中甜 72 不以为然不赞同 73 天马行空诗书文 74 登堂入室讲学问 75 美轮美奂指房屋 76 执迷不悟不省悟 77 不翼而飞找东西 78 不胫而走是消息 79 殚精竭虑要学习 80 鸡肠小肚心胸狭 81 空谷足音难得讯 82 苦心孤诣勤钻研 83 饮鸩止渴喝毒药

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions84 瓜田李下受怀疑 85 处心积虑带贬义 86 石破天惊指文议 87 不以为意不在意 88 差强人意还满意 89 火中取栗被利用 90 师出有名有理由 91 安土重迁思故园 92 不足为训非准则 93 不知所云指说者 94 三人成虎谎变真 95 侃侃而谈理气直 96 危言危行话事直 97 罚不当罪处罚重 98 罪不容诛死有余 99 讳莫如深包不住



a o e, i u Ü, 标调多按此顺序; 如果 i u 紧相连, 标到后者头上去。 拼写规则讲得细, 任何声母不独立; zh ch sh r z c s, 自成音节后加i 。 iou uei uen,别犹豫, 单用头变w或y; 如果前面有声母, 去掉o e合规矩。 i母打头搞独立, i in ing前加大y; 其他所有复韵母, 都把小i变大y 。 u母单打莫迟疑, 前加大w就可以; u母为首独为户, 要把小u变大的。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions凡带Ü母要注意, 独立去点前加y; n l相拼不去点, 去点只指j q x 。


有些词类难区分, 典型特点要记清: 动形加不名不行, 动能加甭形加很; 连词前后能调换, 介词前后调不成; 叹词总是单独用, 语气助词词后跟。


基本词组四类型, 嵌字不同可辨清: 联合能嵌和而并, 主谓能嵌较很更, 嵌的地得是偏正, 嵌着了过是动宾。 的字介词和方位, 三种结构自分明。


主谓宾、定状补, 主干枝叶分清楚; 定语常在主宾前, 谓前是状谓后补。 定的状地得后补, 形式标志要记住; 遇到格式有变化, 仔细分清莫含糊。


修改病句有诀窍, 方法步骤要记牢: 基本成分先找找, 主谓宾语是否少; 成分不缺看搭配, 主谓动宾可搭好; 搭配恰当看句子, 重复之处不能要; 次序不当须重排, 用词不妥应换掉; 再看逻辑乱不乱, 自相矛盾不可靠; 感情色彩别弄反, 事情次序别颠倒; 对症下药仔细改, 切勿信手胡乱搞。


古文翻译,有其顺序。首览全篇,掌握大意。 难解句子,则需心细。照顾前文,联系后句。 仔细斟酌,揣摩语气。要求做到,合情合理。 词句间段,紧密联系。跳跃句子,补出隐意。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions加上括号,表明增益。人名地名,不必跳译。 人身称谓,掌握惯例。吾余为我,尔汝是你。 常见虚词,没有定意。对待之法,因句而异。 全篇译完,还须仔细。逐句流畅,错字无迹。 改无可改,方可搁笔。 得分口诀

首先沉心读进去,把握作品的大意。 借助题眼和题干,参照注解和设题。 第二注意抓语言,借助语感心洞然。 辩析语意看语境,语气语势照顾全。 第三情景要相合,情景交融是准则。 一切景语皆情语,景后议论抒情多。 第四叙事抓脉络,记叙顺序别搞错。 通过描述塑形象,性格特点要把握。 第五要知干溯源,曲解倒置戴错冠, 扩大缩小换概念,无中生有偏概全。 第六技巧是重点,碰到术语绷紧弦, 细描象征和铺垫,衬托铺陈和渲染。 第七修辞有考点,比喻夸张和委婉, 对比借代和双关,铺排互文和用典。 第八作者要记牢,作品风格要通晓, 联系时代和背景,婉约豪放别混淆。 第九注意抓意境,意境本由形象生, 合理想象是途径,通过意境看心胸。 第十注意辨类型,诗言志来词言情。 散曲语言通俗化,戏剧语言有个性。 十一当心限定语,褒贬语句要警惕, 无限拔高和贬低,陷阱往往在这里。 十二出题有顺序,先是局部后整体, 逐题找准对应点,推敲排除重迁移。 标点符号顺口溜

文章若要好,意明很重要。 停顿分清楚,语气莫混淆。 标点使用好,句顺意明了。

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions小不点儿妙,此歌请记牢。

引文特殊词,豆芽上下掀。 [ “ ” 引号 ] 文中要注解,弯弯两半月。 [ ( ) 括号 ] 意思还没完,六点紧相连。 [ ------- 省略号 ] 转折或解释,一横添后边。 [ —— 破折号 ] 起止与联系,短横插中间。 [ — 连接号 ] 前后有分界,中间加圆点。 [ • 间隔号 ] 书报和篇名,曲角镶边沿。 [ 《 》 书名号 ] 特别强调处,圆点字下粘。 [ • 着重号 ] 说完一句话,莫忘画小圈。 [ 。 句号 ] 疑问与发问,耳下垂小圈。 [ ? 问号 ] 句中有停顿,豆芽跟后边。 [ , 逗号 ] 并列词语间,点上瓜子点。 [ 、 顿号 ] 并列句子间,豆芽顶圆点。 [ ; 分号 ] 总括与提示,点儿上下叠。 [ : 冒号 ] 命令与欢呼,滴水下屋檐。 [ ! 感叹号 ] 一、口诀复习法 1、问号

第一注意选择问,全句末尾才用问。 第二注意倒装问,全句末尾也用问。 第三注意特指问,每句末尾都用问。 第四注意无疑问,陈述语气不用问。 2、感叹号

关键注意倒装叹,全句末尾才用叹。 3、顿号

大并套小并,大并逗,小并顿。 并列谓和并列补,中间不要去打顿。 集合词语连得紧,中间不要插进顿。 概数约数不确切,中间也别带上顿。 4、分号


o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 over

promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions5、冒号

提示下文用冒号,总结上文要带冒。 6、引号

引用之语未独立,标点符号引号外。 引用之语能独立,标点符号引号里。 7、括号

注释局部紧贴着,注释整体隔开着。 二、口诀解说与例句 1、问号

⑴第一注意选择问,全句末尾才用问。(选择性的问句,中间的停顿用逗号,只在全句末尾打一个问号。) 例:

a.你打算到西安去呢,还是到广州去呢? b.你打算今天去呢,还是明天去呢? c.你是临场害怕呢,还是身体不舒服?

⑵第二注意倒装问,全句末尾也用问。(倒装性的问句,问号也打在全句末。) 例:



⑶第三注意特指问,每句末尾都用问。(特指性的问句,每个问句的末尾都要打上问号。) 例:




a.我不知道他叫什么。 b.谁都不知道他叫什么。



e.基础知识究竟扎实不扎实,对今后的继续深造有重要影响。 2、感叹号

关键注意倒装叹,全句末尾才用叹。(倒装性的感叹句,感叹号要打在全句末尾。) 例:

多美呀,祖国的春天! 3、顿号

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positions⑴大并套小并,大并逗,小并顿。(有的句子并列词语中还有并列词语,大的并列词语之间用逗号,小的并列词语之间用顿号。)





a.你要不断进步,识字,生产。 b.这个故事讲得真实,动人。





⑷概数约数不确切,中间也别带上顿。(概数即约数,是不确切的数目,中间不能打顿号。) 例:

a.看上去十七八岁,一副瘦骨伶仃的样子。 b.小河对岸三四里外是浅山。 4、分号

分句内部有了逗,分句之间才用分。(并列分句内部有了逗号,这并列分句间才能用分号。) 例:

a.我们过苦日子时,他来了;我们过好日子时,他却走了。 b.做,要靠想来指导;想,要靠做来证明。 5、冒号

提示下文用冒号,总结上文要带冒。 例:

a.下午他拣了好几件东西:两条长桌,四个椅子,一副香炉烛台,一杆台秤。 b.教师爱护学生,学生尊敬老师:师生关系非常融洽。 6、引号

引用之语未独立,标点符号引号外;引用之语能独立,标点符号引号里。(这主要是引号和其它标点符号的配合原则。) 例:


o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech work to dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 overpromote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practice of the mass line of the party and \ee-three\education results achieved further inherited and expanded. To realize \arning education is a necessary solution to the present problems of party construction. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the party's 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, lack of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not actually fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessment of the party's policies, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointed out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors and other objective reasons, but mainly subjectiveproblem, is the problem of party members and cadres. Some depressed, negative slack, not responsible, ... Double six, one, and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan district, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilized and harmonious island. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the %udy and education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting bastion role of grass-roots party organizations into full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realization of the \hirteen-Five\econd, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and learning styles \ these four words are important information inside is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes it, Carpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when both of his apprentices are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which began so thoroughly Marxist positionsb.现代画家徐悲鸿笔下的马,正如有的评论家所说的那样,“神形皆备,充满生机”。 c.陆游诗云:“汝果欲学诗,工夫在诗外。” 7、括号




b.皮之不存,毛将焉(哪里)附。(《左传》) c.人不能像走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。(但丁)

o sum up, is divided into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since the XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development process of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined to have been profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the people adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the people's yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dong's thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, the new Central collective leadership when they visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration \on of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times.\hihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chinese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thought. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new session of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people hope, embodies the greatest common divisor and the consensus of Chinese people at home and abroad, inspiring all peoples forging ahead in unity, the spirit of unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics flags and high melody. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including achieved Chinese great revival is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream in 12th session national people's Congress first times Conference Shang of speech worko dream into really in chieved China dream of vivid practice in the flying youth dream achieved China dream not only benefit people, and benefit world people innovation due its Shi, dream suitable have its potential achieved Chinese great revival is both at home and abroad Chinese children common of dream,. 3. on deepening reform. 18 since the XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Guangdong, unequivocally express the unswervingly follow the road of reform and opening up power determination and courage. Party's 18 session adopted a decision to deepen reform, opened a new journey for deepening the reform in our country. Central has held 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered through more than 100 more items important reform programme, developed introduced more than 800 over

