
更新时间:2023-11-26 14:12:02 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


1.多喝水,这对你的健康有好处。 Drink more water.It _______ _______ _______ your health.


It's raining heavily outside.You'd _______ _______ at home. 3.建造这座立交桥将花费工人们一年多时间。

It will _______ the workers over a year _______ _______ the fly-over. 4.如果明天不下雨的话,我将和父母一起去动物园。

I'll _______ to the zoo with my parents, _______ it doesn't rain tomorrow. 5.这个故事比那个故事有趣。

this story ,is,interesting,that one

___________________________________ 从以上几个题不难看出翻译填空题所考查的内容:

(1)一些常用词组和短语。如:be good at(for),be interested in,on show,take off等。(2)一些常用词语的用法。如:enjoy后接 V-ing形式,had better后接动词原形等。(3)一些常用句型、句式。如:It takes sb.some time to do sth.,so...that,so that,not...until,as...as等。(4)一些语法现象,如:不定式,宾语从句,动词时态,被动语态等。这类题的解题步骤是什么呢? 第一题考查的是词组be good for ,应填is good for; 第二题考查had better后用动词原形,填better stay;

第三题考查It takes sb.some time to do something.句型,应填take ,to build; 第四题考查if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,应填go,if;

第五题答案应为:This story is more interesting than that one. 1.我们的朋友遍天下。 We have friends _______ .

2.从现在开始,我们应该更加努力学习。 We should study harder _______ .


What great changes will take place in China _______ ? 4.地球围绕太阳转。

The earth _______ the sun. 5.你能把你的自行车借给我吗? Can you _______ ?

1. all over the world/everywhere

2.from now/today on

3.in a hundred years('time)/in a century/in 100 years 4.goes/travels/moves/turns round/around

5.lend me your bike/bicycle/lend your bike/bicycle to me 6他正在花园里浇花。 He _______ in the garden. 7.火车开走后他才到达火车站。

He _______ the train station until the train had left. 8在强烈的光线下看书不好。

_______ us to read in a strong light. 9.你知道他通常什么时候回来吗? Do you know when _______ ?


We should _______ to catch up with the developed countries as soon as possible. 6.is watering flowers

7.didn't arrive at/reach/get to 8.It's bad /not good for

9.he usually comes back/ he is usually back/he usually returns 10.do /try our best/make our effort


The development of China and the world started to be _______ _______ _______ after China joined the WTO. 17.珍爱自己,远离不健康的书。

Take good care of yourself and _______ bad books. 18.我认为自己想办法要比仿照别人的样子要好。 I think it's better to find our way than _______ . 19.孩子们对科学越来越感兴趣了。 Children are becoming _______ . 20.老师要求我们保持教室的清洁和安静。 We are _______ .

16.neck and neck 17.keep(yourself)(far)away from 18.to copy/follow other's example(s)/to copy /follow other people's example(s) 19.more and more interested in science

20.told/asked to keep our classroom clean and quiet 21.球迷们正在忙于看“世界杯”。

football fans,busy,watch,the World Cup 22.这间会议室太小,容纳不下二十人。

this meeting room,is,too small,to hold twenty people 23.我认为英语并不难学。

I,think,English ,difficult to learn 24.孩子们最好不要过多地玩电脑游戏。 children,had better,play,computer games 25.雨一停,我们就去放风筝。 we,go,fly kites,stop

21.Football fans are busy watching the World Cup. 22.This meeting room is too small to hold twenty people. 23.I don't think English is difficult to learn. 24.Children had better not play computer games too much too often.

25.We will go and fly kites as soon as the rain stops.

1. 我们该去火车站接她了。

It’s time __________ us ___________ meet her at the railway station. 2.约翰最喜欢中国食品。

John __________ Chinese food __________ of all. 3.我们每天八点钟才起床。

We ________ get up __________ eight o’clock in the morning. 4.他跑得太快了,我们都追不上他。

He runs ________ fast ________ we can’t catch up with him. 5.你每天上学花多长时间?

How long _________ __________ __________ you to go to school every day?

1. for, to 2. likes, best 3. don’t, until 4. so, that 5. does it take


Though they were tired, the workers _________ __________ _________ hard. 7.我们正在考虑外出玩的事。

We are ________ ________ going abroad. 8.下个星期将有一场足球比赛。

There ______ ______ a football match next week. 9.我的自行车出了毛病。

Something is ________ ________ my bike.

10.Mr. Brown是如此的激动,以至于说不出话来。 Mr. Brown is _________ excited _________ say a word. 6. went on working 7. thinking about 8. will be 9. wrong with 10. too, to


__________ __________ ___________ she got home, Mrs. King went to bed. 12.你怎么了?我不舒服。

-What’s ________ ________ _________ you? -I don’t feel well. 13.游泳和滑冰比汤姆更喜欢游泳。

Tom _________ swimming __________ skating. 14. 为什么不跟我们一起去钓鱼呢?

Why _________ _________ _________ with us? 15. 请你帮我把门打开好吗?

Will you please __________ me __________ the window? 11. As soon as 12. the matter with

13. prefers, to 14. not go fishing 15. help, open


The students will have a picnic in the park ________ ________ _________ fine tomorrow.


Is English __________ __________Chinese? 18. 你最好马上给你妈妈打个电话。

You’d __________ __________ a call to your mother at once. 19. 我们刚才听见有人在外面说话。

We _________ somebody __________ outside just now. 20.冰箱里的食品够吃几天的了。

There is __________ __________ for several days in the fridge. 16. if, it is 17. easier than 18. better make 19. heard speaking 20. enough food



_____________________ in our street for three days. 2.老师问我们是否听说过这个故事。

The teacher asked us___________________________. 3.你们班有多少口人?

_______________________ in your class? 4.工人们建造座新桥将要花一年的时间。

___________________________ a new bridge. 5.老师经常告诉孩子们上课不要说话。

The teacher often __________________________.

1. A new shop has been open 2. if we had heard of the story. 3. How many people are there 4. It’ll take workers a year to build 5. tells the children not to talk in class


________________ , American food or Chinese food? 7.每年冬天不是她来北京,就是我去上海。 ______________________ every winter. 8.约翰总是把钱花在电脑游戏上。

John always ___________________________________. 9.布莱克先生恐怕他的儿子落在别人后边。

Mr Black ___________________________________. 10.这对双胞胎彼此关系如何?

___________________________ with each other? 6. which do you like better

7. Either he comes to Beijing or I go to Shanghai 8. Spends his money on computer games.

9. is afraid that his son falls behind the others. 10. How do the twins get on


The teacher came into the classroom_________________. 12.别在阳光下看书,对你的眼睛没好处。

Don’t read in the sun. _____________________________. 13.交警们尽最大努力保持了交通通畅。

The police tried hard to ___________________________. 14.西湖是中国最著名的湖泊之一。

The West Lake is _______________________________. 15.他们听下来仔细听,但没有任何声音。

_______________________ , but there was no sound.

