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初中七年级英语词汇教学案例 作者:陈茂丹 一、案例背景




第三,评价方式:把全班学生分成6个学习小组,由英语成绩较好的学生担任各组的组长,组长抽签确定被抽查的知识模块,最后算出总分,分值最高的组有奖品奖励。 三、案例过程 (一)课前激趣



举起学过实物,如水果类或学习用品,让学生快速说出英语单词,学生们可以齐答,也可指定让哪组来答,答对了给该组记录得分。这个游戏训练了学生的迅速反应能力,即调动了学生学习的积极主动性,又活跃了课堂氛围。 (二)课堂实录 活动二:汉英互乐



1.教学手段的灵活性。根据学生的心理特点,灵活运用现代的教学工具,增加起学习的兴趣。在传统的教学上,主要有:利用实物介绍新词汇,如:look,this is a book(用手指着书本);利用图片介绍词汇,如:面部(faces);用肢体语言,如:look——i am opening the book. i am writing some words on the blackboard 然后利用手势、动作指导学生。


1) 在一个单元下,以一个主体词汇为中心的发散性呈现教学。仁教版教材的特点是以模块为一个单位,一个模块又由三个单元组成,在同一个模块下,每个单元又有不同的内容。模块这样的特点实际上是有利于我们的词汇教学。

例:初一(下)module 2 spring festival unit 1 we’re getting ready for spring festival

中心词:festival :sweep the floor, learn a dragon dance ,help do the housework ,cook the meal ,make lanterns, clean the house 通过以上的方式可以让词汇呈现的非常自然。

2) 在同一个模块下,根据话题进行词汇的呈现。就如上面所说的那样,一个模块的三个单元是独立但又不离开主体,相互之间存在着连贯性和拓展性。因此我们在词汇的呈现上可以从他们的相互性上进行着手。做到在对前面词汇进行巩固的过程中自然而然的呈现新的词汇。 例:初一(下) module 4 life in the future

unit 1 的主题是:everyone will study at home 教材围绕主题呈现了一系列的名词。

unit 2 的主题是:everyone will have a small car 教材又围绕这个主题进行拓展。因为从中我们可以很容易找出一系列的短语,如:a small car; bad weather; hot water; dull jobs等等。

不难发现在名词的前面增加了作为定语修饰的形容词。这个模块主要就是针对一系列形容词的教学,所以对于unit 2中词汇的呈现是在unit 1的基础进行的,也是合情合理,符合逻辑,层层深入的,是学生容易接受的。

3) 寄于阅读中的词汇教学。一门语言的教学就是要培养学生的听,说,读,写的能力。因此nse教材的另一个特点就是体现在vocabulary and reading 这一块内容。这一个教学内容主要是


例: 初一(下) module 1 people and places unit 2 they are going to the opera activity 1:

在这一个活动的阅读文章里出现了以下词汇:london; moscow; los angeles; new york等。虽然这些词汇并不是要求学生掌握和理解的,但却也是要求学生认知的,这些词在这里的出现是恰到好处的,既做到了补充又不主题。 3.词汇的巩固


1)利用音标。学生知道了ar读[a:]的规则后,可帮助记忆arm, art, part, party, dark等词。

2)利用词形变化规划。 如动词的不规则变化: hit-hit-hit , build-built-built , begin-began-begun ;利用分析前缀的方法,如教retell, rewrite,在学生已掌握了tell, write的前提下;利用分析合成词的方法。如在学生学过class与room的基础上,就很自然的推测出classroom的含义来。

3)利用归纳、对比法,利用同义词,反义词,同音异议词等规则。 4)把单词放在句子里,放在各种搭配里记。




例:初一(下) module 6 中的一系列单词,如:footbal:popular ;exciting ; running :boring ;tiring



的新的词汇,围绕一个单词进行合情合理的情景拓展,在增加学生兴趣的同时,又向学生提出了更高的要求,在巩固词汇的同时锻炼了学生的语言表达能力和写作能力,达到让学生用所学语言来“做事情”,完成一定的任务从而真正的达到我们的教学目标。 例:

student a: football

student b: i like football.

student c: i like football very much.

student d: i like football very much because it is more exciting than basket……

本学期我教七年级英语。对于词汇教学这个教学之中的重中之重我在平时的教学中总结了一些方法仅供大家参考。在七年级上册中知识涉及得比较少,所以总结以下几点词汇教学方法: 1利用实物介绍新词汇。如:look, this is a hat(用手拿着帽子)

2利用图片介绍词汇,如:面部(faces) (用手指面部的图片)在教fight这个词时,我让学生画了一张两个人在打架的图片问: what are they doing?

__ they are fighting.从而引出fight这个词。这种方法比较直观还让那些比较爱画的学生有了展示自己的空间。

3用模拟、示范动作或面部表情介绍词汇。如:look——i am

opening the door. i am writing some words on the paper.然后利用手势、动作指导学生模仿做。我在教outside这个词时找了一个

比较可爱的学生让他出去,然后问:where is mr dou?___he is outside.学生一下就掌握了。

4用举例的方法介绍词汇。如:教lazy 这个词时,就可以说:all of you study hard, but xiao ming doesnt study hard. he is very lazy. he gets up late and then does nothing all day. he is not a good student.这样通过一个例子使学生既练习句子,又清楚、准确地领会了单词lazy的意思及其怎样灵活运用。

5.同时使用几种方法介绍词汇。如:look, he is smiling. now lo-ok at me. i am smiling, too.(用面部表情)smile. we smile when we are happy(做手势让学生重复),学生:smile.老师:good, what does it mean?(学生说出汉语意思“微笑”)

6使用横线介绍新词。如:i go there by bus. he goes to school on foot. 在横线旁给一个句子或一个


7利用诱导的方法介绍新词汇。如:老师指着眼睑问what about this? look-i can open and close them. they are ?eye??学生答“眼睑”。老师接着板书出eyelids。这样诱导的优点是在于学生的注意力会集中到这个新词上来,对了解这个词产生兴趣。

8利用学生比较熟识的人来教单词。比如在教mrs这个词时我提出了问题:who is our math teacher?___mrs feng is our math teacher.从而引出了mrs这个词。学生比较兴奋因为他们参与了知识的问答。找到了成功的喜悦。 9利用先后关系或自然顺序:

autumn comes before winter.现在的英语教学是从小学开始的,但有的地方没有进行教学。在这之前对于初一刚刚接触英语的学生来说还充满着新鲜感,学习的兴趣都是比较高的,再加上初一的内容简单,大部分的学生都能学的比较好。但到了初二,随着学科的增加和学科难度的增加、学生心里及生理的变化。部分学生成绩就不够理想了,产生了分化。大部分学生在词汇的巩固上存在着“死记硬背”现象。因此,词汇教学便成了中学英语教学的重点。作为一个英语教师,深知在英语教学中词汇在教学中的重要作用。因此,我们要在新的问题和要求下进行我们的词汇教学,提高课堂教学的有效性,我们就要在认清新标准教材特点的前提下,在传统词汇教学方法基础上,在教学过程中注重词汇的呈现和巩固。





go for it 教 案

starter unit 1 good morning !

starter unit 1 是go for it!预备篇三个单元的第一单元。预备篇是为了使那些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。 本单元的教学内容为:

1.学习aa --- hh八个字母。

2.学习八个人名。alice, bob, cindy, dale, eric, frank, grace, helen


hello!/ good morning!/ good afternoon!/ good evening! 4.学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:-- how are you? -- i‘m fine, thanks. how are you? -- i‘m ok 教学重点:

aa --- hh的字母教学。

hello! good morning. good afternoon. good evening.

-- how are you?-- i‘m fine, thanks. how are you?-- i‘m ok.

教学难点: 课本中英语人名的学习和大、小写字母的学习及书写。 单元课时:5个课时

第一课时:完成section a 1a, 1b

第二课时;完成section a 2a, 2b,2c, 2d, 3, 4a

第三课时:完成 section a 4b, 4c, section b 1, 2a, 2b 第四课时:完成 section b 3a, 3b, 4, 5

第五课时:完成 self check and just for fun 教学目标

a. 语言知识目标

1.词汇: letters aa --- hh

八个人名 alice, bob, cindy, dale, eric, frank, grace, helen 2.句型:good morning. good afternoon. good evening. -- how are you?-- i‘m fine, thanks. how are you?-- i‘m ok. b. 语言技能目标

通过游戏等多种形式的学习活动,培养学生对初学知识的听、说、读、写能力和灵活运用初学的日常交际用语的能力。 c. 情感目标

1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。 2.通过小组活动,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 3.在活动中培养学生的思维能力和创新能力。 teaching materials:section a 1a,1b teaching aims:


2.学会早上见面打招呼的用语。 language points.

1.词汇:alice, bob, cindy, dale, eric, frank, grace, helen 2.句型:hello! good morning! difficulties: 八个人名的掌握 teaching procedures: step 1. warming-up

1.t wears a name card with an english name on it, then points to the name card and have an introduction.

2. greet the whole class and help them to say, hello, … good morning, …

step 2. play a game.

t gets ready for a list of english names for boys and girls. play the game like this:

t says a letter, for example c, then let the ss tell the letters which is before and after c. the one

who says b, d first is the winner. thewinner can get a chance to choose an english name first or he can give the chance to his friend.

step 3. presentation

show a picture of a girl and give the name under the picture, teach alice. in the same way teach the other seven names. step 4.game

show the pictures of these eight children as quickly as possible. let the ss tell the names of these children. ( the winner can have a chance to choose an english name.) step 5. presentation

show a picture with eric, let ss guess what eric wants to say to us. the answer is : hello! or good morning. then help them to say: hello, eric! or good morning, eric. step 6. work on 1a

play the recording for the first time, ss only listen. play the recording a second time. ss repeat. step 7. work on 1b

ss practice the conversations in pairs. t moves around the classroom when ss are practicing. give them some help if needed.

ask ss to practice greeting each other. they can use their chinese names if they wish. encourage them to use their english names if they can. ask them to practice using all the different greetings taught in activity 1a. homework

make a name card like the teacher‘s by themselves and learn how to read their own names.

teaching materials:section a2a-4a teaching aims:

1.学会正确朗读和书写aa-hh八个字母。 2.了解一些常用缩略字的含义。 3.巩固所学的八个人名。

4.记住自己和同伴的英文名字。 language points


difficulties: 八个字母的正确书写和记住尽可能多的名字。 teaching procedures: step 1. warming-up

greet all the ss with : hello, … or good morning, … using their english names.

(ask all the students to wear their name cards like t) at the same time let them repeat their names and try to remember their names.

step 2.presentation

show different letters on the slide picture and see if they can read them. first big letters, then small letters. step 3. learn the letters. (work on a 2a—2d) 1.listen and repeat the eight letters. 1.put all the big letters in order.

2.find the big letters for these small letters. 3.listen and number the letters they hear.

4.teach them how to write these big and small letters. 5.write the small letter for each big letter. step 4. game.(which letter is missing?)

show seven big letters(from a-h) on the slide picture, see who can find the missing letter. then show seven small letters. ss play the game in a group of four. everyone should get

ready for two pieces of paper with seven big letters and seven small letters.

step 5. presentation

step 6. work on section a 3

ss discuss and guess what these letters stand for and then check the answers with the whole class. step 7. presentation

show the eight names on the slide picture first and ask ss to read. then put them in order according to the first letter. step 8. work on 4a

listen to the tape and circle the names they hear. step 9. practice

in groups of four, ss introduce their english names first. then practice ―good morning,… ‖ to each other like the dialogue they heard just now on the tape. homework

1.copy these eight big and small letters five times. 2.find as many letters like hb, cd, bbd as they can.

