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1.Scholars have been studying organizational behaviour since the days of Greek philosophers.

True False

2.In order for something to be called an organization it must have buildings and equipment.

True False

3.All organizations have a collective sense of purpose.

True False

4.Social entities are called organizations only when their members work interdependently toward some


True False

5.An important principle in organizational behaviour is that OB theories should never be used to question

or rebuild one's mental models.

True False

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational behaviour knowledge helps us influence people and organizational events.

True False

7.Evidence indicates that applying organizational behaviour knowledge tends to improve the organization's

financial performance.

True False

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational effectiveness,and not profitability,is considered the"ultimate dependent variable"in

organizational behaviour.

True False

9.Almost all organizational behaviour theories share an implicit or explicit objective of making

organizations more effective.

True False

10.The goal attainment definition of effectiveness focuses on whether the organization achieves its stated


True False

11.At present there is only one organizational behaviour perspective which adequately defines organizational


True False

12.The best organizational practices are those built on research suggesting that organizations are closed


True False

13.The open systems perspective emphasizes that organizations survive by adapting to changes in the

external environment.

True False

14.One problem with the open systems perspective is that it neglects to focus on how well the organization

operates internally.

True False

15.The most efficient companies are not necessarily the most effective ones.

True False

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational efficiency refers to the amount of outputs relative to inputs in the transformation


True False

17.As organizations grow,they tend to develop more subsystems and coordination among them become

more complex.

True False

18.Knowledge management develops an organization's capacity to acquire,share,use and store valuable


True False

19.Intellectual capital includes,among other things,the knowledge captured in an organization's systems and


True False

20.Intellectual capital represents the stock of knowledge held by an organization.

True False

21.Structural capital refers to buildings and other depreciable tangible assets.

True False

22.One of the fastest ways to acquire knowledge is to hire inpiduals or purchase entire companies that have

valued knowledge.

True False

23.Knowledge acquisition can only be achieved through formal education

True False

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational memory includes knowledge embedded in the organization's systems and structures.

True False

25.Successful organizations should never'unlearn'knowledge that they have previously gained,because all

knowledge is valuable.

True False

26.The high performance work practices perspective supports the idea that organizations should strive to

find"one best way"to do things.

True False

27.One criticism of the high performance work practices perspective is that it promotes shareholder and

customer satisfaction at the expense of employee well-being.

True False

28.Stakeholders are inpiduals,organizations,or other entities that affect,or are affected by the


True False

29.Values represent an inpidual's short term beliefs about what will happen in the future.

True False

30.Values guide our preferences and motivate our actions.

True False

31.Values are relatively stable,long-lasting beliefs about what is important in a variety of situations.

True False

32.The concept of values is an important aspect of the stakeholder perspective.

True False

33.Ethics refers to the study of moral principles or values that determine whether actions are right or wrong

and outcomes are good or bad.

True False

34.One reason why workplace values have become more important is that employees increasingly value

command-and-control direct supervision.

True False

35.One survey reported that most Canadian would choose to leave their current job for a more

environmentally friendly employer.

True False

36.The"triple bottom line"philosophy says that successful organizations focus on financial performance

three times more often than do less successful organizations.

True False

37.According to a recent survey,93percent of Canadians believe that corporate social responsibility is as

important to companies as profit and shareholder value.

True False

38.Task performance refers to goal-directed behaviours under the inpidual's control that support

organizational objectives.

True False

39.In most jobs,employees are evaluated on several performance dimensions.

True False

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational citizenship behaviours are usually described clearly in job descriptions.

True False

41.Employees are more likely to engage in organizational citizenship behaviours if these are outlined in their

formal job duties.

True False

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational citizenship is less likely to occur in a work environment where high cooperation already


True False

43.Dark-side workplace behaviours are collectively known as counterfeit citizenship work behaviours


True False

44.Those who engage in counterproductive work behaviours do so voluntarily.

True False

45.Recent studies have found that counterproductive work behaviours have a very small negative effect on

organizational performance.

True False

46.Joining the organization is a type of work-related behaviour.

True False

47.Research has found that absenteeism is rarely,if ever,caused by situational factors.

True False

48.Sick leave policies affect the employee's motivation to attend work.

True False

49.Globalization may have both positive and negative implications for people working in organizations.

True False

50.Reduced job security and increased work intensification may be partly caused by globalization.

True False

51.Surface-level persity refers to observable demographic and other overt differences in people.

True False

52.Workforce persity does not consider the differences in psychological characteristics of employees.

True False

53.Research indicates that baby boomers and Generation-X employees bring the same values and

expectations to the workplace.

True False

54.Workforce persity potentially improves decision making and team performance on complex tasks.

True False

55.When we describe multiculturalism we are primarily referring to surface-level persity.

True False

56.Teams with perse members usually take longer to perform effectively.

True False

57.The emerging employment relationship in Canada is that people must give up their legal rights regarding

employment discrimination in return for long-term employment.

True False

58.One employment relationship trend is the focus away from work/life balance and virtual work,because of

the extra stress these place on workers.

True False

59.Some researches suggest that telecommuting potentially reduces employee stress.

True False

60.Work/life balance refers to the length of time one remains in the workforce during one's lifetime.

True False

61.Teleworking forces employers to evaluate employee performance based on'face time'rather than work


True False

62.Successful teleworkers tend to be self-motivated and are able to fulfill their social needs outside of the

work context.

True False

63.In virtual work,employees rely on information technology to perform jobs away from the traditional


True False

64.Telecommuting is the most common form of virtual work.

True False

65.Most organizational behaviour theories have been developed by OB scholars rather than from other


True False

66.Psychology and sociology have contributed many theories and concepts to the field of organizational


True False

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309emunications,marketing,and information systems are three emerging fields from which

organizational behaviour is now acquiring knowledge.

True False

68.Sociology is one of the few disciplines that has not made any contribution to organizational behaviour


True False

69.The field of organizational behaviour relies on common sense to understand organizational


True False

70.The contingency anchor in organizational behaviour suggests that a particular action may have different

consequences in different situations.

True False

71.Most organizational events may be studied from all three levels of analysis:inpidual,team and


True False

72.Which of these statements about the field of organizational behaviour is FALSE?

A . Organizational behaviour scholars study inpidual,team and structural characteristics that influence behaviour within organizations.

B.Leadership,communication and other organizational behaviour topics were not discussed by scholars

until the1940s.

C. Organizational behaviour emerged as a distinct field around the1940s.

D. The field of OB has adopted concepts and theories from other fields of inquiry.

E. OB scholars study what people think,feel and do in and around organizations.

73.Which of these statements about the field of organizational behaviour is TRUE?

A. Organizational behaviour emerged as a distinct field during the1980s.

B.The origins of some organizational behaviour concepts date back to Plato and other Greek


C. Information technology has almost no effect on organizational behaviour.

D.The field of organizational behaviour relies exclusively on ideas generated within the field by

organizational behaviour scholars.

E. The origins of organizational behaviour are traced mainly to the field of economics.

74.In the field of organizational behaviour,organizations are best described as:

A. legal entities that must abide by government regulations and pay taxes.

B. physical structures with observable capital equipment.

C. social entities with a publicly stated set of formal goals.

D. groups of people who work interdependently towards some purpose.

E. any social entity with profit-centred motives and objectives.

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational behaviour knowledge:

A. originates mainly from models developed in chemistry and other natural sciences.

B. accurately predicts how anyone will behave in any situation.

C. is more appropriate for people who work in computer science than in marketing.

D. helps us to understand and influence the behaviours of others in organizational settings.

E. None of the answers apply.

76.According to the author of Canadian Organizational Behaviour,organizational behaviour knowledge:

A. should never be used to influence the behaviour of other people.

B. should be used mostly by managers and senior executives.

C. should never replace your commonsense knowledge about how organizations work.

D. is relevant to everyone who works in organizations.

E.should never be used to influence the behaviour of other people and should be used mostly by

managers and senior executives.

77.Which of the following perspective is consistent with the concept of organizational effectiveness?

A. Open systems perspective

B. Organizational learning perspective

C. High performance work practices perspective

D. Stakeholder perspective

E. All the answers are correct.

78.Which of the following is included in the open systems perspective of organizations?

A. Inputs

B. Subsystems

C. Outputs

D. Feedback from the environment

E. All of the answers are correct.

79.The open systems perspective of organizational behaviour states that:

A. organizations take their sustenance from the environment and in turn affect that environment.

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizations can operate efficiently by focussing on what they do best and ignoring changes in the

external environment.

C. people are the only important and valued organizational input.

D. organizations should be viewed as machines with one working part.

E. All of the answers are correct.

80.ACME Software Ltd has developed a training program to make employees more aware of how their job

performance affects customers and other employees within the organization.This training program relates most closely with which of the following concepts?

A. Contingency anchor

B. Grounded theory

C. Open systems perspective

D. Marketing principles

E. Organizational efficiency

81.Which organizational behaviour perspective discusses inputs,outputs and feedback?

A. Mechanistic perspective

B. Open systems perspective

C. Goal-attainment perspective

D. Organizational learning perspective

E. Stakeholder perspective

82.Which of the following relates to the perspective that organizations are open systems?

A. The organization adjusts its services to satisfy changing consumer demand.

B . The organization finds a substitute resource in anticipation of a future shortage of the resource previously used to manufacture the product.

C.Production and sales employees coordinate their work activities to provide a more efficient work


D. The organization changes its products to suit customer needs.

E. All of the answers are correct.

83.The amount of outputs relative to inputs in the organization's transformation process is referred to as:

A. organizational efficiency

B. organizational effectiveness

C. organizational deficiency

D. transformational quotient

E. organizational footprint

84.Knowledge management is an extension of:

A. traditional accounting methods of measuring corporate assets.

B. the organizational learning perspective of organizational behaviour.

C. microeconomic principles of supply and demand.

D. the efficiency model of industrial engineering.

E. None of the answers apply.

85.Intellectual capital refers to:

A. how much money an organization spends on training and development.

B. the stock of knowledge that resides in an organization.

C. the percentage of information available that is actually used productively by the organization.

D. the total cost of computers and other'intelligent'machines in the organization.

E. the cost of hiring a typical employee.

86.Intellectual capital consists of:

A. knowledge that employees possess and generate.

B. the knowledge captured in an organization's systems and structures.

C. the value of the organization's relationship with customers.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E.knowledge that employees possess and generate and the knowledge captured in an organization's

systems and structures.

87.A computer maintenance company wants to'capture'the knowledge that employees carry around in

their heads by creating a database where employees document their solutions to unusual maintenance problems.This practice tries to:

A. transform intellectual capital into knowledge management.

B. transfer human capital into structural capital.

C. prevent relationship capital from interfering with human capital.

D. reduce the amount of human capital.

E. transfer structural capital into relationship capital.

88.The organizational learning perspective states that an organizations'effectiveness depends on:

A. extracting information and ideas from the external environment and through experimentation.

B. ensuring that knowledge is shared throughout the organization.

C. ensuring that employees effectively use the knowledge available to them.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E . ensuring that knowledge is shared throughout the organization and ensuring that employees effectively use the knowledge available to them.

89.Which of the following is a form of knowledge acquisition?

A. Hiring job applicants.

B. Research and development.

C. Information sessions where employees describe to colleagues unique incidents involving customers.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E. Hiring job applicants and research and development.

90.Which of the following is an example of knowledge acquisition?

A. Surveying employees about their attitudes towards recent corporate changes.

B. Developing a training program for employees to learn the latest software for their jobs.

C. Encouraging employees to share their knowledge with co-workers.

D. Hiring people who bring valuable knowledge that is not available from current employees.

E. All of the answers are examples of knowledge acquisition.

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational memory refers to:

A. its ability to hire more people with good memorization skills.

B. its level of current knowledge so it can bring in new knowledge from the environment.

C. its storage and preservation of intellectual capital.

D. its ability to unlearn knowledge.

E. its ability to conduct memorable work.

92.A technology company wants to move into the field of wireless communications.Unfortunately,few of

its employees know enough about the basic technology to acquire emerging knowledge about that field or to launch a separate business unit to enter that market.With respect to learning about wireless technology knowledge,this organization has:

A. too much structural capital.

B. low organizational memory.

C. high human capital but low relationship capital.

D. too much of an open system.

E. low human capital.

93.As part of the knowledge management process,experimentation mainly affects:

A. measuring intellectual capital

B. knowledge acquisition

C. organizational memory

D. knowledge sharing

E. unlearning

94.Eastern University performs a daily computer search through newspaper articles to identify any articles

about the university or its faculty members.University administrators use this information to receive feedback about how the public reacts to university activities.In knowledge management,searching for newspaper articles and other external writing about the organization is mainly a form of:

A. knowledge acquisition

B. communities of practice

C. organizational unlearning

D. knowledge sharing

E. documentation

95.Twice each year,a major car parts manufacturer brings together production and engineering specialists

from its eight pisions to discuss ideas,solutions and concerns.This helps to minimize the'silos of knowledge'problem that exists in many organizations.This practice is primarily an example of:

A. relationship capital

B. experimentation

C. knowledge sharing

D. documentation

E. organizational unlearning

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational memory is best described as:

A. the total terabytes of hard disk space available on computers throughout an organization.

B.the ability of senior executives to recall important information about the company's products,services

and employees.

C. the storage and preservation of intellectual capital within an organization.

D.the ability of employees throughout the organization to recall important information about the

company's products and services.

E.the extent to which potential customers are able to recall specific products and services provided by an


886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizations can retain intellectual capital by:

A. transferring human capital into structural capital.

B. encouraging employees to take early retirement.

C. discouraging employees from communicating with each other.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers apply.

98.Which of the following typically results in a loss of organizational memory?

A. The processes used to make a unique product are incorrectly documented.

B. The company lays off nearly one-quarter of its workforce.

C. The company sells one of its pisions(including employees in that pision)to another organization.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers apply.

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizations should'unlearn':

A. in many situations involving organizational change.

B. whenever new knowledge is brought into the organization.

C.whenever the organization shifts from communities of practice to experimentation in the knowledge

acquisition process.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers apply.

100.The relatively new field of research that has emerged with the objective of identifying internal systems and structures that are associated with successful companies is called:

A. the organizational behaviour systems perspective.

B. the comparative organizations perspective.

C. the organizational learning perspective.

D. the organizational effectiveness perspective.

E. the high performance work practices perspective.

101.Which of the following best describes the high performance work practices perspective?

A. Organizations that want to be effective should strive for"one best practice"strategy.

B. A particular action may have different consequences depending on the situation.

C.All organizations should be viewed as being made up of many different parts which contribute to high


D.Effective organizations incorporate several workplace practices that leverage the potential of human


E. All of these are correct.

102.Two of the most widely mentioned high-performance work practices in organizational behaviour are:

A. effective recruitment and hiring practices.

B. ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility.

C. avoiding counterproductive work behaviours and increasing workforce persity.

D. minimizing political behaviours and encouraging cooperation among organizational members.

E. increasing employee involvement and job autonomy.

103.Which of the following is NOT a concern expressed with respect to high performance work practices (HPWP)perspective?

A. HPWPs increase work stress for employees.

B.Even when HPWPs are successful,management is reluctant to share the financial benefits with


C. The HPWP perspective lacks theoretical understanding of why such practices improve performance.

D. HPWPs satisfy shareholder and customer needs at the expense of employee well-being.

E. The HPWP perspective fails to consider the impact of such practices on the environment and society. 104.Stakeholders include:

A. shareholders

B. employees

C. suppliers

D. governments

E. All of the answers are correct.

105.Employees,suppliers and governments:

A. are organizational stakeholders.

B. are rarely considered in organizational behaviour theories.

C. represent the three levels of analysis in organizational behaviour.

D. are excluded from the open systems anchor.

E. All of the answers are correct.

106.Stable,long-lasting beliefs about what is important in a variety of situations are:

A. called intellectual capital.

B. the foundations of the open systems anchor.

C. the main reason why organizations fail to adapt.

D. rarely studied in the field of organizational behaviour.

E. called values.

107.Values have become more important in organizational behaviour because of:

A. increased demand for corporate social responsibility.

B. increased pressure on organizations to engage in ethical practices.

C. direct supervision is expensive and incompatible to today's workforce.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E. None of the answers apply.

108.The topic of ethics is most closely associated with:

A. workplace values.

B. the scientific method.

C. workforce persity.

D. the open systems anchor.

E. the contingency approach to organizational behaviour.

109.Corporate social responsibility is most closely related to which of these organizational behaviour trends?

A. Workforce persity.

B. Employment relationships.

C. Virtual work.

D. Globalization.

E. Workplace values and ethics.

110.The triple bottom line philosophy says that:

A. companies should pay three times more attention to profits than to employee wellbeing.

B.the main goal of all companies is to satisfy the needs of three groups:employees,shareholders,and


C. business success increases by having three times more contingent workers than permanent employees.

D. companies should pay attention to local,national,and global customers.

E. companies should try to support the economic,social,and environmental spheres of sustainability. 111.Which of the following concept is most closely associated with corporate social responsibility?

A. knowledge management

B. sociological theories

C. entrepreneurship

D. open systems perspective

E. triple bottom line philosophy

112.Which of these statements about corporate social responsibility(CSR)is FALSE?

A. Most companies now publicly report on their CSR practices.

B. CSR emphasizes the economic,social,and environmental spheres of sustainability.

C. Most Canadians expect companies to engage in CSR.

D. CSR is closely related to the topics of values and ethics.

E.An organization's perceived level of CSR influences whether people apply for work with that


113.Which of the following is NOT a work-related behaviour?

A. Competencies

B. Absenteeism

C. Joining the organization

D. Showing up for work at scheduled times

E. Performing required tasks

114.Which of the following refers to goal-directed activities under the inpidual's control that support organizational objectives?

A. Competencies

B. Task performance

C. Aptitudes

D. Direction

E. Motivation

115.Which of the following would be considered a work-related behaviour?

A. Completing required job duties above the minimum performance standard.

B. Showing up for work at scheduled times.

C. Accepting the organization's offer of employment.

D. Helping a co-worker even though it isn't part of your job.

E. All of the answers are correct.

116.Which of the following statements about task performance is FALSE?

A. Employees are evaluated against a performance standard.

B. Task performance refers to goal-directed activities under the inpidual's control.

C. Employees are almost always evaluated on just one performance dimension.

D. Employees are expected to perform their work above a minimum acceptable level.

E. Each performance dimension requires specific skills and knowledge.

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309eanizational citizenship refers to:

A. the employee's right to vote for the company president.

B. employee behaviours that extend beyond normal job duties.

C. the organization's obligations to society.

D. the organization's attachment to a particular country rather than being a global entity.

E.the organization's obligations to society and the organization's attachment to a particular country rather

than being a global entity

118.Employee behaviours that extend beyond normal job duties:

A. should be discouraged by organizational leaders.

B. are usually performed by people with low conscientiousness.

C. are the most important characteristics of people with an external locus of control.

D. are common in small businesses but never occur in large firms.

E. are called organizational citizenship.

119.Sabotage,threatening harm,and insulting others represent:

A. three forms of counterproductive work behaviours.

B. the most common forms of organizational citizenship.

C. three dimensions of Schwartz's values model.

D. evidence of people with an introverted personality.

E. behaviours that are no longer found in organizations.

120.Which of the following is considered counterproductive work behaviour:

A. Insulting others.

B. Theft

C. Deliberately performing work incorrectly so the organization suffers a loss.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E. Theft and deliberating performing work incorrectly so the organization suffers a loss.

121.Generous sick leave policies are known to:

A. increase employee lateness

B. improve organizational citizenship

C. increase absenteeism

D. increase voluntary turnover

E. increase absenteeism and increase voluntary turnover

122.Which of these statements about globalization and organizational behaviour is TRUE?

A. Globalization has little or no effect on organizational behaviour.

B. Globalization has forced organizational behaviour researchers to study only large multinational businesses.

C. Globalization emphasizes the need to recognize the contingencies of effective organizational behaviour practice in perse cultures.

D. Globalization has forced organizational behaviour textbooks to study only companies with

headquarters in North America.

E . Globalization has forced organizational behaviour researchers to study only large multinational

businesses and forced organizational behaviour textbooks to study only companies with headquarters in North America.

123.Globalization occurs when an organization:

A. actively participates in other countries and cultures.

B. serves perse customers within the firm's home country.

C. has a perse workforce within the firm's home country.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E. serves perse customers within the firm's home country

124.Workforce persity:

A. includes the entry of younger people to the workforce.

B. can potentially improve decision making and team performance in organizations.

C. is increasing in Canada.

D. includes the increasing proportion of visible minorities in the workforce.

E. All of the answers are correct.

125.Which of the following is considered surface-level persity?

A. Physical qualities.

B. Gender.

C. Ethnicity.

D. Age

E. All of the answers are correct.

126.Personality,beliefs,values,and attitudes are:

A. secondary categories of workforce persity.

B. primary categories of workforce persity.

C. categories of deep-level workforce persity.

D. not considered categories of persity

E. a result of generational psychometrics.

127.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Canada is becoming a more homogeneous society.

B. Deep-level persity includes characteristics over which we have some control.

C. Most Canadians believe that the government should disband multiculturalism.

D. Diversity offers tremendous advantages to organizations with almost no disadvantages.

E. Nearly one-half of all immigrants to Canada over the past decade were born in the United States.

128.Which of the following statements about Canada's population and workforce is FALSE?

A. More than half of immigrants to Canada over the past decade were born in Europe.

B. The participation of visible minorities in the workforce has increased over the past few decades.

C.Generation-X employees bring somewhat different needs and expectations to the workplace than their

baby-boomer counterparts.

D. Canada is becoming a more multicultural society.

E. Workforce persity presents both opportunities and challenges to organizations.

129.Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A . Employment relationships are shifting towards the idea that companies must provide employees a high degree of job security,possibly even a job for life.

B.Generation-X employees bring somewhat different values and needs to the workplace than those of

baby boomers.

C. The workforce is becoming more perse.

D.Successful firms increasingly rely on values rather than direct supervision to guide employee decisions

and behaviour.

E. More work/life balance is an emerging issue in the employment relationship.

130.Virtual work:

A. is more common in Canada than in the United States.

B . occurs when job applicants are asked to pretend they are performing the job in the interview setting in order to determine their ability to perform that work.

C. tends to improve an employee's social involvement in the organization.

D. can potentially reduce employee stress.

E. None of the answers apply.

131.What effect does teleworking have in the workplace?

A. Teleworking tends to improve the teleworker's work/life balance.

B.Teleworking forces corporate leaders to evaluate employees more from their work results rather than

their'face time'.

C. Under some circumstances,teleworking increases the teleworker's productivity.

D. Teleworking increases the risk that employees feel socially isolated from each other.

E. All of the answers are correct.

132.Which of the following is NOT a conceptual anchor in organizational behaviour?

A. Contingency anchor

B. Systematic research

C. Organizational effectiveness anchor

D. Multidisciplinary anchor

E. Multiple levels of analysis anchor

133.Which of the following does NOT represent a belief that anchors organizational behaviour?

A. OB should view organizations as closed systems.

B. OB should assume that the effectiveness of an action usually depends on the situation.

C. OB should draw on knowledge from other disciplines.

D. OB should rely on the systematic research methods to generate knowledge.

E. OB topics can be studied from multiple levels of analysis.

134.Which of the following statements about the field of organizational behaviour is FALSE?

A. OB is the study of what people think,feel and do in and around organizations.

B. OB emerged as a distinct field of inquiry in the1940s.

C. OB is a self-contained discipline,independent of other disciplines.

D. OB theories are usually tested using the scientific method.

E. Many OB theories are contingency-oriented.

135.Which of these statements is consistent with the four anchors of organizational behaviour?

A. Organizational behaviour theories must apply universally to every situation.

B. Organizations are like machines that operate independently of their external environment.

C. Each OB topic relates to only one level of analysis.

D.The field of organizational behaviour should rely on other disciplines for some of its theory


E. None of these statements is consistent with the OB anchors.

136.Which discipline has provided organizational behaviour with much of its theoretical foundation for team dynamics,organizational power and organizational socialization?

A. Sociology

B. Psychology

C. Economics

D. Industrial engineering

E. Political science

137.Which of the following is identified as an emerging field from which organizational behaviour is acquiring new knowledge?

A. Industrial engineering

B. Information systems

C. Anthropology

D. Economics

E. Psychology

138.To form research questions,collect data,and test hypotheses against those data organizational behaviour scholars rely on:

A. systematic research.

B. closed systems theory.

C. grounded theory.

D. All of the answers are correct.

E. contingency theory.

139.Which of the following is NOT and anchor of organizational behaviour?

A. Contingency anchor

B. Open systems anchor

C. Multidisciplinary anchor

D. Systematic research anchor

E. Multiple levels of analysis anchor

140.The contingency anchor of organizational behaviour states that:

A. we should have a second OB theory to explain the situation in case our first choice doesn't work.

B. OB theories must view organizations as systems that need to adapt to their environments.

C. there is usually one best way to resolve organizational problems.

D. a particular action may have different consequences in different situations.

E. All of the answers are correct.

141.According to the multiple levels of analysis anchor:

A . organizational behaviour is mainly the study of how all levels of the organizational hierarchy interact with the external environment.

B. OB topics typically relate to the inpidual,team and organizational levels of analysis.

C. there are eight levels of analysis that scholars should recognize when conducting OB research.

D. organizational events can be studied from only one level of analysis.

E.Our understanding of organizational behaviour increases with the level of mathematical analysis applied to create the models.

142.Which of the following is one of the most entrenched views of organizations in organizational behaviour?

A. non-systems.

B. a single unitary subsystem.

C. open systems.

D. closed systems.

E. None of the answers apply.

143.Marketing specialists at Napanee Beer Co.developed a new advertising campaign for summer sales.The ads were particularly aimed at sports events where Napanee Beer sold kegs of beer on tap.The marketing group worked for months with a top advertising firm on the campaign.Their effort was successful in terms of significantly higher demand for Napanee Beer's keg beer at sports stadiums.However,the

production department had not been notified of the marketing campaign and was not prepared for the increased demand.The company was forced to buy empty kegs at a premium price.It also had to brew some of the lower-priced keg beer in vats that would have been used for higher-priced specialty beer.

The result was that Napanee Beer sold more of the lower-priced keg beer and less of the higher-priced products that summer.Moreover,the company could not initially fill consumer demand for the keg

beer,resulting in customer 886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309ee open system perspective to explain what has occurred at Napanee Beer Co.

144.Senior officers in a national military organization decided that operations in supplies requisition were inefficient and costly.They brought in consultants who recommended that the entire requisition process be'reengineered'.This involved throwing out the old practices and developing an entirely new set of work activities around workflow.However,contrary to expectations,this intervention resulted in lower productivity,higher employee turnover and other adverse outcomes.Discuss likely problems with the intervention in terms of open systems perspective.

145.An aircraft manufacturing company developed a computer simulation representing the very complex processes and subgroups that create an airplane.Teams of production employees would participate in a game where trainers gave them the challenge of reducing costs or minimizing space using the simulation.

As the trainers predicted,the team's actions would almost always result in unexpected consequences.

Explain how this simulation relates to the open systems perspective of organizational behaviour.

146.WindTunnel Ltd,a manufacturer of commercial vacuum cleaner systems,has heard about new computer-based technologies that help vacuum cleaner systems to work more efficiently and provide additional features to users.So far,only one British vacuum cleaner company has apparently moved to integrate this technology into its products,but more firms will soon follow.Senior executives at WindTunnel are also aware of a small engineering firm that has applied similar computer technology to military suction-like products.No one at WindTunnel has much experience or knowledge with this computer technology,yet the company needs such expertise quickly.Explain which knowledge acquisition strategy would best help WindTunnel to gain the necessary intellectual capital.

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309ement on the accuracy of the following statement:'Without employees,an organization has no organizational memory.'

148.A courier service laid off a large percentage of its production staff during last year's recession.These low-skilled employees performed routine tasks filling orders.The company now wants to rehire them.

However,most of the unskilled employees have since found employment in other companies and

industries.Do you think the courier company lost much organizational memory in this situation?Explain your answer.

886ba9d676eeaeaad1f3309ement on the accuracy of the following statement:'An important objective in knowledge management is to ensure that intellectual capital is stored and preserved.'

150.The high performance work practices(HPWP)perspective holds that effective organizations incorporate several workplace practices to harness the potential of human capital.What common activities do high performance organizations practice?

151.Many organizations are placing increasing importance on values and ethics in the workplace.Discuss two reasons why workplace values have become more important in recent years.Your answer should briefly define values,and ethics.

152.Contrast organizational citizenship behaviour with task performance.

153.Explain why you agree or disagree with the following statement:Hiring and keeping talented employees is the most important task for managers.

154.The changing workforce is one of the emerging trends in organizational behaviour.Describe how the workforce is changing and briefly identify two consequences of these changes for organizations. 155.Virtual work has been identified as an important trend in organizational behaviour.Discuss three organizational behaviour topics that are influenced by virtual work.

156.Two organizational behaviour students are debating the idea that many OB theories are contingency-oriented.One student believes that every OB theory should be contingency-oriented.The other student disagrees,saying that most theories should try to be universal.Evaluate both positions and provide your opinion on this issue.


1. (p. 2)Scholars have been studying organizational behaviour since the days of Greek philosophers. TRUE



2. (p. 2)In order for something to be called an organization it must have buildings and equipment. FALSE



3. (p. 2)All organizations have a collective sense of purpose.




4. (p. 2)Social entities are called organizations only when their members work interdependently toward some purpose.




5. (p. 3)An important principle in organizational behaviour is that OB theories should never be used to question or rebuild one's mental models.




6. (p. 3)Organizational behaviour knowledge helps us influence people and organizational events. TRUE



7. (p. 3)Evidence indicates that applying organizational behaviour knowledge tends to improve the organization's financial performance.




8. (p. 3)Organizational effectiveness,and not profitability,is considered the"ultimate dependent variable"in organizational behaviour.




9. (p. 3)Almost all organizational behaviour theories share an implicit or explicit objective of making organizations more effective.




10. (p. 4)The goal attainment definition of effectiveness focuses on whether the organization achieves its stated goals.




11. (p. 4)At present there is only one organizational behaviour perspective which adequately defines organizational effectiveness.




12. (p. 4)The best organizational practices are those built on research suggesting that organizations are closed systems.




13. (p. 4)The open systems perspective emphasizes that organizations survive by adapting to changes in the external environment.




14. (p. 4)One problem with the open systems perspective is that it neglects to focus on how well the organization operates internally.




15. (p. 5)The most efficient companies are not necessarily the most effective ones.




16. (p. 5)Organizational efficiency refers to the amount of outputs relative to inputs in the transformation process.




17. (p. 5)As organizations grow,they tend to develop more subsystems and coordination among them become more complex.




18. (p. 6)Knowledge management develops an organization's capacity to acquire,share,use and store valuable knowledge.




19. (p. 6)Intellectual capital includes,among other things,the knowledge captured in an organization's systems and structures.




20. (p. 6)Intellectual capital represents the stock of knowledge held by an organization.




21. (p. 6)Structural capital refers to buildings and other depreciable tangible assets.




22. (p. 6)One of the fastest ways to acquire knowledge is to hire inpiduals or purchase entire companies that have valued knowledge.




23. (p. 6)Knowledge acquisition can only be achieved through formal education




24. (p. 6)Organizational memory includes knowledge embedded in the organization's systems and structures.




25. (p. 7)Successful organizations should never'unlearn'knowledge that they have previously gained,because all knowledge is valuable.




26. (p. 7)The high performance work practices perspective supports the idea that organizations should strive to find"one best way"to do things.




27. (p. 8)One criticism of the high performance work practices perspective is that it promotes shareholder and customer satisfaction at the expense of employee well-being.




28. (p. 8)Stakeholders are inpiduals,organizations,or other entities that affect,or are affected by the organization.




29. (p. 9)Values represent an inpidual's short term beliefs about what will happen in the future. FALSE



30. (p. 9)Values guide our preferences and motivate our actions.




31. (p. 9)Values are relatively stable,long-lasting beliefs about what is important in a variety of situations. TRUE



32. (p. 9)The concept of values is an important aspect of the stakeholder perspective.




33. (p. 10)Ethics refers to the study of moral principles or values that determine whether actions are right or wrong and outcomes are good or bad.




34. (p. 10)One reason why workplace values have become more important is that employees increasingly value command-and-control direct supervision.




35. (p. 10)One survey reported that most Canadian would choose to leave their current job for a more environmentally friendly employer.




