BEC 自我介绍something

更新时间:2024-05-18 00:35:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Interlocuter: Good morning. My name is X, and this is my colleague, Y. And your names are A and B? A: Yeah. B: Yeah.

I: Thank you. Now, first of all, we’d like to know something about each of you. Ms A, can you tell me a bit about yourself.

A. My pleasure. As you know, my name is Tingting Zou. I’m from Zhejiang Province. I’m now studying in Jiaxing University. And I’m majoring in English. I: Thank you. Ms A. Now Ms B, can you tell me something about your ambitions?

B: Yes, I am now a student with Jiaxing University majoring in English . I hope I can get my bachelor degree and join a world famous multinational company. I: Thank you, Ms B. And Ms A, could you tell me about your ambitions?

A: A big question for me indeed. I’ve never thought about it, but I bet I’ll work towards a CEO of a big multinational corporation. That’s my goal in life. And that’s why I am spending so much time on English, business English in particular.. I: Mr. A, you say you’re spending a lot of time on business English. Do you think business English is difficult to learn?

A: Not exactly, though it may be difficult at the initial stage. The thing is that you need to have some business knowledge before you start to learn business English. I: How about you, Ms B? Is it difficult for you?

B: Not really. You know, I like English very much, and my major is business administration. So I have always found business English very interesting.

