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题目: 三维测头数据采集模板的设计

院 系: 机电工程学院 学科专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化


摘 要






Design of Data acquisition board for 3D probe


CNC Gear Measuring Center is precision measurement instruments which invented by my university and business development, the use of coordinate measuring principle, can be a variety of types of parts for automatic measurement and accuracy assessment. As a result of technological development, three-dimensional measurement and ac servo motor used in the first gear measuring center has become the mainstream. In order to maintain the advantages of this project, now carried out the work of the use of three-dimensional simulation in CNC Gear Measurement Center Measuring, the contents of this issue is designing three-dimensional probe template corresponding data acquisition.

Data acquisition channels based on the ISA BUS was designed. The ISA BUS order was carried out by Decoding circuit. Under the control of ISA BUS order, Analog signals from Analogue gauge head will be converted into digital signal by A/D converter, and then the task of measuring was completed. A operating circuit of data acquisition board and a PCB was designed according to the conversion timing sequence of A/D converter by the Protel 99se software.The Z axis was designed by analyzing the structure of CNC gear survey center , choosig reasonable ballscrew pairs and electric motor and calculating the rigidity of system.

The collect of signal of 3D Analogue probe was operated exactly by the designed circuit. The layout of machine part and the rigidity of system satisfied to the requirement of Z axis of CNC gear survey center.

Key word: CNC Gear Measuring Center; A/D converter ;ISA BUS;drive system


目 录

中文摘要 .......................................... I 英文摘要 ......................................... II 主要符号表 ........................................ 1 1 绪论............................................ 1

1.1前言......................................................... 1 1.2 CNC齿轮测量测量中心国内外相关研究情况....................... 1 1.3课题的目的及意义............................................. 2 1.4课题研究的内容............................................... 3

2 硬件电路设计 ..................................... 4

2.1方案设计..................................................... 4 2.2电路设计....................................错误!未定义书签。 2.2.1 AD转换器选择.............................错误!未定义书签。

2.2.2数据缓冲器和寄存器的选择 ..............错误!未定义书签。 2.2.3参考电源的选择 ........................错误!未定义书签。 2.2.4晶振的选择 ............................错误!未定义书签。 2.2.5运放的选择 ............................错误!未定义书签。 2.2.6接口电路的设计 ........................错误!未定义书签。 2.2.7电路原理图 ............................错误!未定义书签。 2.3 PCB版图设计................................错误!未定义书签。

2.3.1电器规则检查(ERC) ...................错误!未定义书签。 2.3.2 生成网络表............................错误!未定义书签。 2.3.3 导入网络表............................错误!未定义书签。

3 CNC齿轮测量中心Z轴传动系统设计 ..... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2 CNC齿轮测量中心Z轴机械结构总体方案的确定错误!未定义书签。 3.2.1配重的计算 ............................错误!未定义书签。


3.2.2传动系统的选定及计算 ..................错误!未定义书签。 3.2.3电机的选定及计算 ......................错误!未定义书签。 3.2.4导轨的选定 ............................错误!未定义书签。 3.3 Z轴机械结构图 ..........................错误!未定义书签。

结 论............................. 错误!未定义书签。 致 谢........................................... 29 参考文献 ......................................... 30 附录1??????????????????? 硬件电路原理图 附录2???????????????????????PCB版图 附录3??????????????????? 机械机构图


