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本试卷分为A卷(100分)、B卷(50分),全卷共10页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 A卷 (选择题 共四部分 满分100分) 第一部分 听力(共三节,满分25分)



1. A. Yes, it’s Xichang.

B. It’s my hometown, Xichang. C. I love Xichang.

C. Certainly. Anything else? C. Thanks a lot.

C. Sorry. I won't be late

2. A. Sure. What are they? B. Yes. You ask. 3. A. I’m sorry.

B. I think so.

4. A. It doesn’t matter. again.

5. A. Thank you.

B. Nothing serious.

B. Happy New Year! C. No, thanks.



6. What is Linda using while eating now?

7. What was the weather like yesterday?

8. Where does the conversation most probably happen? A. In the office. B. In a shop. C. In the school. 9. Who likes the red color?

A. Bill. B. Kate. C. Both of them 10. What does the girl think of Amazing China? A. It's boring. B. It’s new. C. It's wonderful



听第一段材料,完成第1-13小题。 11. The boy wants to . A. paint a colorful kite B. make a kite himself C. ask his mother to make a kite 12. What is the boy's paper kite made of? A. paper, glue and sticks. B. silk, glue and sticks. C. paper, silk, glue and sticks.

13. The boy will know the way to make a kite by at last. A. asking for his mother B. searching for it on the Internet

C. painting some colorful drawings 听第二段材料,完成第14-16小题。 14. How did Scott go there? A. By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.

15. How long did Scott stay in Beijing according to the passage? A. For seven days. B. For six days. C. For five days.

16. Scott visited some places of interest in Beijing except . A. the Great Wall B. the Palace Museum C. the Bird’s Nest

听第三段材料,完成第17-19小题。 17. When is Molly’s birthday? A. On June 29th. B. On July 29th. C. On July 9th.

18. Julie will give to Molly as a birthday present. A. some books B. a CD C. a magazine

19. Why will Peter give Molly a cup for her birthday? A. Because he dropped her cup. B. Because that’s her favorite thing. C. Because it can play pop music. 听第四段材料,完成第20-22小题。 20. What's wrong with Laura? A. She has a headache.

B. She has a toothache. C. She has a stomachache

21. Which is the way to the hospital?

22. What is the girl doing while walking on the road? A. She is listening to music. B. She is reading a map. C. She is making a call.

第五段材料,完成第23-25小题。 23. Stephen Hawking is a great . A. scientist B. doctor C. actor

24. When Stephen Hawking died, he was years old. A. 21 B. 76 C. 42

25. What do we know about Stephen Hawking from the passage? A. Stephen Hawking was ill seriously when he was born.

B. Stephen Hawking stopped his research because he couldn't walk or speak any more. C. Stephen Hawking wrote many books and he educated the world with his universe knowledge.

第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节,满分47分)



26. ----Why don’t you play basketball with us?

----That’s not my cup of tea. I like reading at home better. A. It's good for me. B.I don' t want to drink tea. C. It's my favorite. D. It's not my favorite. 27. --- Can I swim in the river?

---No way. Look at the sign. It says No Swimming. A. It's possible. B. No door. C. It’s impossible. D. No problem.


28. boy in a black hat is my brother. He often plays chess with my friends. A. A; the B. The; / C. The; a D. A; /

29. Many foreigners came to our school last week, including three and four . A. German, American B. Germans. American C. Germans. Americans D. German, Americans

30. Our classes are over noon and then we go to have a rest 1:00 in the afternoon.

A. at; at B. in; in C. in; at D. at; in

31.---The picture of the Snowflake Boy has become very popular recently. ---Yeah, it receives Internet hits a day.

A. thousands of B. thousands C. hundred D. hundreds 32. Of all the subjects, chemistry seems to be for me.

A. difficult B. too difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult 33.--- I can’t find my English book. Have you seen ?

called Charles Dickens and William Thackeray were there, too. ▲ Services of library

Modern public libraries have something for everyone. Most of them have audio books, CDs, newspapers and DVDs as well as books to borrow. How to Join a Library

To join a library, go to your local library and fill in a form. You'll receive a library card which is needed when using library services. ▲ Mobile Libraries

Not everyone can get to a library. Some people live far away from towns and cities. Other people find it difficult to go out because they have an illness or a disability. Thanks to mobile libraries, these people can still borrow books.

The libraries are special. Unlike most libraries, which store books in buildings, mobile libraries usually keep their books in a mini-bus. The back of the mini-bus has shelves for the books, and it is big enough for borrowers to step inside and look around. a driver take the mini-bus to a certain place at a certain time, so people know when to expect it. They can return their books and borrow some more. All Aboard the Library!

A school in London didn't have space for a library inside the building. However, everybody agreed that it was still important to have a school library So, the head of the school, Graham Blake, decided to park an old bus on the school car park and change it into a library. Pupils helped to paint the bus, and after eight months, the new library was ready. Title Libraries in 96 A large selection of books and other resources can be used and borrowed by library members 97 Libraries for 98 . Edward Edwards was the first 99 of the first British public library. Most of the 101 public libraries have Library 100 audio books, CDs, newspapers and DVDs as well as books for everyone. If you want to join the library, you must get a Library 102 . Thanks to 103 libraries, those people who can't get to a library can still borrow books. 104 most libraries, a mini-bus with library books go to a certain place at a Special Libraries certain time. The school in London had to 105 its library on an old bus because the school didn’t have enough space inside the building. 第四节:书面表达(满分15分)

每个人生活中都要面对各种各样的困难。该怎样缓解自己的压力呢?请你以Less Pressure, Better life为题,根据下表内容写一篇演讲稿。 Stress 人们会因困难觉得失望,疲惫或者忧伤,承受着巨大的压力。 想一想你最喜欢的人或事。 改变你的想法。 而不是想那些麻烦。 听音乐、唱歌、锻炼等,这些Ways to relax 都能让你高兴起来。 你还可以这样做。 寻求帮助,和父母、老师或朋友多沟通。 耐心一点。其实困难也许并不可怕,压力可能并不严重。说My points 不定谁能帮到你,也说不定等等就好了。相信我们的生活会更美好。 要求:1.语言表达准确、连贯、通顺;2.短文应包括所有内容,可适当发挥,不要逐句翻译。3.词数80左右。文章开头、结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for your coming today. I'm very glad that all of you are full of hope for the future.

And yes, everyone has to face difficulties in his life. That’s all. Thank you.





1-5 BABCA 6-10 CABBC 11-15 BABCA 16-20 CBCAB 21-25 ACABC 26-30 DCBCA 31-35 ADDBC 36-40 ACABD 41-45 DACBA 46-50 BDBAC 51-55 BADDC 56-60 ACBCA 61-65 BDADD 66-70 CABDA 71-75 CDACB




76. clearly 77. treat 78.anything 79.harmful 80.university 评分标准:76-80小题,每题1分。见错不给分。 答案:

81.expressed 82.during 83.both 84.hours’ 85.to see 86.useful 87. soon 88. him. 89. hands 90. excitement 评分标准:81-90小题,每空1分。 答案: 91-95 EDAFC

评分标准:91-95小题,每空2分。 答案:

96. Britain 97.Public 98.free 99.librarian 100.Services 101. modern 102. card 103. Mobile 104.Unlike 105. build 评分标准:96-105小题,每空1分。 书面表达: 略

