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2010年11月11-12号 (译者谭福华)

Conviction n. [k?n'vik??n] 确信, 坚定的信仰 1. We, the Leaders of the G20, are united in our conviction that by working together we can secure a more prosperous future for the citizens of all countries. 我们20国集团领导人坚信,只有团结一致,我们可以为全世界各国人民确保一个更加繁荣的明天。 2. When we first gathered in November 2008 to address the most severe world recession our generation has ever confronted, we pledged to support and stabilize the global economy, and at the same time, to lay the foundation for reform, to ensure the world would never face such upheaval again.

Upheaval [?p'hiv?l] n. 突然的巨变;大动荡;大变动 2008年11月我们20国集团领导人第一次相聚应对我们这一代人面临的全球最严重的经济危机时,我们誓言要支持和稳定全球经济。与此同时,我们誓言要为全



3. Over the past four Summits, we have worked with unprecedented cooperation to break the dramatic fall in the global economy to establish the basis for recovery and renewed growth.


4. The concrete steps we have taken will help ensure we are better prepared to prevent and, if necessary, to withstand future crises. We pledge to continue our coordinated efforts and act together to generate strong, sustainable and balanced growth.


5. We recognize the importance of addressing the concerns of the most vulnerable. To this end, we are determined to put jobs at the heart of the recovery, to provide social protection, decent work and also to ensure


accelerated growth in low income countries (LICs). 我们一致认识到解决最弱势群体关心问题的重要性。为了这个目的,我们要把创造就业机会、提供社会保障和体面的工作摆在全球经济恢复工作的中心。我们也要确保低收入国家经济加速增长。

6. Our relentless and cooperative efforts over the last two years have delivered strong results. However, we must stay vigilant.

vigilant. ['v?d??l?nt] adj. 警惕的;警戒的;警觉的 deliver [di'liv?] 递送, 交付


7. Risks remain. Some of us are experiencing strong growth, while others face high levels of unemployment and sluggish recovery. Uneven growth and widening imbalances are fueling the temptation to diverge from global solutions into uncoordinated actions. However, uncoordinated policy actions will only lead to worse outcomes for all.

1. sluggish ['sl?g??] adj. 行动迟缓的, 不机警的, 不活泼的, 无精打采的

2. uncoordinated adj. 不协调


风险依然存在。部分二十国集团成员增长强劲,与此同时,另外一些成员则面对高失业率和疲弱复苏。不一致的增长水平和正在扩大的不平衡,导致一些国家欲从寻求全球解决方案转向各行其是。但是,未能协调的政策行动只能是全球经济形势继续恶化。 8. Since 2008, a common view of the challenges of the world economy, the necessary responses and our determination to resist protectionism has enabled us to both address the root causes of the crisis and safeguard the recovery. We are agreed today to develop our common view to meet these new challenges and a path to strong, sustainable and balanced growth beyond the crisis.

2008年以来,我们达成共识,共同应对全球经济挑战,我们一致认为抵制贸易保护主义的决心和必要行动是我们应对全球金融危机、确保经济复苏的根本原因。我们今天进一步扩大我们的共识,共同面对新的挑战,确保全球经济强势、可持续、平衡增长。 9. Today, the Seoul Summit delivers: the






comprehensive, cooperative and country-specific policy actions to move closer to our shared objective. The Plan


includes our commitment to: 今天首尔峰会倡议:


- undertake macroeconomic policies, including fiscal consolidation where necessary, to ensure ongoing recovery and sustainable growth and enhance the stability of financial markets, in particular moving toward more marketdetermined exchange rate systems, enhancing exchange rate flexibility to




fundamentals, and refraining from competitive devaluation of currencies. Advanced economies, including those with reserve currencies, will be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates. These actions will help mitigate the risk of excessive volatility in capitalflows facing some emerging countries; refrain [ri'frein] vt/vi 抑制; 克制; 戒除 refrain…from…

mitigate ['m?t,?ge?t] vt. 减轻, 缓和


volatility [v?l??tiliti] n. 挥发性,挥发 开始实施宏观经济政策,包括积极的财政政策确保目前处于恢复状态之中全球的经济形势、经济的可持续性增长、全球金融市场的稳定,特别是推动以市场为导向的汇率体制改革,建立灵活的能够反映基本经济面的汇率体制,克制货币的竞争性贬值。发达国家经济体包括外汇储备的国家要对汇率的过度和无序波动保持警惕。这些措施将有助于减轻新兴市场国家资本流动过度挥发的风险。

- implement a range of structural reforms that boost and sustain global demand, foster job creation, and increase the potential for growth; and enhance the Mutual Assessment Process (MAP) to promote external sustainability. We will strengthen multilateral cooperation to promote external sustainability and pursue the full range of policies conducive to reducing excessive imbalances and maintaining current account imbalances at sustainable levels. Persistently large imbalances, assessed against indicative guidelines to be agreed by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank


Governors, warrant an assessment of their nature and the root causes of impediments to adjustment as part of the MAP, recognizing the need to take into account national or regional circumstances, including large commodity producers. These indicative guidelines composed of a range of indicators would serve as a mechanism to facilitate timely identification of large imbalances that require preventive and corrective actions to be taken. To support our efforts toward meeting these commitments, we call on our Framework Working Group, with technical support from the IMF and other international organizations, to develop these indicative guidelines, with progress to be discussed by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in the first half of 2011; and, in Gyeongju, our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors called on the IMF to provide an assessment as part of the MAP on the progress toward external sustainability and the consistency of fiscal, monetary, financial sector, structural, exchange rate and other policies. In light of this,


the first such assessment, to be based on the above mentioned indicative guidelines, will be initiated and undertaken in due course under the French Presidency.

- 1. impediment [im'pedim?nt] n. 妨碍、阻碍某事物进展或活动的人或物

- 2. indicator ['?nd?,ke?t?] n. 指示物;指示者 - 3. Gyeongju 庆州(韩国)

- 4. warrant ['w?r?nt] n. 授权证; 许可证 vt 使…显得合理; 成为…的根据;保证, 担保 - 5. assessed against 与……背道而驰




- a modernized IMF that better reflects the changes







representation of dynamic emerging markets and developing countries. These comprehensive quota and governance reforms, as outlined in the Seoul Summit Document, will enhance the IMF’s legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness, making


it an even stronger institution for promoting global financial stability and growth.



- instruments to strengthen global financial safety

nets, which help countries cope with financial volatility by providing them with practical tools to overcome sudden reversals of international capital flows.

1. reversal .[r?'v?:s?l] n. 反向, 反转, 倒转 建立加强全球金融安全网机制,通过提供实效


- core elements of a new financial regulatory framework, including bank capital and liquidity standards, as well as measures to better regulate


and effectively resolve systemically important financial institutions, complemented by more effective oversight and supervision. This new framework, complemented by other achievements as outlined in the Seoul Summit Document, will ensure a more resilient financial system by reining in the past excesses of the financial sector and better serving the needs of our economies. 1. liquidity .[li'kwiditi] n. 流动性

2. resilient .[r?'z?lj?nt] adj. 能迅速恢复或重新振作的;达观的;适应性强的

3. reining .[ren] vi. 勒缰绳使(马)停步, 驾驭 核心是建立一个全新的金融监管框架,该框架涉及银行资本、资本流动性标准以及一些更好监控、更加有效系统地解决重要问题的金融机构。该框架与更有效的监视和监管互为补充。这种与《首尔峰会文献》纲要上其他成绩互为补充的新框架,能够通过监控过去金融业的盲目投资以及能够更好地满足我们经济的需求来确保一个适应性更强的金融体系。

- the Seoul Development Consensus for Shared Growth that sets out our commitment to work in


partnership with other developing countries, and LICs in particular, to help them build the capacity to achieve and maximize their growth potential, thereby contributing to global rebalancing. The Seoul Consensus complements our commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and focuses on concrete measures as summarized in our Multi-Year Action Plan on Development to make a tangible and significant difference in people’s lives, including in particular through the development of infrastructure in developing countries.

- 1. tangible ['t?nd??bl] adj. 明确的, 确凿的, 实际的





- the Financial Inclusion Action Plan, the Global

Partnership for Financial Inclusion and a flexible SME Finance Framework, all of which will significantly contribute to improving access to financial services and expanding opportunities for poor households and small and medium enterprises.



- our strong commitment to direct our negotiators to engage in across-the-board negotiations to promptly bring the Doha Development Round to a successful,




balanced conclusion consistent with the mandate of the Doha Development Round and built on the progress already achieved. We recognize that 2011 is a critical window of opportunity, albeit narrow, and that engagement among our representatives must intensify and expand. We now need to


complete the end game. Once such an outcome is reached, we commit to seek ratification, where necessary, in our respective systems. We are also committed to resisting all forms of protectionist measures.

1. 2. 3.

across-the-board 全面一致;全盘的 Doha Development Round 多哈发展回合 mandate [?m?n?de?t] n 授权,正式命令,任期

ratification [?r?t?f??ke???n] n. 正式批准;认可


多哈回合贸易谈判(Doha Round of World Trade Talks, or Doha Round negotionations)又称多哈发展议程,是世界贸易组织于2001年11月在卡塔尔首都多哈举行的世界贸易组织第四次部级会议中开始的新一轮多边贸易谈判。议程原定于2005年1月1日前全面结束谈判,但至2005年底为止仍未能达成协议,最终于2006年7月22日世界贸易组织总理事会的批准下正式中止。 我们郑重承诺让我们各国的谈判者们回到全面谈判的轨道上来,及使多哈发展议程结出胜利的、



10. We will continue to monitor and assess ongoing implementation of the commitments made today and in the past in a transparent and objective way. We hold ourselves accountable. What we promise, we will deliver.

Accountable .[?'kaunt?bl] adj. 负有责任的, 应对自己的行为做出说明的


11. Building on our achievements to date, we have agreed to work further on macroprudential policy frameworks; better reflect the perspective of emerging


market economies in financial regulatory reforms; strengthen regulation and oversight of shadow banking; further work on regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets; improve market integrity and efficiency; enhance consumer protection; pursue all outstanding governance reform issues at the IMF and World Bank; and build a more stable and resilient international monetary system, including by further strengthening global financial safety nets. We will also expand our MAP based on the indicative guidelines to be agreed.


shadow banking 影子银行,又称为影子金融体系或者影子银行系统(Shadow Banking system),是指房地产贷款被加工成有价证券,交易到资本市场,房地产业传统上由银行系统承担的融资功能逐渐被投资所替代,属于银行的证券化活动。影子银行是一种行使传统银行功能,但运作模式、交易方式、监管制度等都与传统银行完全不同的金融运作机制.影子银行以证券化的方式进行无限的信贷扩张.在这个过程中,其委托代理链无限拉长,从而使其风险无限放大.一旦链条中某个环节的风险暴露出来,影子银行的整个运作体系就会崩塌。



resilient [r?'z?lj?nt] adj. 有弹性的;有弹力的


12. To promote resilience, job creation and mitigate risks for development, we will prioritize action under the Seoul Consensus on addressing critical bottlenecks, including infrastructure deficits, food market volatility, and exclusion from financial services.


13. To provide broader, forward-looking leadership in the post-crisis economy, we will also continue our work


to prevent and tackle corruption through our Anti-Corruption Action Plan; rationalize and phase-out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies; mitigate excessive fossil fuel price volatility; safeguard the global marine environment; and combat the challenges of global climate change. 1. phase-out v 逐步淘汰, 取消停止 2. fossil fuel n 化石燃料


14. We reaffirm our resolute commitment to fight climate change, as reflected in the Leaders' Seoul Summit Document. We appreciate President Felipe Calderón’s briefing on the status of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations, as well as Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s briefing on the report of the High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing submitted to the UN Secretary-General. We


will spare no effort to reach a balanced and successful outcome in Cancun.

1. briefing n 简要指示,情况简介

2. Advisory adj. 劝告的,忠告的,警告的;提供咨询的

3. Cancun n 墨西哥 的旅游城市坎昆 我们重申罗列在《领导人首尔峰会文献》中确定的共同应对气候变化的坚定承诺。我们欣赏菲利普·卡尔德龙总统(墨西哥)关于《气候变化谈判--联合国框架协议》地位的简要指示以及总理梅莱斯·泽纳维(Ethiopia)关于隶属于联合国秘书长的“气候变化金融—高层顾问团”报告的简要指示。我们将在坎昆不遗余力地去结出一个平衡而又成功的硕果。

15. We welcome the Fourth UN LDC Summit in Turkey and the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Korea, both to be held in 2011.


16. Recognizing the importance of private sector-led growth and job creation, we welcome the Seoul G20 Business Summit and look forward to continuing the


G20 Business Summit in upcoming Summits.

在深刻认识到私有企业对经济增长和创造就业机会的重要性之后,我们欢迎首尔20国集团商务峰会并盼望商务峰会能够继续参加之后的20国集团领导人峰会。 17. The actions agreed today will help to further strengthen the global economy, accelerate job creation, ensure more stable financial markets, narrow the development gap and promote broadly shared growth beyond crisis.

我们今天统一的一致行动将有助于进一步加强全球经济复苏,增加就业机会,确保金融市场更稳定,缩小发展差距以及在危机过后使全范围共享发展成果。 18. We look forward to our next meeting in 2011 in France, and subsequent meeting in 2012 in Mexico. 我们盼望2011年在法国举行的20国集团领导人会议和之后2012在墨西哥举行的20国集团领导人会议。 19. We thank Korea for its G20 Presidency and for hosting the successful Seoul Summit.


20. The Seoul Summit Document, which we have agreed, follows.




