
更新时间:2023-05-03 21:55:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




A home science experiment recently took the world by storm. Two teens from Toronto, in Canada, sent a Lego man rising above the Earth and captured their tiny astronaut's trip on film.

Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad, both 17, used a weather balloon to launch their plastic lego model 16 miles above the Earth. This is inside a part of Earth's atmosphere.

The two teens were inspired by a similar project performed by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). The MIT students had launched a weather balloon with a camera into near space and taken many unusual images of the Earth. Mathew and Asad then spend four months figuring out how to launch their own spacecraft into the space.

Travelling to space is expensive for NASA, but Mathew and Asad worked hard to keep their costs down. They bought much of their equipment used and even sewed the Lego man's parachute by hand. In total, the project cost only$400.

"We had a lot of anxiety on launch day because there were high winds when we were going up," Mathew told reporters. They had to pump extra helium(氦)into the balloon so that it would rise quickly and avoid being blown too far off course by the strong winds.

The toy astronaut's journey lasted 97 minutes before the balloon broke and he fell back to Earth. Mathew and Asad then spent two weekends looking for their spacecraft. It had landed 76miles away from the launch site.

The student scientists are currently finishing up their final year of high school and applying for colleges. They are also looking into more do-it-yourself space projects.

"I guess the sky is not really the limit anymore," Mathew told reporters. "We never knew we'd get this far. It's been a lesson for us that hard work pays off."

(1)By saying "took the world by storm" in the first paragraph, the writer meant the experiment______________.

A. destroyed the world

B. flooded the world

C. fascinated the world

D. managed the world

(2)Which of the following about the students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is right?

A.They were examples for Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad.

B.They helped Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad to achieve dream.

C.They launched weather balloon together with Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad.

D.They studied with Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad in the same school.

(3)How did Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad keep their costs down?

A.By sewing the weather balloon themselves.

B.By borrowing spacecraft from the MIT students.

C.By making their spacecraft by hand.

D.By using second-hand equipment.

(4)What problems did Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad have on launch day?

A.They ran out of helium.

B.The wind was too strong.

C.The balloon suddenly broke.

D.Their spacecraft was blown away.






(1)推理判断题。根据画线部分后面的Two teens from Toronto, in Canada, sent a Lego man rising above the Earth and captured their tiny astronaut's trip on film.两个来自加拿大的少年把乐高人送入太空,并且把航空之行的过程拍下来了。这是一件很了不起的事情,故推测这件事吸引了全世界的目光,即画线部分的意思是"吸引了全世界",故选C项。

(2)细节理解题。根据文章第三段的The two teens were inspired by a similar project performed by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).可知这两个孩子是受到了两个麻省理工学生相似实验的启发,然后做了他们自己的实验,即他们是这两个孩子的榜样,故选A项。

(3)细节理解题。根据文章第四段的They bought much of their equipment used and even sewed the Lego man's parachute by hand. In total, the project cost only$400.可知他们很多的设备都是二手的,甚至自己缝制乐高人的降落伞,所以他们的总费用才花了400美元,故选D项。

(4)细节理解题。根据文章第五段的"We had a lot of anxiety on launch day because there were high winds when we were going up,"Mathew told reporters.可知,在进行发射的那天风速很快,这让他们很担心,故选B项。



In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it highly, believing that it is responsible for social progress and prosperity(繁荣). Others say that competition is bad; that it sets one person against another; that it leads to unfriendly relationship between people.

I have taught many children who held the belief that their self-worth relied on how well they performed at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and-death affairs. In their single-minded pursuit of success, the development of many other human qualities is sadly forgotten.

However, while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take an opposite attitude. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary players, they strongly blame competition. Among the most vocal are youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures from their parents or society. Teaching these young people, I often observe

in them a desire to fail. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse: "I may have lost, but it doesn't matter because I really didn't try."What is not usually admitted by themselves is the belief that if they had really tried and lost, that would mean a lot. Such a loss would be a measure of their worth. Clearly, this belief is the same as that of the true competitors who try to prove themselves. Both are based on the mistaken belief that one's self-respect relies on how well one performs in comparison with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve(缓解)can we discover a new meaning in competition.

(1)Why are some people in favor of competition?

A. Because they think competition pushes society forward.

B. Because they think competition improves social abilities.

C. Because they think competition builds up a sense of pride.

D. Because they think competition develops people's relationship.

(2)What does the underlined phrase "the most vocal" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. People who try their best to win.

B. People who highly value competition.

C. People who are strongly against competition.

D. People who mostly rely on others for success.

(3)Which viewpoint does the author agree to?

A. Self-worth relies on winning.

B. Winning should be a life-and-death matter.

C. Competition leads to unfriendly relationship.

D. Fear of failure should be removed in competition.

(4)What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Competition helps to set up self-respect.

B. People hold different opinions about competition.

C. Failures are necessary experience in competition.

D. Competition is harmful to personal quality development.






(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Some value it highly, believing that it is responsible for social progress and prosperity. ”可知,一些人赞成竞争是因为他们认为竞争促进社会的进步和繁荣。故选A。

(2)考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“they strongly blame compet ition"他们强烈谴责竞争;以及"youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures from their parents or society"遭受来自父母或社会的竞争压力的年轻人,可推知,画线部分的意思是"强烈反对的"。故选C。

(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的”Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins

to dissolve can we discover a new meaning in competition.“只有当这种基本的、常常令人烦恼的恐惧开始消失时,我们才能在竞争中发现新的意义。可推知,作者认为竞争要摆脱对失败的恐惧。故选D。

(4)考查主旨大意。根据第一段”In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it highly, believing that it is responsible for social progress and prosperity. Others say that competition is bad; that it sets one person against another; that it leads to unfriendly relationship between people.“在现代社会,关于竞争有很多争论。有些人非常重视它,认为它对社会进步和繁荣负有责任。其他人说竞争是不好的;它使一个人反对另一个人;这会导致人与人之间不友好的关系。以及下文内容可知,本文主要介绍人们对于竞争所持的不同观点。故选B。



Everybody, at some point in their lives, has experienced failure. It could be something as simple as not getting the job you wanted, or getting fewer marks even after hard work. But what makes you is not your failure, but how you get back up after being hit.

Once, a young school boy was caught in a fire accident in his school and was assumed that he would not live. His mother was told that he was sure to die, for the terrible fire had destroyed the lower half of his body. Even if he were to survive, he would be lame throughout his life.

But the brave boy did not want to die nor did he want to be lame. Much to the amazement of the doctor, he did survive. But unfortunately from his waist down, he had no motor ability. His thin legs just hung there, lifeless. Eventually he left the hospital. But his determination to walk was unshakable. At home, when he was not in bed, he had to stay in a wheelchair. One day, he threw himself from the chair and pulled himself across the grass, dragging his legs behind him. He reached the fence, raised himself up and then began dragging himself along the fence, firmly determined. He did this every day, with faith in himself that he would be able to walk unaided. With his iron determination, he did develop the ability to stand up, then to walk on and off, then to walk by himself and then to run.

He began to walk to school, and then run to school, to run for the joy of running. Later in college he was on the track team.

In February 1934, in New York City's Madison Square Garden, this young man who was not expected to survive, who would surely never walk, who could never hope to run-this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world's fastest mile.

A good example of the power of positive thinking and faith in one's self, Glenn Cunningham continues to be an inspiration for many, and his story, a brilliant evidence to how one can bounce back even when all difficulties are piled against one, to the degree that death seemed the preferable option.

(1)The first paragraph is intended to ________.

A. present an argument

B. make preparations for statement

C. arouse readers' interest

D. function as a brief introduction

(2)What was the doctor's opinion about Glenn?

A. Glenn was able to walk with his own great effort.

B. Great determination could make a difference to Glenn.

C. There was a slim chance that Glenn could survive.

D. Glenn could live a normal life with the upper halt" of his body.

(3)What do we know about Glenn?

A. Glenn took recovery exercise in hospital.

B. Glenn inspired people with his moving story.

C. Glenn won the first place in Marathon.

D. Glenn organized a track team in college.

(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Strengthen determination

B. Stand up after failure

C. Go after dreams

D. Face difficulty bravely






(1)推理判断题。根据第一段中Everybody, at some point in their lives, has experienced failure. 和 But what makes you is not your failure, but how you get back up after being hit.可知,第一段的作用是作一个简短的介绍。故选D。

(2)推理判断题。根据第三段中Much to the amazement of the doctor, he did survive.可知,医生认为Glenn生还的机会很小。故选C。

(3)推理判断题。根据最后一段中A good example of the power of positive thinking and faith in one's self, Glenn Cunningham continues to be an inspiration for many,可知,Glenn以他感人的故事激励人们。故选B。

(4)主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句But what makes you is not your failure, but how you get back up after being hit.“让你成功的不是你的失败,而是你如何在被打击后重新站起来。”可知本文最佳主题是B项Stand up after failure。故选B。



It seems that electronic devices just keep getting smaller. Scientists in the United States have announced the creation of the first transistor with only two dimensions(二维).

A transistor is a small electronic device that transfers or carries electronic current. Scientists

hope these new 2D transistors will be used for building high-resolution(高分辨率)displays that need very little energy.

Two groups of scientists created these 2D transistors. They report that the transistors are only a few atoms thick.

Usually transistors are made with the element silicon(硅). Computer processors, memory chips, TV screens and other electronic devices contain billions of silicon-based transistors. But these very small electrical parts have certain limitations.

Dimitris Ioannou is an electrical engineering professor at George Mason University. He says the traditional transistor has been improved as much as it can be. He adds that researchers have been looking for new materials with special features and they want transistors to be seen through and soft.

"If the layers are very thin, the transistor can become flexible, so it doesn't have to be rigid(坚硬的), like it would be in a silicon chip. So people can think of applications like wearable electronics, television screens and other things," said Ioannou.

These new transistors can also carry higher current. They also can move the current much faster than traditional transistors. This is important for high-definition screens.

Dimitris Ioannou says the scientific success could prove very useful in the future. "Now, how good and how useful it will be, it's still in the stage of research, but it certainly is an advance," said Ioannou.

(1)Which of the following statements about the newly created transistor is TRUE?

A.They are expected to be used in high-resolution displays.

B.The transistors are made with the element silicon.

C.They are rigid, just like traditional transistors.

D.They have already been put into actual use.

(2)What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.The traditional transistors have been changed into two-dimensional ones.

B.Many of the traditional transistors have been improved over the years.

C.The traditional transistor has been developed to its fullest.

D.The traditional transistor has been developed quite well.

(3)What is Dimitris Ioannou's attitude towards the creation of the new transistors?









(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Scientists hope these new 2D transistors will be used for building high-resolution(高分辨率)displays that need very little energy.”可知,科学家们



(3)考查观点态度。根据最后一段中的Dimitris Ioannou所说的话可推知,他对于这种新型的晶体管持有积极乐观的态度。故选D。



Recently, as the British doctor Robert Winston took a train from London to Manchester, he found himself becoming steadily angry. A woman had picked up her phone and begun a loud conversation, which would last an unbelievable hour. Furious, Winston began to tweet about the woman. He took her picture and sent it to his more than 40,000 followers.

When the train arrived at its destination, Winston rushed out. He'd had enough of the woman's rudeness. But the press were now waiting for her on the platform. And when they showed her Winston's messages, she used just one word to describe Winston's actions: rude.

Winston's tale is something of a microcosm(缩影) of our age of increasing rudeness, fueled by social media. What can we do to fix this?

Studies have shown that rudeness spreads quickly, almost like the common cold. Just witnessing rudeness makes it far more likely that we, in turn, will be rude later on. The only way to avoid it is to deal with it face to face. We must say, "Just stop." For Winston, that would have meant approaching the woman, telling her that her conversation was frustrating other passengers and politely asking her to speak more quietly or make the call at another time.

The rage and injustice we feel at the rude behavior of a stranger can drive us to do odd things. In my own research, surveying 2,000 adults, I discovered that the acts of revenge people had taken ranged from the ridiculous to the disturbing. Winston did shine a spotlight on the woman's behavior — but from afar, in a way that shamed her.

We must instead combat rudeness head on. When we see it occur in a store, we must step up and say something. If it happens to a colleague, we must point it out. We must defend strangers in the same way we'd defend our best friends. But we can do it with grace, by handling it without a trace of aggression and without being rude ourselves. Because once rude people can see their actions through the eyes of others, they are far more likely to end that strain themselves. As this tide of rudeness rises, civilization needs civility.

(1)What can you learn about Robert Winston from the passage?

A. He knows how to speak to rude people.

B. He behaved improperly and spoke loudly on the train.

C. He lost his temper due to other people's rudeness.

D. He reacted to a woman's rude behavior wrongly.

(2)What does "fueled by social media" mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Rude behavior is common on social media.

B. Rudeness can be avoided through social media.

C. People can easily get away through social media.

D. Social media may spread and cause rudeness.

(3)According to the writer, how should you respond when you meet rude people?

A. Record them and post it on the Internet.

B. Point it out in a polite and skillful way.

C. Do nothing but wait for other people to fix it.

D. Pay them back by doing equally disturbing things.

(4)Which of the following statement is true about the last paragraph?

A. We can only point out rudeness from familiar people.

B. Rudeness and manners can hardly coexist in civilized society.

C. Both strangers and acquaintances deserve our friendly warning.

D. Rude people can't see their rudeness through others' eyes.





【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者通过温斯特对打电话这位粗鲁的女士曝光在媒体上的不当行为,提出了我们要用礼貌而巧妙的方式指出来生活中粗鲁的行为。(1)考查推理判断。根据第五段中的“Winston did shine a spotlight on the woman's behavior — but from afar, in a way that shamed her. ”温斯顿确实把聚光灯对准了那个女人的行为——但从长远看,这是方式一种让她蒙羞。可推出,作者认为温斯顿的做法不正确。故选D。(2)考查句义猜测。根据第三段中的“Winston's tale is something of a microcosm(缩影) of our age of increasing rudeness”可知作者描述这个时代越来越粗鲁;再根据第四段中的“Studies have shown that rudeness spreads quickly, almost like the common cold. ”研究表明,粗鲁行为传播迅速,就像普通感冒一样。可知作者认为粗鲁行为传播很快。因此此处fuel 意为“加速”之意,故选D。

(3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“But we can do it with grace, by handling it without a trace of aggression and without being rude ourselves. ”但我们可以优雅地做到这一点,处理它时不带一丝侵略性,自己也不粗鲁。可知,作者认为我们可以礼貌而巧妙的方式指出来粗鲁的行为和人。故选B。

(4)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“We must defend strangers in the same way we'd defend our best friends. ”我们必须保护陌生人,就像保护我们最好的朋友一样。可知选C。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,句义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇人生感悟类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选出正确答案。


Yellowstone National Park is the flagship of the National Park Service and a favorite to millions of visitors each year. The park is a major destination for all members of the family. By driving the

grand loop road, visitors can view the park from the comfort of their vehicle and also take a rest at one of the many roadside picnic areas.

How much is the entrance fee?

$25 - Private, noncommercial vehicle;

$20 - Motorcycle or snowmobile (winter);

$12 - Visitors 16 and older entering by foot, bike, ski, etc.

This fee provides the visitor with a 7-day entrance permit for both Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

A $50 park annual pass provides entrance for a single private non-commercial vehicle at Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. The $10 Interagency Senior Pass (62 and older) is a lifetime pass available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Where can you stay?

Inside Yellowstone, you can choose to stay in modern or historic hotels and cabins inside the park like the Old Faithful Inn, the world's largest log structure. For those who want to be a little closer to nature, there are 12 campgrounds with a range of services from primitive pit toilets to shower and laundry facilities. There's also RV camping with and without dumping stations.

Staying outside the park gives you unique Old West experiences but still keeps you close to park attractions.

If you're taking a road trip to Yellowstone, you'll want to check out our Hotels and Cabins On The Road section.

(1)The entrance fees listed on the web page don't apply to _______.

A. temporary residents in the USA

B. vehicles involving business activities

C. visitors out of a certain age range

D. private motorcycles and snowmobiles

(2)What are you likely to acquire in the Old Faithful Inn?

A. Unique old west experiences.

B. Primitive pit toilets and shower.

C. Knowledge of origin of the park.

D. RV camping with dumping sites.

(3)Where does the passage probably come from?

A. A magazine.

B. A textbook.

C. A notice.

D. A travel guide.





(1)考查细节理解。根据小标题“How much is the entrance fee?”下分别列出了私家非商务车入园的价格,摩托车或雪地车(冬季)入园的价格以及16岁以上的人步行、骑自行车或带滑雪板入园的价格,没有涉及到商务车入园的价格。故选B。

(2)考查推理判断。根据 Where can you stay?部分中的“Inside Yellowstone, you can choose to stay in modern or historic hotels and cabins inside the park like the Old Faithful Inn, the world's largest log structure.”在黄石公园里边,你可以呆在像the Old Faithful Inn这样的旅馆里,有现代的、历史的旅馆和小棚屋。,由其中的historic及morden可知,我们有可能从这些建筑中了解公园的起源。故选C。




Jane Austen is loved mainly as a charming guide to fashionable life in the Regency period (英国摄政时期). She is admired for describing a world of elegant houses, dances, servants and fashionable young men driving barouches (四轮四座大马车). But her own vision of her task was completely different. She was an ambitious and strict moralist. She was highly conscious of human failings and she had a deep desire to make people nicer: less selfish, more reasonable and more sensitive to the needs of others.

In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bonnet start off heartily disliking each other and then, gradually realize they are in love. They make one of the great romantic couples. He is handsome, rich and well connected; she is pretty, smart and lively. But why actually are they right for one another?

Jane Austen is very clear. It's for a reason we tend not to think of very much today: It is because each can educate and improve the other. When Mr. Darcy arrives in the neighborhood, he feels "superior" to everyone else, because he has more money and higher status. At a key moment, Elizabeth condemns his arrogance (自大) and pride to his face. It sounds offensive in the extreme, but later he admits that this was just what he needed.

Mostly, we tend to think of love as liking someone for who they already are, and of total acceptance. But the person who is right for us, Austen is saying, is not simply someone who makes us feel relaxed or comfortable; they got to be able to help us overcome our failings and become more mature, more honest and kinder—and we need to do something similar for them.(1)What do we know about Jane Austen from paragraph 1?

A. She lived a fashionable life.

B. She wrote about the life of the rich.

C. She knew exactly human virtues.

D. She was nicer to less selfish people.

(2)What can we learn about Mr. Darcy from the text?

A. He dislikes Elizabeth from the beginning to the end.

B. He is handsome, rich and rather modest.

C. He is kind to everyone in the neighborhood.

D. He needs Elizabeth to point out his shortcomings.

(3)Which person is right for you according to Jane Austen?

A. A person that you like for who he or she is.

B. A person with whom you feel really relaxed.

C. A person making you become a better man or woman.

D. A person who does something similar to you.

(4)What message does the book Pride and Prejudice convey?

A. Improve yourself with your lover's help.

B. Accept the people you love totally.

C. Earn much money to make people love you.

D. Find your true love with pride and prejudice.






(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的”She is admired for describing a world of elegant houses, dances, servants and fashionable young men driving barouches.“她因描述了一个充满优雅的房子、舞蹈、仆人和时髦的年轻人驾着四轮马车的世界而受到赞赏。可知她写了关于富人的生活。故选B。

(2)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的”At a key moment, Elizabeth condemns his arrogance and pride to his face. It sounds offensive in the extreme, but later he admits that this was just what he needed.“在关键时刻,伊丽莎白当面谴责了他的傲慢和骄傲。这听起来很无礼,但后来他承认这正是他所需要的。可知达西先生需要伊丽莎白指出他的缺点。故选D。

(3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的”But the person who is right for us, Austen is saying, is not simply someone who makes us feel relaxed or comfortable; they got to be able to help us overcome our failings and become more mature, more honest and kinder—and we need to do something similar for them.“但奥斯汀说,适合我们的人,不仅仅是让我们感到放松或舒适的人;他们必须能够帮助我们克服失败,变得更成熟、更诚实、更善良——我们需要为他们做一些类似的事情。可知简·奥斯丁认为一个让你成为更好的男人或女人的人最适合你。故选C。

(4)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的”It's for a reason we tend not to think of very much today: It is because each can educate and improve the other.“这是一个我们今天很少想到的原因:因为每个人都可以教育且帮助对方提高。可知《傲慢与偏见》这本书传达了在爱人的帮助下提高自己的信息。故选A。



I took a journey to New York, US several months ago. It was the first time I had been abroad. It was also the first time I had taken a trip by myself. I had great enthusiasm and high hopes, and I wasn't let down.

It's hard to describe how I felt when I arrived at the airport in New York. Looking at people of different races and nationalities passing by and hearing different languages all around me, I couldn't say anything for a long time. I had never understood the cultural diversity of the US so clearly and closely before.

The following days were even more impressive. We integrated(融入)into the forest of concrete and cement(混凝土和水泥). We waved to the Statue of Liberty; we looked down at the busy island of Manhattan; we looked at well-known universities—Harvard of ancient Egypt.

Then we visited some well-known university—Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia—each with its own appealing and time-honored history. But what all these universities have in common is their peaceful academic atmospheres witch you could feel everywhere. I was impressed by the libraries, decorated just like cathedrals(教堂), and the laboratories just next to the classroom. My dream is to return to those places as an international student.

Finally came our destinations—the Model United Nations conference at the University of Chicago. Students from various countries arrived to act as United Nations delegations and share their opinions about global issues.

As a non-native speaker, I felt that competing against native speakers was a very tough task. But it was also a rare change to improve my English and I couldn't throw it away. With perseverance and devotion. I got used to talking to other delegations naturally. Although I didn't win any awards, the chairman praised me at the closing ceremony for my excellent performance. That made me feel really proud.

This trip brought me unforgettable and valuable experiences that will benefit me forever. (1)What is the main purpose of the author's going to America?

A. To see some places of interest.

B. To visit some well-known universities.

C. To attend a competition at a university.

D. To learn about the cultural diversity there.(2)How did the author feel when he/she saw the cultural diversity of the US?

A. Regretful.

B. Amazed.

C. Peaceful.

D. Confident.

(3)What is the author's wish in the future?

A. To work for the United Nations.

B. To tour more countries in the world.

C. To have a job in the United States.

D. To study in the famous universities in America.(4)Why did the author feel proud?

A. He won an award in the competition.

B. He was praised by the chairman.

C. He could persuade others to accept his opinions.

D. He could speak English well at the conference.






(1)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“Finally came our destinations—the Model United Nations conference at the University of Chicago. Students from various countries arrived to act as United Nations delegations and share their opinions about global issues.” 和倒数第一段中的“As a non-native speaker, I felt that competing against native speakers was a very tough task. ”可知,


(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Looking at people of different races and nationalities passing by and hearing different languages all around me, I couldn't say anything for a long time. I had never understood the cultural diversity of the US so clearly and closely befo re. ”可知,作者看到美国文化的多元化时感到惊讶。故选B。

(3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“ My dream is to return to those places as an international student. ”可知,作者最大的愿望是在美国大学里学习。故选D。

(4)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Although I didn't win any awards, the chairman praised me at the closing ceremony for my excellent performance. That made me feel really proud.” 可知,他被主席表扬因而感到自豪。故选B。



When I was small, my mother and I would walk to our local library in Franklin Square. As we didn't always have access to a reliable car, walking hand in hand was the most convenient way to get anywhere. It was at story time for children that both my mother and I made lasting friendships.

Today, I am fortunate to live around the corner from the Cold Coast Public Library in Glen Head and a short walk to the Sea Cliff Children's Library. My 18-imonth-old son, Colin, and I find ourselves in Sea Cliff several times a week, meeting and making friends. Well, that is what many people don't understand-a library is more than books; it's a community.

Sure, the library in Franklin Square was the place where I was introduced to Judy Blume novels. But it was also the place where I got my first email address in 1997. At the library, friends and I learned how to research colleges and search for scholarships on the Internet. The library was the place where we sometimes giggled(咯咯笑)too loudly, and where the librarians knew us by name. Their knowing our names wasn't a bad thing. When I came home from my first term at Binghamton University, Mary LaRosa, the librarian at the Franklin Square library, offered me my first teaching job.

I now teach reading at Nassau Community College. My students are often amazed that they can check out books via their smartphones and virtually(虚拟地)visit a variety of Long Island libraries. The app used by Nassau and Suffolk county public libraries, as well as the college library, makes their homework easier by helping them find resources. Even though they can't always easily visit their local libraries, the library is always with them.

(1)Why does the author consider herself lucky today?

A. She has become her mother's best friend.

B. She has access to a reliable car now.

C. She can meet friends at the library.

D. She lives close to libraries.

(2)What does the underlined word "that" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Socializing in a library.

B. Reading books in a library.

C. Visiting a library with a family member.

D. Building parent-child friendship in a library.(3)What is the author's attitude to her students' way of visiting libraries?

A. Cautious.

B. Favorable.

C. Doubtful.

D. Disapproving.

(4)Why does the author write the text?

A. To discuss why libraries are important.

B. To express her deep love for libraries.

C. To explain how libraries change.

D. To introduce her favorite libraries.






(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Today,I am fortunate to live around the corner from the Cold Coast Public Library in Glen Head and a short walk to the Sea Cliff Children's Library.”可知,现在,我很幸运地住在格伦黑德的冷海岸公共图书馆附近,走一小段路就可以到海崖儿童图书馆,由此可知,作者认为自己很幸运是因为她住得离图书馆很近,故选D。(2)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“My 18-imonth-old son,Colin,and I find ourselves in Sea Cliff several times a week,meeting and making friends.”可知,我和18个月大的儿子科林每周都要去几次海崖图书馆,在那里见面、交朋友,这是一种社交活动,画线词指代的就是“在图书馆社交”,故选A。

(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Even though they can't always easily visit their local libraries,the library is always with them.”可知,尽管学生们不能总是很容易地参观当地的图书馆,但图书馆总是与他们在一起,由此可知,作者对学生们访问虚拟图书馆的方式是支持的,故选B。




If you follow these insider tips, your photos will look like you had the place to yourself at the popular tourist attractions.

Vatican Museums: Vatican City

The Vatican draws more than five million people each year, and queues can reach four hours during peak season. Christie Hudson, senior communications manager at Expedia, recommends, choosing a skip-the-1ine tour. "This not only lets you avoid the ticket counter, but also includes the use of a private partner entrance." Extra time to visit the Sistine Chapel? Yes!

Bamboo Forest: Kyoto, Japan

Bamboo Forest is the most worthy sight in Kyoto. If you're longing to enjoy the pathways and take pictures in total quietness, Kyoto Arashiyama Travel Guide recommends hitting the famous

Bamboo Grove Path as early in the morning as possible—think 7 a.m. if you're up for it. Don't miss these hidden treasures you can only witness in Japan.

Chichen Itza: Yucatán, Mexico

Home to E1 Castillo and the Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itza is a must-see. Want to beat the rush? Schedule an early tour that takes place before a site opens to the public. Led by an archaeologist guide, it's full of fascinating insights and facts—without tons of pack-wearing tourists.

Louvre Museum: Paris, France

The Louvre is one of the most popular museums on the planet. If waiting around in line to get in isn't the way you prefer to spend your time in Paris, consider purchasing a reserved ticket. This will give you entry to the pyramid within a half-hour window. The Louvre is also open until 9:45 p. m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, if you're up for some late-night art visits.

(1)What is recommended at Vatican Museums by Christie Hudson?

A. Queuing four hours.

B. Jumping the waiting line.

C. Taking a skip-the-line tour.

D. Visiting the Sistine Chapel.

(2)Which of the following are available for early tourists to avoid the rush?

A. Vatican Museums and Bamboo Forest.

B. Chichen Itza and Bamboo Forest.

C. Bamboo Forest and Louvre Museum.

D. Chichen Itza and Louvre Museum.

(3)Who might this passage be intended for?

A. Visitors interested in museums.

B. Guides at the tourist attractions.

C. People at the ticket counter.

D. Tourists to beat the rush.





(1)考查细节理解。根据Vatican Museums:Vatican City部分中的“The Vatican draws more than five million people each year,and queues can reach four hours during peak season.Christie Hudson,senior communications manager at Expedia,recommends,choosing a skip-the-1ine tour.”可知,Christie Hudson在Vatican Museums中推荐aking a skip-the-line tour.故选C。(2)考查推理判断。根据Bamboo Forest:Kyoto,Japan部分中的“...Kyoto Arashiyama Travel Guide recommends hitting the famous Bamboo Grove Path as early in the morning as possible和Chichen Itza:Yucatán,Mexico中Want to beat the rush? Schedule an early tour that takes place before a site opens to the public.”可知,为避免高峰Chichen Itza 和Bamboo Forest是为早期游客提供的。故选B。

(3)考查推理判断。根据第一段“If you follow these insider tips,your photos will look like you had the place to yourself at the popular tourist attractions.”可知,这篇文章可能是写给“为赶在高峰之前到达的游客”。故选D。



People speak English in different parts of the world. The same words can be used in different ways, depending on where you live. People can also have completely different ways of saying the same thing.

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is asking the public to help it add new words. Editors want to find the regional differences in English around the world. They want to expand its record of the language.

Last year, the OED, BBC Radio and the Forward Arts Foundation teamed up to find local words in the United Kingdom. It resulted in more than 100 regional words and phrases being added to the dictionary. One was "cuddy wifter", which means a left-handed person.

Now, the OED is widening its search to English speakers around the world. Eleanor Maier, an editor at OED, said the response has been great. Editors are listing a bunch of suggestions to include in the dictionary.

These include Hawaii's "hammajang", which means "in a disorderly state". Another is the word for a swimming costume, "dookers" or "duckers". It is used in Scotland.

The OED also might include the word "frog-drowner", which Americans might use to describe a downpour of rain. Another possibility is "brick". It means "very cold" to people in New Jersey and New York City.

The dictionary has already found that, depending on location, a picture hanging off center might be described as "agley". It might also be called "catawampous" or "ahoo".

"The OED aims to cover all types of English," Maier said. That includes scientific words, slang and regional language. Maier also said that it can be difficult for the OED's editors to identify regional words. The terms are more often spoken than written down.

The appeal is called Words Where You Are. It is looking for more suggestions. "We were surprised and pleased by the number of regional words we were able to include," said Maier.(1)Which local word of the following most likely comes from one region of the United Kingdom?

A. Hammajang.

B. Dookers.

C. Catawampous.

D. Frog-drowner.(2)What can be inferred from the passage?

A. It is challenging to create a complete collection of regional words.

B. People are not enthusiastic about the appeal for regional words.

C. Regional words are more used orally than in written form.

D. Understanding regional words can be helpful when communicating.

(3)Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?

A. It's time to track where the local words come from.

B. The same English words can be used to say different things.

C. OED aims to expand its collection to attract locals.

D. OED will include more regional words from around the globe.

(4)Which part of a newspaper does this passage probably come from?










(1)考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“Another is the word for a swimming costume, ‘dookers’ or ‘duckers’. It is used in Scotland.”dookers 或duckers这个词用来指一种泳衣,主要在苏格兰地区使用,以及常识,苏格兰是英国的一部分,可知,Dookers这个词最可能来自于英国的一个地区。故选B。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第八段中的“Maier also said that it can be difficult for the OED's editors to identify regional words. The terms are more often spoken than written down”Maier说识别地方性的词汇对于牛津字典的编辑来说是比较困难的。因为这些词经常为口头描述而没有被记录下来,可以推知搜集各地的地方性语言是一项比较困难的事情。故选A。(3)考查主旨大意。根据最后一段中的“The appeal is called Words Where You Are. It is looking for more suggestions.”和全文可知,本篇文章主要讲述了牛津字典收集地方性词汇的意义以及进展情况,向大家介绍了这一个项目。故选D。




In 1953, a mountain climber reported seeing a bar-headed goose soar over the peak of Mount Everest (珠穆朗玛). It was thought impossible. Now researchers who raised 19 of the geese—named for the black stripes on the backs of their heads—have shown the birds really fly so high. The team trained the youngsters to fly in a large wind tunnel wearing backpacks and face masks full of sensors that recorded their heart rate. blood oxygen levels, temperature, and metabolic rate—how many calories they burned per hour. The researchers simulated(模拟)10w-, medium-, and high-altitude conditions by altering the concentration of oxygen supplied to face masks worn by each goose as it flew in the tunnel.

Birds already have a better heart and lungs than mammals for sustained physical activity. And

researchers knew that bar-headed geese have even larger, thinner lungs that let them breathe more deeply and an even bigger heart to pump more oxygen to muscles than other birds.

The wind tunnel experiments showed that when the concentration of oxygen was at its lowest-like the 7% found on top of Mount Everest versus 21% at sea level—the geese's heart rate and frequency of wing beats remained the same even as their metabolic rate dropped. Somehow, the birds managed to cool down their blood-the measured blood temperature dropped so it could take in more oxygen, the researchers report today in eLife. This cooling likely helps compensate for the very thin air, the team says.

Although well trained, the birds were only willing to stay in the air a few minutes-or less when wearing their backpacks and flying at 6ihigh" altitudes. So it's not clear whether these adaptations alone are what make it possible to fly the 8 hours it takes to climb over Mount Everest. But those few minutes showed these geese really could fly over the top of Mount Everest.(1)Why did the researchers raise 19 bar-headed geese and train them?

A. To test the flying height and speed of them.

B. To confirm they could fly over Mount Everest.

C. To observe them flying through the wind tunnel.

D. To see how many calories they burned per hour.

(2)What can we learn from the wind tunnel experiment?

A. It was carried out at very high altitude.

B. The geese managed to breathe less when their blood decreased.

C. The geese could live through the lowest concentration of oxygen.

D. It shows the geese could fly at high altitude for long.

(3)What still puzzles scientists about the geese?

A. Whether they have super hearts and lungs.

B. Whether they have muscles pumped more oxygen to.

C. Whether they are willing to wear backpacks and face masks.

D. Whether they can manage to fly 8 hours to climb over Mount Everest.

(4)Where does the text most probably come from?

A. A science fiction.

B. A climbing guide.

C. A travel brochure.

D. A science report.






(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"In 1953, a mountain climber reported seeing a bar-headed goose soar over the peak of Mount Everest. It was thought impossible." 报道说,一名登山者看到一只斑头鹅飞过珠穆朗玛峰。人们认为这是不可能的;以及" Now researchers who raised 19 of the geese-named for the black stripes on the backs of their heads-have shown the

birds really fly so high."现在研究人员饲养了这种鹅,他们发现这些鹅真的飞得很高。再根据最后一段中的"So it's not clear whether these adaptations alone are what make it possible to fly the 8 hours it takes to climb over Mount Everest. But those few minutes showed these geese really could fly over the top of Mount Everest."但是否能让这种鹅飞8小时爬上珠穆朗玛峰尚不清楚。由此可推断出研究人员饲养这种鹅是为了证实这种鹅是否能飞过珠峰。故选B。(2)考查推理判断。根据第四段中的"The wind tunnel experiments showed that when the concentration of oxygen ...the geese's heart rate and frequency of wing beats remained the same even as their metabolic rate dropped....the researchers report today in elife. This cooling likely helps comp"可知风洞实验表明,当氧气浓度最低时,鹅的心率和翅膀搏动频率保持不变,即使它们的新陈代谢率下降。研究人员今天在《伊利费》杂志上报道说,...这种降温可能有助于补偿空气的稀薄;第五段中的"Although well trained, the birds were only willing to stay in the air a few minutes-or less ..." 尽管训练有素,但这些鸟只愿意在空中呆上几分钟。这两处综合推断出,鹅可以在最低浓度的氧气中生存。故选C。

(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"So it's not clear whether these adaptations alone are what make it possible to fly the 8 hours it takes to climb over Mount Everest." 可知,目前尚不清楚的是,只有这些适应性变化能否可以飞行8小时爬上珠穆朗玛峰。故选D。




A photography exhibition by French artist San Bartolome entitled Moon Door Dreamers opened in the 798 Art Zone in Beijing on December 10, 2011, presenting a cross-cultural perspective (视角) on ordinary life in the capital city.

Bartolome took these photos in August 2008, and produced a video named Two Worlds, One Dream. These works were displayed in Pingyao, an ancient city in Shanxi Province, under the title Beijing Midsummer Night Dream in September 2010.

The moon doors serve as a keyhole through which one can catch a glimpse of a slice of Beijing life. He got his inspiration from one cycling trip to the southeastern suburb of Beijing, where he discovered a peculiar street along which a gray brick wall was built to cover the shabby bungalows. These cabins were mostly rented by migrant workers- peddlers, craftsmen, grocers and innkeepers.

Born in 1950, Bartolome has worked as a photographer, stage director. Artistic manager, writer and diplomat. A noted Sinophile, Bartolome frequently visits China for photographic subjects. In the fall of 2003, he joined the French Embassy in Beijing as a cultural attache. His work experience in China from 2003 to 2015 further enhanced his awareness of and love for China.

Bartolome not only loves Chinese culture but also the Chinese people. He thinks that Chinese

people are kind, welcoming and diverse.

Back from his bike ride to southeastern Beijing, he decided to shoot pictures about ordinary urban lifestyles. He observed dwellers carefully and made friends with them.

After about 30 days and nights that he spent with these common migrants, he created a number of portraits. Meanwhile, he learned more about those rural migrants who earn their living in a city with which they are unfamiliar.

He adopted an optimistic perspective to shoot the sights, and he borrowed the title of one of William Shakespeare s comedy works: A Midsummer Night's Dream.

(1)What is the main purpose of the exhibition?

A. To present Bartolome's photographic skills.

B. To tell us Bartolome's work experience in Beijing.

C. To show us Bartolome's optimistic view on ordinary life in Beijing.

D. To build a cross-cultural communication bridge between China and France.

(2)What inspires Bartolome to shoot pictures about ordinary urban styles?

A. His bike ride to Southeastern suburb of Beijing.

B. His work experience in the French Embassy in Beijing.

C. His visit to the ancient city of Pingyao.

D. Shakespeare's comedy work: A Midsummer Night's Dream.

(3)What does the underlined word "Sinaphile" in paragraph 4 refer to?

A. A successful artist.

B. A cultural attache.

C. A person of status.

D. A fan of China.(4)What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A French artist tells Chinese stories with his camera.

B. A French artist frequently visits China for photography.

C. Migrant workers live a simple but happy life in Beijing.

D. Moon Doors serve as a window to display China to the world.





【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,法国艺术家圣巴托洛姆在北京798艺术区举办的名为"月亮之门梦想家"的摄影展,从跨文化角度呈现了普通城市的生活以及拍摄的原因。(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的"presenting a cross-cultural perspective (视角) on ordinary life in the capital city."以及最后一段中的"He adopted an optimistic perspective to shoot the sights,"可知,这次摄影展用一种跨文化视角来展示首都的普通生活,他以乐观的角度拍摄的。由此推断出摄影展向我们展示巴托罗姆对北京城市生活的乐观态度。故选C。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"He got his inspiration from one cycling trip to the southeastern suburb of Beijing, ..." 以及第六段中的"Back from his bike ride to southeastern Beijing, he decided to shoot pictures about ordinary urban lifestyles"可知他(拍摄)的灵感来自一次去北京东南郊的骑行之旅,...。回到北京之后,他决定拍摄一些关于普通城市生活


(3)考查词义猜测。根据第四段划线词"Sinaphile"后的内容可知, 巴托罗姆为了这个摄影主题经常访问中国。2003年秋,他以文化专员的身份加入了法国驻北京大使馆。从2003年到2015年,他在中国的多年工作经历让他加深了对中国的认识和热爱。由此可知,他是一个热爱中国的人,喜欢了解中国,是一个"中国迷"。故选D。




If you wear glasses, chances are you are smarter. Research published in the famous British journal Nature Communications has found that people who displayed higher levels of intelligence were almost 30 percent more likely to wear glasses.

The scientists studied the genes of thousands of people between the ages of 16 and 102.The study showed intelligence can be connected to physical characteristics. One characteristic was eyesight. In out of 10 people who were more intelligent, there was a higher chance they needed glasses. Scientists also said being smarter has other benefits. It is connected to better health.

It is important to remember these are connections which are not proven causes. Scientists call this correlation. Just because something is connected to something else does not mean one of those things caused the other. And it's worth noting that what constitutes intelligence is subjective and can be difficult, if not impossible, to measure.

Forget genes though. Plenty of proof shows wearing glasses makes people think you are more intelligent, even if you do not need glasses. A number of studies have found people who wear glasses are seen as smarter, hard-working and honest. Many lawyers use this idea to help win their cases. Lawyer Harvey Solves explained this. Glasses soften their appearance. He said sometimes there has been a huge amount of proof showing that people he was defending broke the law. He had them wear glasses and they weren't found guilty.

Glasses are also used to show someone is intelligent in movies and on TV. Ideas about people who wear glasses have begun to shift. People who do not need glasses sometimes wear them for fashion only. They want to look worldly or cool. But not everyone is impressed by this idea, though. GQ magazine said people who wear glasses for fashion are trying too hard to look smart and hip (时髦的). However, that hasn't stopped many celebrities from happily wearing glasses even if they do not need them. Justin Bieber is just one high-profile fan of fashion glasses.

(1)What does the new study show?

A. People wearing glasses are smarter.

B. People wearing glasses are healthier.

