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Unit 1

I. Word forms

Directions: Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets. Change the form of the words if necessary

1. The bald eagle _____the United States.( representative )

2. We’re looking for young people with_____ and creativity.(entrepreneur) 3. Moving to the city has been a difficult_____ for us.(adjust)

4.Good eating habits and regular exercise are the_____ for a healthy life.(found) 5.The teacher’s duties that morning included___ the before-school reading program. (supervise)

6._______came to him as he started to write for the second time.(inspire)

7.The company has had another successful year,thanks to the______ and energy of our workforce.(enthusiastic)

8. In the last 20 years,Korea has been _____ into a major industrial nation.(transformation)

9. He,too,made simplifications,but slowly,after studied reflection and_____.(contemplate)

10.Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his____ to Quantum Theory(量子论) (contributing)

II. Multiple Choices

Directions:There are 1 0 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A),B),C)and D).Choose the best one of them to complete the sentence. 1.To be _______ to the House a person must be twenty-five years old and must have

been a United States citizen for seven years.

A)elected B)appointed C)chosen D)picked

2.The government gave US a ______ to build another classroom. A) donation B)permission C)grant D)award

3.As soon as the tanks came within_______,the soldiers opened fire. A) distance B)length C)extent D)range

4. If you have difficulty_____ a particular book,please ask one of the librarians for assistance.

A)looking B)finding out C)locating D)limiting

5. That claim has been____ and much debated,but it seems to hold up. A) challenged B)denied C)conceded D)refused

6.Bodybuilders use mental imaging to _____their physical development. A) speed B)face C)elevate D)facilitate

7.Britain consistently fails to____ the scientific discoveries made in its universities. A)explode B)exploit C)extend D)explore

8.Can the school board——teachers’rights to express their views?


A) restrict B)limit C)confine D)restrain

9. Her privileged upbringing had not ----her for hard work in the fields. A) provided B)made C)quit D)equipped

10. Later he----in war photography for magazines such as Life .Time, and Newsweek, winning a number of awards.

A) specialized B)majored C)realized D)localized


Unit 2

Word Forms

1.Academic ability is not the sole _____for admission to the college.(criteria) 2.Such techniques are not _____to middle-class families with modest savings,or to

small business owners holding long—term capital gains.(avail) 3.A Certificate of Deposit remains one of the safest____.(invest)

4.I was too emotionally_____ to ask myself what my own expectations might be.(mature)

5. He developed computer software to handle complicated ___transactions.(finance) 6.If they do,juries should be told of the circumstances in order to assess the of a witness. (incredible)

7._____ of Glacier Bay are complaining about the pollution caused by cruise ships.(reside)

8._____,public interest in folk music has declined.(doubt) 9.In 1999 it was revealed that he was close to____.(bankrupt)

10. Your teacher can give you _____ on choosing a career and writing a job application.(guide)


Unit 3

Word Forms

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. concern participation expose measure commit minimize identity inspiring rally impact 1.In middle school,I became more ______with my appearance. 2.Long ______ in the sun will be harmful to your skin.

3.Students in grade two are required to ________ in the activity.

4.Since the disaster had occurred,what we can do now is to the 10SS. 5.The development of advertisements over the past decade has made_____ change in our life,

6.The supermarket’s_________ to quality turned out to be false.


7.The policemen’S task now is to _________who is the real murderer.

8.This slogan is designed to ______ all people to take actively part in the

conference. 9.Though this organization has been established for a couple of years,it now still ___________ members around the world.

10.The decline of Japan’business is an(a)______ on the Asian economy.

Unit 4

I. Word Forms

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. bound approach crash explosion distress put away bundle schedule figure beam 1.He ____ that he could win the game. 2.The best of America’s skaters _______ for the camera. 3.They knew that they were ________ for New York. 4.There is no very easy _____ to mathematics.

5.The teacher laid out a perfect______ for this team work.

6. A gust of wind swept the glass on the window off,and sent it ____ into the courtyard below.

7.When the boiler ______ many people were hurt by the steam.

8.If the storm continues on the mountain,the climber will be in ______ by


9.In my family,it is usually my mother who ________dishes after meal. 10.We ____ everything together into the drawers.

II. Multiple Choices

1.His mind was busy all day,all night on how he could reestablish _____with the

outer world.

A)contrast B)touch C)contact D1 contract 2.I ______ to take the opposite point of view. A) tend B)incline C) intend D1 decline 3.We turned the car round and ________for home. A)steamed B)steered C)stemmed D1 steeled 4.How can we express our _______ for your help?

A)appreciation B)compliment C)comprehension D)apprehension 5.The gunshot _____ the birds.

A)scattered B)spread C)scratched D1 scolded 6.A red light is usually a ______ of danger.

A) sign B)signature C)signal D)symbol


7.The losing candidate accepted the result of the election ________. A) graceful B)gracious C)gracefully D)graciously 8.She eagerly _____ the offer of a trip to Europe.

A) welcomed B) embraced C) braced D) received 9.Such brilliant prospects almost ______the young girl. A)dazzled B)defied C)degenerated D)despised

1 0.When the boiler _______many people were hurt by the steam. A)exploited B)explored C)exploded D)explosive

Unit 5

Word forms

Directions: fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Note there are more words than necessary. interrupt burden fundamental perceive sink unlikely sustain shift approve undergo specialty dynamics 1.We don’t have enough food to ______ our campaign for a long time. 2.The _______ of the policy makes the young president extremely happy. 3.He has _______ great ups and downs. 4.The wind has _______ down.

5.Although their views on many things are ______different,they are good friends. 6.Shall I ____the chairs?

7.As a president,having to make all important decisions is a terrible _____ for me. 8.They are _____to come since the weather is so bad.

9.She’s preparing for an important meeting tomorrow,so you’d better not ____ her. 10.I __________ that I could not make her change her mind.

Unit 6

Word Forms

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.Note there are more words than necessary. balance capable credible aware quit storage persevere merit margin swing overnight pedal 1.An employer cannot afford to hire __________workers. 2.He is a ____ student and has never given up.

3.There’s little ______ in passing the driving test if you don’t have a car of your own.


4.The film star has a(an) _________car in addition to a large house. 5.Please place the goods in _______ in winter. 6. Byron became famous _____________. 7. The soldiers came ______ down the street.

8. He has not _____smoking, but is holding down to three cigarettes a day. 9. He lost his ________ and fell over. 10. I was not _________ of the fire.

II. Multiple Choices

1. X-rays are also called Rontgen rays ____ the discoveries who first put them to use. A) in case of B) in view of C) in place of D)in honor of

2. Technology has ___ the sharing, storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.

A) finished B) furnished C) functioned D) facilitated 3. Mary succeeded in living ____ her extraordinary reputation. A) up B) up to C) on D) down

4. Gestures are an important means to ______ messages. A) convey B) keep C) exploit D) study

5. A major goal of the state travel agency is to ____ more people to visit its country. A) reduce B) expect C)induce D)arouse

6. As the firm’s business increased they ____ more and more employees. A) took up B) took in C) took on D) took after

7. Don’t ____while I’m talking. You can say what you want later. A) cut in B) cut down C) cut out D) cut off

8. It’s understood that the filming of Legends is almost complete and the film is not ____ to be delayed.

A) possible B) likely C) easy D) available

9. She had always wanted to go to America, so she _____ on the offer of a free trip. A) took advantage B) made use C) used D) seized

10. By the end of 1994, 558 kinds of products had been ____ green food. A) named B) restricted C) classified D) labeled


Unit 7

Word Forms

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.Note there are more words than necessary. Gross principle reconstruction frequently fulfill pinch Spit squad prop regular frustration bright 1.People had to the _____ city after the war. 2.The boy_____ out the watermelon seeds.


