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问题 1

得 2 分,满分 2 分


The only difference between the

definitions of domestic marketing and

international marketing is that marketing activities:

答案 所选答案:


take place in more than one country.



take place in more than one country.


问题 2

得 10 分,满分 10 分

To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis that isolates the self-reference criterion influences. List

the four steps that make up the framework for such

an analysis.


所选1.Define the business problem or goal in home-country cultural 答案: traits,habits,or norms. 2.Define the business problem or goal in

foreign-country cultural traits,habits,or norms through consultation

with natives of the target country. Make no value judgments. 3.Isolate the SRC influence in the problem and examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem. 4.Redefine the problem without the SRC

influence and solve for the optimum business goal situation. 正确[无] 答案:


问题 3

得 0 分,满分 2 分

____________ is the conscious effort on the part of the international marketer to anticipate the influences of both the foreign and domestic

uncontrollable factors on a marketing mix and then adjust the marketing mix to minimize the effects.

答案 所选答案:







问题 4

得 2 分,满分 2 分

John refuses to buy Japanese products because he sees them as a way of selling out to nation known for its aggressive behavior. John is using a

self-reference criterion to make his decision.


所选答案: 对 正确答案: 对


问题 5

得 2 分,满分 2 分

Considering the model of the international marketing task displayed in the text, which of the following reasons demonstrates the most important

difference between the international marketer's task and that of the domestic marketer?

答案 所选答案:


The international marketer must deal with at least two levels of uncontrollable uncertainty instead of one.



The international marketer must deal with at least two levels of uncontrollable uncertainty instead of one.


问题 6

得 2 分,满分 2 分

To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a cross-cultural analysis that

emphasizes the need for ethnocentrism.


所选答案: 错 正确答案: 错

2015年6月18日星期四下午12时50分30秒 CST



问题 1

得 2 分,满分 2 分

Underlying the cultural diversity that exists among countries are fundamental differences in cultural values.


所选答案: 对 正确答案: 对


问题 2

得 2 分,满分 2 分

If we were to describe a culture as being dynamic, we would recognize that this culture was resistant to



所选答案: 错 正确答案: 错


问题 3

得 2 分,满分 2 分

The Japanese transition into a more modern and stable securities market has been a smooth one.


所选答案: 错

正确答案: 错


问题 4

得 2 分,满分 2 分

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created to serve as a watchdog over most international financial transactions between nations.


所选答案: 错 正确答案: 错


问题 5

得 2 分,满分 2 分

If a person has cultural sensitivity then the person is attuned to(使协调) the nuances of culture so that a new culture can be viewed objectively, evaluated,

and appreciated.


所选答案: 对 正确答案: 对


问题 6

得 2 分,满分 2 分

The World Bank provides all of the following to reduce poverty and improve standards of living EXCEPT:



starter governments for a period of five years.


starter governments for a period of five years.


问题 7

得 2 分,满分 2 分

All of the following are considered to part of the origins of culture EXCEPT:



mathematical models 正确答案:

mathematical models


问题 8

得 0 分,满分 2 分

An illustration of cultural congruence would be the fact that Apple Computer prints all instructions for setting up their computer products in English and

the native language of the country where the product is to be sold.


所选答案: 对 正确答案: 错


问题 9

得 2 分,满分 2 分

____________ is the study of the earth's surface, climate, continents, countries, peoples, industries, and resources. 答案


Geography 正确答案:



问题 10

得 2 分,满分 2 分

Brian is attempting to forecast political instability and help management identify and evaluate political events and their potential influence on current

and future international business decisions. Brian is engaged in:



political risk assessment.


political risk assessment.


问题 11

得 2 分,满分 2 分

How people think and view the world is important to any cultural study of the international environment. According to a book written by Richard Nisbett,

TheGeographyof Thought, Asians tend to:

答案 所选答案:

see the whole picture and can report details about background and foreground.

see the whole picture and can report details about background and foreground.



问题 12

得 2 分,满分 2 分

According to Dutch management professor Geert Hofstede, culture is seen as: 答案


\ 正确答案:



问题 13

得 2 分,满分 2 分

A good illustration of cultural borrowing is the fact

that salsa(沙司,辛香番茄酱(通常吃墨西哥或西班牙食物时用)) is now the number one condiment used by Americans with their meals.


所选答案: 对 正确答案: 对


问题 14

得 2 分,满分 2 分

Which of the following countries scores highest on the Individualism/Collectivism Index meaning that this country values and rewards individual initiative more that the others cited?



United States


United States


问题 15

得 2 分,满分 2 分

The GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) was set up as a successor to the WTO (World Trade Organization).


所选答案: 错 正确答案: 错


问题 16

得 2 分,满分 2 分

Rituals let people know: 答案


what to expect. 正确答案:

what to expect.


问题 17

得 2 分,满分 2 分

Marketers have two options when introducing an innovation to a culture. First, they can cause

change. What is the other option?



They can wait.


They can wait.


问题 18

得 2 分,满分 2 分

As Mike Jones has grown up he has learned a great about his culture from his schools, church, mass media, and family. This learning is called: 答案






问题 19

得 2 分,满分 2 分

Good illustrations of elements of culture would be one's family, religion, schools, media, government, and even corporations. 答案

所选答案: 错 正确答案: 错

2015年6月18日星期四下午12时53分47秒 CST


问题 1

Given the greater uncertainty and data limitations associated with foreign markets, two methods of forecasting demand are particularly suitable for international marketers. Which of the following most accurately describes these two methods? 答案

purchaser behavior and supplier behavior

expert opinion and analogy

modeling and morphing

linear progression and linear regression

plotting and profiling

2 分 问题 2

All of the following are benefits of global marketing EXCEPT: 答案

transfer of experience and know-how.

financial benefits.

economies of scale.

international travel benefits.

access to the toughest customers.

2 分 问题 3

Juliet is concerned with the potential for political harassment when her company enters a new international market. To reduce the risk of political harassment she will consider using _______________ to enter the market. 答案



multinational corporations

joint ventures

all of the above are equal with respect to political harassment

2 分 问题 4

Ramon Garcia is excited about his first visit to the United States. As a representative of a Mexican vegetable producer, Ramon knows that he will have to forget \\Garcia need to understand and follow if he is to be successful during his stay in America? 答案

P-time--polychronic time

B-time--bimodal time

D-time--dual time

M-time-monochronic time.

S-time-sequence time.

2 分 问题 5

M-time (monochromic time) is more dominate in high-context cultures. 答案

2 分 问题 6

The key to adaptation is to try not to be American and to teach your international business colleagues about U.S. management methods. 答案

2 分 问题 7

The most universal survey research problem in foreign countries is the: 答案

timing problem.

religious barrier.

social barrier.

social barrier.

language barrier.

2 分 问题 8

In international commercial disputes, jurisdiction is generally determined in any of the following ways EXCEPT: 答案

on the basis of the money involved in a contract (who gains the most).

on the basis of jurisdiction clauses included in contracts. 对 对

on the basis of where a contract was entered into.

on the basis of where the provisions of the contract were performed.

on the basis of legal documents that define the business transaction.

2 分 问题 9

The marketing research process should begin with questionnaire construction that matches the abilities of the marketplace to answer the questionnaire. 答案

2 分 问题 10

To be a success in the marketplace today, the best companies will focus on country as the primary segmentation variable. 答案

2 分 问题 11

To deal with problems in analyzing and interpreting research information in the international marketplace, the marketing researcher must possess three talents: 1) high degree of cultural understanding, 2) talent for adapting research methods, and 3) a skeptical attitude in handling transparent data. 答案

2 分 问题 12

Which of the following is the simplest and cheapest method to enter a foreign market? 答案

the Internet

exporting 对 对 对




2 分 问题 13

A good illustration of a product class that is likely to be politically sensitive is one that has an impact on exchange rates. 答案

2 分 问题 14

Research can be divided into different types based on information needs. All of the areas below fit these different types EXCEPT: 答案

general information about the country, area, and/or market.

information necessary to forecast future marketing requirements by anticipating social, economic, consumer, and industry need trends within specific markets or countries.

specific market information used to make product, promotion, distribution, and price decisions.

specific information necessary to attract investors from foreign countries or markets.

specific market information used to develop marketing plans.

2 分 问题 15

Which of the following would not be considered to be a step in the traditional marketing research process? 答案

Define the research problem and establish research objectives.

Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results.

Determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives.

Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort.

Pair the research results with all other recent research efforts to determine validity.

2 分 问题 16

The United States would be correctly labeled as relationship-oriented culture because it is high-context, respects collectivism, and follows polychronic time. 答案

2 分 问题 17

When a government seizes an investment of a foreign investor but some reimbursement for the assets is made, the government is following a process called: 答案




exchange controls.

local-content laws.

2 分 问题 18

The phrase \答案

Socialism 对



Mercantilism Polarism

2 分 问题 19

Which of the following forms of business decision-making characterizes most Asian countries? 答案


contractual dual



2 分 问题 20

Multicultural research involves dealing with countries that have different languages, economies, social structures, behavior, and attitude patterns. 答案

2 分 问题 21

Culture, profoundly affects management style. 答案

错 2 分 问题 22

对 对

With respect to the international planning process, the marketing plan begins with a situation analysis and culminates in the selection of an entry mode and a specific action program for the market. 答案

2 分 问题 23

One of the questions used to ensure validity of secondary data in the international market is \what purposes were the data collected?\答案

2 分 问题 24

Mike Jordan's company has just entered into an agreement with a German firm that will create a separate legal entity. This new firm will be allowed to conduct business and actively compete in the European Union's various markets. A good description of the new company would be a \venture.\答案

2 分 问题 25

Which of the following would most likely be characterized as being an imperative business custom? 答案

establishing friendships

speaking the language

understanding the native religions

drinking the local drinks

having a knowledge of trading law

2 分

对 对 对

问题 26

Management style includes business culture, management values, and business methods and behavior. 答案

2 分 问题 27

Since France is higher on the Hofstede Power Distance Index (PDI), business executives would find the American business managers' casual attitude toward business affairs to be crude and unsophisticated. 答案

2 分 问题 28

All of the following are decisions that the foreign marketer must make when entering a foreign market EXCEPT: 答案

allocating effort and resources among countries.

in which markets should business be conducted.

what should be the level of resource commitment.

should the organization have a mission statement or not.

what products to develop.

2 分 问题 29

Many American companies are increasingly adopting a __________ whereas companies in other countries have been slow to change from the more traditional __________. 答案

product orientation, marketing orientation

strategic approach, short-term approach 对 对

promotion orientation, sales orientation

marketing orientation, product orientation

high tech orientation, conventional methods

2 分 问题 30

In a high context implicit communication environment who says something, how it is said, and when it is said is very important. Which of the following countries would we find to be \context implicit\答案


Saudi Arabia France

United States Germany

2 分 问题 31

At the top of the list of political issues concerning foreign businesses is the: 答案

ruling party of a country.

the political history of a country.

the voting process of a country.

the court system of a country.

the stability or instability of prevailing government policies.

2 分 问题 32

The big question in global marketing management today is \


2 分 问题 33

___________ is a key concept in international marketing because it is required on small matters as well as large ones. 答案

Profit perception





2 分 问题 34

Quantitative research provides the marketer with responses that can be presented with precise estimation. 答案

2 分 问题 35

All of the following are considered to be economic risks that can be faced by international companies EXCEPT: 答案

exchange controls.

local-content laws.

import restrictions.

tax controls. 对

production costs.

2 分 问题 36

All marketing research programs are basically conducted in the same way. 答案

2 分 问题 37

Civil or code law was derived from which of the following? 答案

English law

economic law

Greek law

Persian law

Roman law

2 分 问题 38

It is generally better to collect primary data before turning to secondary data because of the increased reliability and validity of primary data. 答案

2 分 问题 39

If conciliation is not used to settle a difference in an international business dispute or an agreement cannot be reached, the next step is litigation. 答案

错 2 分

对 对 对



问题 1


Consumer services are distinguished by four unique characteristics--intangibility, inseparability, homogeneity, and longevity.


2 分

问题 2


The support services component of the product component model contains such items as repair and maintenance and warranties.


2 分

问题 3


One of the core components in the product component model is the product platform.


2 分

问题 4


Quality can be defined on two dimensions: market-perceived quality and performance quality.


2 分

问题 5


Strictly speaking from a marketing point of view as well as from a definitional view, a product is a physical item.


2 分

问题 6


An important first step in adapting a product to a foreign market is to determine the degree of newness as perceived by the intended market.


2 分

问题 7


The packaging component of the product component model contains the physical product and all its design and functional features.



问题 1


Distribution channels vary depending on which of the following?


1. e-commerce

2. language and dialect spoken

3. internet access

4. available distribution intermediaries

5. distance from manufacturer

2 分

问题 2


The distribution process includes all of the following EXCEPT:


1. physical handling of goods.

2. passage of ownership (title).

3. buying and selling negotiations.

4. promotion of goods and services.

5. physical distribution of goods.

2 分

问题 3


In a(n) ______________ distribution structure, an importer controls a fixed supply of goods and the marketing system develops around the philosophy of selling a limited supply of goods at high prices to a small number of affluent customers.


1. import-oriented

2. service-oriented

3. export-oriented

4. manufacturer-oriented

5. customer-oriented

2 分

问题 4


Which of the following is an area of emphasis that characterizes Japanese distribution channels?


1. direct sales

2. fast delivery

3. cutthroat

4. loyalty

5. variety

2 分

问题 5


The foundation of the Japanese distribution system is the:


1. middleman.

2. wholesaler.

3. manufacturer.

4. intermediary.

5. small retailer.

2 分

问题 6


The __________ are becoming major domestic middlemen for international markets by providing an attractive entry point to international markets for U.S. suppliers with minimum experience.


1. Export Management Companies

2. Manufacturers' Retail Stores

3. Complementary Marketers

4. Trading Companies

5. Global Retailers

2 分

问题 7


Henriette's company lacks sufficient funds to fully develop international distribution channels. Which of the following channel strategy Cs will her company need to consider?


1. capital

2. control 3. cost

4. continuity

5. coverage

2 分


问题 1


Integrated marketing communications primary function is to link electronic and print advertising under one function.


2 分

问题 2


One of the reasons that a marketing communication may fail is that the message received by the intended audience is not understood because of cultural interpretations.


2 分

问题 3


Sales promotions are short-term efforts directed to the consumer or retailer to achieve such objectives as consumer-product trial or immediate purchase.


2 分

问题 4


According to information presented in the text, \almost uniformly dreadful mostly because people don't understand language and culture.\


2 分

问题 5


Of all the elements of the marketing mix, decisions involving advertising are those most often affected by cultural differences among country markets.


2 分

问题 6


Factors that impact international advertising in almost every market are media availability, cost, coverage, and appropriateness of the media.



问题 1


The added costs incurred as a result of exporting products from one country to another are called:


1. price deflation.

2. pricing mechanisms.

3. price escalation.

4. price gouging.

5. price translation.

2 分

问题 2


In ____________ pricing, the firm is concerned only with the marginal or incremental cost of producing goods to be sold in overseas markets.


1. demand-based

2. supply-based

3. fixed-cost

4. variable-cost

5. full-cost

2 分

问题 3


If a company has as its objective to stimulate market growth and capture market share by deliberately offering products at low prices, it will most likely use a pricing strategy called:


1. escalator pricing.

2. skimming pricing.

3. prestige pricing.

4. oligopolistic pricing.

5. penetration pricing.

2 分

问题 4


If a company has as its objective to reach a market segment that is relatively price insensitive and thus willing to pay a premium price for the value received, it will most likely use a pricing strategy called:


1. everyday low pricing.

2. penetration pricing.

3. oligopolistic pricing.

4. skimming pricing.

5. value-based pricing.

2 分

问题 5


______________ imports develop when importers buy products from distributors in one country and sell them in another country to distributors who are not part of the manufacturer's regular distribution system.


1. Circular

2. Direct

3. Parallel 4. Black-listed

5. Co-mingled



Another term for parallel importing is: 答案

1. government piracy.

2. the black market.

3. manufacturer black-listing.

4. forwarded market.

5. gray-market goods 2 分


2. Direct

3. Parallel 4. Black-listed

5. Co-mingled



Another term for parallel importing is: 答案

1. government piracy.

2. the black market.

3. manufacturer black-listing.

4. forwarded market.

5. gray-market goods 2 分


