
更新时间:2023-11-27 06:00:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1-bene-well Benefit Benediction Benefactor Beneficiary Benevolence 2-am-to love Amiable Amigo Amicable Enamored Amorous Paramour 3-bell-war Antebellum Bellicose Belligerence Rebellion 4-pac-agree/peace Pacify

Pacifist Pact Pace

5-crim-fault/crime/accusation Crime Criminal Criminology Decriminalize Incriminate Recrimination

6-prob-prove/proof/honesty/ Probe Approbation Probate Probity Reprobate

7-grav-heavy/weight/serious Gravity Grave Gravitas Gravitate Aggravate

8-lev-light Lever Levitation Alleviate Elevation Cantilever Levity

9-mania-madness Kleptomania Dipsomaniac Megalomaniac Egomaniac

10-psych-breath/life/soul Psyche Psychedelic Psychosomatic Psychotherapist 11-cept-take/seize Capture Reception Intercept Perceptible

Susceptible 12-fin-end/boundary Confine Final Finish Confine Definitive Finite Infinitesimal 13-ject-throw/hurl Reject Eject Interject Conjecture Projection Trajectory 14-tract-drag/draw Attractive Extract Traction Retract Protracted

Intractable 15-duc/duct-to lead Conducive Deduction Induce Seduction 16-sequ-to follow Sequential Subsequent Consequential Non sequitur

17-ambi-on both side/around Ambiguous Ambient Ambivalent Ambit

18-epi-on/over/attached to Epicenter Epilogue Epiphyte Epitaph Epithet

19-hyp/hypo-below/under Hypotension Hypochondriac Hypoglycemia Hypothermia Hypothetical

20-therm/thermo-warm Thermometer Thermal Thermodynamics Thermonuclear 21-poly-many Polytechnic Polygamy Polyp Polyglot Polymer Polygraph 22-prim-first Primitive Primary Primal

Primer Primate Primordial

23-hom/homo-same/similar Homograph Homosexual Homonym Homogeneous Homologous Homogenize 24-dis-apart/opposite Dissuade Disorient Discredit Dislodge 25-vor-to eat Carnivorous Herbivorous Insectivorous Voracious 26-carn-flesh/meat Carnage

Carnal Incarnate Reincarnation 27-cred-to believe Credit Credence Credible Credulity Credo

28-fid-faith/trust Confidence Affidavit Diffident Fiduciary Perfidy

29-curr/curs-to run Current Concurrent Cursory Discursive Precursor 30-ped-foot

Pedal Quadruped Pedigree Impediment Pedestrian 31-flect-to bend Flexible Deflect Reflective Genuflect Inflection

32-post-after/behind Posterior Posthumous Postmodern Postmortem 33-mal-bad Malady Malevolent Malicious Malign Malnourished

34-cata-down Catalogue Cataclysm Catacomb Catalyst Catatonic

35-prot/proto-first in time Protagonist Protocol Protoplasm Prototype

36-ante-before/in front of Antebellum Antechamber Antedate Antecedent Anterior

37-ortho-straight/right/true Orthograde Orthodontics Orthodox Orthopedics

