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1、The project manager has a project that is three months behind but, surprisingly, markedly under budget. She has decided to try to make up time, but wants to avoid rework. What should she do?

a. Crash. b. Fast track. c. Redefine the scope. d. Resource level.

一个项目经理的项目已经延误了3个月,令人吃惊的是这个项目还远远没有超支,仍在预算之内。这个经理决定要努力赶上进度,但还要避免返工。她应当怎样做? A、 赶工。 B、快速跟进。 C、重新定义范围。 D、平衡资源。

2、The primary objective of negotiation is to: A. Get the most from the other side B. Protect the relationship C. Be the winner

D、Define your objectives up front and stick with them 谈判的主要目标是: A、 从对方最大程度的获取 B、 保护双方关系 C、 成为赢家

D、 预先定义自己的目标并坚持

3、Originally,your project had five team members. Now the scope has expanded, and there are a total of eight people on the project team. How many more communication channels have been added? A. 9 B. 10 C. 18 D. 28


A. 9

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B. 10 C. 18 D. 28

4、You are the project manager on a project that has a total slack of -20. What should you do FIRST?

A. Use less experienced team members.

B. Request an extension of the project due date. C. Acquire more resources for critical path tasks.

D. Fast track the project if overall project risk is already too high. 你是一个项目的项目经理,这个项目总时差为-20,你应该首先做什么? A. 使用经验不太丰富的团队成员。 B. 要求延长项目完工日期。 C. 为关键路径获得更多的资源。

D. 如果整体项目风险已经很明显, 快速跟进项目。

5、A project manager is employed by Company A and was involved in a competitive bidding. Before the bid was awarded, the project manager resigned from Company A, and was hired by Company B, also one of the bidders in bidding. The sales manager of Company B asked the project manager to join the sales strategy session. How should the project manager respond?

A. Decline the invitation.

B. Join the meeting but do not offer any information that would jeopardize the outcome of the bidding process.

C. Participate in the meeting and offer suggestions to assist Company B to win the business.

D、Discuss some of the sales strategy of Company A, but only give short answers that will only give Company B a slight advantage.

某项目经理受聘于A公司参与一个竞争性投标。在授标之前,项目经理从A 公司辞职并受聘于B公司。B公司也是一个投标者。B公司的销售经理要求 项目经理加入销售战略会议。项目经理应该如何反应? A. 拒绝邀请

B. 参加会议但是不提供任何可能危及竞标过程结果的信息。 C. 参加会议并且提出建议帮助B公司竞标成功

D. 探讨A公司的某些销售战略,简短的提供可以让B公司受益很小的答案

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6、During the project scope planning process, the work breakdown structure should be developed to: A、 B、 C、 D、

The Sub-project level.

The level determined by the project office. A level allowing for adequate estimates. The cost center level

在项目范围计划编制过程中,工作分解结构应该划分到: A. 子项目的层面

B. 项目办公室所确定的层面 C. 能够进行充分估算的层面 D. 成本中心的层面

7、Your boss, the vice president of research at your electronic system development firm, defines success on the project as providing “state-of-the-art” development. The vice president of marketing defines it as “world-class practices.” The vice president of engineering, who is the customer for this project, is primarily concerned with new features. Which of the following BEST describes what you should do? A、 B、 C、 D、

Make sure the requirements are defined in measurable terms Concentrate on new features.

Identify additional stakeholders that want new features to Concentrate on making the project state-of-the-art.

shift the balance in that direction.


A. 确保对要求使用可测量的条件来定义 B. 集中精力在新特性上

C. 识别另外需要新特性的项目干系人,使平衡向新特性方向移动 D. 集中精力把项目做成“艺术级的”开发

8、A project loses a contractor in the middle of a project. A new project team is formed to replace the role of the lost contractor and his/her team. As a project manager, what is the FIRST topic to address to the team in the kick-off meeting? A、

Identify team roles and responsibilities.

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B、 C、 D、

Review detailed schedule. Discuss cost estimates. Emphasize your authority.


A. 确定团队角色和职责 B. 评估详细进度 C. 讨论成本估算 D. 强调你的权威

9、In order to balance the needs of the many stakeholders involved in your project the most desirable method to achieve resolution of conflicts would be- A 、Compromise

B 、Forcing C 、Controlling D 、Confrontation


A、 妥协 B、 强制 C、 控制 D、 面对

10、 The following is not true about the Responsibility Matrix:

A. it details people assigned to project roles B. it details project roles and responsibilities C. it details when staff are allocated to tasks D. it is linked to the scope definition or WBS 以下关于职责矩阵描述不正确的是? A. 职责矩阵描述了团队成员分配的角色 B. 职责矩阵描述了角色和职责

C. 职责矩阵描述了团队成员什么时候需要做什么事 D. 职责矩阵与范围定义或WBS有关联

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11、 你是一个系统集成项目的经理,该项目将使人们能在各地医院的急诊室买到彩票。你的公司开发适用的软件,但需要向其他公司购买硬件设备,你的外包管理员告知你要准备一份包括如何管理各个采购过程内容的文件,该文件被称为: 。 A、工作说明书 B、采购管理计划 C、采购文件 D、需求文件

12、 投标人会议的目的是为了:

A、 确保潜在承包商获取相同的信息,并提供建议书 B、 为了获得承包商最终建议书

C、 使有针对性的承包商获取更多的信息 D、 直接在会议上选择承包商

13、 组织的政策、程序和流程,以及知识库、经验教训、风险数据和挣值数据等是属于: A. 项目管理知识库 B. 项目管理信息系统 C. 组织过程资产 D. 事业环境因素 14、


为了便于管理,你现在要为这个项目建立一个项目管理办公室(PMO),而且还要给这个办公室配备一个项目管理信息系统。这个系统要包括所有有关项目的信息,而且这个系统中的数据是随时可以更新的。要完成这个管理信息系统,你需要收集这15个项目所有工作的相关信息。这些信息构成下列哪项的全部内容? A.项目会计表

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