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一、填空(15*2=30 分)

1、 ___ ________是新课改的核心价值追求。

2、英语学习的策略包括______________、 调控策略、 _____________和资源策略。 3、在任务型语言教学中任务的设计应遵循_________、真实性原则、整合性原则、__________、综合能力培养原则和结果可评价原则。

4 在人类语言的交际活动中,听说占了人类语言交际活动的_________%,所以在小学阶段, 在英语基本技能的培养方面,我们应该坚持_________________、读写跟上的原则。 5、在英语口语教学中,我们可以采用复述法。复述法可以分为两步来实施;第一步是 ________________,第二步是活性复述。

6、英语新课程倡导的学习方式有_________________、合作学习方式和探究学习方式。 7 在任务型语言教学中,课外作业应以____________为主导。

8、主要的外语教学法有_____________,直接法、听说法、全身反应法和_____________. 9、语言的学习过程是一个学生不断犯语言错误的过程,教师只有注意建立和谐、_______、 民主的教学氛围,学生才能增加语言实践的机会,才有提高语言的可能。 10、 对学生文化意识的培养包括两个方面的内容: 一是_______________;二是_____________.

二 简答题(3*10=30 分)

1 如何理解《课标》的 6 个基本理念?2、如何理解教师会教和乐教? 3、在小学英语教学中如何创设情景?

三、设计:随着英语课程在小学的开展,小学的英语教学也取得了一定的成效。而英语教学 要想取得良好效果, 教师的素质和水平往往起着决定性的作用, 作为一名小学英语教育专业 的学生,你认为一个合格的小学英语教师应具备怎样的素质?(40 分)



1、Language learning process is a ___________process. Therefore ___________and _________________with the language in communication are very important factors for language development.

2、Imitation and repetition are the main ways for children acquire their mother tongue except these please give another two ways______________ and _______________-. 3、TPR is the abbreviation(缩写)of _____________________. 4、Howard Gardener has proposed the theory of _________________.

5、内省智能 _____________ 音乐智能_____________ 人际交往智能____________- 6、In some occasions ,meaning can be understood with ________language. such as when we praise the children : “you did a very good job!” you can only say “good” with your thumb raised. 7、When we teach children English ,maybe the students will not understand your instructions.the best way we can use __________language and ___________、facial expressions and so on. 8、A good primary English teacher need to develop competence in at least three areas: the English language, the __________of children and the __________and ___________for teaching children.

9、We can change seating _____________ once in a while that could add some ___________in the classroom.

10、As a qualified English teacher, first you should have good__________ and ___________. 二、判断(20%)

11( ) It is necessary to establish a classroom routine from the beginning.

12( )The target language should be used as much as possible even with beginners. 13( ) In language teaching classroom ,the primary concern is to let the students sit well and listen to teacher carefully.

14( ) Good language learner is that he should look up every word that he doesn’t know.

