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本报告参照全球报告倡议组织《可持续发展报告指南(GRI 3.1)》及金融服务业相关补充指引等标准要求编写,同时满足中国银监会《关于加强银行业金融机构社会责任的意见》、中国银行业协会《中国银行业金融机构企业社会责任指引》、上海证券交易所《上海证券交易所上市公司环境信息披露指引》和《公司履行社会责任的报告》编制指引的相关要求。






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i. Scope of the Report

Organizational scope of the Report: This Report is primarily about Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, covering domestic tier-one branches, branches directly controlled by the Head O ce, colleges directly controlled by the Head o ce, institutions directly controlled by the Head O ce, and overseas institutions. Reporting period: January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011Reporting cycle: Annual.

ii. Preparation Principle of the Report

This Report is prepared with reference to the "Sustainable Development Reporting Guidelines" of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 3.1) and the Financial Services Sector Supplemental Guidelines, and meets the requirements set out in the "Opinions concerning Enhancing the Social Responsibility of Banking and Financial Institutions" issued by China Banking Regulatory Commission, the "Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese Banking and Financial Institutions" released by China Banking Association, the "Guidelines of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Environmental Information Disclosure of Listed Companies" promulgated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Guideline for the Preparation of the "Report on Performance of Corporate Social Responsibility".

iii. Data in the Report

Financial data in the Report are from the 2011 nancial statements which were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and audited by Ernst & Young; other data are primarily in relation to year 2011, while others are related to previous years. Unless otherwise stated, nancial and other data in the Report are in RMB.

iv. Assurance Approach of the Report

The Board of Directors and all the directors of the Bank undertake that the report contains no false record, misleading statement or material omission, and assume individual and joint and several liabilities to the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information in this report. Meanwhile, Ernst & Young is engaged to assure the Report in accordance with" ISAE 3000 Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information" and provide an independent assurance report.

v. Release and Interpretation of the Report

The Report is released both in hardcopies and online. The online version is available at the Bank's website at b84be10702020740be1e9b75, b84be10702020740be1e9b75. This Report is published both in Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese and the English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


中国工商银行股份有限公司战略管理与投资者关系部地址:北京市西城区复兴门内大街55号 邮政编码:100140电话:86-10-66105183传真:86-10-66106336E-MAIL :csr@b84be10702020740be1e9b75

vi. Contact Approach

Corporate Strategy and Investor Relations Department

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

Address: No. 55 Fuxingmennei Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100140, PRC Tel: 86-10-66105183Fax: 86-10-66106336E-mail: csr@b84be10702020740be1e9b75

报告说明 Introduction




Company Pro le

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (“ICBC” or “the Bank”) was incorporated on January 1, 1984 with headquarters in Beijing. The Bank was wholly restructured to a joint-stock limited company on October 28, 2005. On October 27, 2006, the Bank was listed on both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

ICBC has a leading market position and boasts an excellent customer base, strong innovation capabilities and outstanding brand value. It has formed a global service network across Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia, as well as a commercial bank-oriented, cross-market diversi?ed operational pattern. The Bank provides superior and e?cient ?nancial services for 4.11 million corporate customers and 282 million personal customers by virtue of the service network consisting of 16,648 domestic institutions, 239 overseas institutions and 1,669 correspondent banks worldwide, as well as through its E-banking network comprising a range of online banking, telephone banking and self-service banking. The Bank not only possesses competitive edge in traditional businesses such as deposits, loans and settlements, but also maintains a leading position among domestic banks in most of the emerging businesses. ICBC is one of the large ?nancial institutions in the world with the fastest growth, and maintains its position as the world’s No.1 listed bank over the past years in terms of market capitalization, pro?t, customer deposits and brand value. The Bank won over a hundred titles and awards each year such as “Best Bank in China”, “Best Bank in Asia” and “Best Bank in Emerging Markets”.

董事长 姜建清

Chairman of the Board of Directors Jiang Jianqing

01 / 02P 董事长致辞| Chairman' s Statement













People's livelihood is an eternal concern, and so is our social responsibility. 2011, the year which has just passed, marked a successful launch of the national 12th Five-year Plan and witnessed the most demanding tests for the global nancial industry. In the face of these challenges, we have ensured the successful fulfillment of the Bank's three-year plan with down-to-earth efforts, kicked off our strategic transformation in spite of the hard times, nourished a ground which will courageously shoulder its responsibility, and displayed a service-oriented social image by translating our gratitude into benefit to society.

In 2011, facing a complicated economic situation, we shouldered the historical responsibility of serving the real economy and creating outstanding value. In keeping with the State's policy direction, we improved corporate governance and promoted operational transformation, taking new strides in our pursuit of a sustainable development marked by a balance between business development and capital restraint as well as between risks and returns. We gave priority to supporting key national projects being newly or continuing to be implemented, steadily increased our aid to enterprises of all sizes, and actively promoted the development of a new socialist countryside and regional economy, thus playing our due role as a major bank in supporting the sound development of the real economy. Furthermore, we took flexible and pragmatic steps to deal with complicated changes in the business environment. With a view to improving our nancial service and creating value for our customers, we made steady progress in financial innovation and continued to maintain our position as a listed bank ranking first in the world in profit, market capitalization, customer deposits, and brand value. In 2011, during our battle against climate change, we devised an approach to development which supports green economy and advocates low-carbon finance. We guided the optimized allocation of credit resources by means of scienti c management, imposed a strict control on the access to credit for

industries with "high energy consumption, high pollution and overcapacity", and assisted in the green and low-carbon upgrading of the industrial structure by the use of credit as a lever, which gave vigorous support to the change of China's mode of economic development. Stepping up our efforts to extend and expand the green service channels, we achieved a favorable combination of the physical and the electronic channels, with the proportion of E-banking representing over 70% of all our business. Apart from offering our customers an experience of efficient service, this has effectively forestalled nancial risks. Actively responding to the State's call for energy conservation and emission reduction, we sought to enhance environmental awareness among our employees and strengthened the routine management designed to save energy and reduce consumption, in order to create an environment-friendly corporate atmosphere of a "green bank". In 2011, in pursuit of fulfilling our corporate citizen responsibility, we carried on the corporate culture of caring for the national economy and people's livelihood and giving back to society. Focusing on "public welfare" and "universal livelihood", we devoted ourselves to the development of social welfare undertakings in the areas of disaster and poverty relief, culture and education, community healthcare, environmental protection and academic research. We initiated an innovative approach to poverty relief synchronized with social progress for the improvement of economically backward regions with the power of philanthropy. We took an active part in the earthquake disaster relief, offering love and care to the people in need. We inspired children who had dropped out of school because of poverty to pursue a better life through learning, upgrading educational support to life guidance. We increased our investment in communities and deepened our pursuit of excellence in serving the people, and thereby enrich our customer experience through re-engineering our service process and reshaping our service delivery. Seeing employees as the source of motivation for the Bank's sustainable development,

03 / 04

P 董事长致辞| Chairman' s Statement


we tried to create a harmonious and dynamic environment for personnel training in order to give our employees a platform for a full display of their talent and enhance their value along with that of the Bank.

In 2011, in our endeavor to build a global financial brand, we fo cus e d on a s er v ice mo de that satisfied the needs of customers by tracking their development. Following the process of China's economic globalization, we encouraged quality enterprises to join global competition, steadily broadened the range of our overseas offices, and actively promoted RMB cross-border trade in order to improve our global service. We have expanded our overseas business network to 33 countries and regions and increased the number of our overseas o ces to 239. As a result, an integrated global service network covering Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia has taken shape. While effectively expanding the service channels for Sino-foreign trade, we respected and understood the different cultures of the host countries and successfully built the image of a responsible large bank rooted in the local area, caring for people's livelihood and repaying the community.

Sustainable development should be based on a sense of responsibility, and enduring success should be founded on caring for people's livelihood. To actively ful ll our social responsibility and maximize our economic, environmental and social value have been mutually consistent with ICBC's corporate culture, mutually dependent on our transformation, closely following our reform and innovation, and closely accompany our emphasis on the principle of repaying society. Having braved the global nancial crisis, we are even more convinced that the sense of responsibility has the power to change the world and usher in a bright future.

Time and tide invite us to set sail and cleave the waves, and the long and arduous journey that lies ahead requires us to advance at a higher speed. In 2012, ICBC will initiate the new task of building itself into one of the world's most profitable, most outstanding and most respected first-rate financial enterprise. The financial market is complicated and unpredictable and our transformation will by no means be easy and smooth. Nevertheless, the public's support and the unity of our staff have always encouraged us to forge ahead in a grateful frame

of mind, marching forward in a win-win manner. A

new starting point generates new hope, and a new journey carries new dreams. Opportunities will be accompanied by challenges, and glory will coexist

with pains. Now that the sail has been hoisted, let us

join hands with people from all walks of life to make a greater contribution to the sustainable development

of society, economy and environment with a broader horizon, increasing confidence, greater enthusiasm,

and steadier steps.

Chairman: Jiang Jianqing

March 29,2012



行长 杨凯生


Yang Kaisheng

05 / 06P 行长致辞| President's Statement
























90% 。在全行范围内推进员工培训和资源建设,启动

















In 2011, the world economy was made fragile by repeated heavy blows, the global market was disrupted by the European debt crisis, and countries in West Asia and North Africa suffered continual unrest. Faced with the most complicated external environment since the beginning of the new century, ICBC has conscientiously complied with the CPC Central Committee's and the State Council's policies and financial regulatory requirements. We have proactively forestalled and mitigated risks, deepened our sense of responsibility, accelerated reform and innovation and furthered operational transformation. Seizing opportunities amid the crisis, we have maintained a sound and steady development and taken new steps in our pursuit of sustainable development.

Creating value as an outstanding company and rewarding our shareholders with a steady growth We have always deemed it a primary way of ful lling our social responsibility to create value and reward our shareholders. In 2011, the value of the Bank's assets reached RMB15,476.9 billion, marking an increase of 15.0% over the previous year; the Bank made an after-tax profit of RMB208.4 billion, up 25.6%; the average return on assets and weighted return on equit y reached 1.44% and 23.44% respectively, up 0.12 percentage points and 0.65 percentage points from the previous year; the Bank paid the State RMB91.954 billion in taxes, up 30.1%; our social contribution was RMB1.76 per share, up RMB0.42 year on year. Having passed through the crucible of the global nancial crisis, we now rank top in the world in terms of pro t, market capitalization, deposits and brand value. We have become one of the world's leading banks, with a steady growth in return to our investors.

Actively adjusting the credit structure and giving full support to the real economy

In compliance with the State's macroeconomic policy, we have persisted in unifying the business

principles of a commercial bank whilst supporting the development of the real economy. The Bank has maintained a reasonable control over credit extension and a balanced growth in the total loan amount. In 2011, RMB new loans granted by our domestic branches totaled RMB811.7 billion, up 13.1% over last year. Meanwhile, we focused on adjusting the credit structure. By improving our service, we contributed to the change in the development mode for the real economy and the adjustment of the economic structure. We stepped up our credit support for small and micro enterprises. The balance of loans to such enterprises during the year was RMB959.3 billion, up 46.1% from the previous year. To promote the coordinated development of the regional economy, we increased loans to the central region, the western region and the northeastern region by 13.94%, 14.81% and 13.29% respectively to fully exert comprehensive advantage of the Bank's financial services to the largest extent . To support the construction of government-subsidized housing, we increased the loans for such housing by 67.44%, despite the decline in our total real estate loans. We gave a stronger nancial support to agriculture, rural areas and farmers, deepened the reform of the Bank's county sub-branches, and increased our credit support for the production, processing and circulation of farm produces. The Bank will vigorously promote the sound development of the real economy and bring about a sound cycle for the development of both the real economy and the monetary economy.

Developing our public welfare undertakings and keeping our promise about service quality Keeping in mind the Bank's mission of "serving customers and contributing to society", we have taken an active part in public welfare undertakings and enhanced our awareness of service innovation. The Bank has increased its public welfare investment and introduced new forms of campaigns in terms of

07 / 08

P 行长致辞| President's Statement


disaster and poverty relief, culture and education, community service, environmental protection, and academic research. In 2011, the Group invested a total of RMB39.2 million in public welfare undertakings. It launched ICBC's "Safety of Mothers and Babies 120" campaign, built bridges over streams in the Qinshan and Bashan mountainous areas, staged a Bank Museum exhibition of refined works and held a competition for innovative designs of campus products. These concrete actions have helped the company to establish a favorable corporate citizen image. With a view to offering the best service among all Chinese banks, we have held a succession of service-enhancing activities and tested our capability by offering financial services to the International Horticultural Exposition, the Universiade, the Shanghai Art Fair and the 9th National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities. Thus we have effectively enhanced our service capacity and raised the standard of service through systematic improvements in terms of channels, processes, division of business, service management and brand development. Seventeen outlets of the Bank were listed among the "100 Model Entities with Civilized and Normative Service in 2011" by the China Banking Association, ranking top among its peers.

Caring for the healthy development of employees and seeking harmony between company and employees

We have adhered to the value concept of "people Oriented" and actively promoted the harmonious development of both the company and its employees. In 2011, focusing on enhancing its business management and international competitiveness, the Bank devoted itself to the integration of employees from di erent regions and of di erent ethnic groups. In its domestic branches, female staff represented 48.3% of all the employees and members of ethnic groups represented 5.2%; in its overseas branches, local people accounted for more than 90% of the total. To promote personnel training and resource development across the Bank, we launched a project

for training international talent, enhanced the quality

of employees, and broadened the courses of career development; we o ered 38,000 training courses to

2.23 million person-times. We made active e orts to protect the legal rights and interests of all categories

of employees, strengthened a democratic system

and cared for the employees' physical and mental health, in order to make talent development an important component and pillar of the Bank's core competitiveness.

In 2012, faced with a complicated and challenging economic situation at home and abroad, we

will continue to accelerate the Bank's strategic transformation and business innovation under the guidance of a scientific outlook on development.

We will incorporate the fulfillment of our social responsibility into business development in order

to give a good start to the implementation of a new

three-year development plan, to provide better financial services for the sound development of

the real economy and to create more value for stakeholders.

President: Yang Kaisheng

March 29,2012



监事长 赵林

Chairman of the Board of Supervisors

Zhao Lin

09 / 10P 监事长| Board of Supervisors



Corporate Culture



Excellent for you — Excellent services to clients, Maximum returns to shareholders, Real success for our people, Great contribution to society 愿景Vision

建设最盈利、最优秀、最受尊重的国际一流现代金融企业A global leading bank with the best profitability, performance and prestige 价值观Value

工于至诚,行以致远Integrity leads to prosperity

基本价值取向Basic dimensions of Value 诚信、人本、稳健、创新、卓越Integrity, Humanity, Prudence, Innovation and Excellence

品牌形象Brand image

您身边的银行,可信赖的银行A reliable bank that's always by your side

Overview of ICBC Responsibility Brand Milestone in Responsibility Responsibility Promotion Responsibility Exchanges 2011 Highlights Assessment from Third Parties 战略与概况









| Strategy and Pro le



Chairman Jiang Jianqing attended the Inspiring ICBC Employees award





报告期内,本行依照相关监管规定和要求,积极开展董事、监事及高级管理人员履职评价,顺利完成董事、监事换选工作;加强董、监事会及其专门委员会履职建设,修订公司章程和完善治理细则,强化全面风险管理及关联交易管理;提高信息披露质量,提升公司透明度;稳步推动全行国际化、综合化、集团化发展战略。报告期内,本行先后荣获“亚洲公司治理杰出表现奖”、“最佳企业管治资料披露大奖—H 股板块白金奖”等32项境内外公司治理重要奖项。




























13 / 14



CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT/2011杨凯生行长出席“荣誉全球雇员”颁奖典礼President Yang Kaisheng attended the ICBC Honorary Global Employees

award ceremony Overview of ICBC

Corporate Governance The Bank focused on the improvement of corporate governance to boost its development, and constantly optimized its modern corporate governance framework comprising the Shareholders' General Meeting, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Senior Management. In line with the vision of "a global leading bank with the best pro tability, performance and prestige", ICBC continuously improved the corporate governance to facilitate the advancement of the development strategy, improvement of operation efficiency and the enhancement of core competitiveness.During the repor ting period, the Bank conducted performance appraisal for directors, supervisors and senior management members and completed the re-election of directors and supervisors according to relevant rules and regulatory requirements. It enhanced the performance of duties of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and their special committees, amended the Articles of Association, improved the governance rules, and strengthened the comprehensive risk management and connected transactions management. The Bank also raised the information disclosure quality, enhanced corporate transparency, and steadily progressed with its international and integrated development strategy. During the reporting Primary reporting line Secondary reporting line

Corporate Governance Structure

period, the Bank won 32 corporate governance awards at home and abroad including "Asian Excellence Recognition Award" and "Best Corporate Governance Disclosure —H -Stock Platinum Awards.As at the end of the reporting period, the Board of Directors of the Bank consisted of 16 directors, including 4 executive directors, 6 non-executive directors and 6 independent non-executive directors. The Board of Supervisors consisted of 6 supervisors, including 2 shareholder supervisors, 2 external supervisors and 2 employee representative supervisors. Strategy Committee Risk Management Committee Nomination Committee Senior


Technical Approval Committee Financial Approval Committee Asset & Liability Management Committee

Credit Risk Management Committee Information Technology Management Committee Risk Management Committee Market Risk Management Committee Business & Product

Innovation Management Committee Credit Approval Committee Operational Risk



Compensation Committee Audit Committee Supervision


Related Party Transactions Control Committee Board of Directors Shareholders' General Meeting

Board of Supervisors

Internal Audit Bureau

Internal Audit


Marketing & Product Departments Risk Management Departments Comprehensive

Administration Departments Supporting Departments Domestic Istitutions Overseas Institutions




秉承 “源于社会、回馈社会、服务社会”的宗旨,积极投身公益事业,鼓励员工参与志愿者活动,通过扶贫助困、助老助残、助学支教、社区服务、金融宣传教育等多种方式回馈社会。


坚持依法合规经营,着力建设诚信体系,积极履行反洗钱义务,加强内部控制,不断培养全员诚信意识, 塑造 “诚信、 稳健、 效益”三者相结合的经营理念,切实维护金融安全和客户利益。


遵循 “以人为本”的理念, 努力营造 “公开、 公平、 公正”的用人环境,全力保障员工权益,建立完善的员工激励机制,为员工提供广阔的职业发展空间,实现员工与企业共同成长。

15 / 16




Responsibility Brand

ICBC closely focuses on its value of "Integrity Leads to Prosperity" to establish a social responsibility system based on the behavioral pattern required for a corporate citizen, integrating the unique connotation and standards for the nancial industry, and consisting of six dimensions: Value Creator, Green Bank, Charity Bank, Harmonious Bank, Creditworthy Bank and Brand Builder on economic,

environmental and social levels.

Harmonious Bank

Stick to the "people-oriented" principle, strive to create an "open, fair and just" employment environment; spare no effort to safeguard the employees' rights and interests, establish a comprehensive employee incentives mechanism, provide broad range of opportunities for employees' career development and ensure that our employees grow at the same time as our business prospers.

Creditworthy Bank

Stick to legal and compliance operation, put forth e ort to establish the creditworthy system; actively fulfill the anti-money laundering obligations, strengthen internal control; focus on cultivating the awareness of creditworthiness of all employees, strive to develop an operational philosophy combining "creditworthiness, soundness and e ectiveness"; conscientiously safeguard nancial security and customers' interests.

Green Bank

Improve the long-term mechanism for green credit, strive to become a model green credit bank; promote E-banking, make use of financial leverage instruments to support the development of low-carbon economy, stimulate the development of an environmentally friendly society. Promote green concept, paperless office and green procurement to minimize carbon emission and endeavor to achieve the harmonious co-existence of society beings and nature.

Charity Bank

Adhere to the "rooted in society, rewarding society and serving society" principle, actively participate in charitable activities, encourage employees to participate in voluntary work; contribute to the society through various means including poverty alleviation, care for the old and disabled, learning and teaching assistance, community services, nancial knowledge publicity and education, etc.

Value Creator

Implement China's macro-economic policies, support sustainable economic development; optimize the allocation of nancial resources for a rational allocation of social resources, provide driving force for value creation of the entire society. Improve corporate governance structure, accelerate operational transformation, innovate products and services, enhance pro tability and improve risk control and endeavour to maximize value for shareholders.

