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1.All the passengers,according to the new regulation,________ before boarding the


A.are to be inspected B.are going to be inspected C.will inspect

D.are about to be inspected

A [考查动词时态和语态。句意:根据最新规定,所有乘客,在乘坐地铁之前都要被检查。根据句意可知此处需要用be to表示“应该”,另外the passengers和inspect是被动关系,所以选A。]

2.(2016-2017学年江苏省南通市如东县、徐州市丰县高三10月联考)—I hear that you've been shown the new plan.

—Oh,yes,but how to carry it out ________ at the meeting. A.didn't clarify B.hasn't been clarified C.wasn't clarified D.hasn't clarified

C [考查时态语态。句意:——我听说你已经看过新的计划了。——是的,但是怎么实施它在会议上还没有被阐明。how to carry it out 是这句话的主语,和clarify是被动关系,而且是具体在会议上发生的,用一般过去时的被动语态。]


测)Life insurance is no fun and does force you to think about your death,but it makes sense to provide an income for your dependents________. A.had you died C.before you die

B.if you died D.should you die

D [考查虚拟语气。句意:人寿保险是不好玩,它迫使你去考虑死亡,但是

当你死了以后,它给你的家属提供收入是有意义的。与将来事实相反,从句用过去时,should do 或were to do,从句中出现should可以省略if,将should提前,故D项正确。]

4.(2016-2017学年江苏省启东中学高三上学期第一次月考)In a diverse society,

one would expect ________multiple interpretations of rights. A.it being C.there being

B.it to be D.there to be

D [考查非谓语动词。句意:就一个多元社会而言,对这些权利有多种多样的解释不足为奇。expect sb./sth.to do sth.“期望/预料某人做某事”是习惯用法。]

5.(2016-2017学年江苏省南通市如东县、徐州市丰县高三10月联考)Alcohol can

damage the liver and do great harm if ________ in large numbers. A.being consumed C.to consumed

B.consumed D.consuming

B [考查状语从句的省略。句意:如果大量饮用,酒精会破坏肝脏,造成伤害。if后面是省略的条件状语从句,当从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致的时候,从句中的主语和be动词可以一起省略。补充完整是:if alcohol is consumed in large numbers。]


测)Of all the clues they provided,________is of any help for solving the case of robbery. A.nothing C.none

B.neither D.no one

C [句意:在他们所提供的所有的线索中,没有一个对解决这个抢劫案件有什么帮助。none指代none of the clues。]

7.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(五))While he ________the freshman

basketball team in high school,Michael didn't make it as a member. A.got into B.adjusted to C.went through with

D.tried out for

D [考查动词短语辨析。句意:虽然Michael在高中时参加了新人篮球队的选拔,但是却没有成为其中的一员。try out for“参加选拔”,符合语境。get into“进入,陷入,染上(坏习惯)”;adjust to“适应,习惯”;go through with“完成”。]

8.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(七))As we all know,books are the source

of knowledge and we can ________a great deal from reading. A.benefit C.separate

B.remove D.steal

A [考查动词辨析。句意:众所周知,书是知识的源泉,通过阅读,我们可以受益很多。benefit“得益于,受益”,符合语境。remove“移除”;separate“分离,分开”;steal“窃取”。]

9.(2016-2017学年江苏省盐城市高三上学期期中考试)Despite the failure of his

business,he remains optimistic and ________untroubled by his problems. A.hopefully C.seemingly

B.approximately D.frequently

C [考查副词辨析。句意:尽管生意失败,但他依旧乐观,貌似没有被他的问题所困扰。hopefully充满希望地;approximately大约;seemingly看来似乎,貌似;frequently经常地。]


试)Scientists think calculating is a necessary skill ________they base their researches. A.on it C.on which

B.on that D.on whose

C [考查定语从句。句意:科学家认为计算是他们的研究所依赖的一项必备技能。base sth.on “把某物建立在……基础之上”,此处先行词为skill,在从句中作介词on的宾语,所以用on which引导定语从句。]

11.(2017·江苏省如皋中学高三上学期教学质量调研(三))It's not what you have in

your life but________you have in your life that matters. A.who


C.which D.what

A [考查名词性从句。句意:重要的不是你生活中拥有什么,而是你拥有谁。使用强调句,强调的是not...but...连接的并列的主语从句。第二个主语从句中have后面缺少宾语,根据句意可知指人,应该用who引导。]

12.(2016-2017学年江苏省盐城市高三上学期期中考试)________he has been

living on a different planet,he probably knows that there's a new version of Windows—it's called Vista. A.Once C.Though

B.Unless D.If

B [考查状语从句。句意:除非他一直生活在一个不同的星球上,否则他极可能知道微软有一个新版本——它被称为Vista。unless除非。]

13.(2017·苏北四市高三一模)A student can ________obtain knowledge without

studying than a farmer can get harvest without ploughing. A.no more C.no less

B.not more D.not less

A [考查固定用法。句意:学生不学习就得不到知识和农民不耕地就得不到收获一样。no more ...than ...意为“和……一样不……”,用于否定两者,符合语境。]


—When shall we go shopping tomorrow? —________.I'm available all day. A.Go ahead B.No problem C.It depends on you D.You can never tell

C [考查交际用语。句意:“我们明天什么时候去购物呢?”“由你决定。我一整天都有空。”it depends on you“由你决定”符合句意。go ahead“去吧,干吧”;no problem“没问题”;you can never tell“谁也说不准”。] 15.(2017·江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(二))When Van Gogh was alive,nobody

wanted to buy his paintings.But now rich people will ________for one,sometimes

more than five million dollars. A.play it by ear B.pay through the nose C.get it all together D.put their heads together

B [考查习语。句意:当梵高活着的时候,没有人想买他的油画。但是现在富人们愿意出高价购买一幅画,有时候超过了五百万美元。pay through the nose“付过高的价”,符合语境。play it by ear“随机应变”;get it all together“不慌不忙,沉着冷静”;put one's heads together“集思广益”。] Ⅱ.完形填空——记叙文

(2017·镇江高三一模)It is impossible to perform consistently in a manner inconsistent with the way we see ourselves.In other words,we usually act in direct__16__to our self-image.Nothing is more difficult to__17__ than changing outward actions without changing inward feelings.

One of the best ways to__18__those inward feelings is to put some “success” under your belt.My daughter Elizabeth has a__19__to be shy and wants to hold back on new experiences.But once she has__20__to a situation,it's “full steam ahead”.When she was in first grade,her school had a candy bar __21__.Each child was given thirty candy bars and was__22__ to sell every one of them.__23__I picked up Elizabeth from school she was holding her “challenge” and needed some__24__encouragement.It was time for a sales meeting with my new salesgirl. All the way home I taught her how to sell candy bars.I__25__each teaching point with a half dozen “You can do it-your smile will__26__them over-I believe in you” phrases.By the end of our fifteen-minute__27__,the young lady sitting beside me had become a__28__saleslady. At the end of the day,all thirty bars had been sold.She excitedly__29__as I tucked her into bed that night: “Oh God,thanks for the candy sale at school.It's great.”

Elizabeth's prayer reflects the heart's __30__ of every person.We all want to be winners.The next day Elizabeth came home__31__another box of candy bars.She'd exhausted(用完,耗尽)the__32__of friendly neighbors,and she was thrust into the

cruel world of the unknown buyer.__33__I offered encouragement and a few more selling tips.And she did it.The experience__34__two days of selling,two sold-out performances,two happy people,and one boosted__35__.How we see ourselves reflects how others see us.

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者的女儿由于害羞,不愿接受新的体验,但一次全力以赴出售糖果棒的经历却让她及作者均收获良多。 16.A.opposition C.preference

B.response D.contrast

B [根据前面一句“It is impossible to perform consistently in a manner inconsistent with the way we see ourselves”可知,我们不可能一直表现出与我们看待自己的方式相悖的行为,换句话说,我们通常对我们的自我评价作出直接的反应(response)。opposition意为“反对”;preference意为“偏爱”;contrast意为“对比”。] 17.A.accomplish C.appreciate

B.acknowledge D.allocate

A [没有什么事比改变外在的行为而不改变内在的情感更难完成(accomplish)。acknowledge意为“承认”;appreciate意为“欣赏”;allocate意为“分配”。] 18.A.follow C.injure

B.control D.improve

D [改善(improve)那些内在情感的一个最好的办法是获得一些成功。follow意为“跟随”;control意为“控制”;injure意为“受伤”。] 19.A.chance C.need

B.tendency D.competence

B [我的女儿伊丽莎白有害羞的倾向(tendency)。chance意为“机会”;need意为“需要”;competence意为“能力”。] 20.A.turned C.warmed

B.complained D.submitted

C [但是她仅有一次对一种情况更加感兴趣(warmed),那就是“全速前进”。turn意为“转向”;complain意为“抱怨”;submit意为“提交,服从”。]

21.A.sale C.present

B.delivery D.bargain

A [根据下文可知,孩子们要卖掉糖果棒。由此可推知,她的学校有糖果棒出售(sale)活动。delivery意为“递送”;present意为“礼物”;bargain意为“便宜货”。] 22.A.forced C.challenged

B.ordered D.warned

C [根据语境及下文中的“she was holding her‘challenge’”可知,学校给了每个孩子三十个糖果棒,孩子们要挑战(challenged)卖掉每个糖果棒。force意为“强迫”;order意为“命令”;warn意为“警告”。] 23.A.When C.If

B.While D.Because

A [当我从学校接伊丽莎白时,她手里正拿着自己的“挑战”,需要一些积极的鼓励。pick up是终止性动词短语,故选A项。when意为“当……的时候”,谓语动词既可用终止性动词,也可用延续性动词;while意为“当……的时候”,谓语动词只能用延续性动词;if意为“如果”;because意为“因为”。] 24.A.negative C.rough

B.further D.positive

D [参见上题解析。positive“积极的”符合语境。negative意为“消极的”;further意为“更远的”;rough意为“艰苦的”。] 25.A.decorated C.rewarded

B.surrounded D.classified

B [根据上下文语境可知,此处指作者用饱含积极意义的措辞围绕(surrounded)着每个教学点。decorate意为“装饰”;reward意为“奖励”;classify意为“分类”。] 26.A.get C.win

B.take D.look

C [根据上下文语境可知,作者是在用积极的话语鼓励自己的女儿,作者想让自己的女儿相信她的微笑会把顾客争取过来。win sb.over“说服,把……争取过来,赢得……的支持”。]

27.A.complaint C.amusement

B.quarrel D.drive

D [根据第二段中的“I picked up Elizabeth from school”以及第三段中的“All the way home”可知,此处指十五分钟的驾车路程(drive)。complaint意为“抱怨”;quarrel意为“争吵”;amusement意为“消遣”。] 28.A.committed C.frightened

B.nervous D.pretty

A [到我们十五分钟的驾车路程结束时,坐在我旁边的年轻女孩已成为一个坚定的(committed)女售货员。nervous意为“紧张的”;frightened意为“害怕的”;pretty意为“漂亮的”。] 29.A.wrote C.recalled

B.prayed D.recommended

B [根据本句中的“Oh God,thanks for the candy sale at school”以及下文中的“Elizabeth's prayer”可知,她兴奋地祈祷。write意为“写”;pray意为“祈祷”;recall意为“记起”;recommend意为“推荐”。故选B项。] 30.A.humour C.desire

B.impression D.justice

C [根据语境及后面一句“We all want to be winners”可知,伊丽莎白的祷告反映了每个人心中的愿望(desire)。humour意为“幽默”;impression意为“印象”;justice意为“公正”。] 31.A.toward C.for

B.without D.with

D [第二天伊丽莎白拿着另一盒糖果棒回了家。toward意为“向着”;without意为“没有”;for意为“为了”;with意为“带有”。故选D项。] 32.A.resource C.supply

B.emotion D.dignity

C [她已经耗尽了友好的邻居的供应(supply),她被推入未知买家的残酷世界。resource意为“资源”;emotion意为“情绪”;dignity意为“尊严”。] 33.A.Again C.Instead

B.Deliberately D.Eventually

A [根据上文可知,作者在女儿第一次卖糖果棒时给了女儿诸多鼓励,再结合下文的“I offered encouragement ...”可知,此处表示作者再次给了女儿鼓励。again意为“再,又”;deliberately意为“故意地”;instead意为“相反”;eventually意为“最后”。] 34.A.added to C.came to

B.amounted to D.catered to

B [这次经历相当于(amounted to)两天的销售,两次售完的业绩,两个快乐的人和一个提高的自我评价。add to意为“增加”;come to意为“共计”;cater to意为“迎合”。] 35.A.self-help C.self-respect

B.self-study D.self-image

D [参见上题解析。第一段中的“self-image”是关键提示。self-help意为“自助”;self-study意为“自学”;self-respect意为“自尊”;self-image意为“自我形象,自我评价”。]



(2017·苏州高三一模)Nelle Harper Lee,better known by her pen name Harper Lee,was an American novelist widely known for To Kill a Mockingbird,published in 1960.Immediately successful,it won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize and has become a classic of modern American literature.In 1991 an organization conducted a survey that made readers identify books that had “made a difference” in their lives.The result? Lee's book trailed only The Bible.Alongside the works of Shakespeare and Twain,this novel remains one of the most widely taught books nationwide,reaching about 70% of American public schools.What makes it such a typical read for young people?

English class is a place where young Americans come to know themselves.In the folds of dusty books,students can make contact with humanity beyond the shallow small talk of the school hallways.Disturbed by hormones and anxiety,teenagers get through school with confusion and frustration.Literature is a safety valve(安全阀)—it promises relief,a place to figure out one's problems and get to know oneself better.

The novel particularly distinguishes itself in this aspect.It speaks in a child's voice without treating its readership as children.Some critics have called it an “impossible” achievement,a children's book penned by a well-educated adult—it's unlikely that a child like Scout could exist in the real world.But that's exactly what makes it such a charming,attractive read for young people.It indicates the consciousness of a well-educated adult facing difficult realities,but describes it through the light and playful voice of a curious little girl.

Gaby Hick,a third-year student focused on English literature at Brown University,calls it “one of the first books that kids and young adults read and that deal with serious issues—rape,race,mental issues”.She adds,“The story makes these adult themes accessible because of Scout.”The book's setting,a small town in Alabama affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s,may appear very different from the experience of most kids reading it today.But Lee's words make her story feel alive and present.

In 2006,however,critic Thomas Mallon expressed his regret about the book's avoiding moral complexity in The New Yorker.But her novel makes a great teaching tool for teenagers precisely because its moral view is as clear as that of one of Aesop's fables.That absence of ambiguity in this novel doesn't mean the novel is free of challenging ideas,either.Will Serratelli,another literature student at Brown says,“There aren't many hard moral questions being asked...but it opens up all these other questions that I hadn't thought about before.My English teachers always asked,‘Do you sympathize with this character? Would you want to hang out with them? ’When you give a kid a book where those questions don't even need to be asked,it_forces_them_to_dig_deeper.”

Mallon's criticism is accurate in that this novel may present too limited a view of racism in America.That's especially problematic because it is one of the only books consistently assigned to American students that acknowledge racial discrimination at all.However,To Kill a Mockingbird may owe some of its popularity as a teaching text to the fact that the narrative voice is a white one.Naomi Varnis,an African Studies student at Brown says,“It's another practice of telling stories about black people through white central characters.”

