职称英语核心词汇(199对2页版) - 图文

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职称英语词汇集锦(199对,2页版) 序选择词 同义词 词义 号 1 a better an improved 更好的 2 a branch a division 分支(机构) 3 a plentiful an abundant 丰富的 4 abandon give up 放弃 5 abide by stick to 坚持,遵循 6 abnormal unusual 不正常的 7 abrupt sudden 突然的 8 accelerate step up 加快 9 acceptably satisfactorily 令人满意 10 acclaim hail 向……欢呼 11 account consideration 要考虑的事 12 account for explain 解释 13 accumulate collect 积聚 14 aircraft planes 飞机 15 alleviate lessen 减轻 16 allocate assign 分配 17 allocate distribute 分配,分布 18 allow permit 允许 19 almost practically 几乎 20 although while 引导让步从句 21 annoying irritating 使不愉快 22 argue contend 争辩 23 arise get up 起床 24 arouse excite 使激动 25 assemble gather 聚集 26 assert state firmly 断言 27 assume postulate 假定 28 at any price for love or money 不惜任何代价 29 at stake in danger 在危险中 30 attend to wait on 伺候 31 attraction lure 吸引 32 authentically genuinely 真正地 33 ban forbid 禁止 34 bare barren 贫瘠 35 bearing influence 相关,影响 36 beat break 打破,胜过 37 before prior to 在……之前 38 broaden widen 加宽 39 call off cancel 停止 40 call up telephone 打电话 41 careful conscientious 小心 42 cater for meet 满足 43 census count 人口普查 44 certain inevitable 不可避免地 45 change convert 兑换 46 childish immature 幼稚 47 china porcelain 瓷器 48 collaborating cooperating 合作 49 collide with run into 碰撞 50 compactly densely 密集地 51 compel force 迫使 52 complain feel unhappy 抱怨 53 comprehend understand 理解 54 confidential secret 秘密 55 consolidate strengthen 巩固 56 contaminate pollute 污染 57 continuously steadily 稳定地 58 conventional orthodox 传统的 59 copy duplicate 复制 60 coverage reportage 覆盖;新闻报道 61 criticize find fault with 批评 62 cultivate foster 培养 63 cure remedy 治疗,补救 64 damaging harmful 有损害的 65 danger distress 危险 66 danger hazard 危险,危害 67 deadly fatal 致命的 68 deadly lethal 致命的 69 decent honest 正派的 70 decide make up one's mind 打主意 71 deduce derive 推出,演绎 72 deliberately intentionally 故意地 73 demand insist on 坚持 74 depend on rely on 依靠 75 depict describe 描写,描绘 76 deter inhibit 阻止 77 dimly faintly 昏暗地 78 disappear vanish 消失,失踪 79 discuss talk over 讨论 80 doctor physician 大夫 81 draft formulate 起草,设计 82 dying out extinction 灭绝 83 effect result 结果 84 elicit provoke 引起,诱发 85 eligible entitled 有资格(权利)的 86 encourage spur 促进,激励 87 endeavor try 设法 88 especially particularly 特别地 89 eternal everlasting 永恒的 90 exhibit show 表现,显示 91 explore investigate 调查 92 explore probe 研究,考察 93 extensive massive 大量的 94 extract take out 取出,拔出 95 fail omit 失败 96 fascinate intrigue 使……着迷 97 final last 最后的 98 framework skeleton 框架 99 frightened scared 受惊的 100 fulfill realize 实现,完成 101 gain put on 增加 102 gangster violent criminal 歹徒 103 gently mildly 温和地,适度地 104 grasp take hold of 抓住 105 hard severe 艰苦 106 harness utilize 利用 107 healthy wholesome 健康的 108 immediately right away 马上 109 imprecise vague 模糊的,不确切 110 inadequately poorly 贫乏,不足 111 isolated solitary 孤立的 112 know realize 知道 113 lately recently 最近 114 laugh at mock 取笑,嘲笑 115 lawful legal 合法的 116 limited small 小的或少的 117 location scene 地点 118 look for try to find 寻找 119 manual physical 体力的 120 mighty very strong 强大的,强壮的 121 motive reason 理由 122 notably particularly 特别 123 now and then occasionally 时而,偶尔 124 occasionally sometimes 有时,偶尔 125 occupant resident 居民 126 outcome result 结果 127 outrageous unacceptable 不可接受 128 phase stage 阶段 129 planner principal organizer 组织者 130 polish shine 照亮 131 pressing urgent 紧迫的 132 propose suggest 建议 133 put up with tolerate 忍受 134 rarely seldom 很少,不常 135 readily willingly 乐意地 136 recommend suggest 建议 137 regardless of whatever 不论 138 regret sorry 遗憾 (regretable) 139 remainder rest 剩余物 140 remove take off 脱掉 141 safe secure 安全的 142 settle solve 解决 143 shake tremble 颤抖 144 shock surprise 震惊的 145 speed velocity 速度 146 summit top of the mountain 山顶 147 test try 尝试 148 stationary not moving 静止的 149 account for explain 解释 150 minute slight 少量 151 disorder confusion 混乱 152 accuse of charge with 指控 153 investigate look into 调查 154 numerous many 许多 155 obvious clear 明显的 156 odd strange 奇怪的 157 participate take part in 参加 158 preserve keep 保持 159 previously before 以前 160 pull up stop 停止 161 perceive notice 注意 162 possess own 拥有 163 substantial significant 重要的 164 appalling dreadful 令人害怕的 165 anyhow anyway 不管怎样 167 achieved attained 实现 168 capabilities abilities 责任 169 in conjunction together 一起 170 credible convincing 令人相信的 171 diligent hardworking 勤奋的 172 diverse varied 不同的 173 faulty wrong 错误的 174 gorgeous lovely 可爱的 175 persist continue 坚持 176 regulate control 管理 177 scatter separate 分开 178 standpoint point of view 观点 179 touching moving 令人感动的 180 shabby unfair 不公平的 181 uneasy unhappy 不快乐的 182 demolish pull down 破坏 183 adverse unfavorable 不利的 184 concise short and clear 简明的 185 courteous respectful 有礼貌的 186 invaluable extremely useful 无价的 187 insane crazy 疯狂的 188 exhaustive extremely thorough 彻底的 189 ingenious original 独创的 190 eligible qualified 合格的 191 vigorous hot-tempered 精力充沛的 192 abide by adhere to 遵守 193 without bias correctly 正确的 194 terminate put an end to 结束 195 quit give up 放弃 196 shock surprise 惊讶 197 subject topic 主题 198 typical characteristic 特征的 199 virtually almost 几乎

