2018 牛津高中英语 模块一 Uint2 Growing pains 单元课时基础练习及综合测试(五年中考三年模拟版)

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牛津高中英语 模块一Unit 2 Growing pains

{单元课时基础练习及综合测试 (五年中考三年模拟版)}

Part 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading

1 单词拼写

1 This decision is likely to ____________(使不高兴) a lot of people. 2 He’d better have a good____________(解释) for his behaviour! 3 I hope you won’t think I am____________(粗鲁的) if I leave early. 4 Their____________(行为) towards me shows that they don’t like me. 5 The movie opens with a____________(场景) in a park. 6 The new law is a bit____________(严厉的) on the drivers. 7 I have no____________(现金) on me. Can I pay you later? 8 He was____________(受惊的) to death by the terrible scene. 9 I can’t ____________(忍受) your treating the old like that.

Keys: 1-5 upset, explanation; rude; behaviour; scene; 6-9 hard; cash; frightened; tolerate

2 选择适当的介词或者副词填空

1 The apartment is________ a mess after the party.

2 It must be John who is in charge________ the department when Susan leaves. 3 Don’t be too hard________ me, because I am new here.

4 The government must do something________ the problem of high unemployment. 5 The music was turned________ so loud that Mary couldn’t concentrate her mind. Keys: in; of; on; with; up

3 从方框里选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,每个短语只用一次 be supposed to; be hard on; in charge of; like crazy; now that; as though; 1 Generally speaking, a lot of successful people_______________ themselves. 2 Who do you think will be_______________ the company when Mr. Jack retires this June? 3 With Tom away and Jenny ill, we’re going to have to work _______________ to get this task finished on time.

4 I understand him much better_______________ I’ve seen his living conditions. 5 Mike treated me_______________ I were a complete stranger!

6 I’m sorry, but you_______________ hand in your paper last Monday.

Keys: are hard on; in charge of; like crazy; now that; as though; were supposed to

4 根据汉语提示完成句子

1 他迫不及待地想要知道考试结果

He _________ ________ _________ ___________ the result of the exam. 2 他被他父亲在交通事故中死亡的事实给吓着了。

He_________ ________ _________ the fact that his father was killed in the traffic accident. 3 梅西被认为是一个很有前途的年轻球员

Messi _________ ________ _________be a promising young player. 4 她俯身把它拾起来

She _________ ________ and picked it up.

5 她很难应付

She is quite difficult to_________ ________ . 6 他受不了像这样被对待

He won’t_________ ________ _________ like this.

7 我希望你不要对我所做的一切吹毛求疵

I wish you’d stop_________ ________ _________ everything I do. 8 灯灭了,我们陷入了黑暗

The light______ _______ and we were left in the dark.

9 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起奢侈品

_________ ________ _________ ___________ ______ _______, we can’t afford luxuries. 10 他们打算把房子粉刷一下

They’re going to _________ ________ _________ ___________.

Keys: 1 can’t wait to know; 2 was frightened by; 3 is supposed to 4 bent down 5 do with; 6 tolerate being treated; 7 finding fault with; 8 went out 9 With prices going up so fast 10 have their house painted.

Part 2 Word power & Grammar and usage 1 根据汉语提示完成句子

1 我希望我昨天去听了那个报告

I wish I________ ________ the lecture yesterday.

2 这本书太枯燥了,以至于我一看就想睡觉

The book was so________ that I kept falling asleep when I read it. 3 他把它们捡了起来,放回包里

He picked them up and________ them in the bag.

4 这样的话,讨论这件事就毫无意义了。

________ ________ __________ , there is no point discussing it. 5 我经常在词典中查阅新词

I usually________ ________ new words in a dictionary. Keys: had attended; boring; replaced; In this case; look up

2 选择适当的关系代词、关系副词或“介词+关系代词”把下面句子补充完整 1 His father died in the year___________ he was born.

2 He is unlikely to find the place___________ he lived forty years ago.

3 Recently I bought a beautiful vase___________ price was quite reasonable. 4 The reason___________ I came here is to get your help.

5 Is that the reason___________ he gave for his terrible behavior?

6 The kind girl__________ shared her umbrella with me this morning turned out to be my boss. 7 The train___________ she was travelling was late.

8 The beautiful dress___________ Miss Jones went to the ball was borrowed. 9 That is the writer___________ a lot of books were written. 10 She is a learned teacher, ___________much can be learned.

Keys: 1 when, in which 2 where, in which 3 whose 4 for which/why 5 which,/,that 6 who/that 7 on which 8 in which 9 by whom 10 from whom 3 用定语从句合并下列句子

1 Bamboo grows well in these places. It’s warm and wet all year round in these places.


2 Shall we go shopping this weekend? I’ll have finished all my work by then. _______________________________________________

3 Sandy is not a very popular singer because of his strange way. He dances in a strange way. _______________________________________________

4 Is there any reason? They don’t agree with each other on anything. _______________________________________________

5 How can I forget that birthday? I was caught cheating on that day. _______________________________________________

Keys: 略 4单项选择

1 Jim asked the policeman_______he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident. A with him B who C with whom D whom

2 The place _____the bridge is supposed to be built should be _______the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.

A which; where B at which; which C at which; where D which; in which

3 I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction______she had come.

A of which B by which C in which D from which

4 We’re just trying to reach a point______both sides will sit down together and talk.

A where B that C when D which

5 Frank’s dream was to have his own shop _____he could produce the works of his own hands. A that B in which C by which D how Keys: CCDAB

Part3 Task & Project 1 汉译英

1 有智慧作出好的抉择_____________________ 2 冒险做_____________________ 3 立刻,马上_____________________ 4 与此同时_____________________ 5 一天一天地_____________________ 6 处理,对付_____________________ 7 最后_____________________

8 面对困难_____________________

9 结果是,证明是_____________________

Keys: have the wisdom to make good choices; take risks to do sth; at once; at the same time; day by day; deal with; in the end; at last; finally; face (up to ) difficulty; turn out 2 根据汉语提示完成句子

1 He is____________(勤奋) and intelligent; no wonder he is always getting the first place i his class.

2 I don’t know how to____________(处理,应付) this confusing maths problem. 3 He____________(坚持认为) that he had done nothing wrong.

4 ____________(担心的) about their son’s safety, they don’t feel like eating these days,

5 It is____________(愚蠢的) of him to cheat in such an important meeting.

6 With a little bit of____________(耐心) and communication, many of these problems can be solved.

7 He was____________(恼怒的) at his son’s bad behaviour.

8 It is common for teenagers to feel lonely and____________(被误解的).

9 An____________(争论) is a discussion in which people raise different opinions.

10 When people____________(聊天) , they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way. Keys: 1-5 hardworking; handle; insisted; Worried; foolish; 6-10 patience; annoyed; understood; argument; chat

3 从方框里选择适当的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空 at present; mix up; stay up; as if; limit; insist; forbid; along with; normal; balance 1 There is nothing interesting going on here_____________. 2 They talked _________ they had been friends for ages. 3 They set a ___________to the driving speed in this area. 4 He finds it hard to keep his___________ on the ball.

5 He, _________his parents, would like to go to the Summer Palace.

6 He _______that he should be sent to the place where he was needed badly. 7 Taking photos is __________here.

8 It is__________for him to keep others waiting.

9 No wonder you’ve _________the two boys, for they are twin brothers.

10 Most young people prefer to ___________late at night and get up late in the morning.

Keys: 1-5 at present; as if; limit; balance; along with; 6-10 insisted; forbidden; normal; mixed up; stay up

4 根据所给汉语提示翻译下列句子

1 他跑进屋子,仿佛看到了什么可怕的东西

He ran into the room_______ ________he had seen something terrible. 2 你们公司要打入国外市场也许是有困难的

Your company may ________ ________ ______getting into the foreign market. 3 他坚持要熬夜看篮球赛

He ________ _______ ________ _______ to watch the basketball game. 4 在过去很长一段时间里,地球被认为是平的

For a long time the earth ________ _______ _______ ________ flat. 5 生命是有限的,但学习是无限的

Life is limited, but there is _________ ________ _______ _________.

Keys: 1 as if 2 have difficulty in 3 insisted on staying up 4 was thought of as 5 no limit to learning 5 单项选择

1 --Is there any______to the time that I can stay here? --Yes, you must leave here before he comes back.

A number B length C limit D matter

2 Tom, along with two other classmates, _____their work so far.

A have finished B has finished C are finishing D is finishing 3 After the flood, the villagers are trying their best to get things back to______. A ordinary B normal C common D usual

4 He was ______by the______situation.

A confused; confused B confusing; confusing C confused; confusing D confusing; confused

5 As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to _____the problem.

A handle B chat C tend D challenge Keys: CBBCA

四、单元综合测试 1 核心单词

1 受惊的,害怕的______________ 16担心的,担忧的 ______________ 2 弯腰,屈身 _____________ 17 伤害n ______________ 3挨饿,饿死 ______________ 18 耐心n ______________ 4 容忍,允许 ______________ 19 不友好的,冷谈的,疏远的,遥远的

_____________ 5过错,错误 ______________

6(戏剧的)一场,场面;景色 ____________ 20 愤怒的,生气的 ______________ 7 不高兴的,失望的______________ 21 禁止______________ 8 辩解,辩白;防御,保护_____ 22 误解______________ 9 反正,尽管如此______________ 23 正常的,一般的______________ 10 值得,应得,应受 ______________ 24 困惑的,不解的_____________ 11 解释,说明n ______________ 25往往,趋向______________ 12 无礼的,粗鲁的_____________ 26 限制,极限,界限_____________ 13 应付,处理 ___________ 27 平衡,抵消______________ 14 指导,引导n______________ 28 持久,持续______________ 15 争吵,辩论;论点,论据______________ 29 挑战______________

Keys: 1-5 frightened; bend; starve; tolerate; fault; 6-10 scene; upset; defend; anyhow; deserve; 11-15 explanation;rude; handle; guidance; argument; 16-20 worried; harm; patience; distant; annoyed; 21-25 forbid; misunderstand; normal; confused; tend; 26-29 limit; balance; last; challenge

2 重点短语

1开大,出现,露面______________ 12想要;觉得像______________ 2比预料中,比预期______________ 13值得解释______________ 3迫不及待地做某事______________ 14遗漏,省略______________ 4环顾四周______________ 15 把...牢记在心______________ 5应该,应当;被认为______________ 16 熬夜______________ 6脏乱不堪,杂乱无章______________ 17毕竟,终究______________ 7(火或灯光)熄灭______________ 18禁止某人做某事______________ 8看上去不高兴______________ 19坚持,坚持要求______________ 9代替______________ 20目前______________ 10对..苛刻,对...严厉______________ 21与...一起______________ 11对某人粗鲁______________

keys: 1-5 turn up; than expected; can’t wait to do sth; look around; be supposed to; 6-10 be in a mess; go out; look upset; instead of; be hard on; 11-15 now that; be rude to; feel like; deserve

an explanation; leave out; 16-20 keep...in mind; stay up; after all; forbid sb from doing sth; insist on; at present; along with;


1 He shut himself up in his room because he seemed_____with everything he saw outside. A angry B upset C relaxed D happy

2 Many teenagers feel lonely, ____no one understands them and the changes they are going through.

A even though B even if C only if D as if

3 If a teacher is too hard_____his students, they won’t tell him the truth. A to B on C for D with

4 The CEO always tries his best to create an atmosphere _____his employees can express their opinions freely.

A for which B which C where D of which 5 --Why didn’t you go fishing with your friend yesterday?

--Well, fishing is a hobby which calls for a great deal of _____, which I don’t have. A strength B money C wisdom D patience 6 The doctor insisted on his _____for his health.

A not be stayed up B didn’t stay up C not being stayed up D not staying up 7 The world is more forgiving than commonly_____, so we should be optimistic about life. A declared B promoted C supposed D required 8 --Do you have anything to say for yourselves? ---Yes, there is one point_____we must insist on. A why B where C how D that

9 He_____far into the night preparing a report for his manager. A held up B stayed up C kept up D put up

10 Women focus on practical considerations in choosing a mate while men_____to be romantic, often falling in love more quickly.

A intend B adapt C tend D contribute

11 The chairman said, “_______everybody is here, let’s begin our discussion.” A Though B Now that C When D Not until 12 Seeing the _____snake, the little girl was much______.

A frightening; frightened B frightening; frightening C frightened; frightened D frightened; frightening

13 He introduced himself and his dog at the same time. So I their names and called him the dog’s name instead of his.

A showed up B added up C made up D mixed up 14 Letting out a cry of pain is a(n) _______reaction when you get hurt. A common B usual C ordinary D normal

15 I don’t know the reason_______you were absent from the meeting, but I’m sure someone will tell me the reason _____you haven’t told me.

A why; that B that; why C because; which D which; because Keys: 1-5 BDBCD 6-10 DCDBC 11-15 BADDA

