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Unit 1


Adventures shy, period,pushing,stuck,pause,welcome,tradition Ⅲ 1、During the time of a lecture ,it is by tradition that everyone keeps silent and that no one is allowed to stop the speaker. 2、Lucy was shy and quiet while her brother was sure and noisy.

3、We have to wait for a period of time and then we will ask the people in charge to give us answers.

4、This is a political question and now it is a good time to start pushing the government.The government should give us a reply.

5、He loves his job because it offers adventures,travels,and experience.

6、The teacher during his lecture came to the end of the first point and without a pause he was off on the second point. 7、Your partner is also welcome.So why not come along together with him to discuss the different methods of birth control? 8、It made me angry,and that sort of accident made me get stuck in for hours.

Ⅳ 1、I sat at the front part of the car,next to the driver. 2、He spoke in a soft,but sure and unmistakable voice.

3、I was also excited to be invited to a small family party,the wedding of Jack Woolley and Peggy Archer. 4、At last he was able to struggle free,run to his car and call out for help.

5、It seems she dressed herself up in the most beautiful way that had been ever possible. 6、She stood up and started at me,her eyes wide with disbelief.

7、For some reasons he let down Diana on a date and since then they have never seen each other. 8、I have no direct instructions on what action to take in this case.


Ⅴ 1、如果明天天气晴朗,他将带他的女友去海滩玩。

If the weather is fine tomorrow, he will take his girl friend to the beach. 2、当他是个年轻小伙子的时候,他对自己的言行非常敏感。

When he was a young fellow ,he was very sensitive about what he said and did. 3、他对一位女孩特别感兴趣,经常同她一起去上海大剧院。

He is interested in a particular girl and often goes with her to Shanghai Grand Theater to watch plays. 4、他一说完要说的话,旁边的那个伙伴便兴奋至极,哈哈大笑。

As soon as he finished what he had to say, the guy next to him got all excited and laughed loudly. 5、那个男孩那天不愿去上课,他父母不得不反复催促他上学。

On that day, the boy was not willing to go to school, so his parents had to push him.

Unit 3


Announced、 organized 、pouring、directly 、boiling、entire、communicated、exchanging Ⅲ 1、We could do noting but wait as the meeting would be announced the next day. 2、The made a plan and organized experienced workers to take part in the new project. 3、He stood there,watching the rain pouring down the windows. 4、We have first-class technology(技术);it is quite rare to have an accident directly caused by some kind of technical failure. 5、I saw the two women passing in the doorway and exchanging glances of greeting.

6、The four adventurers went in the forest for the entire two months without seeing anyone. 7、We communicated by letter in these days.

8、Please leave the boiling water for 10 seconds before pouring it onto the coffee.

Ⅳ 1、He will arrive in China tomorrow and we are going to meet him at the airport. 2、Everyone is surprised at the fact that the human population is growing so rapidly.

3、In order to make it progress quickly,we need to pick out someone to organize the program.

4、In spite of opposing views,our boss declared that the company would enter the furniture market. 5、That was the very story that my father was fond of repeating over the years. 6、By the age of seven,difference between boys and girls have appeared.

7、He’d lie on his bed at three or four in the morning just wondering about what to do next. 8、She smiled at him as she poured boiling water into his cup.


Ⅴ 1、那位老师讲课时,同学们都一边细心地倾听,一边认真地做笔记。 The students listened and took notes carefully as the teacher gave them a lecture. 2、我们钦佩伟人,因为他们的所作所为值得我们敬佩。 We admire great people because what they did is worth admiring. 3、四个学生共住一个套间,套件内有他们共用的厨房、厕所和卫生间。 Four students share a flat, where they share a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom. 4、那些美国人对中国文化非常好奇,很想了解中美文化的主要差异。

Those Americans were curious about Chinese culture and were curious to know about the main differences between Chinese culture and American culture. 5、那些英国学生非常喜欢去年在中国度过的暑假,主要原因是他们结交了许多中国朋友。

Those British students enjoyed their summer vacating in China last year, mainly because they made lots of Chinese friends.

Unit 5


Copied、Whenever 、 fresh、 tricked、 remarkable、floating、flooded、complain

Ⅲ 1、I don’t believe any of these stories;in fact,they have been copied from some history books. 2、Whenever he tired to explain any new idea,he just couldn’t make himself understood. 3、You might even take some fresh fruit with you for the journey. 4、He tricked me into telling him everything about the new plan.

5、It is remarkable to find that the young children in your class are familiar with so many English words. 6、When winter comes,there are large pieces of floating ice on the surface of the river. 7、Within minutes,the small church was flooded with men,women and children. 8、You complain about your friends never coming to see you,but when they do come,you give them such a hard time that it’s hardly surprising they usually stay away.

Ⅳ 1、When I saw myself in the mirror I realized why I was very attractive. 2、She felt they were trying to trick her into saying more than she intended.

3、Each week,on my shopping day,I tear out one page from my notebook and make a shopping list. 4、Faith is often pictured as the absence of doubt and the man of faith as the man with no doubts.

5、They can afford to buy the products in great quantities and pass the price benefits on to the customer.

6、Farmers complain about no one buying their wine and about cheap foreign products flooding the markets. 7、Please do not try to hurry up the job because“slow and steady”seems to give the best results.

8、It took my wife’s breath away when she tried to the ring;she had never seen such a beautiful ring before.


Ⅴ 1、他在英语比赛中得了一等奖,感到非常兴奋。

She felt very excited that she had won the first prize at the English Speech Contest. 2、那个小男孩发觉自己很难适应新学校的环境。 The little boy found it hard to fit into his new school. 3、他对这里的一切都很满意,从不抱怨任何事情。

He is satisfied with everything here, and never complains about anything. 4、如果我能通过学校的考试,心里就会充溢着这样一种感觉:我很快就会变得完美无瑕。

If I could pass my school examinations ,I would be filled with the sense that I would soon become perfect.. 5、有些父母选购神童故事给孩子看,希望孩子将来有一天会出人头地。

Some parents choose and buy stories of child geniuses for their children to read, with the hope that the children will become remarkable some day.

Unit 7


Positive, false, guided, install, caged , founded , operated ,educated Ⅲ 1、The results should be offered in a positive way leading to more fruitful work. 2、If so,our sense of the true and the false is too easily cheated or deceived.

3、The local tourist office organizes a number of guided walks to let you have a good look at the downtown area. 4、These machine is difficult to install,but easy to operate.

5、It is said that caged birds are better fed,more healthy,and live longer than their fellows in the wild. 6、It has been recorded that the National Security Agency was founded on 4 November 1952.

7、Make sure the new machines are checked and operated by those who know what to do and how to do it.

8、We all hope that our next generation will be better trained and better educated to meet the needs of a better future.

Ⅳ 1、The proposed plan of action focuses on the way health and social services work together to provide better services to old people.

2、When she was walking alone in the dark streets,she would keep looking out her,making sure that she was safe. 3、Continue to let him borrow your money and you will never come to an end with him. 4、These people never work hard themselves but they try to profit in others’ successes. 5、Many people say that a college education should be regarded as everyone’s birthright. 6、Success comes from good knowledge,firm determination and hard work.

7、His is generally regarded as good luck;people do not think his success comes from hard work. 8、I will have to take responsibility for what has gone wrong in this month’s business.


Ⅴ 1、他率领的足球队参加了许多次国际比赛,10次连胜后,才第一次输了比赛。

The football team he led took part in many international games . It lost its first game after 10 straight victories. 2、教师授课时应该突出重点和难点,以便让学生真正掌握。

Teachers should focus on key and difficult points in classroom teaching so that their students can really grasp them. 3、他对工作采取积极的态度,无论做什么总是全力以赴。

He takes a positive attitude towards his work and pours all his energy into whatever he does. 4、如果沃伦德那天中午走钢丝时不过分担心自己的安全问题。

Walled would not have fallen to death if he had not worried so much about his safety during that midday walk. 5、他是一个优秀的经理,一旦做了错误的决定,便立即纠正。

As an excellent manager, he immediately corrects any wrong decision he has made.

