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今天小编给大家带来的主要内容是2015年10月10日雅思阅读真题回忆, 本次考试三篇文章两新一旧,第一篇内容关于濒危种子,第二篇为错误信息实验,第三篇介绍的是旅游对于本地区的影响(该题为新题)。大家可以参考剑桥真题相似文章,以便更好地备考接下来的雅思阅读考试。
Passage 1 :
题目:Seed Hunting
Seed Hunting
With quarter of the world's plants set to vanish within thenext 50 years, Alexander reports on the scientists working againstthe clock the preserve the Earth's botanical heritage. They travelthe four comers of the globe, scouring jungles,forests andsavannas. But they‘re not looking for ancient artefacts,losttreasure or undiscovered tombs. Just pods. It may lack theromantic allure of archaeology, or the whiff of danger thataccompanies going after big game, but seed hunting is an
increasingly serious business. Some seek seeds for profit huntersin the employ of biotechnology firms,pharmaceutical
companies and private corporations on the lookout for speciesthat will yield the drugs or crops of the future. Others collect toconserve, working to halt the sad slide into extinction facing somany plant species.
Among the pioneers of this botanical treasure hunt was JohnTrade scant, an English royal gardener who brought back plantsand seeds from his journeys abroad in the early 1600s. Later,the English botanist Sir Joseph Banks-who was the first director
of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew and travelled with CaptainJames Cook on his voyages near the end of the 18th
century—was so driven to expand his collections that he sentbotanists around the world at his own expense.
Those heady days of exploration and discovery may be over,but they have been replaced by a pressing need to preserve ournatural history for the future. This modem mission drives hunterssuch as Dr Michiel van Slageren,a good-natured Dutchman whooften sports a wide-brimmed hat in the field一he could easily bemistaken for the cinematic hero Indiana Jones. He and threeother seed hunters work at the Millennium Seed Bank,an 80million [pounds sterling] international conservation project thataims to protect the world's most endangered wild plant species.
The group's headquarters are in a modem
glass-and-concrete structure on a 200-hectare Estate atWakehurst Place in the West Sussex countryside. Within itsunderground vaults are 260 million dried seeds from 122countries, all stored at -20 Celsius to survive for centuries.Among the 5,100 species represented are virtually all ofBritain's 1,400 native seed-bearing plants, the most completesuch collection of any country‘s flora.
Overseen by the Royal botanic gardens, the Millennium SeedBank is the world's largest wild-plant depository. It aims tocollect 24,000 species by 2010. The reason is simple: thanks tohumanity’s efforts,an estimated 25 percent of the world'splants are on the verge of extinction and may vanish within 50years. We're currently responsible for habitat destruction on anunprecedented scale,and during the past 400 years,plantspecies extinction rates have been about 70 times greater thanthose indicated by the geological record as being ‘normal’.Experts predict that during the next 50 years a further one billionhectares of wilderness will be converted to farmland in
developing countries alone.
The implications of this loss are enormous. Besides providingstaple food crops,plants are a source of many machines and theprincipal supply of fuel and building materials in many parts ofthe world. They also protect soil and help regulate the climate.Yet,across the globe,plant species are being driven toextinction before their potential benefits are discovered.
The world Conservation Union has listed 5,714 threatenedspecies is sure to be much higher. In the UK alone, 300 wild plantspecies are classified as endangered. The Millennium Seed Bankaims to ensure that even if a plant becomes extinct in the wild,itwon‘t be lost forever. Stored seeds can be used the help restoredamaged or destroyed environment or in scientific research tofind new benefits for society- in medicine, agriculture or localindustry- that would otherwise be
Seed banks are an insurance policy to protect the world’splant heritage for the future, explains Dr Paul Smith,anotherKew seed hunter. "Seed conservation techniques were originallydeveloped by farmers," he says. "Storage is the basis what wedo,conserving seeds until you can use them-just as in farming."Smith says there's no reason why any plant species should
become extinct,given today’s technology. But he admits thatthe biggest challenge is finding,naming and categorising all theworld's plants. And someone has to gather these seeds beforeit’s too late. "There aren't a lot of people out there doingthis," he says." The key is to know the flora from a particulararea, and that knowledge takes years to acquire."
There are about 1,470 seed banks scattered around theglobe,with a combined total of 5.4 million samples,of whichperhaps two million are distinct non-duplicates. Most preservegenetic material for agriculture use in order to ensure crop
diversity; others aim to conserve wild species,although only 15
per cent of all banked plants are wild.
Many seed banks are themselves under threat due to a lackof funds. Last year, Imperial College, London,examined cropcollections from 151 countries and found that while the numberof plant samples had increased in two thirds of the
countries,budget had been cut in a quarter and remained staticin another 35 per cent. The UN's Food and Agriculture
Organization and the Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research has since set up the Global ConservationTrust,which aims to raise US $260 million to protect seed banksin perpetuity.
Question 14-19 TRUE/FALSE/ NOT GIVEN
14. The purpose of collecting seeds now is different from thepast. True
15. The millennium seed bank is the earliest seed bank. Notgiven
16. One of major threats for plant species extinction is
farmland expansion into wildness. True
17. The approach that scientists apply to store seeds is
similar to that used by farmers. True
18. Technological development is the only hope to saveplant species. False
19. The works of seed conservation are often limited byfinancial problems. True
Question 20-24 Summary
Some people collect seeds for the purpose of protectingcertain species from 20 extinction; others collect seeds for theirability to produce 21 drugs,crops. They are called seed hunters.The 22 pioneers of them included both gardeners and botanists,such as 23 Sir Joseph Banks,who financially supported
collectors out of his own pocket. The seeds collected are usually
stored in seed banks,one of which is the famous millenniumseed bank,where seeds are all stored in the 24 undergroundvaults at a low temperature.
Question 25-26 Multiple choice
Which TWO of the following are provided by plants to thehuman? AB
A food
B fuels
C clothes
D energy
E commercial products
Passage 2 :
题目:Implication of False Belief Experiments
Implication of False Belief Experiments
A A considerable amount of research since the mid 1980shas been concerned with what has been termed children’stheory of mind. This involves children’s ability to understandthat people can have different beliefs and representations of theworld -a capacity that is shown by four years of age.
Furthermore, this ability appears to be absent in children withautism. The ability to work out what another person is thinking isclearly an important aspect of both cognitive and social
development. Furthermore, one important explanation for autismis that children suffering from this condition do not have atheory of mind (TOM). Consequently, the development ofchildren’s TOM has attracted considerable attention.
B Wimmer and Pemer devised a 'false belief task5 to addressthis question. They used some toys to act out the following story.
Maxi left some chocolate in a blue cupboard before he went out.When he was away his mother moved the chocolate to a greencupboard. Children were asked to predict where Maxi will lookfor his chocolate when he returns. Most children under four yearsgave the incorrect answer,that Maxi will look in the greencupboard. Those over four years tended to give the correctanswer, that Maxi will look in the blue cupboard. The incorrectanswers indicated that the younger children did not understandthat Maxi’s beliefs and representations no longer matched theactual state of the world, and they failed to appreciate that Maxiwill act on the basis of his beliefs rather than the way that theworld is actually organised.
C A simpler version of the Maxi task was devised by
Baron-Cohen to take account of criticisms that younger childrenmay have been affected by the complexity and too muchinformation of the story in the task described above. For
example, the child is shown two dolls, Sally and Anne, who havea basket and a box,respectively. Sally also has a marble,whichshe places in her basket,and then leaves to take a walk. Whileshe is out of the room,Anne takes the marble from the basket,eventually putting it in the box. Sally returns, and the child isthen asked where Sally will look for the marble. The child passesthe task if she answers that Sally will look in the basket,whereshe put the marble; the child fails the task if she answers thatSally will look in the box,where the child knows the marble ishidden,even though Sally cannot know, since she did not see ithidden there. In order to pass the task,the child must be able tounderstand that another’s mental representation of the
situation is different from their own,and the child must be ableto predict behavior based on that understanding. The results ofresearch using false-belief tasks have been fairly consistent: mostnormally-developing children are unable to pass the tasks until
around age four.
D Leslie argues that,before 18 months,children treat theworld in a literal way and rarely demonstrate pretence. He alsoargues that it is necessary for the cognitive system to distinguishbetween what is pretend and what is real. If children were notable to do this, they would not be able to distinguish betweenimagination and reality. Leslie suggested that this pretend playbecomes possible because of the presence of a de-coupler thatcopies primary representations to secondary representations. Forexample, children,when pretending a banana is a telephone,would make a secondary representation of a banana. They wouldmanipulate this representation and they would use their storedknowledge of 'telephone5 to build on this pretence.
E There is also evidence that social processes play a part inthe development of TOM. Meins and her colleagues have foundthat what they term mindmindedness in maternal speech tosix-month old infants is related to both security of attachmentand to TOM abilities. Mindmindedness involves speech that
discusses infants5 feelings and explains their behaviour in termsof mental states (e. g. < you’re feeling hungry’).
F Lewis investigated older children living in extended familiesin Crete and Cyprus. They found that children who sociallyinteract with more adults,who have more friends,and whohave more older siblings tend to pass TOM tasks at a slightlyearlier age than other children. Furthermore, because young
children are more likely to talk about their thoughts and feelingswith peers than with their mothers,peer interaction mayprovide a special impetus to the development of a TOM. Asimilar point has been made by Dunn, who argues that peerinteraction is more likely to contain pretend play and that it islikely to be more challenging because other children,unlikeadults,do not make large adaptations to the communicative
needs of other children.
G In addition,there has been concern that some aspects ofthe TOM approach underestimate children's understanding ofother people. After all,infants will point to objects apparently inan effort to change a person's direction of gaze and interest; theycan interact quite effectively with other people; they will expresstheir ideas in opposition to the wishes of others; and they willshow empathy for the feelings of others. All this suggests thatthey have some level of understanding that their own thoughtsare different to those in another person’s mind. Evidence tosupport this position comes from a variety of sources. When acard with a different picture on each side is shown to a child andan adult sitting opposite her,then three year olds understandthat they see a different picture to that seen by the adult.
H Schatz studied the spontaneous speech of three-year-oldsand found that these children used mental terms,and usedthem in circumstances where there was a contrast between, forexample, not being sure where an object was located and findingit,or between pretending and reality. Thus the social abilities ofchildren indicate that they are aware of the difference betweenmental states and external reality at ages younger than four.
I A different explanation has been put forward by Harris. Heproposed that children use 'simulation‘. This involves puttingyourself in the other person's position,and then trying topredict what the other person would do. Thus success on falsebelief tasks can be explained by children trying to imagine whatthey would do if they were a character in the stories,rather thanchildren being able to appreciate the beliefs of other people.Such thinking about situations that do not exist involves what istermed counterfactual reasoning.
Questions 27-33 Matching
A Baron-Cohen
B Meins
C Wimmer and Pemer
D Lewis
E Dunn
F Schatz
G Harris
27 Giving an alternative explanation that children may not beunderstanding other's belief. G
28 found that children under certain age can tell differencebetween reality and mentality. F
29 conducted a well-known experiment and drew conclusionthat young children were unable to comprehend the real state ofthe world. C
30 found that children who gets along with adults oftencomparatively got through test more easily. D
31 revised an easier experiment rule out the possibility thatchildren might be influenced by sophisticated reasoning. A
32 Related social factor such as mother-child communicationto capability act in TOM. B
33 explained children are less likely tell something interactiveto their mother than to their friends. E
Questions 34-40 Summary
In 1980s,researches are designed to test the subject called34 Theory of Mind that if children have the ability to representthe reality. First experiment was carried out on this subject on aboy. And questions had been made on where the boy can findthe location of the 35 chocolate But it was accused that it hadexcessive 36 information. So second modified experiment wasconducted involving two dolls,and most children passed thetest at the age of 37 four Then Lewis and Dunn researched 38older children in a certain place,and found children who have
interaction such as more conversation with 39 adults actuallyhave better performance in the test, and peer interaction is 40challenging because of consisting pretending elements.
Passage 3 :
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