美国数学建模竞赛优秀获奖论文 MCM+ICM特等奖论文集

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Executive Publisher Paul Campbell

Vol. 34.2 & 34.3

Vol. 34.2 & 34.3 2013

Table of Contents

Guest Editorial

Editor's Note Developing Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Chris Arney ........................................................................................................... 93

About This Issue ................................................................................................. 102 MCM Modeling Forum Results of the 2013 Mathematical Contest in Modeling

William P. Fox, MCM Director ........................................................................... 103 Applied Mathematicians Bake the Best Brownies: The Ultimate Pan Design

Meng Wu, Chong Jin, and Bowen Liu ................................................................. 115 Judges' Commentary: The Ultimate Brownie Pan Papers

Kelly Black ........................................................................................................... 141 My Decade with the MCM

Xiaofeng Gao, Guoliang Wu, and Meng Wu ...................................................... 151 Sustainable Water Management for Saudi Arabia in 2025 and Beyond Gregory McQuie, Yueh-ya Hsu, and David Thomas ........................................... 163 Judges’ Commentary: The Outstanding National Water Strategy Papers

David H. Olwell .................................................................................................... 189 Judges’ Commentary: The Frank Giordano Award for 2013

Marie Vanisko, Richard D. West .......................................................................... 197 ICM Modeling Forum Results of the 2013 Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling

Cliris Arney, ICM Director ................................................................................... 201 Saving the Green with the Greens

Diogo Moitinho de Almeida, Eric Shapiro, and Amanda Knight ........................ 211 Judges' Commentary: Modeling Earth’s Health

Chris Arney, Kayla de la Haye, and Jie Wang ..................................................... 229 My Story with the ICM

Xilun Chen, Hang Qiu, and Chunzhi Yang .......................................................... 245

