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Psychology for fun1、Psychology is not a boring subject
2、is not only for psychosis ,also for nomal people3、the guy who study psychology is not an abmol people ……
There are so many misunderstanding on psychology.Even ……one day I am introducing a nearly psychology competition to a student here ……and what he answer me surprise me ……he said I don’t have Psychological disease ,so I don’t want to take part in ……what a huge misunderstanding . So today I want to talk about something fun on psychology. Let ‘s begin ……
1、Group psychology phenomenonGroup psychology phenomenon is talking about the phenomenon that you will do the same things ,no matter it is right or wrong ,normal or abnormal,when a group of people doing such thing . This phenomenon is very common in our daily work ,such as we are acrossing the road .It is red or green doesn’t matter when we have enough people to go . Then I will show you all a vedio that someone play with this phenomenon.A fun vedio .May be playing a trick on someone . In a lift....
In a lift ,there is also have an other experiment example,which is callde the
phemonenom of lift.
phemonenom of lift
is that when you are in a lift which only have a few people in it ,you will choose to stay in the corner of the lift and you won’t stand in the middle space . Because that make you feel saver. No one wants to be the focus . And there’s a Strange distance between us we don’t want to be close with each other . There are also another situation .
When there is enough or too many people in the lift ,and we don’t have space to keep the distance so we choose to …………looking upside In order to reduce the uncomfortable.And looking at the number holping that can be faster. So next time when you are in the lift ,you can take a glance on other people’s action and where you are staying .
Then I will also give you another vedio –
读心神探 Reading mindIt is about
Behavior psychology
Touching the chinAccording to the medical report, the person's chin have a lot of nerve endings(神 经末梢), touch can lower blood pressure and heart rate, make the whole people calm. When a person nervous or ,will touch the chin or neck to comfort yourself. Like this ……
Anger looksThat person is a bit weird. You look at him, eyebrows press(眉毛下压), eyelid drive up(上眼睑抬高), mouth just like a line(嘴巴合成一条线似的) this is a representative of anger.
Foot locking phenomenonWhen we feel that there is something threating to me ,make me feel like uncomfortable ,or make me feel like in trouble , We will choose to put the feet around the leg of the chair . This is called freeze behavior (冻结行为)。
In order to open the distance
Thanks for listening …… Remember psychology can be fun !!
Smart right ??
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