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……………………○○……………………线线……………………○○… _……___……___…_…:订号…考订…___…_…__…_…_:……级○班…__○_…___……__:……名……姓_…_装___装…___……___…:…校学………○○……………………外内……………………○○……………………





题号 一 总分 得分 注意事项:

1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上



评卷人 得 分 一.填空题(共60小题)

1.Tom would like two (bowl)of noodles. 2.I'd like (have)a cup of tea.

3.Every one of us should speak to our parents p .

4.The younger students in Australia can s their homework to their teachers by fax at home.

5.On New Year's Eve,we c New Year with fireworks(烟花). 6.Last year Mr.Lin (旅行) to a few foreign countries. 7.Some farmers are growing (玉米) on the farm. 8. (事实上),the girl is talented in music.

9.﹣Who do you want to (邀请) to the parents'meeting,Father or Mother?

﹣Either is OK.And you?

10.This box is very heavy.I can't (移动) it. 11.Don't tell (任何人) that you saw me here. 12.Lisa was hungry and had some bread and (奶酪).


13.One day his (预测) may become true.

14.Although my friend Amy lives far from me,she (寄) me a birthday gift every year.

15.This question seems easy,but not (每人) can answer it. 16.Mrs.Depp was (贫穷的),so she couldn't buy any new clothes for her children.

17.The busier the (交通) is,the more careful you should be in the street.

18.He is (够年龄) to go to school. 19.﹣Why don't you want to buy that dress? ﹣Because it is too (昂贵的).

20.Tara's grandfather is a teacher in a (综合性大学). 21.Autumn is my (最喜欢的) season.

22.We learn little or nothing because the experiments are (严重地) designed.

23.It has an area of (超过) 20hectares.

24.I think it's important you to have a good friend. 25.My best friend Li Lan is good sports. 26.She is quite different her mother.

27.50% of all business deals are made English. 28.English is used the native language in Australia.

29.Doctors told me not to eat

or ice cream.

30.Nick bought some in the post office.

31.﹣ I come round in the morning?


……………………○○……………………线线……………………○ …※○※……题※……※…答…※…订※内订…※……※线……※…※…订…○※※○…装…※…※……在※……※装要…※装…※不……※……※请……※※…○○……………………内外……………………○○…………………… ……………………○○……………………线线……………………○○… _……___……___…_…:订号…考订…___…_…__…_…_:……级○班…__○_…___……__:……名……姓_…_装___装…___……___…:…校学………○○……………………外内……………………○○……………………

﹣Of course.

32.I'd like to go,but I have to tomorrow.

33.I'm not available this Sunday.I must .

34.你同意教我开车吗? Do you me to drive?

35.大多数学生在学校里可以选择学习的科目. Most students can at school. 36.每天我们只有一小时的家庭作业. We only have every day. 37.我们在拜访奶奶. We grandma.

38.我哥哥今晚要去参加一个大型宴会. My brother is a big dinner. 39.西蒙在家庭作业上花的时间比我少. Simon spends than I.

40.李明是我们队个子最高的队员,他(球)打得也最棒. Li Ming is player in our team,and he plays . 41.词组互译

1.suffer from 2.处理 3.防止; 提防 4.抵消; 对消 试卷第3页,总7页

5.(对不好的状态) 持乐观的态度 6.(尤指为消遣) 学着做; 开始做 7.(be) busy with 8.把…抛在后面

9.(使) 变得更高兴; (使) 振奋起来 10.take place 11.care for 12.focus on 13.take a break 14.tell jokes 15.do well in . 42.The red schoolbag is hers. .

43.My best friend is a little quieter than me. . 44.She began to work for UNICEF in the 1950s. .

45.nothing else .

46.My notebook is in the schoolbag,but hers is on the desk. .47.in the middle of 2.most of 3.get of 4.next to 5.by boat 6.the best way to do sth. 7.on your right 8.walk along the street 9.over 900 years old 10.at the square. .

48.Hepburn's achievements went beyond the film industry. .

49.promise to do sth. . 50.ready to do sth. .


……………………○○……………………线线……………………○ …※○※……题※……※…答…※…订※内订…※……※线……※…※…订…○※※○…装…※…※……在※……※装要…※装…※不……※……※请……※※…○○……………………内外……………………○○…………………… ……………………○○……………………线线……………………○○… _……___……___…_…:订号…考订…___…_…__…_…_:……级○班…__○_…___……__:……名……姓_…_装___装…___……___…:…校学………○○……………………外内……………………○○……………………


1.The old man is 90years old,but he is still in good . 2.The boy likes eating ,but he doesn't like eating fruit. 3.This kind of animal always at night. 4.Staying up late isn't a good ,I think. 5.Her brother enjoys drinking very much. 52.spoon,peel,pour,shake,finally

6.Jane the bottle before she drank the orange juice. 7. ,we arrived at the train station at 4:30p.m. 8.Go to the store and get two this afternoon. 9.Look!Bill is water into the pot.

10.Can you help me to two potatoes,Jim? 53.

die,almost,together,write,dentist 6.Jenny and Alice are good friends.They always go to school . 7.The poor girl on a snowy night.

8.Bob's parents are .They work in a big hospital. 9.Mr.Smith got back home at ten last night. 10.Lu Xun is my brother's favorite . 54.

active,interest,study,danger,member 1.They like climbing.They are all of the Climbing Club. 2.One of his jobs is all kinds of the birds in the forest. 3.Everyone should take action to make the world peaceful. 4.A tiger is when it is hungry.

5.We like science very much because our teacher can always make the lessons . 55.

understand,care,advise,teenager,experience 6.You should write the word carefully.Don't be so about spelling. 7.Alice is so that everyone in her class likes her.


8.The teacher you to read more books at home,didn't she? 9.The story comes from the writer's own in Europe. 10.Now more and more like soccer in China. 56.

not rain,one,walk,live 1.He told us softly because the birds were there. 2.Zhalong is an important area for the rare cranes. 3.If it next Sunday,we will go birdwatching. 4.It's not enough to feed the monkeys a day. 57.

sing,climb,well,move,high 1.Today I feel much than yesterday. 2.Do you think is a healthy activity?

3.His family just to Beijing three months ago. 4.His father is six feet in .

5.Millie wants to be a in the future because she likes singing a lot. 58.

be interested in,protect,less and less,free time,different kinds of,provide…for, the number of,more than 1.There will be space for people to live in on the earth. 2.I playing basketball.

3.What do you usually do in your ? 4.You can see animals in the zoo.

5.We should take action to the endangered animals. 6.He says he'll some money the poor child. 7.I need some information about the birds in Zhalong. 8. 2,000persons went to the concert last night. 59.

cousin,aunt,son,uncle,daughter 1.Jack is my father.I'm his.


……………………○○……………………线线……………………○ …※○※……题※……※…答…※…订※内订…※……※线……※…※…订…○※※○…装…※…※……在※……※装要…※装…※不……※……※请……※※…○○……………………内外……………………○○…………………… ……………………○○……………………线线……………………○○… _……___……___…_…:订号…考订…___…_…__…_…_:……级○班…__○_…___……__:……名……姓_…_装___装…___……___…:…校学………○○……………………外内……………………○○……………………

2.My uncle's daughter is my. 3.Kate is my.I am her mother. 4.Alice is my.Her mother is my grandma. 5.Tom is my.He and my father are brothers. . 60.选词填空.

your,I,her,his,it,he,you,she, 1.This is a boy. name is Tony. 2.That is a girl. name is Jenny. 3. am a girl.

4.﹣﹣﹣What is name?﹣My name's Linda. 5.Nice to meet .

6.﹣﹣﹣What's that?﹣﹣﹣﹣ is a CD. 7.This is Ms Green. is our English teacher. 8.That is Mr.White. is our Chinese teacher.






1.Tom would like two bowls (bowl)of noodles. 【分析】汤姆想要两碗面条. 【解答】答案:bowls.

根据Tom would like two﹣﹣(bowl)of noodles.可知汤姆想要两碗面条.two+名词复数.故填bowls.

2.I'd like to have (have)a cup of tea. 【分析】我想喝杯茶. 【解答】答案:to have.

根据I'd like﹣﹣(have)a cup of tea.可知我想喝杯茶.这里would like表示想,后面跟to引导的不定式.故填to have.

3.Every one of us should speak to our parents p olitely . 【分析】我们每个人都应该礼貌地和父母说话.


4.The younger students in Australia can s end their homework to their teachers by fax at home.

【分析】澳大利亚低年级的学生可以在家里通过传真把作业传给老师. 【解答】答案:send.

根据\homework to their teachers by fax\通过传真把作业怎么样给老师.结合给出的首字母提示s,因此可知应该是通过传真把作业传给老师,空格前面是情态动词can,所以空格处需要动词原形来填空,综上所述,故填send.



5.On New Year's Eve,we c elebrate New Year with fireworks(烟花). 【分析】在除夕之夜,我们放烟花庆祝新年. 【解答】答案:celebrate

根据该空处在句中作谓语故填入动词,根据句中的时间状语为on New Year's\在除夕夜\以及下文的关键词with fireworks\用烟花\结合首字母c可推知我们放烟花庆祝新年.可联想动词celebrate意为\庆祝\,根据描述的是经常性习惯性的动作故确定为一般现在时态,又知题干的主语为we,谓语动词为动词原形,故答案为:celebrate

6.Last year Mr.Lin traveled (旅行) to a few foreign countries. 【分析】去年林先生去了几个别的国家旅行. 【解答】答案:traveled.

根据Last year Mr.Lin﹣﹣(旅行) to a few foreign countries,可知去年林先生去了几个别的国家旅行.这里last year表示去年,时态应该用一般过去时,travel,动词,旅行.故填traveled.

7.Some farmers are growing corns (玉米) on the farm. 【分析】一些农民在农场里种植玉米. 【解答】答案:corns.

根据Some farmers are growing﹣﹣(玉米) on the farm,可知一些农民在农场里种植玉米.corn,名词,玉米,可数名词,这里应该用复数形式.故填corns.

8. In fact (事实上),the girl is talented in music. 【分析】事实上,这个女孩在音乐方面有天赋. 【解答】答案:In fact.

根据﹣﹣(事实上),the girl is talented in music.可知事实上,这个女孩在音乐方面有天赋.In fact,事实上,故填In fact.

9.﹣Who do you want to invite (邀请) to the parents'meeting,Father or Mother?

﹣Either is OK.And you?


