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Unit 11 How was your school trip?



1. 学习并记忆海洋动物的名称,会用there be 句型的一般过去式谈论动物。

2. 复习动词的过去式以及一般过去时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句,并会用这些句式描述过去发生的事情。

3.阅读以“过去经历”为话题的课文,找出承上启下的连词,结合这些连词并根据概念图复述课文。 【自主预习】

1. 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词

(1) see ________ (2) take________ (3) hang________ (4)buy______(5) sleep_______(6) get________ (7) meet________ (8) has/have________(9) eat________ (10)go______(11)win_______ 2. 写出下列单词,短语和句子(用动词的原形和过去时)

(1)去海边/动物园/海洋馆_______________________(2)吃冰淇淋/汉堡____________________ (3)和朋友一起闲逛__________________________ (4)照相 ________________________________ (5 )买纪念品 ______________________________ (6)看海豹__________________________________ (7)得到姚明的亲笔签名 ______________________ (8)碰见一位著名的演员______________________ (9) 赢得一项奖励___________________________ (10)在你的上次学校旅行中__________________ (11)看关于鲨鱼的电影 _______________________ (12) Laura 买纪念品了吗? _______________________________

不,她没有。她赢得了一个纪念品。________________________________________________ (13) 你上周的学校郊游怎么样? _________________________________________________ 非常好。________________________________________.


没有,但是有一些的确聪明的海豹。________________________________________. (15) 9班学生在学校郊游中玩的很开心。__________________________________________ (16) 旅行结束后班长打扫了公交车。______________________________________________. 【合作探究】

1.Did you have a happy weekend? What did you do?询问完后,组内分工合作Make a report. Name Activity went to the aquarium hung out with her friends took photos went to a gift shop bought some souvenirs met a famous actor 2.你能找出P49 3a中的连词和表示时间顺序的词吗?试一试!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. 翻译:你们还做了别的什么?_________ __________ _______ you do?

(=)_________ _________ _________ ________ you do?


结论:___________与不定代词、疑问词连用,表示“另外的、其他的”意思,放在这些词的______. 例:Would you like________ ________(别的东西) to drink?

Who ______ will go to the meeting? 还有谁要去参加会议? Where ______ did you go? 你还去了什么地方?


例:Are there any _______ questions? What________ animals do you like? 【当堂检测】 1.选择填空

1)After two hours the children got to the hill, tired ___ happy. A. and B. but C. although D. however 2)Which team _________ the game yesterday? A. took B. beat C. beated D. won 3)______ did you spend your vocation last summer? A. When B. Who C. Where D. What 4)-When did you go to bed last night? -About 11 o’clock. I _________________. A. slept early B. slept late C. got up early D. went to bed late

5) The music sounds _______, I like it very much. A. good B. well C. bad D. beautifully 6) I ________ late __________ class yesterday morning. A. was, for B. was, to C. am, for D. am, to 7)-_______ did they play games? -For two hours. A. What time B. When C. How long D. How often 8)Tomorrow I have a day off, so I want _______.

A. to take a class B. to hang out with my friends C. took a class D. hanging out with my friends 2.正确使用动词的过去式完成短文。

Tina’s happy trip

Tina ____ a great trip last Sunday. First, she _____ to the aquarium .There _____ many animals in it. She _____some seals and sharks. Next she ______ out with her friends and ________ a lot of photos. After that, she _____ a famous actor and _____ his autograph. She _____ very excited. Finally, she _____ to a Gift Shop and ______ a hat there. Luckily, her friend Toby _______ a prize in the Gift Shop. Finally, she _______ back home by bus.

She ______ tired, but she _______a really happy school trip! 【延伸迁移】

A: Hi, Tim! How was your weekend? B: It was so boring. All I did was to do my homework. A: (1)____________________________________. B: How about you? A: (2)______________________________________.

B: Really? I’m glad to hear that. (3)_______________________?

A: I went to New York. B: New York? (4)__________________________________? A: Well, I went to watch a basketball match.

B: Sounds great! (5)__________________________________?

A: I went with my father. B: What a lucky guy!




1. 通过听说练习进一步用过去时谈论过去的事情; 2. 通过阅读短文学会对过去的事情进行书面描述;

3. 通过谈论,书写过去的经历,提高学生的英语综合运用能力。 【自主预习】

预习Section B和self-check,写出下列单词,短语和句子

1. 和朋友一起看电视_______________2. 上一节课_________________3. 睡过头_________________ 4. 开车兜风______________5. 在我的下一个休息日_____________6. 在雨中野营_______________ 7. 把…摆放出来_____________________ 8. 进行一次庭院售卖__________________ 9. 听起来像是个忙碌的假期__________________ 10. 依我看来_____________________ 11. 淋湿__________________________ 12. 赢得一等奖_______________________ 13. 昨天的歌唱比赛___________________ 13. 未来生活_________________________ 14. 从…回来_________________________ 15. 他们中没有一个____________________ 【合作探究】

1.完成课本p50 2a. 2b 任务之后完成此项听力任务

Tony: How was your _________, Tina? Tina: Oh, it was _________. Tony: Really? What_________?

Tina: Well, we went_________ and the weather was terrible. It rained and rained _________. Tony: Oh, that’s too bad.

Tina: Ugh! Because the weather was so bad, we went for_________. It was really _________. Tony: Sounds_________, Tina. Tina: How about your day off, Tony?

Tony: It was terrible! I _________ very hard for my math exam last week, so I_________.Can you believe it? When I_________, it was already 12 o’clock. I_________ and _________to my friend Dave’s house, but he wasn’t there. He was at the beach!

Tina: _________ what did you do? Tony: I_________ my mom and dad _________ the yard. Tina: Sounds like _________! Tony: Uh- huh. 2.3a


1.Did Nike have fun on his day off?_____________________________________________ 2. How was the weather?_____________________________________________

3.Who put some of the old things out and had a yard sale?_______________________ _________ 4. However, did they have a successful yard sale ? Why?_____________________________________ 5. Did they get wet? Why?______________________________________________________ 活动二:小组探究知识点 1.How was the day off? 此句中的“off” 译为_________“day off”译为________,那么“have three days off ”应译为________, 表达“在休息日”要用介词_________。例:______your day off 2. Luckily, we brought our umbrellas and raincoats.

“Luckily”的词性是_________,常位于_________(位置) You are lucky/ unlucky


“lucky/ unlucky”的性是_________,lucky译为_________,unlucky译为_________。 Good luck to you ! 此句中的“luck”词性为_________应译为_________ 2.观察下列句子,总结nobody, no one, none 的区别 No one came to the sale because the weather was bad. --Who knows the answer? --- No one. / Nobody. None of the books is/are interesting.

---How many kites are there in the sky? ---None.

no one 相当于_________, 只可指 ________, 作主语时,谓语动词用________形式,后面______(加/不加) of介词短语,可用来回答________引导的疑问句。

none 表示完全否定,指_________或________以上“都不,没有”,既可指______, 又可指_______,后面______(加/不加) of介词短语连用。后接可数名词时时,谓语动词用__________形式,后接不可数名词时,谓语动词用________形式。none可回答_______或______引导的疑问句。 No one________ (like) the movie. None of them _________(have) a pen. 【达标检测】


1. L_________, I passed the important test yesterday. 2. There is going to be an English c________ next week.

3. In England, if you go out in the morning, you’d better take an u________ with you.

4. If you work hard, you’ll have a great f________. 5. He went to the Great Wall and bought a s_________. 6. 你愿意和我一起开车兜风吗?Would you like to _______ ________ ______ _______ with me? 7. 不要把你的旧东西摆出来。 Don’t _______ _________ your old things. 8. 如果明天有空,他想进行庭院旧货出售。

He wants to ________ ________ _______ ________ if he is free tomorrow. 9. 他想请三天假。 He wants to ______ _______ _______ _______.

10. 将来每个家庭都将有一个机器人。Every family will have a robot _______ _________ _______. II.选择填空

1. Shall we go _____ a drive this Sunday afternoon? A. by B. at C. for D. to 2. Where did you go _______ your last day off? A. in B. at C. on D. with 3. Did you have fun _____ the football math between the Chinese team and the Japanese team? A. watch B. to watch C. watched D. watching 4. ______ is too difficult if you put your heart into it.

A. Everything B. Anything C. Nothing D. Something 5. –How many students are there in the classroom?

-- ____. They are all on the playground. A. No one B. None C. Nobody D. Everyone 6. We all like Beijing Duck, but ______ of us knows how to make it. A. no one B. nobody C. none D. neither

7. –Excuse me, sir. This is a nonsmoking room. -- Oh, sorry. I ______ the sign. A. don’t see B. didn’t see C. won’t see D. won’t see

8. Sometimes the ads ______ but don’t tell you anything about the quality(质量) about the product(产品). A. look well B. sound good C. taste good D. seem bad 【延伸迁移】


根据提示信息, 以My Happy Trip 为题写一篇短文。 提示:1. 去年暑假和好朋友一起去爬泰山(Mount Tai);2. 乘坐公共汽车,到达目的地后,开始爬山;3.描述山上的环境;4.在山上野餐并拍照,感觉很累但玩得很开心。

要求:注意篇章结构,条理清楚,学会使用连接词(first, then, after that, finally…)。 80词左右。



