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2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 今年翻译考的是我们所熟悉的话题现代生活人们的出行方式——公交/地铁/飞机

公交车曾是中国人出行的主要交通工具。近年来,由于私家车数量不断增多,城市的交通问题越来越严重。许 多城市为了鼓励更多人乘坐公交车出行,一直努力改善公交车的服务质量。车辆的设施不断更新,车速也有了 显著提高。然而,公交车的票价却依然相当低廉。现在,在大多数城市,许多当地老年市民都可以免费乘坐公交车。

Buses used to be one of the main vehicles for Chinese people. Recently, due to the increasing number of private cars, the traffic problems in cities become more serious. In order to encourage the public to take buses instead of private cars, many cities manage to improve their

buses ’ quality of service.The facilities of buses have been upgraded, and the speed increased significantly. Meanwhile, the prices of buses remain rather low. Now, in most cities, many local senior citizens can take buses for free.

过去,乘飞机出行对大多数中国人来说是难以想象的。如今随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,越来越多的中 国人包括许多农民和外出务工人员都能乘飞机出行。他们可以乘飞机到达所有大城市,还有许多城市也在筹建 机场。航空服务不断改进,而且经常会有特价机票。近年来,节假日期间选择飞机外出旅游的人不断增加。

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ In the past, it was unimaginable for a majority of Chinese to travel by air. Nowadays, with the development of the economy and the improvement of living standard, an increasing number of Chinese, including many

peasants and migrant workers, can go by air. They can take a plane to all the big cities. In addition, plenty of cities are planning to build an airport. Air services are constantly progressing and special low-price tickets are often offered for sale. In recent years, people choosing to go out to travel by air during holidays are increasing.

近年来,中国有越来越多的城市开始建造地铁。发展地铁有助于减少城市的交通拥堵和空气污染。地铁具有安全、快捷和舒适的优点,越来越多的人选择地铁作为每天上班或上学的主要交通工具。如今,在中国乘坐地铁正变得越来越方便。在有些城市里,乘客只需用卡或手机就可以乘坐地铁。许多当地老年市民还可以免费乘坐地铁。In recent years, a considerable number of cities in China have begun to build subways. Developing subways can help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution in cities. Owing to the fact that the subway has the advantages of safety, speed and comfort, a host of

people choose subway as the main means of transportation to work or school every day. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly convenient to take the subway in China. In some cities, passengers can take the subway simply by using a card or cell phone. Many older residents can also take the subway for free.

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 刚刚出炉的英语四级作文真题题目要求各位考生就“口语表达能力”的重要性及如何培养“口语表达能力”做出相关表述。下面文都英语四六级老师给大家送上参考例文:It is well known that speaking is one of the most practical abilities for us with the current trend of communication becoming

necessary and indispensable in this ever-changing modern society. As a result, we, university students, should pay more attention to the

significance of speaking.

In order to cultivate the ability of speaking, initially, we are supposed to take more activities related to speaking to improve our communicating skill. Additionally, It is imperative that education--related organizations and Mass Media should provide more opportunities to develop this ability for students. What ’s more, another vital step we should not overlook is that the essence of speaking is expected to be promoted. If we do not hold speaking in high esteem, or treat it mindlessly, we will encounter different difficulties in expressing in our roads to the success. Therefore, it is advisable for us to stress the importance of speaking ability.

,文都英语四六级老师为大家整理出英语四级阅读理解真题参考答案和解析。 参考答案:

46. A. Not all of them are symptoms of dementia.

47. C. Communication within our brain weakens.

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 48. A. Totally forgetting how to do one ’s daily routines 。

49. C. Turn to a professional for assistance.

50. D. Staying active both physically and mentally


46.解析:从原文第一段中的说法,如果你有健忘的情况,你可能不需要担心,痴呆的症状和年龄增长引起的健忘之间有明显的不同。可以得出A. Not all of them are symptoms of dementia. 不是所有的记忆力减退都是痴呆的症状,是正确答案。

47.解析:从原文第三段中的说法,大脑就像身体的其他部位一样会变老,大脑的一些部位会萎缩,尤其是大脑中对于学习,记忆和规划重要的某些部位。大脑细胞的变化能够影响大脑不同区域的交流。可以得出C. Communication within our brain weakens. 大脑内部的交流会减弱,是正确选项。

48.解析:从原文第五段中的说法,忘记如何操作家里的东西,比如微波炉,或者忘记如何开车去以前已经拜访过很多次的朋友的家,这都是身体出问题的迹象。可以得出A. Totally forgetting how to do one ’s daily routines 。完全忘记如何做日常工作,是正确选项。

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 49.解析:从原文第七段中的说法,Daffner 建议有严重健忘症状的人去找医生。可以得出C Turn to a professional for assistance. 向专业人士求助,是正确选项。

50.解析:从原文最后一段的说法,换句话说,保持你的大脑忙碌工作。也要使身体活跃起来,可以得出D Staying active both physically and mentally ,保持身体和精神活跃,是正确选项。

26. M pollutants . 解析:of 前边是levels 级别,等级的意思,of 后应该是名词形式,翻译为_____的级别,根据文章首句说南加利福尼亚的雾霾是出了名的差可判断这篇文章关于坏境。26空这一句说在美国,洛杉矶____的级别方面是最差的城市,名词又跟环境污染有关的就是M 选项pollutants 污染物。

27. N restricted . 解析: 倒装句,正常语序应该是 the state ’s bad air is not____to its south. 意思既相符,又符合这个搭配的只能是restricted , be restricted to 仅限于。

28. C consequence . 解析: 本空在a 后边 一定是名词, as a consequence 固定搭配,意为结果,因此。这句话意思是,结果,具名的心脏和肺都受到感染。

29. J innovation . 解析:空格前边是名词 of 形容词,因此可推断此结构是A of B 的结构,因此空格应该是名词。跟在technological 技术的 后边,并且后文

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 又说designed 设计监视器,可推断这里应该是技术创新闻名的地方, 因此才能设计出来一些机器。

30. F detail . 解析:本句是一个完整句说明不缺成分,那么空格的地方应该是状语部分,跟在in 后边 detail 可形成固定搭配,in detail 详细的。

31. K intended . 解析: be___to 因此这个地方应该是动词ing 或者动词过去分词,在仅有的几个符合条件的选项里intended 符合意思,be intended to 打算做某事,意图做某事。

32. L outdoor . 解析: 空格前边of 后边名词此处缺一个形容词,前边说这个检测器目的是监测出____的环境污染,符合意思的是outdoor 户外的环境污染情况。

33. B collaborating . 解析:位于has been__with 后边此处应该是动词ing 或动词过去分词,只剩下了collaborating 和creating, collaborating 是可以和with 搭配的,意为与...合作,符合题意。

34. I inhabitants . 解析: 跟在city ’后边一定是名词,后边又是被迫使用汽车,前边应该是人类,表达人类的选项是consumers 和inhabitants ,但是这篇文章并没有强调消费者,所以根据整篇文章的北京应该是说城市的居民们。

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 35. E creating. 解析:在剩下的六个选项里A assisted 含义不符合D

consequence 词性不符合G domestic 含义不符合H frequently 词性不符合O sum 词性不符合,符合形式以及含义的只有creating 。

46 B Add to their sustained happiness.

47 A Earn more money.

48 C How long its positive effect lasts.

49 D Their communication with others improved.

50 A Find financial support.


46. 根据题干中的定位名词study 和green spaces 回文快速定位到文章中的第一段,根据第一段的信息可得出UK researchers found moving to a green space had a sustained positive effect (英国研究者发现搬到绿色小区可以带来持久的积极影响)。以及“people living in greener urban areas were displaying fewer signs of depression or anxiety (生活在绿色小区的人们较少表现出抑郁或焦虑的情绪)”这两处信息可以确定本题的正确选项是B (Add to their sustained happiness )。

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 47. 本题根据题干定位词Dr. White 及usually do 定位到本篇文章中的第一段"There could be a number of reasons,” he said, “for example, people do many things to make themselves happier: they strive for promotion or pay rises, or they get married.处,根据本句信息,可推出人们通常让自己快乐的事是挣更多的钱,因此本题的正确选项为A (Earn more money.)。

48. 由第一段可知“升值、加薪、中彩票只会给人们带来短期的快乐,这种快乐在过了六个月到一年后就会消失”,第二段首句“Dr. White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas had a lasting

positive effect on people's sense of well-being or whether the effect also disappeared after a period of time.”进一步承接第一段说明Dr. White 的研究目的是要知道居住在绿色环境中给人带来的积极影响可以持续多久。故本题正确选项为C 选项(How long its positive effect lasts.)。

49. 根据题干信息可以将本题定位至第三段,在最后一句话中,“He observed that people living in green spaces were less stressed, and less stressed people made more sensible decisions and communicated better.”由最后的communicate better 可以得出本题的正确选项为D (Their

communication with others improved.)。

50. 根据本题题干给出的信息,根据定位词Dr. White 和government ,可定位至最后一段,提到我们需要资金来建立一个高质量的绿色社区,从最后一段的最后一句话“what we really need at a policy level is to decide where the

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ money is going to come from to help support good quality local green spaces.”可得出本题的正确选项为A (Find financial support.)。

以上是文都教育的英语老师为大家整理的四级真题中仔细阅读text 1部分的答案及答案解析,预祝大家在四级中都能取得优异的成绩!


51. C They all experienced terrible misfortunes.

52. B The utmost comfort passengers could enjoy.

53. A It was a mere piece of decoration.

54. D The belief that they could never sink with a double-layer body.

55. D She was retired after her naval service.



解析:根据原文第一段的说法, 奥林匹克舰是海洋工程的奇迹,但是他们似乎都被诅咒要遭受灾难的命运。可以得出C 选项They all experienced terrible misfortunes. 他们都经历了可怕的不幸,是正确答案。

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 52.

解析:根据原文第二段的说法,白星航运公司决定致力于把他们打造成海上最豪华舒适的船。可以得出B 选项The utmost comfort passengers could enjoy. 乘客能够享受到最舒适的感觉,是正确选项。


解析:根据原文第四段的说法,第四个烟囱事实上只是艺术,没有功能,可以得出A 选项It was a mere piece of decoration. 它只是一个装饰,是正确选项。 54.

解析:根据原文第四段的说法,这三搜船都设计有双船体,双船体被认为可以使它们“不沉没的”,也许正是这个错误的想法导致了泰坦尼克号和不列颠尼克号悲惨的结局。可以得出D 选项The belief that they could never sink with a double-layer body. 因为有双层船体,所以它们绝不会沉没的想法,是正确选项。



2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 出D 选项She was retired after her naval service. 她在海军服役之后退役是正确选项。

A letter written by Charles Darwin in 1875 has been returned to the

Smithsonian Institution Archives (档案馆) by the FBI after being stolen twice.

“We realized in the mid-1970s that it was missing,” says Effie Kapsalis, head of the Smithsonian Institution Archives. “It was noted as missing and likely taken by an intern, from what the FBI is telling us. Word got out that it was missing when someone asked to see the letter for

research purposes,” and the intern put the letter back. “The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching it.”

Decades passed. Finally the FBI received a tip that the stolen document was located very close to Washington, D.C. Their art crime team

recovered the letter but were unable to press charges because the time of limitations had ended. The FBI worked closely with the Archives to

determine that the letter was both authentic and definitely Smithsonian ’s property.

The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist, Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, for sending him copies of his research

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park.

The letter is in fairly good condition, in spite of being out of the care of trained museum staff for so long.“It was luckily in good shape,” says Kapsalis,“ and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it. It has some glue on it that has colored it slightly, but nothing that will prevent us from using it. After it is repaired, we will take digital photos of it and that will be available online. One of our goals is to get items of high research value or interest to the public online.”

It would now be difficult for an intern, visitor or a thief to steal a

document like this. “Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s,”says Kapsalis. “and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don ’t even have access to.”

51.What happened to Darwin ’s letter in the 1970s?

A. It was recovered by the FBI.

B. It was stolen more than once.

C. It was put in the archives for research purposes.

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ D. It was purchased by the Smithsonian Archives.

52. What did the FBI do after the recovery of the letter?

A. They proved its authenticity.

B. They kept it in a special safe.

C. They arrested the suspect immediately.

D. They pressed criminal charges in vain.

53.What is Darwin ’s letter about?

A. The evolution of Yellowstone National Park.

B. His cooperation with an American geologist.

C. Some geological evidence supporting his theory.

D. His acknowledgement of help from a professional.

54. What will the Smithsonian Institution Archives do with the letter according to Kapsalis?

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ A. Reserve it for research purposes only.

B. Turn it into an object of high interest.

C. Keep it a permanent secret.

D. Make it available online.

55.What has the past half century witnessed according to Kapsalis?

A. Growing interest in rare art objects.

B. Radical changes in archiving practices.

C. Recovery of various missing documents.

D. Increases in the value of museum exhibits.

51. B. It was stolen more than once. 根据文章第一段 being stolen twice 可以得知Darwin 的信件被偷了一次以上。

52. D. They pressed criminal charges in vain. 根据第三段第二句“Their art crime team recovered the letter but were unable to press charges

because the time of limitations had ended.”意思是由于超过了时间限制,

2018年6月英语四级真题及答案汇总(文都回忆版) 文都四六级部门倾情奉献。。

/ 因此不能够起诉犯罪团伙了,选项中的in vain 意思是无效 选项意思是FBI 起诉犯罪团伙无效符合题意。

53. D. His acknowledgement of help from a professional. 根据第四段可以得知Darwin 写这封信为了感谢地理学家提供给他一些相关地理方面的材料,D 选项acknowledgement 意思是感谢,他感谢来自专业人士的帮助,符合文章意思

54. D. Make it available online. 根据文章倒数第二段倒数第二句”After it is repaired, we will take digital photos of it and that will be available

online. ” 意思是资料修复之后,我们将会拍一些照片放在网上。选项意思与此句完全符合

55. B. Radical changes in archiving practices. 选项意思是在实行归档方面发生了根本变化,根据文章最后一段Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s 可以得知从1970年开始在实行归档方面发生了巨大变化。符合题意

