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SlideShare最近推荐了产品设计师、市场顾问 Etienne Garbugli 制作的一套片子,介绍了26条关于时间管理的简单原则(《26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I’d Known at 20》),非常适合初学者。

01. There is alway time. Time is priorities.


02. Only plan for 4-5 hours of real work per day. 每天规划 4-5 小时用于真正的工作,足够了。 Days always fill up.


03. It’s normal to have days where you just can’twork and days where you’ll work 12 hours straight.

总有那么几天,你工作不了;总有那么几天,你可以连续干上12小时。 Work more when you are in the zone. Relax when you’re not. 当你在工作状态时,那就多干点;不在状态时,就好好休息。

04. your time is 1000$/hour, and you need to act accordingly. 你的时间每小时价值 1000 美元,所以你得表现得值这个价。 Respect your time and make it respected. 重视你的时间,并使其值得重视。

05. Stop multi-tasking. It merely kill your focus. 停止多项任务齐头并进,这只会使你一事无成。

06. Set up a work routine and stick to it. Your body will adapt. 制定工作惯例,遵守工作惯例——你的身体终将适应。

07. We’re always more focused and productive with limited time. 时间有限,我们才会更专注,更有生产力。

08. Work is the best way to get working. Start with short task to get the ball rolling. 投身工作的最好方法,就是投身工作——从简短的任务开始,把雪球越滚越大。

09. Doing is better than perfect.


Work iteratively. Expectation to do things perfectly are stifling. 别让自己停下来,期待完美只会令人心情沉重、士气低落。

10. More work hours doesn’t mean more productive. Use constraints as opportunities. 工作更久,并不意味着更多产出,要视限制为机遇。

11. Separate thinking and execution to execute faster and think better. 思考时思考,执行时执行,这样才能更快执行,更好思考。 Separate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive.


12. Organize meetings early during the day. Time leading up to an event is often wasted. 会议安排得尽量靠前,否则之前的时间多被浪费。

13. A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in.

一个单独的会议能够毁掉一个完整的下午,时间被割成两段,零零碎碎什么都塞不进去。 Group meetings and communications (email or phone) to create blocks of uninterrupted work.


