
更新时间:2024-06-12 21:35:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


【分类英语口语词汇和情景会话(8)——购物 shopping】 mall --- 购物商场

shopping center --- 购物中心 department store --- 百货商场 size --- 尺寸 price --- 价钱 buy --- 买 discount --- 折扣 on-sale --- 减价销售 clothes --- 衣服 cosmetic --- 化妆品 make-up --- 化妆 cream --- (护肤)面霜 foundation --- 金钱 natural --- 自然的 kohl --- 化妆墨、眼影粉 eyeliner --- 眼线笔 perfume --- 香水 ring --- 戒指 scarf --- 围巾 earring --- 耳环 footwear --- 鞋子 wallet --- 钱包 salon --- 沙龙

photographer --- 摄影师 elevator --- 电梯 bargain --- 廉价品 half-price --- 半价 try on --- 试穿 waist --- 背心 groceries --- 杂货

counter --- 计数器 flavor --- 口味 【必会句】

They are having a big sale. 他们正在打折呢。

Everthing is 50% off. 所有的东西卖半价。

It's on sale today. 今天大甩卖。

Is there a discount? 能打折吗?

Is that a new dress? 那是新到的服装吗?

Only 5 yuan for this T-shirt. 这件t恤才卖5块钱。

I need size 8. 我想要8码的。

I'll take it. 这个我要了。

Take this elevator to the 4th floor. 乘这部电梯上4楼。

I love the perfume you are wearing.


My feet are wide. 我的脚太大了。

I'd like to try there on please, in a size 6 and a half. 我喜欢穿的宽松点,给我拿6码半的吧。

I need a wallet. 我想买一个钱包。

What sort of curtain are you looking for? 想要哪种样式的窗帘呢?

Do you have them in black? 是要黑色吗?

How much is it? 多少钱?

Small size/ medium size/ large size 小码/中码/大码 【实况会话】 SHOW TIME ONE A: How does it fit? 这合适吗?

B: It's a little tight in the waist. 腰有点紧。

A: Would you like to try size 10? 你要不要试穿一下10码呢?

B: I guess I'll have to try. 我想是得试试。 SHOW TIME TWO A: Where do you buy your make-up? 你的化妆品在哪里买呢?

B: I always go to the department store. 我常去百货商店买。

A: Those brands are too expensive. 但是那些牌子很贵呀。 SHOW TIME THREE A: What can I do for you, Miss? 您要买点什么,小姐?

B: I'd like to buy some chocolates for the New Year. 我想为新年准备点巧克力。 A: How about these? 这些怎么样?

B: Well, what tastes are they? 哦,有些什么口味的?

A: We have lemon, orange, strawberry and apple. 有柠檬、橘子、草莓和苹果味的。

B: All right. I'll take six liang for every flavor. 好的。每种口味的各要六两。

A: OK, that will be eighty-three yuan. Anything else? 好的,一共83元,还要点别的吗? B: No, here is the money. Thank you. 不用了,给你钱,谢谢。 A: It's a pleasure. 不用谢。 【开心时分】

- \“我终于阻止了我弟弟啃他的趾甲了。” - \


- \“我给他穿上了鞋。”

- Sam was playing the piano for his friend Paul. 萨姆为他的朋友保罗弹奏钢琴。

- \“嗨,你觉得我弹得怎么样?”萨姆问道。

- \“我希望你可以在收音机里弹。”保罗答道。 - \“你的意思是说我谈得很好。”

- \“不,”保罗说,“因为那样的话,我就可以把收音机关掉了。”

