人教新版 英语六年级上册 第四单元中文翻译

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Unit Four

Will you come to my birthday party? 你能来参加我的生日聚会吗? Lesson 19

Lisa’s birthday is on October 20th. She is going to have a birthday party. She wants to invite Peter, Gao Wei and Kate to her birthday party.

Lisa: Hi, Peter, Gao Wei and Kate. I’d like to invite you to my birthday party. Peter: Cool. When is it?

Lisa: It’s on October 20th. Will you come to my party? Peter: Sure! I’d love to.

Lisa: What about you, Gao Wei? Will you come? Gao Wei: What day is it on?

Lisa: It’s on Thursday.

Gao Wei: That’s good! I can come.

Kate: I will come, too. We can celebrate after school. Lisa: Yeah. My mum will come and pick us up.


莉萨:彼得、高伟和凯特,你们好。我想邀请你们参加我的生日聚会。 彼得:太好了。什么时候?

莉萨:是10月20日。你能来参加我的聚会吗? 彼得:当然!我愿意参加。 莉萨:高伟,你呢?你会来吗? 高伟:生日在星期几? 莉萨:在星期四。 高伟:太好了,我能来。

凯特:我也能来。我们可以放学后庆祝。 莉萨:太好了。我妈妈会来接我们。

Lesson 20

Will you come to my birthday party? She will have a party on Oct 20th. I will have a party on Oct 20th.


你能来参加我的生日聚会吗? 她将在10月20日举行聚会。 我将在10月20日举行聚会。


Lisa’s uncle and aunt go shopping with Lisa. They want to buy a birthday cake and some other things for her birthday party. Uncle: What kind of cake would you like? Lisa: I’d like a chocolate cake, please.

Aunt: What shape would you like? A round one or a square one? Lisa: I’d like that round cake. How nice! Aunt: Yes, it looks lovely.

Lisa: Let’s get some ice cream, too. Aunt: Yes, and I’ll get some jelly for you.

Lisa: Thank you. I love jelly. Can we get some round balloons and long balloons, too? Uncle:


Lisa: Thank you. I’ll have a great birthday party.


叔叔:你想要什么种类的蛋糕? 莉萨:我想要一个巧克力蛋糕。

婶婶:你想要一个什么形状的?圆的还是方的? 莉萨:我想要那个圆形的蛋糕。多漂亮啊!

婶婶:是的,它看起来很可爱。 莉萨:咱们再买一些冰淇淋吧。 婶婶:好的,我再给你买些果冻。

莉萨:谢谢,我爱吃果冻。我们能买一些圆的和长的气球吗? 叔叔:当然可以。


Lesson 22

I’ll get some ice cream for you.

我给你买一些冰淇淋。 What kind of cake would you like? 想要什么种类的蛋糕? What shape would you like? 想要什么形状的蛋糕?

ice cream jelly biscuits 冰淇淋 果冻 饼干

triangle cake 三角形蛋糕 round cake 园形蛋糕 square cake 正方形蛋糕

rectangle cake 长方形蛋糕


Who has a birthday in October? My birthday is on October 16th. My birthday is on October 26th. My birthday is on October 26th, too. Let’s celebrate together.

Let’s make party hats. I’ll make my hat from 3 triangles. I’ll make a cone hat.


我的生日在10月16日。 我的生日在10月26日。 我的生日也在10月26日。 咱们一起庆祝吧。


我将用三个三角形制作我的帽子。 我将要做一个园锥形帽子。

I’ll make a hat with a circle and a rectangle. 我将用一个圆形和一个长方形制作一顶帽子。

I’ll make a hat with a rectangle and a square. Look at my hat! 我将用一个长方形和一个正方形制作帽子。看我的帽子。


Welcome to my birthday party.

Peter, Gao Wei and Kate come to Lisa’s home. They are going to celebrate Lisa’s birthday. They give their presents to Lisa and Lisa feels very happy.

The birthday party begins. First, they light the candles on the cake and sing the birthday song. Lisa makes a wish and then she blows out the candles. After that, Lisa cuts the cake and gives each one a piece. The children also have fruit and candies. They have a good time.

Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, please.

Would you like some milk?

No, thanks. I’d like a glass of juice.


生日聚会开始了。首先,他们点燃蛋糕上的蜡烛并唱生日歌。莉萨许了一个愿望,然后吹灭了蜡烛。接着莉萨切生日蛋糕,并给每人一块。孩子们还吃了水果和果冻。他们玩得很高兴。 你想来一杯茶吗?好的。




Would you like a cup of tea?

你想来一杯茶吗? Yes, please. 好的。

No, thanks. I’d like a glass of juice.


Lisa lights the candles.


a cup of tea 一杯茶 make a wish 许愿 a glass of juice 一杯果汁 blow out the candles

吹灭蜡烛 a piece of cake


cut the cake


Let’s light the candles. 咱们点燃蜡烛吧。 I want to have a computer. 我想有一台电脑。 Let me blow out the candles. 我来吹灭蜡烛吧。 Here you are! 给你。


Micky’s birthday is on October 1st.

He wants to know who else has a birthday on the same day.

Micky asks Mimi, “Is your birthday on the same day?” Mimi says, “No, my birthday is on October 2nd.”

Micky asks the rabbit. Her birthday is on October 3rd.

Micky asks the elephant, “Is your birthday on October 1st ?” “Yes.” answers the elephant. Micky is very happy now.

Micky and the elephant want to celebrate their birthday together.

So they have b big birthday party. How old are they? Do you know?



米奇去问大象:“你的生日是在10月1日吗?”“是的。”大象回答道。 米奇现在非常高兴。





Will you come to my birthday party? 你能来参加我的生日聚会吗? I’ll get some ice cream for you. 我给你买一些冰淇淋。 Would you like a cup of tea? 你想要一杯茶吗? Yes, please. 好的。

No, thanks. I’d like a glass of juice. 不了,谢谢。我想要一杯果汁。


