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For the most part from the Chinese of Rihaku, from the notes of the late

Ernest Fenollosa, and the Decipherings of the professors Mori and Ariga (1915)

Here is the complete text for each of the nineteen poems originally appearing in Ezra Pound's 1915 collection Cathay. Neither rightly translations nor original poems, they are instead an ingenious highbred devised by the young Pound soon after the widow of Ernest Fenollosa appointed him the literary executor of her husband's work. Pound discovered a working manuscript of notes on a series of poems by the Chinese poets Li P'o and Wang We'i, among others. (Fenollosa provided the Japanese equivalents of their names, Rihaku and

Omakitsu, respectively.) When writing the poems, Pound had little knowledge of either the Chinese language or its ideograms. From the time of their original publication and through most of the 20th Century, Pound's creative explorations provided both a profound inspiration and a source for great debate. The Cathay poems have undergone scrutiny and controversy for nearly a hundred years while at the same time having a profound influence on Western poetry,

including major American and European poets throughout the 20th Century. It greatly encouraged and influenced the imagist movement. It's style was easily akin to the straighforward American style of poetry.


Here we are, picking the first fern-shoots

And saying: When shall we get back to our country?

Here we are because we have the Ken-nin for our foemen, We have no comfort because of these Mongols. We grub the soft fern-shoots,

When anyone says \Sorrowful minds, sorrow is strong, we are hungry and thirsty. Our defense is not yet made sure, no one can let his friend return. We grub the old fern-stalks.

We say: Will we be let to go back in October?

There is no ease in royal affairs, we have no comfort.

Our sorrow is bitter, but we would not return to our country. What flower has come into blossom? Whose chariot? The General's.

Horses, his horses even, are tired. They were strong. We have no rest, three battles a month. By heaven, his horses are tired.

The generals are on them, the soldiers are by them.

The horses are well trained, the generals have ivory arrows and quivers ornamented with fish-skin. The enemy is swift, we must be careful.

When we set out, the willows were drooping with spring, We come back in the snow,

We go slowly, we are hungry and thirsty,

Our mind is full of sorrow, who will know of our grief? by Bunno — Reputedly 1100 B.C


Blue, blue is the grass about the river

And the willows have overfilled the close garden.

And within, the mistress, in the midmost of her youth, White, white of face, hesitates, passing the door. Slender. she puts forth a slender hand;

And she was a courtezan in the old days, And she has married a sot, Who now goes drunkenly out And leaves her too much alone.

by Mei Sheng B.C. 140


This boat is of shato-wood, and its gunwales are cut magnolia, Musicians with jeweled flutes and with pipes of gold Fill full the sides in rows, and our wine Is rich for a thousand cups.

We carry singing girls, drift with the drifting water, Yet Sennin needs

A yellow stork for a charger, and all our seamen Would follow the white gulls or ride them. Kutsu's prose song

Hangs with the sun and moon.

King So's terraced palace

is now but barren hill,

But I draw pen on this barge

Causing the five peaks to tremble, And I have joy in these words

like the joy of blue islands.

(If glory could last forever

Then the waters of Han would flow northward.)

And I have moped in the Emperor's garden, awaiting an order-


I looked at the dragon-pond, with its willow-colored water Just reflecting in the sky's tinge,

And heard the five-score nightingales aimlessly singing.

The eastern wind brings the green color into the island grasses at


The purple house and the crimson are full of Spring softness. South of the pond the willow-tips are half-blue and bluer, Their cords tangle in mist, against the brocade-like palace.

Vine strings a hundred feet long hang down from carved railings, And high over the willows, the find birds sing to each other, and


Crying—'Kwan, Kuan,' for the early wind, and the feel of it. The wind bundles itself into a bluish cloud and wanders off. Over a thousand gates. over a thousand doors are the sounds of

spring singing,

And the Emperor is at Ko.

Five clouds hang aloft, bright on the purple sky,

The imperial guards come forth from the goldren house with their

armor a-gleaming.

The Emperor in his jeweled car goes out to inspect his flowers, He goes out to Hori, to look at the wing-flapping storks, He returns by way of Sei rock, to hear the new nightingales, For the gardens of Jo-run are full of new nightingales, Their sound is mixed in this flute, Their voice is in the twelve pipes here by Rihaku

8th Century A.D.


WHILE my hair was still cut straight across my forehead Played I about the front gate, pulling flowers. You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse,

You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums. And we went on living in the village of Chokan: Two small people, without dislike or suspicion.

At fourteen I married My Lord you, I never laughed, being bashful.

Lowering my head, I looked at the wall.

Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back.

At fifteen I stopped scowling,

I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever. Why should I climb the look out?

At sixteen you departed,

You went into fat Ku-to-yen, by the river of swirling eddies, And you have been gone five months.

The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead.

You dragged your feet when you went out.

By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosses, Too deep to clear them away!

The leaves fall early in autumn, in wind.

The paired butterflies are already yellow with August Over the grass in the West garden; They hurt me. I grow older.

If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang, Please let me know beforehand, And I will come out to meet you

As far as Cho-fu-Sa.

by Rihaku


March has come to the bridge head,

Peach boughs and apricot boughs hang over a thousand gates, At morning there are flowers to cut the heart,

And evening drives them on the eastward-flowing waters. Petals are on the gone waters and on the going,

And on the back-swirling eddies,

But to-day's men are not the men of the old days,

Though they hang in the same way over the bridge-rail. The sea's color moves at the dawn

And the princes still stand in rows, about the throne, And the moon falls over the portals of Sei-go-yo, And clings to the walls and the gate-top.

With head gear glittering against the cloud and sun, The lords go forth from the court, and into far borders. They ride upon dragon-like horses,

Upon horses with head-trappings of yellow metal, And the streets make way for their passage.

Haughty their passing,

Haughty their steps as they go into great banquets, To high halls and curious food,

To the perfumed air and girls dancing, To clear flutes and clear singing; To the dance of the seventy couples; To the mad chase through the gardens. Night and day are given over to pleasure

And they think it will last a thousand autumns.

Unwearying autumns.

For them the yellow dogs howl portents in vain, And what are they compared to the lady Riokushu,

That was cause of hate!

Who among them is a man like Han-rei

Who departed alone with his mistress,

With her hair unbound, and he his own skiffsman!

by Rihaku

Mind and spirit drive on the feathery banners. Hard fight gets no reward. Loyalty is hard to explain.

Who will be sorry for General Rishogu,

the swift moving,

Whose white head is lost for this province?

* I.e., we have been warring from one end of the empire to the other, now east, now west, on each border. Sennin Poem by Kakuhaku

The red and green kingfishers

flash between the orchids and clover,

One bird casts its gleam on another

Green vines hang through the high forest, They weave a whole roof to the mountain, The lone man sits with shut speech, He purrs and pats the clear strings. He throws his heart up through the sky, He bights through the flower pistil

and brings up a fine fountain.

The red-pine-tree god looks at him and wonders.

He rides through the purple smoke to visit the sennin, He takes 'Floating Hill'* by the sleeve,

He claps his hand on the back of the great white sennin.

But you, you dam'd crowd of gnats, Can you even tell the age of a turtle?

* Name of sennin (spirit.) A Ballad of the Mulberry Road

The sun rises in south east cirner of things To look on the tall house of the Shin For they have a daughter names Rafu,

(pretty girl)

She made the name for herself: 'Gauze Veil,' For she feeds mulberries to silkworms.

She gets them by the south wall of the town.

With green strings she makes the warp of her basket She makes the shoulder-straps of her basket

from the boughs of Ketsura,

And she piles her hair up on the left side of her


Her earring are made of pearl,

Her underskirt is of green pattern-silk,

Her overskirt is the same silk dyed in purple, And when men going by look at Rafu They set down their burdens,

They stand and twirl their moustaches.

(Fenolloso Mss., very early)

Old Idea of Choan by Rosoriu


The narrow streets cut into the wide highway at Choan,

Dark oxen, white horses,

drag on the seven coaches with outriders

The coaches are perfumed wood,

The jeweled chair is held up at the crossway, Before the royal lodge:

A glitter of golden saddles, awaiting the princes; They eddy before the gate of the barons. The canopy embroidered with dragons

drinks in and casts back the sun.

Evening comes.

The trappings are bordered with mist.

The hundred cords of mist are spread through

drinks in and casts back the sun. and double the trees,

Night birds, and night women,

Spread out their sounds through the gardens.


Birds with flowery wing, hovering butterflies

crowd over the thousand gates,

Trees that glitter like jade,

terraces tinged with silver,

The seed of a myriad hues,

A net-work of arbors and passages and covered ways, Double towers, winged roofs,

border the network of ways:

A place of felicitous meeting.

Riu's house stands out on the sky,

with glitter of color

As Butei of Kan made the high golden lotus

to gather his dews,

Before it another house which I do not know: How shall we know all the friends

whom we meet on strange roadways? To Em-mei's \

' Wet springtime.' says To-em-mei,

' Wet spring in the garden.'


The clouds have gathered, and gathered,

and the rain falls and falls,

The eight ply of the heavens

are all folded into one darkness,

And the wide, flat road stretches out.

I stop in my room towards the East, quiet, quiet, I pat my new cask of wine.

My friends are estranged, or far distant, I bow my head and stand still.


Rain, rain, and the clouds have gathered, The eight ply of the heavens are darkness, The flat land is turned into river.

'Wine, wine. here is wine!'

I drink by my eastern window I think of talking and man,

And no boat, no carriage, approaches.


The trees in my east-looking garden

are bursting out with new twigs,

They try to stir new affection

And men say the sun and moon keep on movin

because they can't find a soft seat.

The birds flutter to rest in my tree,

and I think I have heard them saying,

'It is not that there are no other men But we like this fellow the best, But however we long to speak He cannot know of our sorrow.'


(1915) Ezra Pound

The Seafarer

From the Anglo-Saxon

May I for my own self song's truth reckon, Journey's jargon, how I in harsh days Hardship endured oft.

Bitter breast-cares have I abided,

Known on my keel many a care's hold, And dire sea-surge, and there I oft spent Narrow nightwatch nigh the ship's head

While she tossed close to cliffs. Coldly afflicted, My feet were by frost benumbed. Chill its chains are; chafing sighs

Hew my heart round and hunger begot Mere-weary mood. Lest man know not

T'ao Yuan Ming A.D. 365-427

That he on dry land loveliest liveth,

List how I, care-wretched, on ice-cold sea, Weathered the winter, wretched outcast Deprived of my kinsmen;

Hung with hard ice-flakes, where hail-scur flew, There I heard naught save the harsh sea And ice-cold wave, at whiles the swan cries, Did for my games the gannet's clamour, Sea-fowls, loudness was for me laughter, The mews' singing all my mead-drink.

Storms, on the stone-cliffs beaten, fell on the stern In icy feathers; full oft the eagle screamed With spray on his pinion.

Not any protector

May make merry man faring needy.

This he little believes, who aye in winsome life Abides 'mid burghers some heavy business, Wealthy and wine-flushed, how I weary oft Must bide above brine.

Neareth nightshade, snoweth from north, Frost froze the land, hail fell on earth then

Corn of the coldest. Nathless there knocketh now The heart's thought that I on high streams The salt-wavy tumult traverse alone. Moaneth alway my mind's lust That I fare forth, that I afar hence Seek out a foreign fastness.

For this there's no mood-lofty man over earth's midst,

Not though he be given his good, but will have in his youth greed; Nor his deed to the daring, nor his king to the faithful But shall have his sorrow for sea-fare Whatever his lord will.

He hath not heart for harping, nor in ring-having Nor winsomeness to wife, nor world's delight Nor any whit else save the wave's slash,

Yet longing comes upon him to fare forth on the water. Bosque taketh blossom, cometh beauty of berries, Fields to fairness, land fares brisker,

All this admonisheth man eager of mood,

The heart turns to travel so that he then thinks On flood-ways to be far departing. Cuckoo calleth with gloomy crying,

He singeth summerward, bodeth sorrow,

The bitter heart's blood. Burgher knows not—

He the prosperous man—what some perform Where wandering them widest draweth.

So that but now my heart burst from my breast-lock, My mood 'mid the mere-flood,

Over the whale's acre, would wander wide. On earth's shelter cometh oft to me, Eager and ready, the crying lone-flyer,

Whets for the whale-path the heart irresistibly, O'er tracks of ocean; seeing that anyhow My lord deems to me this dead life On loan and on land, I believe not That any earth-weal eternal standeth Save there be somewhat calamitous

That, ere a man's tide go, turn it to twain. Disease or oldness or sword-hate

Beats out the breath from doom-gripped body.

And for this, every earl whatever, for those speaking after— Laud of the living, boasteth some last word, That he will work ere he pass onward,

Frame on the fair earth 'gainst foes his malice, Daring ado...

So that all men shall honour him after

And his laud beyond them remain 'mid the English, Aye, for ever, a lasting life's-blast, Delight mid the doughty.

Days little durable,

And all arrogance of earthen riches, There come now no kings nor Caesars Nor gold-giving lords like those gone. Howe'er in mirth most magnified, Whoe'er lived in life most lordliest,

Drear all this excellence, delights undurable! Waneth the watch, but the world holdeth. Tomb hideth trouble. The blade is layed low. Earthly glory ageth and seareth. No man at all going the earth's gait,

But age fares against him, his face paleth,

Grey-haired he groaneth, knows gone companions, Lordly men are to earth o'ergiven,

Nor may he then the flesh-cover, whose life ceaseth, Nor eat the sweet nor feel the sorry, Nor stir hand nor think in mid heart, And though he strew the grave with gold,

His born brothers, their buried bodies Be an unlikely treasure hoard. \Ripostes (1912) and then again in Cathay (1915)

The Alchemist

Chant for the Transmutation of Metals SA?L of Claustra, Aelis, Azalais,

As you move among the bright trees;

As your voices, under the larches of Paradise Make a clear sound, Sa?l of Claustra, Aelis, Azalais, Raimona, Tibors, Berangèr?, 'Neath the dark gleam of the sky; Under night, the peacock-throated, Bring the saffron-coloured shell, Bring the red gold of the maple,

Bring the light of the birch tree in autumn Mirals, Cembelins, Audiarda,

Remember this fire.

Elain, Tireis, Alcmena

'Mid the silver rustling of wheat, Agradiva, Anhes, Ardenca,

From the plum-coloured lake, in stillness, From the molten dyes of the water Bring the burnished nature of fire; Briseis, Lianor, Loica,

From the wide earth and the olive,

From the poplars weeping their amber, By the bright flame of the fishing torch

Remember this fire.

Midonz, with the gold of the sun, the leaf of the popIar,

by the light of the amber,

Midonz, daughter of the sun, shaft of the tree,

silver of the leaf, light of the yellow of the amber, Midonz, gift of the God, gift of the light,

gift of the amber of the sun,

Give light to the metal.

Anhes of Rocacoart, Ardenca, Aemelis, From the power of grass,

From the white, alive in the seed,

From the heat of the bud,

From the copper of the leaf in autumn,

From the bronze of the maple, from the sap in the bough; Lianor, Ioanna, Loica, By the stir of the fin,

By the trout asleep in the grey green of water;

Vanna, Mandetta, Viera, Alodetta, Picarda, Manuela From the red gleam of copper,

Ysaut, Ydone, slight rustling of leaves, Vierna, Jocelynn, daring of spirits, By the mirror of burnished copper,

O Queen of Cypress,

Out of Erebus, the flat-lying breadth,

Breath that is stretched out beneath the world:

Out of Erebus, out of the flat waste of air, lying beneath the world; Out of the brown leaf-brown colourless

Bring the imperceptible cool.

Elain, Tireis, Alcmena,

Quiet this metal!

Let the manes put off their terror, let them put off their aqueous bodies with fire. Let them assume the milk-white bodies of agate. Let them draw together the bones of the metal.

Selvaggia, Guiscarda, Mandetta,

Rain flakes of gold on the water,

Azure and flaking silver of water, Alcyon, Phaetona, Alcmena,

Pallor of silver, pale lustre of Latona,

By these, from the malevolence of the dew

Guard this alembic.

Elain, Tireis, Alodetta

Quiet this metal.

