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BEC备考伴侣阅读讲义 第一部分 导论
1. 英语类考试中阅读理解考题的根本目的在于考察逻辑而不仅是词汇本身 2. 核心解题思想是意思的反复重复与同义匹配 二、BEC阅读理解题的题型介绍 1. 句子-段落的搭配题 中级:4个段落-7项陈述 高级:5个段落-8项陈述 2. 句子-文章的搭配题 中级:完整文章中去掉5句话 高级:完整文章中去掉6句话 3. 精读题
中级:6题多项选择 高级:6题多项选择 4. 标准化完形填空题 中级:15题,侧重文法 高级:10题,侧重词汇 5. 主观性完形填空题
高级:10题填空,注意词性的选择 6. 校正题(改错题) 中级:12题 高级:12题
注意与传统改错题的区别:只需要挑出错误,不需要修改 三、做题顺序和时间分配
1. 6→5→4→3→1→2
2. 逻辑匹配题:Part I→12分钟,Part II→15分钟,Part III→12分钟 3. 文法词汇题:
中级:Part IV→8分钟,Part V→5分钟,Part VI→8分钟 高级:Part IV→13分钟,Part V→8分钟
第二部分 逻辑匹配题-Part I
1. 陈述对应段落中的1句话,简单匹配,常见题
2. 陈述对应段落中的相邻2~3句话,简单推论,较少
3. 陈述对应几乎整个段落的内容,复杂结论,罕见
1. 陈述中选出关键词 2. 阅读段落
3. 将陈述中的关键词对应到段落的某一句话,某两三句话,或者全段 三、练习题举例 陈述:
0.【C】This company is going to reduce staff numbers.
1.【D】A strong currency has had a negative effect on the company. 2.【C】The workforce has made it difficult for this company to become more efficient. 3.【B】The use of specialists led to very high cost. 4.【D】Increased competition has contributed to this company’s difficulties. 5.【A】This company has reached an agreement on a new project. 6.【B】Part of this company was up for sale. 7.【A】This company has expanded its manufacturing base. 段落
Walger, the bus maker, has entered into a joint venture with IMCO Bus Corporation to participate in coachbuilding operations in Mexico. The two companies have just announced the $70 million acquisition of Mexico Coachworks, the largest bus and coach builder in Mexico, with 2,400 employees and three factories. Walger retains a 60% interest in the coachbuilding venture. Analysts have expressed surprise, given the current exchange rate. B
Jetline Airports has said that it spent £2.1 million on its failed attempt to dispose of its duty-free retail division. The chief executive said the company’s six-month search for a buyer ran up heavy consultancy expenses which left half-year pre-tax profits at £4.5 million. It also emerged that the Director of Finance received a £500,000 settlement when he left the company. C
GRD, the manufacturing giant, plans to cut 1,500 jobs at its Portland factory over the next five years after union refusal to increase productivity. A company representative said that although they have invested more than $42 million in the new plant and improved technology, the trade unions are still unwilling to increase output. As a result, GRD have been forced to downsize the Portland plant.
Maybrooke, the Scottish department store, reported a fall in trading profits in the first half of the year from £545,000 to £462,000, on sales which were down two per cent. They blame the disappointing first half on the strength of the pound, which hit the company’s tourist business, as well as an increase in traffic and parking problems in the city centre, and the growth of out-of-town shopping centres.
四、真题举例(第3辑-高级 Test 2) 陈述
0.【A】One of the biggest difficulties that managers face is motivating staff. 1.【D】People may perceive the same type of work differently.
2.【C】It is important that staff gain recognition for what they have done. 3.【E】The behaviour of staff may be influenced by disappointment with what their organization provides.
4.【B】Traditional ways of motivating staff cannot be put into practice these days. 5.【A】A good salary alone is no longer enough to motivate people. 6.【E】It is desirable for staff and their employers to have similar objectives. 7.【C】Staff should be able to improve their abilities through their work. 8.【D】Not all companies see a need to find out what motivates their staff. 段落 A
Ensuring employees arrive at work geared up and ready to give their all is a major challenge facing managers today. It used to be so easy. A fat pay cheque and the promise of promotion was all that was needed to keep people committed, loyal and happy. But the world of work has changed, and nowadays, organizations cannot rely on the corporate cheque book to give them the edge. Numerous employee surveys have shown that although pay still makes people tick, a whole raft of other issues have entered the motivation equation.
One of the problems is that managers often don’t appreciate they are playing in a completely new ball game, and a reliance on old-style motivational techniques just won’t work in today’s technology-driven, fast-paced business environment. For example, an employee could be working in South Africa, with a boss sitting in London and the main client they are dealing with based in Asia. So for someone who is very motivated by face-to-face contact and a collegiate environment, that could be a huge problem. C
What most employees expect is the chance to work flexibly, on interesting and stimulating tasks that give them the opportunity to develop their skills and talents. Managers on the ground may not always be able to influence pay and working practices-but, if they are to extract top performance from their teams, they need to know how to press the right buttons and create a culture that will inspire their workforce, a culture in which achievement is acknowledged and people feel valued. D
Organizations should focus on asking people what they want-a relatively simple task that is too often considered unnecessary. However, questions about motivation have to be asked skillfully, or you won’t get to the bottom of what really makes people go that extra mile. Two people may both say they want an interesting and stimulating job, but have widely divergent ideas of what would constitute such a position: a city trader would probably find business consultancy boring, and a consultant might be scared by the city trader’s job, but both may be very satisfied with their own job.
There are huge gaps between what employees expect from employers and what they actually get. For instance, employers’ emphasis on employability (equipping workers with ‘marketable’ skills) may be somewhat misguided. One study showed that what people really wanted was not employability but job security. As a result, employees had the feeling that their employer wasn’t delivering, which had a detrimental effect on the employees’ workplace performance and attitudes. The problem lies partly in a lack of communication: to ensure mutual understanding and to align
employees’ value and goals with those of the organization, much more conversation is needed. 第三部分 逻辑匹配题-Part II
一、核心解题思想 1. 反复重复
2. 根据上下文语言环境选择,不选无关内容 二、真题举例(第3辑-中级 Test 4) Human resources management
It is nearly a century since the car manufacturer Henry Ford said, ‘You can destroy my
factories and offices, but give me my people and I will build the business right back up again.’ __【G】__. But a few business theorists are beginning to argue that managing people well can add more to the bottom line than anything else.
Mike Manzotti, a leading American author in this area, has strong views about the growing importance of human resources in today’s business world. __【B】__. A company with high staff commitment, for example, has an asset that its rivals find hard to copy.
Research in Britain would appear to support this notion. A recent business school survey
into the performance of eight multinationals found that people management could be the most decisive factor in a company’s performance. Another study indicated the same thing in medium-sized manufacturing firms. __【A】__. After all, how can an organization evaluate the commitment of its staff?
For this reason, the researcher George Hessenberg argues that a scientific approach is needed. He feels that when HR professionals suggest changing an organization’s compensation structure or being more selective in recruiting, they are asking for things that require resources. __【F】__.
Some new approaches are emerging that attempt to do just that, including the scheme devised by consultants Couze Jordan. The scheme, which covers communication, recruitment, and use of resources, predicts that significant improvements in these areas achieve an increase in shareholder value of up to 30 per cent.
Another programme, launched by James Lester, an independent human resources expert, approaches the problem from a perspective that is designed to appeal to a wide range of managers. __【E】__. Both, he argue, involve appropriate decisions being made about the allocation of resources within a particular budget.
Lester’s experience enables him to carry out an organizational audit for his clients to identify which areas of HR are in most need of improvement. This is because there is no point in businesses spending large amounts without knowing if the investment is worthwhile. __【C】__. Lester’s advice, however, is for companies to think twice before hiring people, since it is vital they assess whether they are getting value for money.
A. But the findings are inconclusive because of the difficulty of collecting reliable evidence. B. He argues that the role of a skilled, motivated and flexible workforce has become more significant as traditional sources of competitive advantage diminish.
C. For example, a common mistake is to spend a fortune on recruitment to cover up for deficiencies in training.
D. However, most leading experts in the field believe that there is sufficient evidence to support this model of work dynamics.
E. He compares the positive use of human resources to effective fund management, as this is something that senior executives can relate to.
F. He believes, however, that the only way they will gain approval for these potentially expensive initiatives is to have some data that demonstrates positive financial benefits.
G. In the light of this statement, it is odd that people management has taken so many years to move up the agenda.
三、真题举例(第3辑-高级 Test 1) How effective is your marketing?
Gone are the days when companies had departments full of staff whose role nobody understood. __【H】__. And rightly so. But when it comes to marketing, what is effectiveness, how do you measure it, and why is its measurement so important?
Businesses are starting to recognize the key marketing questions. Are we providing the right products for the right people at the right price? Are our brands better than those of our competitors? __【D】__. That’s because marketing is not the fluffy stuff that can be axed when the going gets tough-it is the essence of business. So if marketing is important, it follows that it pays to know if yours is working.
The first stage in the process is understanding your current position. How successful is you brand today? What is your market share? You should equip yourself with some sound facts and figures on which to base your conclusions. __【A】__. It could be simply to boost your sales. You may want to reinforce your leadership in a market or trounce a competitive brand. Influencing future profitability, possibly by building a short-term brand share, may be a priority. A clear objective is essential.
But how do you know your marketing is achieving your goals? __【G】__. Their success is not just related to how many boxes leave the factory. Effectiveness may not be tangible. It may be financial, it may not. ‘The brand’ is an intangible asset, but it is now seen as an important one. Quantifying the value of an intangible asset is a difficult, but not impossible, task.
It is also necessary to evaluate both long-term effectiveness and the short-term outcomes
of any campaign. __【E】__. But the care of a brand is a marathon, not a sprint, and it is important not to lose sight of the long-term consequences.
Choosing the right measurement tools to evaluate a campaign is another important issue.
__【F】__. The accuracy they thus ensure should be consistent over time and correspond to the wider objectives of the business. Ultimately, marketing must deliver profit.
The essential debate should no longer be about the importance of marketing, but what we
should do to measure its effectiveness, and what measures will ensure survival. __【C】__. But to others it is likely to be a controversial issue-and one which can produce responses leading to widely different directions for their enterprises.
A. Having done that, next comes establishing what it is that marketing activities should be achieving.
B. Because of this, you may want to generate return on investment, perhaps by raising the quality of your brand.
C. This shift in focus will be taken as read by the most successful businesses. D. Addressing such issues should mean that profits take care of themselves.
26. A. copes 27. 28. 29. 30.
A. A. A. A.
B. arranges B. B. B. B.
departure entrance applications strength
C. handles C. C. C. C.
absence approach proposals force
D. deals D. D. D. D.
retirement opening orders pressure
vacancy access demands power
31. A. take over 32. A. innovations
B. go through B. adaptations
C. set down C. revisions C. centre
D. put up D. modernizations D. foundations
33. A. source B. base 三、真题举例(第3辑-高级 Test 3) Leadership
Leadership is the heart of the managerial process, because it __(0)__ initiating action. Other terms identifying the same idea are directing, executing, supervising, ordering, and guiding. Whatever term is used, the idea is to __(21)__ into effect the decisions, plans, and programs that have previously been worked __(22)__ for achieving the goals of the group.
Leadership concerns the overall __(23)__ in which a manager influences the actions of subordinates. First, it includes the __(24)__ of orders that are clear, comprehensive, and within the capabilities of subordinates to accomplish. Second, it implies a continual training activity in which subordinates are given instructions to enable them to __(25)__ the particular assignment in the existing situation. Third, it necessarily involves the motivation of workers to try to __(26)__ the expectations of the manager. Fourth, it consists of maintaining discipline and rewarding those who __(27)__ properly. In short, leading is the final action of a manager in getting others to act after all preparations have been made.
The manager’s style of direction depends upon his or her own personal traits and situation in __(28)__. In leadership, more than any other function, the manager must determine an approach alone, after surveying the __(29)__ that are available. In any event, each manager will __(30)__ well to act as an individual, and not to try to act as others act or to proceed according to the textbook. 0
A. involves
B. engages B. place B. out
C. consists C. get C. over
D. contains D. put D. around D. modes D. granting D. complete D. fulfill D. execute D. argument D. selections D. work
21 A. set 22 A. in
23. A. manner 24. A. telling 25. A. reach
26. A. please 27. A. achieve 28. A. topic 30. A. go
29. A. varieties
B. method B. issuing B. finalise B. attain B. exercise B. question B. chances B. be
C. means C. committing C. terminate C. gratify C. perform C. subject C. options C. do
第六部分 文法题-Part V
1. 词性,以虚词为主,实词为辅 2. 固定搭配
3. ‘done’之前填词为has/have/been 4. 注意not
5. 句中出现多动词结构,需要填连词或者疑问词 二、真题举例(第2辑-高级 Test 4)
Getting a pay rise
There is a commonly held view that the only way to get (0) a decent pay increase is to move on: to go out into the job market and find someone (31) who/that is prepared to pay you a figure more in line (32) with the talents you can offer. Whilst changing employers from time (33) to time is something we probably all need to do to advance our careers in the directions we want them to take, it is nevertheless an activity that carries quite definite risks. Irrespective of (34) how well we research prospective employers, a new job is still largely a step into the unknown. It may turn (35) out to be a good move or it could prove to be a complete disaster: most of us (36) have had experience of both. The point here, though, is that changing employers is not something we want to be doing all the time and certainly not (37) every/each/any time we feel the urge for better pay. We’d (38) be taking more risks than we needed to just to achieve a pay rise. Getting a pay rise should always be viewed (39) as a serious business. There are no quick fixes or gold methods with ‘guaranteed’ results. Quick fixes only serve to trivialize the issues and could (40) in/under some circumstances get you into very serious trouble indeed.
三、真题举例(第3辑-高级 Test3) Regain your motivation
Getting out of bed to go to work is (0) one of life’s lesser pleasures. (31) However great the job is, most of us struggle on Monday morning.. But when that feeling stretches through the entire week, something deeper may (32) be wrong, Sometimes it’s tempting to dismiss feelings of boredom or frustration (33) as part of working life. But if you’re constantly feeling uninterested, you need to ask yourself some questions.
Demotivation isn’t just caused by major setbacks, like being passed (34) over/by for promotion, or refused a salary increase, but can be a product of far more subtle aspects. Try to define the most important aspects of your job for you personally - and (35) take action if you feel things aren’t right. Talk to agencies or headhunters about your skills and find out (36) what you’re worth on the open market.
It can be all (37) too easy to blame your job when you feel demotivated - when it can be just as easily down to you, as Sally Martin, a fundraising manager for a charity, discovered. ‘I had started to resent my job, the fact that I had no perks, no chances to travel - (38) apart from visiting other dingy offices for meetings. But then some friends were talking about how superficial they felt their jobs were, and I suddenly realized I couldn’t say that about my job. In fact, I really felt (39) there was a point to it. I remembered that’s why I’d taken it in the (39) first place.’
So member: always give your old job a chance before starting to search for a new one.
第七部分 文法题-Part VI
一、错误类型 1. 特指型错误 2. 并列式错误 3. 动词性错误
三、真题举例(第2辑-中级 Test 3) Meetings That Work 0
A vital skill for anyone running a business it is the ability to communicate 00 effectively. This is particularly important in a meeting where complex arguments 34 need to be put forward and where it is too vital to get the best out of the situation 35 and those present in as little time as possible. Before calling a meeting, ask
36 yourself if you actually need one, since so many are unproductive results and do 37 not really need to take place. Sending an email or by using another means of 38 communication, such as a simple phone call, might achieve the desired results in 39 half the time. Having established the need for a meeting, so inform those you 40 wish to attend and ask people to be punctual. Concerning the key to a good 41 meeting is an agenda, which needs to be sent out in advance and should state the 42 date, time, and location. It should also contain the names of those ones who will 43 be present and set that out, starting with the most important, the points for 44 discussion. Ask in advance for suggestions for items to be discussed about but 45 set a deadline for submissions in order to reduce the amount of time that has to be spent under ‘Any Other Business’.
四、真题举例(第2辑-高级 Test 3)
0 We are a dynamic and ambitious food manufacturer supplying the grocery sector 00 and are entering an extremely exciting period of new change as we focus on our 41 strategy how to achieve market leadership. We are at present seeking a new 42 commercial director. If you are the type of a person who can demonstrate the 43 energy and insight to drive a business forward looking as part of a team, this may 44 well be the perfect opening for you. We need appoint a committed professional who 45 will assume full responsibility for the company’s entire commercial operation. The 46 commercial director will have report directly to the general manager and will be 47 expected to provide with both leadership and hands-on coaching to the staff. This 48 high-profile role will involve in the implementing and developing of commercial 49 strategies that will make maximize the profitable growth of the company. The 50 person appointed will already have demonstrated sure success at a senior 51 commercial level for a minimum of three years time in a food manufacturing 52 company and will possess exceptional leadership qualities and commercial skills.
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- 讲义
- 备考
- 伴侣
- 阅读