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promotion of em ployment, form a rea sonabl e and orderly pattern

of income di

stributi on, buil d a more fair a nd sustai

nable social se curity sy stems, medi cal and health system reform. T he plenar

y, innovati

on of social gover nance, must focus on the mainte na nce of fundame ntal intere sts of the overwhelming majority of the

pe ople, maximize fact ors, e nha nce social development, impr

oving soci al governance, the i

nterests of national security, e

nsur e that the pe ople live


work, social stability a nd orde r. o improve soci

al governance, stimulati ng social organizati on, innovative and effective system of preventi ng and resolvi ng social conflicts, im proving t

he publi c se curity sy stem, set up the

National Se

curity Council, national security systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure national se curit y. Pl enary sessi on, t he construction

of ecologi

cal civili zation, you m ust esta blish systems of ecological system, using the system to protect t

he ecologi cal e nvironme nt.

o improve natural resour ces a sset pr operty right sy stem and use contr ol, red li

ne of delimitation of ecol ogica l prote

ction, resources pai

d us

e system and ecologi

cal compe nsati on system i n ecologi cal envir onment protecti on ma nagement system reform. Pl enary sessi on, centeri ng on buildi ng a listeni ng party comma

nd, can wi n and havi

ng a fine style of the pe ople's army, a strong army under the new sit

uation of the party Goal s, restricti ng the development

of national defense and army buil

ding i s solved outstanding

contradicti ons and problems, i nnovation a nd devel opment of military theory, enhance milit ary strategic guida

nce, improve t he military strategy in the new period, buildi ng a moder n military force system wit h Chi nese characteristi

cs. o deepe n the a djustment of per sonnel system reform in t

he army, military policy a nd system reform, pr

omote the devel opment of military and civi lian integration de pth. Plenary ses sion stressed that compre hensive reform must be to strengt

hen a nd impr ove the

party's leadershi

p, give full play to t

he core role

of the party commands the overall situati

on and coor dinati

ng all parties, improvi ng the party'

s leading water ... M

argin. Challe

nged t

he leadershi p of the

Communist Party of China, M arxism-Leni

nism and Ma

o Zedong thoug

ht by Deng

Xia o-ping's fla

g, replace

d by thr e

e repre sentatives a

nd the harmonic


The former Communist Party spirit and social cohe sion point of almost all politi

cal makeover. Characteristi

cs of sociali sm public


p is shifting to private ownership, pla nne d regulati

on a

nd market regulation, the proletari

an regime controlle

d by th

e e

lite. Of universal e


y, fairness and ba

sic pri

nci ples of distribution system is sociali

st society, how

ever after economic m onopol ized by powerful, veste

d interests gr

ow , employers do not have t

he same status, har

dly seems fair social distribution.

State key protection of ca

pital interest

s rather tha

n the intere

sts of citizens, had bee n hits t

he bottom of the pr


Obviousl y, face Chi na's Socialist sy stem, the Communi st Party is not the party. In that case, politi cal chaos ha s bee n very tight. Is remodeling

or reconstr ucti on, i s a corr ection or a stove. Whet her to tur n right or l eft, is ba ck to the source or put forwar

d n

e w political i deas.

This is to determi ne the road probl ems in Chi na, is al so the key out

of the de ep water of the reform of the e conomic system.

After 18, the new Ce ntral collective le adership atta che s great importa nce t o political orientation. Fi rst, the "Central eight arti

cles" as a starting point, starti

ng from the Ce ntral Governme nt's self -restraint, w hich prea che s and pr o-image, brought fresh feeli ng to the community. Secondl y, before reform a nd ope ning up and reform and openi

ng two periods after non-negative, untyi ng the tangl e of the soci

ety a long time on t his issue. Third, a new ge

neration of part y leaders on various occasi ons t o Mao Ze -Dong a

nd M ao Ze -Dong's thoug

ht of evaluati on has room for manoe



h to the r

uling i


ogy of Ma

o Zedong thought, i

s the

call of the

soul to the S ociali st Revolution and constr ucti

on. Em pty talks jeopardize national intere

sts and try again, i

s an affirmation of De ng Xi

ao -pi ng's reform ideas. These strong politi

cal sig

nal showi ng a ne

w generation of poli

tical leader

s is still kee

ping to t

he Socialist roa d.

Four is revisiting the "talking to Ma o Ze-Dong's hi storical

cycle of" high pr

ofile anti

-corr upti

on and the importa

nce of the Constit

ution, reorganization is ba

d styl

e o

f officialdom, was to civilize people obey the la

w, w

hile improvi

ng the

col or change of the regime of vigilance.

Five is to reform into deeper w

aters and stressed that top-level de sign, t

his is a revie w on the reform and openi ng up in the

past, is

also l ooki ng for a way out. Six foreign and Russia closer, t

he flexible attitude on the issue of the Korean

pe ninsula, Si


-Japanese fishing hardline China on the i

sland out of the "patie nt" and l

ow pr

ofile sha

dow bega

n to gradually pla


development. Signs show that t he new l eader


p bega n to make a left turn in politics.

However, as of right now,

not only ide ologi cal confusion in the community, t

he ne w leader

shi p's thi nking is me ssy. New lea ders both stresse d the nee d to implement t he Constit

ution, stressed the


d to turn off th

e power i n a cage. Al so stre sse s that Mao Ze dong thought

cannot be l ost, 30 years after the reform and

ope ning up 30 year s ago ca n not de ny each other.

Both a dvocate democracy a

nd rele ase "seve n does not speak of" files of politi

cal constrai

nts. Neither

deny the history of the CPC Central Committee on several issue

s ...

Comrade s: today bring s together members, mainly i n order t o provi de a platform to Exchange a nd le arn from each other in or der to facilitate our work. Just now, w

e focus on taxation, pl anning and stabi lity, safety, proje ct constr ucti on, typi cal topics such as private facts pre sent ation and intera ction, and towns currently exist in the in -de pth a nalysis o

f the problems to be solved, t o explore new methods to solv e the pr oblem. It can be sai d that summin

g up t he achievement, no gra ndsta

ndi ng; ana


















promotion of em ployment, form a rea sonabl e and orderly pattern

of income di

stributi on, buil d a more fair a nd sustai

nable social se curity sy stems, medi cal and health system reform. T he plenar

y, innovati

on of social gover nance, must focus on the mainte nance of fundame ntal intere sts of the

ov erwhelming majority of the

pe ople, maximize fact ors, e nha nce social development, impr

oving soci al govern ance, the i nterests of national security, e

nsur e that the pe ople live


work, social stability a nd orde r. o improve soci

al governance, stimulati ng social organizati on, innovative and effective system of preventi

ng and resolvi ng social conflicts, im proving t

he publi c se curity sy

stem, set up the

National Se

curity Council, national security systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure national se curit y. Pl enary

sessi on, t he construction

of ecologi cal civili zation, you m ust esta blish systems of ecological system, using the system to protect t

he ecologi cal e nvironme nt.

o improve natural resour ces a sset pr operty right sy stem and use contr ol, red li

ne of delimitation of ecol ogica l prote

ction, resources pai d use system and ecologi

cal compe nsati on system i n ecologi cal envir onment protecti on ma nagement system reform. Pl enary sessi


centeri ng on buildi ng a listeni ng party com

ma nd, can wi n and havi

ng a fine style of the pe ople's army, a strong army under the new sit

uation of the party Goal s, restricti ng the development

of national defense and army buil

ding i s solved outstanding

contradicti ons and problems, i nnovation a nd devel

opment of military theory, enhance milit ary strategic guida nce, improve t he military strategy in the new period, buildi ng a moder n m ilitary force system wit h Chi nese characteristi

cs. o deepe n the a djustment of per sonnel system reform in t

he army, military policy a

nd system reform, pr omote the devel opment of military and civi lian integration de pth. Plenary session stressed that compre hensive reform must be to strengt

hen a nd impr ove the

party's leadershi

p, give full play to t

he core role

of the party commands the overall situati

on and coor dinati ng all parties, improvi ng the party'

s leadi

ng water ... M

argin. Challe

nged t

he leadershi p of the

Communist Party of China, M arxism-Leni

nism and Ma o Zedong thoug

ht by Deng

Xia o-ping's fla

g, replace

d by thr e

e repre sentatives a

nd the harmonic


The former Communist Party spirit and social cohe sion point of almost all politi

cal makeover. Characteristi

cs of sociali sm pu



p is shifting to private ownership, pla nne d regulati

on a

nd market regulation, the proletari

an regime controlle

d by th

e e

lite. Of universal e


y, fairness and ba

sic pri

nci ples of distribution system is sociali st society, how

ever after economic m onopol ized by powerful, veste

d interests gr

ow , employers do not have t

he same status, har dly seems fair social distribution.

State key protection of ca

pital interest

s rather tha

n the intere

sts of citizens, had bee n hits t

he bottom of the pr


Obviousl y, face Chi na's Socialist sy stem, the Communi st Party is not the party. In that case, politi cal chaos ha s bee n very tight. Is remodeling

or reconstr ucti on, i s a corr ection or a stove. Whet her to tur n right or l eft, is ba ck to the source or put forwar

d n

e w political i deas.

This is to determi ne the road probl ems in Chi na, is al so the key out

of the de ep water of the reform of the e conomic system.

After 18, the new Ce ntral collective le adership atta che s great importa nce t o political orientation. Fi rst, the "Central eight arti

cles" as a starting point, starti

ng from the Ce ntral Governme nt's self -restraint, w hich prea che s and pr o-image, brought fresh feeli ng to the community.

Secondl y, before reform a nd ope ning up and reform and openi

ng two periods after non-negative, untyi ng the tangl e of the soci

ety a long time on t his issue. Third, a new ge

neration of part y leaders on various occasi ons t o Mao Ze -Dong a nd M ao Ze -Dong's thoug

ht of evaluati on has room for manoe



h to the r

uling i


ogy of Ma

o Zedong thought, i

s the

call of the

soul to the S ociali st Revolution and constr ucti

on. Em pty talks jeopardize national intere

sts and try again, i

s an affirmation of De ng Xi

ao -pi ng's reform ideas. These strong politi

cal sig nal showi ng a ne

w generation of poli

tical leader

s is still kee

ping to t

he Socialist roa d.

Four is revisiting the "talking to Ma o Ze-Dong's hi storical

cycle of" high pr

ofile anti

-corr upti

on and the importa

nce of the Constit

ution, reorganization is ba

d styl

e o

f officialdom, was to civilize people obey the la

w, w

hile improvi

ng the

col or change of the regime of vigilance.

Five is to reform into deeper w

aters and stressed that top -level de

sign, t

his is a revie w on the reform and openi ng up in the

past, is

also l ooki ng for a way out. Six foreign and Russia closer, t

he flexible attitude on the issue of the Korean

pe ninsula, Si

no-Japanese fishing hardline China on the i

sland out of the "patie nt" and l

ow pr

ofile sha

dow bega

n to gradually pla


development. Signs show that t he new l eader


p bega n to make a left turn in politics.

However, as of right now,

not only ide ologi cal confusion in the community, t

he ne w leader

shi p's thi nking is me ssy. New lea ders both stresse d the nee d to implement

he Constit ution, stressed the nee

d to turn off th

e power i n a cage. Al so stre sse s that Mao Ze dong thought

cannot be l ost, 30 years after the reform and

ope ning up 30 year s ago ca n not de ny each other.

Both a dvocate democracy a

nd rele ase "seve n does not speak of" files of politi

cal constrai

nts. Neither

deny the history of the CPC Central Committee on several issue

s ...

Comrade s: today bring s together members, mainly i n order t o provi de a platform to Exchange a nd le arn from each other in or der to facilitate our work. Just now, w

e focus on taxation, pl anning and stabi lity, safety, proje ct constr ucti on, typi cal topics such as privat

e facts pre

sentation and intera ction, and towns currently exist in the in -de pth a nalysis of the problems to be solved, t o explore new methods to solv e the pr oblem. It can be sai d that summing up t he achievement, no gra ndsta

ndi ng; ana








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promotion of em ployment, form a rea sonabl e and orderly pattern

of income di

stributi on, buil d a more fair a nd sustai

nable social se curity sy stems, medi cal and health system reform. T he plenar

y, innovati

on of social gover nance, must focus on the mainte na nce of fundame ntal intere sts of the

overwhelming majority of the

people, maximize fact

ors, e nha nce social development, impr

oving soci al governance, the i

nterests of national security, e

nsur e that the pe ople live


work, social stability a nd orde r. o improve soci

al governance, stimulati ng social organizati on, innovative and effective system of preventi

ng and resolvi ng social conflicts, im proving t

he publi c se curity sy stem, set up the

National Se

curity Council, national security systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure national se curit y. Pl enary sessi on, t he construction

of ecologi

cal civili zation, you m ust esta blish systems of ecological system, using the system to protect t

he ecologi cal e nvironme nt.

o improve natural resour ces a sset pr operty right sy stem and use contr ol, red li

ne of delimitation of ecol ogica l prote

ction, resources pai

d us

e system and ecologi

cal compe nsati on system i n ecologi cal envir onment protecti on ma nagement system reform. Pl enary sessi

on, cent

ering on buildi ng a listeni ng party comma nd, can wi n and havi

ng a fine style of the pe

ople's army, a strong army under the new sit

uation of the party Goal s, restricti ng the development

of national defense and army buil

ding i s solved outstanding

contradicti ons and problems, i nnovation a nd devel

opment of military theory, enhance milit ary strategic guida nce, improve t he military st rategy in the new period, buildi ng a moder n military force system wit h Chi nese characteristi

cs. o deepe n the a djustment of per sonnel system reform in t

he army, military policy a nd system reform, pr

omote the devel opment of military and civi lian integration de pth. Plenary session stressed that compre hensive reform must be to strengt

hen a nd impr ove the

party's leadershi

p, give full play to t

he core role

of the party commands the overall situati

on and coor dinati

ng all parties, improvi ng the party'

s leading water ... M

argin. Challe

nged t

he leadershi p of the

Communist Party of China, M arxism-Leni

nism and Ma o Zedong thoug

ht by Deng

Xia o-ping's fla

g, replace

d by thr e

e repre sentatives a

nd the harmonic society.

The former Communist Party spirit and social cohe sion point of almost all politi

cal makeover. Characteristi

cs of sociali sm public


p is shifting to private ownership, pla nne d regulati

on a

nd market regulation, the proletari

an regime controlle

d by th

e e

lite. Of universal e


y, fairness and ba

sic pri

nci ples of distribution system is sociali

st society, how

ever after economic m onopol ized by powerful, veste

d interests gr

ow , employers do not have t

he same status, har

dly seems fair social distribution.

State key protection of ca

pital interest

s rather tha

n the intere

sts of citizens, had bee n hits t

he bottom of the pr


Obviousl y, face Chi na's Socialist sy stem, the Communi st Party is not the party. In that case, politi cal chaos ha s bee n very tight. Is remodeling

or reconstr ucti on, i s a corr ection or a stove. Whet her to tur n right or l eft, is ba ck to the source or put forwar

d n

e w political i deas.

This is to determi ne the road probl ems in Chi na, is al so the key out

of the de ep water of the reform of the e conomic system.

After 18, the new Ce ntral collective le adership atta che s great importa nce t o political orientation. Fi rst, the "Central eight arti

cles" as a starting point, starti

ng from the Ce ntral Governme nt's self -restraint, w hich prea che s and pr o-image, brought fresh feeli ng to the community.

Secondl y, before reform a nd ope ning up and reform and openi

ng two periods after non-negative, untyi ng the tangl e of the soci

ety a long time on t his issue. Third, a new ge

neration of part y leaders on various occasi ons t o Mao Ze -Dong a

nd M ao Ze -Dong's thoug

ht of evaluati on has room for manoe



h to the r

uling i


ogy of Ma

o Zedong thought, i

s the

call of the

soul to the S ociali st Revolution and constr ucti

on. Em pty talks jeopardize national intere

sts and try again, i

s an affirmation of De ng Xi

ao -pi ng's reform ideas. These strong politi

cal sig

nal showi ng a ne

w generation of poli

tical leader

s is still kee

ping to t

he Socialist roa d.

Four is revisiting the "talking to Ma o Ze-Dong's hi storical

cycle of" high pr

ofile anti

-corr upti

on and the importa

nce of the Constit

ution, reorganization is ba

d styl

e o

f officialdom, was to civilize people obey the la

w, w

hile improvi

ng t

he col or change of the regime of vigilance.

Five is to reform into deeper w

aters and stressed that top -level de

sign, t

his is a revie w on the reform and openi ng up in the

past, is

also l ooki ng for a way out. Six foreign and Russia closer, t

he flexible attitude on the issue of the Korean

pe ninsula, Si


-Japanese fishing hardline China on the i

sland out of the "patie nt" and l

ow pr

ofile sha

dow bega

n to gradually pla


development. Signs show that t he new l eader


p bega n to make a left turn in politics.

However, as of right now,

not only ide ologi cal confusion in the community, t

he ne w leader

shi p's thi nking is me ssy. New lea ders both stresse d the nee d to implement t he Constit

ution, stressed the


d to turn off th

e power i n a cage. Al so stre sse s that Mao Ze dong thought

cannot be l ost, 30 years after the reform and

ope ning up 30 year s ago ca n not de ny each other.

Both a dvocate democracy a

nd rele ase "seve n does not speak of" files of politi

cal constrai

nts. Neither

deny the history of the CPC Central Committee on several issue

s ...

Comrade s: today bring s together members, mainly i n order t o provi de a platform to Exchange a nd le arn from each other in or der to facilitate our work. Just now, w

e focus on taxation, pl anning and stabi lity, safety, proje ct constr ucti on, typi cal topics such as private facts pre sentation and intera ction, and towns currently exist in the in -de pth a nalysis o

f the problems to be solved, t o explore new methods to solv e the pr oblem. It can be sai d that summin

g up t he achievement, no gra ndsta

ndi ng; ana




