
更新时间:2024-06-11 03:35:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 bank portfolio 银行资产 housing mortgages 住房按揭 barter trade 易货贸易 bills and forms 单据和表格 fiscal year 财政年度 cargo insurance 货物保险 carrying vessel 装货船只

clean payment credit 光票付款信用证 clearance sale 清仓减价销售 accounting system会计制度 comparative advantage 比较优势 economic incentives经济动机 financial statements财务报表 bills of exchange汇票 captioned goods上述商品 floating policy统保单

International speciallzation国际分工 Straight B/L记名提单 under separate cover 另函

irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证 C.B.D 付现提货

CIF到岸价 FOB 离岸价 Turnover营业额 foreign exchange外汇 barter 易货贸易 capital goods资本货物 layoff裁员 jobless rate失业率 profit margin利润

new growth industry新兴行业 marketing营销

estimated time of departure预计离开时间 estimated time of arrival预计到达时间 bottom price最低价 average海损 trial order试订单 canton fair广交会 discount for cash贴现 commission sale代售 CIF net到岸净价 actual price实价 beat the price down压价

decline an offer拒绝发盘 initial payment首期付款 accessory risk附加险 cargo in drum桶装 bale packaging打包 master package外包装 shipping advice装船通知 over shipment溢装 partials shipment分批装运 demand bill 即期汇票 aggregate amount总金额 advising bank通知行 amount in figures小写金额 circular credit循环信用证 active demand畅销

acceptance sampling抽样认可 advance sheet 样本 bargain sale 大减价 business report商业报告 clearance sale清仓价销售 commercial world商界 depressed market萧条的市场

end-product成品 direct sales直接销售 credit man信用调查员 corner the market垄断市场

consumer price index消费者物价指数 custom of trade贸易惯例 deal direct直接交易

develop new markets拓展新市场 domestic price 国内价格 express airmail特快急件 Commercial L/C商业信用证 absolute acceptance绝对承兑 after sight见票付款 authority to pay授权付款 on blank check空白支票

document against acceptance承兑交单 first of exchange 汇票正本 foreign currency外币 foreign exchange rate 外汇率 in one’s favour以…为受益人 Inland bill 国内汇票

Freight payable at destination运费到付

Short shipment短装 Line steamer班轮 Bill of lading提单

Clean bill of lading清洁提单 Business correspondence公函 Inside address封内地址 Printed matter印刷品 Agency endorsement代理背书 Commission agent佣金代理商 Volume of sales销售量 Different specification 规格不符 Incomplete packing包装不全 Counter-claim反索赔 Mala fide claim骗赔 Non-shipment漏装 Short-landing短卸 Negotiating bank议付行 Notifying bank通知行 今日は休みで

町で 接在体言后表”在”


