郑州大学软件工程Final Exam Study Guide
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Final Exam Study Guide Software Engineering
The final exam will be comprehensive covering all the materials discussed in class up to the last lecture. This study guide is intended to help focus your study time.
You are responsible for all of the material included in the slides. In most cases this material can be found in the Seventh Edition of the Roger S. Pressman textbook.
Make sure you know the meaning of these terms:
?Extreme Programming
?Software project management
?Domain specific architectural models
?Fault, Error , Bug
?Objects (in Object Oriented Design)
?Integration testing
?Regression testing
?Black box testing
?White box testing
?Fault tolerance (or tolerant)
?Fault detection
?Recovery block
?Waterfall model
?Software prototyping
?Safety critical systems
?Systems engineering
?Software quality assurance
?Software maintenance
?Software configuration management
?Walk-through, FTR (formal technical review)
?Software life cycle
?Partition testing
?Fault avoidance
?Requirements analysis
?Software engineering
?GUI design principles
Review the following topics from your book
1.2 Software Engineering
2.2 Process Models
3.3 Agile Process
3.4 Extreme Programming
4.1 Requirement Engineering
4.4 Developing Use cases
4.5Building Requirement Model
5.2 Scenario based Modeling
6.2 Flow Oriented Modeling
7.3 Design concepts
9.2 Designing class based component
10.4 Interface design steps
11.2 Software quality
11.3 The software Quality Dilemma
12.6 Formal Technical Reviews
13.3SQA Tasks, Goals and metrics
13.4Formal Approaches to SQA
14.1A Strategic Approach to software Testing 14.3Test Strategies for Conventional Software 14.5Validation Testing
14.6System Testing
15.3White-Box Testing
15.4Basis path testing
15.5 Control Structure Testing
15.6Black Box testing
16.3Object-Oriented Testing Strategies
18.1The Management Spectrum
19.2Software Measurement
20.2The Project Planning Process
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