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1 PLUS: -C- Accuphase T-109V - Very natural sound, good bass. Pinpoint imaging. Lifelike, three-dimensional sound, smooth extended highs.

1加,金嗓子T-109V:非常自然的声音,低音很劲,精确的成像,逼真的三维声场,高频延 伸非常润滑。

1: -C- Kenwood L-02T - Most natural sound, good bass. Pinpoint imaging.

Lifelike, three-dimensional sound.

1 建伍的L-02T,最最真实自然的声音,低频劲,结像非常精确,逼真的三维声场。

2: -C- Sansui TU-919 - The prince who could be king. 2 山水的TU-919,最有希望成为帝王的王子。

3: -C- Sansui TU-X1 - Very good sound top to bottom. Big soundstage, three-

dimensional. Very slight diffuse sound.

3 山水的TU-X1,全频段的声音表现都很好,非常宽的三维声场,但


4: -C- Audiolab 8000T - Good bass, natural but diffuse sound, sweet extended highs.

4 AUDIOLAB的8000T,低音劲且自然,但是有些漫射声,高频延伸得很甜。

5: -C- Philips AH6731 - A very natural, neutral sound. Stereo separation best with a good signal.

5 飞利浦的AH6731 非常非常自然得声音,在较好的接受信号时立体声的分离度无与伦比。

6: -C- Revox B760 - Great bass, lifelike midrange and extended highs.

6 Revox B760,低音很棒,逼真的三维空间,高频延伸很好。 7: -M- Kenwood KT-5020 - Great bass and midrange and extended, sweet treble. Again, why pay more?

7 建伍的KT5020,巨好的低频和中频延伸,高音甜。超值? 8: -M- Kenwood KT-990D - Smooth, clean sound that always pleased. Why pay more?

8 建伍的KT-990D,顺滑、干净的声音,让人听上去非常愉悦。超值? 9: -M- Meridian Model 104 - Excellent, natural sound, good

bass, no to DX games.

9 Meridian Model 104,非常优秀自然的声音,低频表现好,但不适合玩远程。

10: -M- Meridian Model 504 - Good bass, excellent midrange with smooth, just- right highs.

10 Meridian Model 504,低音表现出色,中频表现非常出色,而且更为顺滑。

11: -M- Kenwood L-1000T - Good bass, punchy midrange, sweet extended highs.

11 建伍的L-1000T,低音劲,中频突出,高频延伸得很甜。 12: -M- Sansui TU-X701 - Great-sounding midrange, bass OK, softer highs next to the L-02T.

12 山水的TU-X701,中频非常通透,低音也很好,高音甚至比L-02T更软更甜。

13: -M- Luxman T-117 - Very good-sounding tuner. No real faults, top to

bottom. Not as three-dimensional as the L-02T and gives up some bass richness.

13 力士的T-117,非常好声的收音头,从高频到低频几乎没有缺憾,



14: -M- Sansui TU-717 - Good bass and midrange with nice \

soundstage. More forward than the L-02T.

14 山水的TU-717,低频劲,中频饱满而富有漂亮的“深度”,可以表现较好的声场,其风


15: -M- B&K TS-108 - Very nice midrange, good bass and nice, extended highs.

15 B&K TS-108,非常华丽的中频,低音劲,高音延伸好。 16: -M- Technics ST-9038 - Very good bass, nice midrange, smooth treble.

16 松下的ST-9038,低频劲暴,中频准确,高频甜滑。

17: -M- Magnum Dynalab MD-108 - Bass OK, very good imaging and realistic

midrange, extended but forward highs.

17 密林的MD108,低音好,非常好的结像度,真实的中频,高音延伸好但是就是有点前 冲。

18: -M- Kenwood KT-917 - Good bass, midrange and treble. A very pleasant sound

but more one-dimensional when placed next to the L-02T. 18 建伍的KT-917,高中低频表现都很好,听感让人愉悦,但是和L02T比较三维就不突出 了,好像变成了单维。

19: -M- Sansui TU-S9 - Smooth, natural sound. A budget bargain.

19 山水的TU-S9,甜滑自然的声音,而且价廉。

20: -M- Kenwood KT-1100 - Quite tuneful, but flatter soundstage than the L-02T.

20 建伍的KT-1100,音调十分的谐美,但是和L-02T比声场方面就显得有些扁平了。

21: -M- McIntosh MR 80 - Good bass, lively midrange and pleasant highs. More

one-dimensional than the L-02T.

21 麦景图的MR80,低音好,中音活泼,高音让人愉悦,和建伍的L-02T比,三维感就比较 单一了。

22: -M- Sanyo Plus T35 - Good bass, laidback midrange and extended, pleasant highs.

22 三洋的T35,低音好,中音有些散,高音让人愉悦。

23: -M- Technics ST-G7 - Very nice bass, articulate midrange,

