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*要点提示:单数可数名词不可单独使用,要在词前加冠词a, an, the或者物主代词(my等)。


1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______ 11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______ 14. ______ 15. ______

Can I have ______ apple? She is ______ English teacher. ______ car over there is fast. ______ teacher is very good, isn't he? -Look at ______ picture on the wall. Is it nice? -Yes, it’s ______ nice picture I live in ___ house. ______ house is quite old and has four bedrooms. I ate in ___ Chinese restaurant. ______ restaurant was very good. I like ______ Russian tea. She likes reading ______ books. He has ______ breakfast at home. I go to ______ university. He comes to work by ______ taxi. 1

16. ______ He enjoys playing ______ football and ______ piano. 17. ______ The movie theater is on ______ right, opposite ______ clothing store. 18. ______ We have sports meeting in ______ October every year. 19. ______ Teachers’ Day is on ______ September 10.


1. 绝大多数的可数名词的复数形式,是在该词末尾加上后辍-s。 读音变化:结尾是清辅音读[s],结尾是浊辅音或元音读[z]。 例:friend→friends; cat→cats; style→styles; sport→sports; piece→pieces

2. 凡是以s、z、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。 读音变化:统一加读[iz]。

例:bus→buses; box→boxes; match→matches; peach→patches

3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加-es。 读音变化:加读[z]。

例:strawberry→strawberries; baby→babies; family→families;


lady→ladies; story→stories

4. 以-o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加-s构成复数。


例:tomato→tomatoes; potato→potatoes;

反例:kilo→kilos; piano→pianos(外来词); photo→photos; 5. 以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves,但有例外。 读音变化:尾音[f]改读[vz]。

例:knife→knives; life→lives; leaf→leaves; scarf→scarves 反例:roof→roofs (屋顶) 6. 部分单词的复数形式不变。 读音变化:保持原音。

例:fish→fish; sheep→sheep; cattle→cattle; deer→deer; 7. 没有任何规律。 读音变化:没有规律。

例:man→men; woman→women; child→children; person→people;

foot→feet; goose→geese; tooth→teeth 8. 另一些名词则以复数词出现的机会较多

例: clothes; pants; shorts;; trousers; sales;scissors剪刀


9. 复合名词compound nouns,这类复数词是以主要的名词来表示 例:daughter-in-law→daughters-in-law 媳妇; father-in-law→fathers-in-law岳父 son-in-law→sons-in-law

10. 除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。 例:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters liter, liters kilogram, kilograms kilos, a pound, a few pounds


例: water; coffee; tea; soda; juice; milk; cooking oil; soup; ketchup; ice cream; flour; sugar; salt; rice; meat; chicken; cheese; soap; butter; salad;

furniture家具; news; traffic交通; bread; garlic; money; food; drink; fruit; vegetable;

若表达具体数目,要借助1. 数量词(具体的数量)和2. 限定词(笼统的数量)

n.(可数) 很多(肯定句) 一些

n.(不可数) A lot of, lots of Some, any, 4

具体数目 one, two, 具体数量 A cup/bowl/bag/bottle/ three,… a dozen, two dozen 一点 A little, a 有几个 bit, 没有多少,Little 很少 很多(否定many 句)

名词与限定词重点 1. ___________ 2. ___________ glass/loaf/bar/piece/stick/ kilogram/pound/liter of A few, several 没有几个,few 很少 很多 much We don’t have much (很多)meat(肉), Can you help to buy a piece of (一块) pork? 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ 6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 5

He takes little (很少) exercise(锻炼), but he has 3 bowls of (三碗) beef rice(米饭) and a bar of (一块) chocolate (巧克力)everyday.

9. ___________ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. you speak Italian(意大利语)? Yes, but only ___________ Can 一点). ___________ a little ( ___________ Would you like a bit of (一点儿) salt(盐)? ___________ Yes, please. ___________ How many eggs (鸡蛋)do you want? 2 dozen (2___________ 打 ). ___________ There’s plenty of (足够的) spring water(矿___________ 泉水). So we don’t need to buy any (任何)___________ ___________ He gets 3 bags of (袋) French fries (薯条)for ___________ the family. ___________ I would like 5 cups of (杯) black tea(红茶), ___________ 6 boxes of (6盒) chicken (鸡肉)nuggets. ___________ ___________ I’ll also take 4 bottles of (4瓶) orange 橘子汁). ___________ juice( ___________ I love cookies(饼干). I have lots of (很多) ___________ them everyday. 6

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 句型转换

___________ We need 4 loaves of (4块) bread (面包)for the ___________ party. ___________ Where can I find a bank(银行)? I need some (一___________ 些 ) money (钱). has lots of (很多) friends(朋友), but he has ___________ He 很少) money(钱). ___________ little ( has lots of (很多) money(钱), but he has few ___________ He ___________ ( 很少) friends(朋友). 就划线部分提问: 1. 谁? Who? 2. 谁的? Whose? 3. 什么?What? Who is your favorite singer? Whose skateboard is this? What’s near your house?/What do you need to play baseball? 4. 什么颜色? What color? What color is your skateboard? 5. 什么种类? What What kind of movies/food do you kind/type 6. 星期 What day? 7. 日期 What like? What day is today? What is the date today? 7

8. 什么运动?What sport? 9. 做什么? What …do…? 10. What sport can you play? What can you do on the ice rink? 天气怎么样?What What’s the weather like?/What’s the mall like? Where can you skate? be … like? 11. 12. 哪里?Where? 情况怎么样/如何?How How are you?/How can I get to the hotel? 13. 14. 多大?How old? 多少个?How many? How old are you? How many chairs are there in the classroom? 15. 多少?How much? How much milk is there in the refrigerator? 16. 多少钱?How much? How much is the rice? How much are the shoes? 17. 对…印象如何? What do How do you like skiing? do you think of you think of…?/How do What you like…?

documentaries? 8

1. The boy over there is Jim. 2. I am fine. 3. We are in the same class. (?) 4. He has an e-mail address. (?) 5. Jenny is British. 6. I am from France. 7. Zheng Zhi is a football player. 8. My brother is 12 years old. 9. Yao Ming is an NBA basketball player. 10. She is a teacher. 9

11. She is my sister. 12. They are actors. 13. She’s a writer. 14. Your father is a policeman. 15. That is a photo of my family. 16. She likes to play volleyball. 17. Mary has two brothers. 18. There are five people in my family. 19. My wife has a dog. 10

20. Helen has some uncles. 21. She has three children. 22. You can sit down. 23. I am in Grade 2. 24. My aunt likes running and swimming. 25. Does your uncle like comedies? (X ) 26. His name is Tony. 27. They are Chinese. 28. Bill Gates is from the USA. 29. She is 11 years old. 11

30. I need a student ID. 31. Her first name is Gina. 32. He lives on 45 Pine Road. 33. My father is 37 years old. 34. I am from Canada. 35. She prefers watching TV. 36. He likes dancing. He doesn’t like singing.(but) 37. Lucy prefers reading books. (?) 38. Jenny prefers playing computer games. (X) 12

39. The cat is under the table. 40. The post office is next to the bank. 41. The oranges are two dollars a kilogram. 42. We need two dozen eggs. 43. The cheese is three dollars a stick. 44. The potatoes cost 1.5 dollars a kilogram. 45. I want to order some French fries. 46. I’ll have a hot dog. 47. I’d like to have a cup of coffee. 48. He can throw the shot put. 13

49. Skateboarding is my favorite sport. 50. I play tennis on the tennis court. 51. I need a racket to play badminton. 52. We can play baseball with a bat. 53. I really enjoy doing sports. 54. I want to meet my friend Mike this weekend. 55. I can’t play baseball. I can’t do the high jump. (or) 56. You can exercise or play table tennis there.



work worker keep keeper teach teacher swim swimmer sing singer play player dance dancer learn learner drive driver run


Swimming is my favorite sport. My favorite sport is swimming. Be good at Be interested in Without doing sth. Instead of doing sth. What about/How about

prefer doing sth. to doing sth. enjoy doing sth. practice doing sth.


visit visitor act Actor/actress runner

finish doing sth. stop doing sth. Stop to do sth.

love/like to do sth. love/like doing sth. look forward to doing sth. Learn to do sth. Learn doing sth. Forget to do sth. Forget doing sth. Remember to do sth. Remember doing sth. What about doing sth.? How about doing sth.?

be happy / sorry / pleased ... Do we need to do sth. Would you like to do sth.? Why not do sth.?

to do sth. 16

Why don’t you do sth.? Please do sth. Let sb. Do sth. Make sb do sth.


in the room

close to my house

on the table between the bed in front of the house

on and the dresser

beside the river across from it

behind the door under the chair opposite the school

next to the door

above the bed at the door be in charge of

at the rink / the center / the door/ the bus stop... on real ice / the rink / the bank... on the map / the cover / the paper... in the (other) corner of the room at the corner of the street

in the book / the picture / the newspaper


at the back of the classroom on Mason Street

in Chinese / English / French...


big Left Right Same Old Cold Full Long High Many Easy Black First Messy Up small right wrong different young hot hungry short low few hard white last tidy down 18

in front of stand up Come Love Remember

behind sit down go Hate Forget 动词短语归纳

1. take lessons 2. take care 3. take care of… 4. take the first turning 5. take exercise 6. take one’s order 7. get up 8. get ready for… 9. get sth. ready for… 10. get to the station 11. write to… 12. listen to… 43. play cards 44. play bridge 45. play chess 46. play the computer 47. play ball games 48. play volleyball 49. play basketball 50. go ahead 51. go to bed 52. go to school 53. go to college 54. go swimming 19

13. come to Jim’s 14. come back here 15. come from… 16. stand up 17. sit down 18. turn right, left 19. stay with us 20. use the Internet 21. meet my friends 22. practice drawing 23. make a name list 24. watch cartoons 25. see movies 26. order some soup 27. run the 400-meter race 28. check your answers 29. ask him for money 30. climb a rope 31. look fresh 55. go fishing 56. go skateboarding 57. go shopping 58. go running 59. go jogging 60. go home 61. go across 62. go straight 63. have an English class 64. have a look 65. have sports 66. have some exercise 67. have sth. to eat 68. have a drink 69. do the long jump 70. do the high jump 71. do a cartwheel 72. do pushups 73. do sit-ups 20

32. welcome to Beijing 33. buy sth. for sb./buy sb. Sth 34. tell sb. about sth. 35. talk about sth. 36. need to buy sth. 37. prefer doing to doing 38. play baseball 40. play football 41. play with the toys 42. play ice hockey

74. do sports 75. do one’s homework 76. do eye exercises 77. do morning exercises 78. do a somersault 79. want to do sth. 80. want sth. 81. would like to do sth. 82. would like sth. 21

Unit 5翻译 1 你喜欢运动吗? 2 你会做什么运动? 3 你知道怎么投铅球吗? 4 其他项目怎么样? 5 他会跳高但不会跳远? 6所有学生都会跑步。 7 他们中没有一个会跳水。 8 我能问你几个问题吗? 9 大多数学生都会打棒球。 10他会打排球吗?不,他不会。 11你可以在溜冰场做什么样的运动? 12你可以用球拍玩什么? 13我们可以用球棒打棒球。 14孩子们可以在游泳池里游泳。 15你可以在哪儿打网球? 16我擅长游泳和滑冰。 17他对运动感兴趣。 18你最喜爱的运动是什么? 19我几乎每天都去跑步。



21Robbie plays soccer very well.(用can 改写) Robbi________ _________ soccer very well. 22Gary can run the 100-meter hurdles.(划线部分提问) ______ _______ Gary _______? 23Sara can do the high jump.(改为否定句) Sara_______ ________ the high jump.

24Tracy can throw the shot put.(改为一般疑问句) ______ Tracy ________ the shot put? 25Can Lucy swim?(肯定回答) _______, she _______.

26 I need skates to skate.(划线部分提问) 27You can dive in the diving pool. (划线部分提问) 28I can play tennis with a racket. (划线部分提问) 29He can play tennis and volleyball. (划线部分提问)

30There are four basketball courts in our school. (划线部分提问) 31David’s favorite sport is playing basketball. (划线部分提问) 32I am interested in swimming. (划线部分提问) 33Liu Xiang is my favorite star. (划线部分提问) 34We are interested in skateboarding.(改为否定句)


