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丝绸911 09106116 李娜娜

作业一 兰精公司的纤维介绍

兰精生产第一代纤维素纤维 – 粘胶(Lenzing Viscose?),已经有70多年的历史。其生产粘胶纤维的专业技术充分体验在兰精粘胶的优质质量中。现在,兰精粘胶的质量更被业界设定为工业标准。

1. The Heat Protection Fiber

Mit Sicherheit weniger Hitzestress.

Lenzing FR? ist eine Spezialit?t unter den Viscosefasern. Die Abkürzung FR steht für ?flame resistant―. Hergestellt aus dem natürlichen Rohstoff Holz bietet Lenzing FR? Schutz vor Hitze in verschiedensten Arbeitsbereichen. Einzigartige Hitzeisolationseigenschaften kombiniert mit permanenter schwer Entflammbarkeit machen Lenzing FR? zur ?Heat Protection Fiber―. Denn Lenzing FR? bietet Schutz vor Hitzequellen jeder Art und verhindert Hitzestress und Hitzeschlag durch funktionelle Eigenschaften. Lenzing FR? h?lt den K?rper trocken und kühl. Hitzestress und Hitzeschlag werden vermieden.



Lenzing FR?是一種特殊的粘膠纖維。FR是英文單詞―阻燃‖的開頭字母簡寫。Lenzing FR?是從木材裡提取出來的一種天然纖維。它在許多應用領域提供隔熱,阻燃保護。獨有的熱絕緣性能,加上永久阻燃的特點,使得 Lenzing FR?成為―熱防護纖維‖。它提供各種熱保護,而且它的功能性特點幫助防止熱抽筋和熱應力。


2.Viloft? - The Thermal Viscose

Lenzing is marketing Viloft? in a new way.

The Kelheim fiber is now part of Lenzing’s fiber portfolio. Viloft? is a viscose fiber with a modified flat fiber cross-section. Viloft’s flat cross-section makes it particularly well suited for warm textiles.

Warm and as light as a feather

Flat fiber cross-section creates air chambers in textiles.

Viloft’s flat fiber cross-section gives it excellent thermal insulation properties. The modified cross-section creates air chambers in textiles which act as a buffer against the cold. Textiles made of Viloft? have particularly good insulation values and provide lightweight warmth. An ideal fiber for cold weather seasons.

Superior Thermal Performance

Viloft? fabrics are up to 30 % warmer because of unique air pockets.

Tests demonstrate the effectiveness of Viloft? in textiles. Comparing Viloft? knit fabrics with cotton knit fabrics shows that Viloft? fabrics have up to 30 % higher thermal insulation than cotton fabrics. Just a small percentage of Viloft? is enough to make a significant difference in textile warmth.

Exceptional Comfort

The special viscose Viloft? fiber creates textiles that are particularly warm and skin-friendly. Viloft? is naturally soft, supple and breathable. In blends with synthetic fibers and wool, Viloft’s properties are especially beneficial since moisture absorption and softness are important comfort features.

Beautiful warmth

The Viloft? viscose fiber gives natural softness to synthetics.

Excellent thermal insulation combined with softness and skin-friendliness make Viloft? ideal for applications in the Intimates market. Warm and modern designs can be created with Viloft?. Plus, Viloft? fabrics are easy to care for and are machine washable.

Global Support

Lenzing Marketing for Viloft?.

Now that Viloft? is part of Lenzing’s global fiber portfolio, customers have numerous advantages. The Lenzing brand stands for service, marketing support and a global marketing team. Viloft? customers now have full access to Lenzing’s support around the world. Superior thermal performance, outstanding softness, worldwide marketing: Lenzing Viloft? - The Thermal Viscose.

Viloft? - 保暖黏胶纤维


凯尔海姆纤维(Kelheim fiber)现在已经成为兰精纤维系列中的一分子。 Viloft纤维 ?是一种经过改良具扁平截面的粘胶纤维。 扁平截面的Viloft纤维使它特别适用于保暖的纺织品上。



Viloft纤维的扁平截面具有绝佳的防止热外散的隔绝性能。改良的横切面,在纱线内部形成空气囊以抵御寒冷。采用 Viloft?纤维的织品具有对冷空气绝佳的隔绝作用,并提供了几乎无重量的保暖效果。 Viloft?纤维是对抗寒冬的理想素材。



实验证明 Viloft?的纺织品保暖效果。 将Viloft?的针织面料与棉制针织面料相比,使用Viloft?面料的保暖效果高出30%。仅需要加入低比例的Viloft? 便足以使织品更保暖。


特殊的Viloft?纤维具有独特的保暖性与亲肤性。Viloft?具有自然的柔软,丰厚的触感和透气性,与其它的人造纤维以及羊毛混纺交织, 可以明显提高纺织品的柔软舒适感。Viloft?极佳的湿度管理功能与柔软的特性正是带来穿着舒适的重要元素.


Viloft?粘胶纤维天然又柔软。 绝佳的保暖隔绝性,并结合了柔软与亲肤性,使Viloft?成为贴身衣物市场的理想素材。 采用Viloft?纤维可创造出保暖又时尚的设计,此外,Viloft?的另一优点是易打理,制成的纺织品可以机洗。



Viloft? 现已成为兰精纤维产品系列之一。客户相对地拥有了更多的优势。兰精的品牌代表着: 服务,市场推广支持,以及全球的营销团队支持。 Viloft?的客户同时也能享有兰精集团的全球服务与支持。绝佳的保暖功能,超乎寻常的柔软,全球性的市场推广 : 兰精Viloft? ? - 具保暖功能的黏胶纤维

3.Ultimativer Weichheitsfaktor

Weichheit durch und durch.

Lenzing Modal? steht wie keine andere Faser seit mehr als 40 Jahren für puren Luxus und Weichheit auf der Haut. Diese Faser bleibt auch nach vielen W?schen wunderbar weich und verliert weder an Glanz noch an Farbbrillanz. Lenzing Modal? ist der ideale Partner für k?rpernahe Bekleidung: Tag- und Nachtw?sche sowie Frottierwaren aller Art. Mit jedem Stück Lenzing Modal? wird die Welt ein bisschen weicher.


柔軟始終如一:沒有任何一種纖維能像蘭精木代爾?(Lenzing Modal?)纖維般,40多年來代表著非凡的柔軟如第二層肌膚。

蘭精木代爾? 的織物是不會像棉的織物般,經多次洗滌以後會出現僵硬狀態。一般棉織物經過多次水洗以後會變硬,但蘭精木代爾? 則變得更柔軟。所以蘭精木代爾? 纖維是毛巾織物的最理想原料,讓蘭精木代爾? 的毛巾把您的浴室變得更柔軟吧!

4.Ein neues Zeitalter hat begonnen



Wasser ist das Element des Lebens.

TENCEL? geht perfekt damit um. Auf ganz natürliche Art nimmt TENCEL? überschüssige Feuchtigkeit auf und gibt diese rasch wieder an die Umwelt ab. In diesem perfekten Zusammenspiel liegt die wahre Natur von TENCEL?. Wenn das nicht der Beginn eines neuen Zeitalters ist – was dann?

Das Spektrum der unbegrenzten M?glichkeiten liegt in den Fibrillen. Fibrillen sind winzigste Bestandteile (kleinste \rchen\aus denen sich die Faser zusammen setzt. Durch die einzigartige Struktur der Fibrillen k?nnen Textilien hergestellt werden, von denen man bisher nur getr?umt hat. TENCEL? ist die erste Cellulosefaser deren Funktionalit?t auf dieser innovativen Struktur basiert. Neue funktionelle Eigenschaften k?nnen aufgrund der kontrollierten und regelm??igen Anordnung dieser kleinsten Fibrillen in der TENCEL? Faser erzeugt werden. Die Fibrillen sind hydrophil und sorgen für eine optimale Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme mit besten Klimaeigenschaften.

Klimaregulierung Fibrillen

Bestes Feuchtigkeitsmanagement Keine Chance für Bakterien







獨特的納米原纖科技應用於紡織品上,一直以來都是業界夢寐以求的事。天絲?是第一種擁有這種納米原纖技術的纖維素纖維,透過控制納米原纖及規則結構排列的研發,令天絲?纖維擁有絕佳親水性、吸濕性及透氣涼爽的功能。 自然涼爽


卓越的濕度調控功能 卓越的濕度調控功能

作业二 纺纱企业的介绍


江苏立信纺织有限公司是一家以纺纱、物资贸易、科技开发为一体的农业产业化重点龙头企业,拥有知名品牌、产品突出、核心能力强,坚持向―专、精、特、新‖方向发展。资产3.12亿元,员工2000余人,纱锭10万余枚,年产纱线2万吨。主要产品为包芯纱系列、竹节纱系列、 公司拥有世界一流的生产线。纺纱生产线引进瑞士立达公司的清梳联、并条机、自动络筒机,德国赐来福公司的转杯纺纱机,并配置一流的检测仪器,确保产品质量。先进的生产设备为开发高新技术产品奠定了基础。公司产品较早通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和ISO14001环境管理体系认证。

公司技术力量雄厚,拥有省级技术中心,具有完善的科研开发体系,成功开发了系列高档高新技术特异纤维纱线。成功开发省级新产品22个,已申请国家专利8个。其中棉芳砜纶包芯纱、香蕉/Modal/棉混纺纱通过了省级科技成果鉴定;棉合金丝包覆记忆纱、麻棉氨纶疙瘩包芯纱、―EKS‖纤维纱等获得了江苏省高新技术产品称号,竹节氨纶包芯纱、维罗芙纤维与棉混纺纱列入国家级星火计划。产品达到了国内领先水平,部分产品填补国内空白。 公司实行现代化管理,先后获得江苏省AAA级重合同守信用企业、江苏省AAA级企业资信等级证书、江苏省―三八‖红旗集体、先进集体、诚信纳税先进单位、江苏省高新技术企业等荣誉称号。


Jiangsu lixin textile Co., LTD. Is a company with a spinning, material trade, scientific and technological development as one of the key agriculture industrialization enterprise, famous brand, product outstanding, core ability, stick to the \Assets 3.12 billion yuan, the staff of more than 2,000 people, ShaDing 10 million pieces, 20,000 tons of yarn.Main products for the bag core-spun yarns series, slubby yarn series, specific fiber yarn series, etc.

The company has the world first-class production line.Spinning production line imported Swiss rieter company's blowing carding unit, drawing frame, automatic coning machine, Germany has given live company, open end spinning machine and equipped with first-class testing instrument, ensure the quality of products.Advanced production equipment for developing high-tech products laid a foundation.Company products earlier passed ISO9001 quality management system certification and ISO14001 environmental management system certification.

The company technical force is abundant, has provincial technology center, with perfect scientific research and development system, and successfully developed series of high-grade high-tech

special fiber yarns.成Successful development new product 22, provincial level already applied for the national patent eight.Including cotton polysulfonamide packet core-spun yarns, banana/Modal/cotton blended yarn passed the provincial technological achievements appraisal;Cotton coated alloy silk yarn, cotton spandex memory bag core-spun yarns, \fiber yarn were awarded the title of high-tech products, bamboo fiber baoxinsha, vascular ROM fu fiber and cotton blended yarn listed in the national spark plan.Products achieve the domestic leading level, the partial products fills domestic blank.

The company implements the modern management, successively obtains jiangsu AAA grade contract trustworthiness enterprise, credit rating AAA grade enterprise of jiangsu province, jiangsu province, the \certificate of collective, red advanced collectives and honest taxpaying advanced unit, the high-tech enterprise of jiangsu province honorary title.

The new industry situation, the company has always adhered to the \and new\direction, implement the \intensive development philosophy, and constantly promote industrial upgrading and upgrade management, efforts among high-end textile industry forefront.




Jiangsu YinYu sanlian group Co., LTD. (the former xuzhou textile mill) is a has more than 50 years history of large cotton textile companies.The company covers an area of 29 million square meters, with total assets of 7 billion yuan, now has 9 million pieces ShaDing 2.35 million pieces, line ingot, more than 1000 looms, 2000 head turn cup spinning, nearly 200 sets of air-jet loom by introduced from abroad, thick liquid yarn machine, comber, automatic coning machine and other advanced technology and equipment.The company has nearly 5,000 employees, professional engineering and technical personnel 800.The company has six branch, four subsidiaries, the registered trademark is \\lake card, the annual output of various specifications card,\tons, all kinds of fabric 30 million meters, the annual sales income of RMB 800 million, the self-management exportation bringing in foreign exchange income of $20 million.

作业三 织造企业的介绍



Good fortune China family is specialized in r&d of high-grade chemical fiber fabric at home and abroad, production, sales and service of large textile enterprises.Administer wujiang good fortune China weaving Co., LTD, jiaxing Taiwan China group company, the total 70 million square meters (ChengZe 30 million square metre, jiaxing 40 million square meters and a staff of 40 people, with modern workshop and international advanced level of Japan tian jin-ju, Toyota hydraulic looms, forms the pottery bill leading hydraulic looms over 3000 sets the whole and complete before word of slurry and equipment, with an annual 17 more than three million meters can.福Good fortune China family's products have significant waterproof, fire prevention, antistatic, anti-uv, antibacterial deodorant, and moisture, and other functions, fully embodies the energy conservation, the environmental protection and healthy fashion ideas.Widely used in garment, neri, feather coat, motion recreational outfit, the yankees (rain) umbrella, tents, bags, tie, the bridal gown etc, the products are used to BoSiDeng, snow leopard, Nike, adidas, anta brand clothing enterprises such as.Good fortune China family around by weaving as the center, two extensions industry chain, weaving, dyeing and finishing with chemical fibber, streamlined with complete industry chain, industrial advantages and investment scale advantage among the forefront of the domestic industry.Good fortune China fabrics had won the \Oriental silk market popular fabric award\in October 2007, was honored as China fashion colour association \product r&d base\contribution\title.Good fortune China family always adhering to the \of the first, quality first\

\witness the success of each horse cloth of eternal promise as a foundation, make concerted efforts to create first-class brand, and constantly integration into the global economy, striving to create international brand





Nantong multimillionaires by textile Co., LTD., jiangsu dafuhao breweries established companies to invest. The company fabric department is mainly production high density poplin, fine cloth, spandex, double cloth, small jacquard fabric, spinning top-grade production department mainly cotton, polyester, polyester yarn and stick, knitting yarn.Companies use the original tongzhou cotton plant foundation superiority, use of new enterprise flexible mechanisms, innovative concept, scientific management, production management and so on each work all achieved satisfactory results.

Technology innovation, high-quality staff team is the driving force of the company forward.The company now staff 800 people, specialized technical personnel more than 200, the technical force is abundant.All kinds of facilities, complete ring spun benninger 60,000 commemorative, warping machines, GA606 loom 160 stage.thick liquid yarn machine a set, Japan tsudakoma whiff weaving machines, The company in transforming the original equipment based on new equipment, added constantly.In the past two years, bought EJM128K ring spinning frame, HSD961 type drawing frames and FA421A type bobbiner, and original equipment form optimal allocation, improve the production efficiency, improve the product specification.The company has development in city planning the new factory, will invest new textile production line.

。The outstanding product quality is the vitality of company development.Companies always adhere to the \to the user satisfaction as the standard, \

throughout all the work. Establish \in mind, the quality of the ideas of\in hand, strict management, fine operation, ensure the quality of the product meets the customer's request, to the quality of development.



系列,弹力系列,绒类系列,粘胶系列,棉及棉交织系列等,年产量达4000余万米。公司拥有世界一流的设备和技术,日本丰田JAT710四喷 型喷气织机232台(配备法国史陶比尔电子多臂机),津田驹ZW408双喷多臂型喷水织机258台(配备法国史陶比尔电子多臂机),津田驹KSH500型高速整浆并设备二套及60台倍捻机、6台分条整经机等全套设备。公司享有自营进出口权,并长期与国内外诸多知名企业合作。



公司面积:130多亩, 厂房4.5万平方米. 年销售量:4000多万米 员工人数:600多人 经营内容:

(1)专业纺织生产企业:公司不断更新先进设备,一直注重质量原则, 坚持提升管理体系。 (2)升级高端面料公司:公司长期为多家运动品牌企业和女装&服装品牌企业提供中高档面料及特种面料, 致力于更高品质的产品。 (3) 致力完善产业体系

原料采购:按照订单要求,以最合理品质配比,常规皆用恒力化纤。 开发研发:客户要求达到的同时,我们还会思考更好的建议。

计划安排:保障客户的订单交期,从不拖延;有要求,必量力加急。 生产体系:严格按照国际标准管理模式,做到合理和高效。

加工系统:选用最合适后处理设备和技术,保证品质。 售后服务:按照订单要求验收后,我们还会追踪产品的后期变化。

(4) 加强科研开发创新,提升生产技术技能: 公司为几家大型运动品牌开发打样,并借鉴国外知名纺织公司经验和资深化纤科研公司共同开发特殊面料。


Industrial company is a professional textile production enterprises, the production of high-grade fabrics is given priority to, emulation silk series, copy hemp series, monofilament series, sequins series, T400 series, diamond wire

Series, soft, elastic series of series, viscose series, cotton and wool interwoven series, the annual output of more than 4000 meters.The company has the world first-class equipment

and technology, Toyota JAT710 four spray

Air-jet loom 232 Taiwan (equipped with electronic forms tao bill ZW408 bijianou), tian jin-ju double spray much arm type hydraulic looms 258 Taiwan (equipped with electronic forms tao bill KSH500 bijianou), tian jin-ju type high-speed whole slurry and equipment of two sets of and 60 sets of times twisting machine, the six new points warping machines and complete equipment.The company enjoys the self-management import and export power, and long-term cooperation with many famous enterprises both at home and abroad. Establishment date: January 2000

The company's total investment: 1.8 billion yuan RMB

The company area more than 130 mu, workshop, 4.5 million square meters. Annual turnover: more than 4000 meters Employees: more than 600 people Management content:

(1) professional textile production enterprise: the continuously updated advanced equipment, has been focusing on quality, adhere to promote the management system. (2) upgrade high-end fabric company: the company long-term home movement for women's brand enterprises and brand enterprise &garment provide medium-and high-grade fabrics and special fabrics, committed to the higher quality products. (3) is committed to improved industrial system

Raw material purchasing: according to the contract, with the most reasonable quality ratio is a constant force, conventional chemical with.R&d: customer requirements to develop at the same time, we also think things better suggestion.

Plan: protection of customer orders, never delay delivery;。A request, will measure the urgent.。Production system in strict accordance with international standards, management mode, achieve reasonable and efficient.

Processing system: choose the most suitable post-processing equipment and technology, assure qualityAfter-sales service: according to the contract after acceptance, we will track product changes. The late

(4) strengthen the scientific research and development innovation, improving production technology skills: textile company experience and senior chemical fiber research company jointly developing special fabrics.

(5) attention of disaster prevention, environmental protection and safety: harmonious development

作业四 关于纺织贸易的信函



5th Floor, 600 Xinshiji Boulevard, Pudong, Shanghai 200120

The People's Republic of China Tel: (021) 5000000 Fax: (021) 5000001

24 November 200#

Miss. Liao Wen Liaison Office

Ganjiang Potteries Ltd.

Shanghai Representative Office

444 Jingling Road #202 Dear Miss Liao:

I am sending the claims form you requested in your fax of 23 November 199- and we will consider the matter once we have full details.

I think I ought to point out that this is the fourth time you have claimed on a shipment. Thought I appreciate that your products are fragile, and that in each case the goods have been shipped clean, it would be in your interest to consider new methods of packing. I agree that the claims have been comparatively small, but in future you will have to ask your customers to hold consignments for our inspection to determine the cause of damage. I should also mention that further claims affect your premium when the policy is renewed.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Cooke Greater China. Region

全球保险(ASIN)有限公司。 林荫大道上,上海浦东 中华人民共和国


11月24日200 # 辽温 联络办公室

Ga赣江烧制有限公司。 上海代表处

202号的丁当声路444 亲爱的小姐辽:


我想我应该坦率地指出,这是第四次了,你已经声称在装运。我很感激你思想的产品都是脆弱的,而且在每个案件的货物已装船清洁,那么它应该在你的兴趣考虑新方法的包装。我同意声称已经比较小,但是今后你得问一下你的客户为我们举行检验来确定收付汇损坏的原因。我也应该提到进一步声称当政策影响你的保险费是更新。 你真诚的

丹尼尔·库克 大中华地区



108 Laoshan Road Qingdao Shangdong China Tel: (0532) 500 000 Fax: (0532) 500 001 Zip: 266000

September 30, 200#

Hamzza A. Sesay Managing Director

The Sesays' International Co. Ltd. 101 Long Street Capetown South Africa

Dear Mr. Sesay:

We thand you for your fax of September 27, together with your orders G.697 and G.698. G.697 has been added to your Christmas order and G.698 is being made ready for immediate dispatch. We regret that we are still unable to supply \

glasses, but we are sending you \

We were very gratified to learn of the success you are having with our glassware , and we shall be pleased to discuss your reques for more favourable terms. When our

representative, Mr. Zhao, calls on you in the new year, he will make you an offer which we feel sure will meet with your approval.

we send you our warmest congratulations on your increased business with us and look forward to further increases to our mutual benefit. Yours faithfully

Rui Xuezhen Sales Manager



266000电话:(0532)500万传真:(0532邮编:266000 001)500

200 # 9月30日。

Hamzza A. SesaySesay Hamzza a . 总经理

.―国际有限公司的Sesays。Ltd.有限公司。 长街101 南非





.现寄去我们热烈祝贺你提高业务和我们一起期待进一步增加对双方有利。 你的忠实 鲁伊 销售经理

做业五 两家检验公司


CHB中测检测是具有中国合格评定国家认可委员会CNAS(L3438)及CMA资质,并依据ISO/IEC 17025运行的大型、综合、专业、权威第三方检测机构。作为中国大陆最早的非政府第三方检测服务机构,中测秉承公司的一贯宗旨,为本地企业提供真正地本地化的国际标准服务。与欧美等62个国家和地区达成互认协议,检测报告具有国际公信力。


CHB中测提供的服务包括提供电子电器产品中有害物质的测试(包括欧盟RoHS,美国RoHS,中国RoHS),玩具测试(欧洲EN 71,美国ASTM,中国GB等标准),纺织品测试(中国GB,欧洲EN,国际ISO等标准),食品级材料测试(如德国LFGB,美国FDA,法国DGCCRF等标准)以及一些其他相关材料测试。



CHB measurement with Chinese conformity assessment test is by the state council L3438) and CNAS (qualification, and based on the CMA awards will run the ISO/IEC 17025 large, comprehensive, professional, authoritative third examination institutions.As China's earliest non-governmental third party testing service agencies, measurement adhering to the tenet, for

local enterprises provide truly localized international standard service.与And European 62 countries and districts achieve mutual recognition agreements, with international credibility test report.

CHB measurement laboratory currently has more than 100 staff, most of the test engineer has a long-term detection work experience, including research and development department in 1 postdoctoral, by four senior engineer composition.At present, the company is testing center have harmful material test lab toys testing laboratory, textiles, food grade material lab testing laboratory, the physical material LABS, etc.Laboratories equipped with international famous brand the most advanced testing equipment, laboratory area of about 2,000 square meters, with a total investment of nearly twenty million RMB has been accumulating.

CHB measurement provides services including providing electronic products harmful substances in the test (including European Union RoHS, American RoHS, China RoHS), toys testing (Europe, the United States ASTM and EN 71 Chinese GB standard), textile testing (China GB, ISO EN Europe standard), food grade material test (such as Germany, France LFGB, American FDA DGCCRF standards) and some other related material test.

At present, in the national measurement have established business network, conveniently, timely provide service for the enterprises all over.The company's goal is to create a real Chinese mainstream detection brand, for the domestic and foreign enterprises in China's regional offer the most valuable testing services.

After China's accession to WTO in the globalization of economy and trade, technical barriers to trade has become the pronoun of regional unfair trade.CHB measurement will use their own rich resources, help enterprise break the European and American countries technical barriers to trade, and foreign market successfully landed.


江苏检验检疫生态纺织检测实验室是华东地区唯一一家可承担各类生态纺织成品、纺织面料、纺织原料检测技术咨询服务的机构,中国进出口商品检验实验室认可委员会(CCIBLAC)认可的国家级专业检测机构 ,是我国纺织品测试领域的国家级重点实验室。以无锡出入境检验检疫局为依托,配备先进的国外检测设备,并拥有经验丰富的专业检测人员和管理人员。




成分及纱线测试(织物成份及含量、纤维直径、纱线支数、线总长、单纱强度、长丝根数等) 布料组织测试(密度、布料厚度、布料质量、硬挺度等)

强度测试(断裂强力、断裂伸长、撕破强力、胀破强力、接缝强力、剥离强力、缝口脱开等) 布料品质测试(耐磨性、起毛起球、透气度、防钩丝、防水性、渗水性等) 羽绒测试(成分分析、酸度、耗氧量、蓬松度、透明度、含水率等) 环保测试(PH值、甲醛(福尔马林)、PCP(五氯苯酚)含量、AZO(禁用偶氮染料)、重金属等)




中国环境标志产品(CCEL)检验机构; 中国国家实验室(CNAL)认可机构; 德国TUV大陆合作伙伴;


国际羽毛羽绒局(IDFB)检测成员实验室; 中国进出口商品委员会(CCIC)认可实验室;


江苏检验检疫生态纺织检测实验室是华东地区唯一一家可承担各类生态纺织成品、纺织面料、纺织原料检测技术咨询服务的机构,中国进出口商品检验实验室认可委员会(CCIBLAC)认可的国家级专业检测机构 ,是我国纺织品测试领域的国家级重点实验室。以无锡出入境检验检疫局为依托,配备先进的国外检测设备,并拥有经验丰富的专业检测人员和管理人员。




成分及纱线测试(织物成份及含量、纤维直径、纱线支数、线总长、单纱强度、长丝根数等) 布料组织测试(密度、布料厚度、布料质量、硬挺度等)

强度测试(断裂强力、断裂伸长、撕破强力、胀破强力、接缝强力、剥离强力、缝口脱开等) 布料品质测试(耐磨性、起毛起球、透气度、防钩丝、防水性、渗水性等) 羽绒测试(成分分析、酸度、耗氧量、蓬松度、透明度、含水率等) 环保测试(PH值、甲醛(福尔马林)、PCP(五氯苯酚)含量、AZO(禁用偶氮染料)、重金属等)





中国环境标志产品(CCEL)检验机构; 中国国家实验室(CNAL)认可机构; 德国TUV大陆合作伙伴;


国际羽毛羽绒局(IDFB)检测成员实验室; 中国进出口商品委员会(CCIC)认可实验室;


Jiangsu inspection and quarantine ecological textile testing laboratory is the east China area only one can undertake all kinds of ecological textile products, textile fabrics, textile materials detection technology consulting service, China import and export commodity inspection laboratory accreditation commission (CCIBLAC) approved the national-level professional inspection agencies, is our country textile testing field of national key laboratory.To wuxi entry-exit inspection and quarantine to rely on, equipped with advanced foreign detection equipment, and has experienced professional testing staff and management personnel.

The laboratory for trade all parties to provide good textiles testing technical advisory services, according to the international organization for standardization (ISO), American textile chemist and dyeing experts association (AATCC), Japanese standards association (JIS), British standards institute (BS), Germany standards institute (DIN), international wool bureau (IWS), international feather feathers IDFB), American bureau test and material (ASTM), Canadian standards committee (CGSB), countries CAN/standard (GB) and other countries/international standards for the customers at home and abroad, of all kinds of textile products, leather and its products for testing services

)Size change and relevant test (washing, after washing, dry-cleaning and steam appearance etc) Color coptidis thizoma (insolation, dry cleaning, washing, bleaching, perspiration, sea water, friction, hot pressing, saliva, etc.)

Composition and yarn test (fabric composition and content, fiber diameter, yarn count, line of single yarn strength, administrators, number, etc) filament roots Cloth organization testing (density, cloth thickness, cloth quality, etc) dull color.gives degrees

Strength test (breaking strength and breaking elongation, tear strength, bursting strength, juncture powerful, peel strength, seams withdraw, etc.)

Cloth quality testing (wearability, burr pilling, porosity, prevent hook silk, waterproof, ooze water etc.)

Feather test (composition analysis, acidity and oxygen consumption, PengSongDu,

transparency, moisture content, etc.)

Environmental test (PH value, formaldehyde (formalin), PCP (five chlorine phenol) content, AZO (disable AZO dye), heavy metal, etc.)

Other tests (cloth combustion testing, zipper durable test)

We may according to the customer request, the CIQ, CCIC by authority, STC, TUV, CCIBALC reports etc.Laboratory adherence to the \testing, fair and accurate, high quality service\high quality, reliable service!

We areChinese environment mark products (CCEL) inspection institution; China's national laboratory (CNAL) recognized institution; Germany TUV continental partners;

International wool bureau (IWS) detection members lab;

International feather and down game (IDFB) detection members lab; China import and export commodity commission (CCIC) approbate lab;

STCSTC (Hong Kong standards and technical testing centre) continent only the cooperation unit;

transparency, moisture content, etc.)

Environmental test (PH value, formaldehyde (formalin), PCP (five chlorine phenol) content, AZO (disable AZO dye), heavy metal, etc.)

Other tests (cloth combustion testing, zipper durable test)

We may according to the customer request, the CIQ, CCIC by authority, STC, TUV, CCIBALC reports etc.Laboratory adherence to the \testing, fair and accurate, high quality service\high quality, reliable service!

We areChinese environment mark products (CCEL) inspection institution; China's national laboratory (CNAL) recognized institution; Germany TUV continental partners;

International wool bureau (IWS) detection members lab;

International feather and down game (IDFB) detection members lab; China import and export commodity commission (CCIC) approbate lab;

STCSTC (Hong Kong standards and technical testing centre) continent only the cooperation unit;

