人教版七年级下册unit4Dont - eat - in - class测试题

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第四单元Don’t eat in class!测试题

一. 单项选择:(20分)

1. Usually they _________ rules, and we must follow ________. A. make, it B. make, them C. makes, it D makes, them 2. --- _________ in the hallways. --- Sorry, sir.

A. Not run B. Don’t run C. Not running D. Don’t running 3. ---Does he like _____________ music? --- Yes, he does. A. listening to B. listen to C. listen D. listening 4. We _____________ in the classroom.

A. have to quiet B. have quiet C. have to be quiet D. have quiet to 5. Don’t ________ and don’t _________ in class.

A. eat, noise B. to eat, noisy C. to eat, noise D. eat, be noisy

6. I am not happy because there are __________ rules and ___________ homework at home. A. too many, too much B. too much, too many C. too many, too many D. too much, too much 7. I think it’s best _____________ for Tom.

A. relax B. to relax C. relaxing D. relaxes 8. She ____________ school every day.

A. doesn’t have to come B. doesn’t has to come C. doesn’t have to come to D. doesn’t has to come to

9. Molly can’t play soccer on school days, but she _________ play it on weekends. A. can B. can’t C. must D. has to

10. Schools make rules ___________ us students, we must follow _______.

A. help, they B. to help, them C. help, them D to help, they ( )1.Don’t ______ in class, Jim. A. talks B. talk C. to talk D. talking ( )2.—Must we finish the work now? —No, you ___________.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. don’t

( )3.We should ________ the teacher carefully in class. A. listen B. hear C. listen to D. listening to

( )4.Don’t ________ food to school, or I take it away. A. take B. bring C. get D. brings

( )5.Students can’t _______ hats in the classroom. A. wear B. put on C. dress D. get dressed ( )6.Her mother is ill. She _______ look after her at home. A. must B. have to C. has to D. is

( )7.“Don’t arrive late ______ school, boys and girls!” the teacher says. A. in B. at C. to D. for

( )8.Jim gets to school ______ time every day. A. at B. on C. for D. by

( )9.Liu Mei often helps her mother _______ breakfast on weekends. A. eat B. makes C. to make D. make

( )10.I can’t see my friends _______ school nights. A. at B. in C. on D. to ( )12.My parents are very strict ______ me. A. with B. in C. at D. for



( )13.The old man keeps _________ every day.

A. exercise B. exercises C. to exercise D. exercising ( )14.Remember _______ me your photo when you come to school tomorrow. A. to bring B. bring C. bringing D. brings

( )15.We should eat more vegetables to keep ourselves ___________. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. strongly

( )16.We must ______ quiet in class. A. are B. be C. is D. /

( )17.This is _____ my first day at school. A. / B. the C. a D. an ( )18.She often practice ______ the piano on weekends. A. to play B. play C. playing D. plays

( )19.I must read a book before ______ TV. A. watch B. watching C. watches D. to watch ( )20.Dave can’t play football after school on school days , and he can’t see his friends, ______. 2.Look at the school rule.It ,“Don’t eat in class.” A.write A.sport A.and A.can’t


C.says C.to sport C.yet



4.Dave,you have to wear shoes for P.E. B.sports

5.Don’t listen to music in the classrooms the hallways. B.or


6.Sorry,you play basketball in the classroom. B.don’t

C.don’t have to D.aren’t




7.Don’t eat in class don’t leave your seats in class.A.or A.for




D.be noise

8.He does his homework before going to bed school nights. 9.Don’t in the classroom. A.noisy A.cleans B.cleaned 二、用所给词的适当形式填空

B.be noisy C.is noisy


10.Daisy has to the classroom after school. C.cleaning

1.______________(not be) late for class. 2.Can Jenny ____________(speak) English? 3.I often do the __________(dish) at home. 4.We must ________(be) on time every day. 5.She ____________(brush) her teeth before going to bed. 6.After ________(do) his homework, Jim usually watches TV. 7.The man keeps the monkey _________(run) all the time.



8.Don’t be _________(noise), boys and girls. 9.Don’t let him ________(sing) here. 10.Lin Shu hao is a basketball player. He plays basketball __________(good). 36.“Please be quiet. No (talk)!” says our biology teacher.

37.Please remember (bring) your photos here when you come back. 38.Can you help me (make) dumplings? 39.You must (be) more careful next time.

40.The boss (老板) always keeps these workers (work) over 10 hours a day. 三. 句型变换 1. The boy has to get up early every morning. ( 一般疑问句)

___________ the boy ___________ __________get up early every morning? 2. I can sing and dance, too. ( 否定句) I ______ sing _____ dance, ______. 3. You can’t come late for school. ( 改为祈使句)_______ _______ late for school. 5 I have to get up early and do my homework. ( 划线提问) ___________ __________ you _________ to do?

42.We do morning exercises outside every morning.(用let改写) morning exercises outside every morning. 43.You must make the bed every day.(改为同义句) You make the bed every day. 44.You can’t be late for school.(改为否定祈使句) late for school. 45.We can eat in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句) you in the classroom?

四. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空:(20分)

1. There’s too much _____________(noise) in the room, it’s too ____________(noise). 2. She ________________(do) the __________________(dish) every day.

3. There are too many _______________(rule) at school, some of them ________(be) strict. 4. He often ____________(feel) tied because he often _____________(relax) six hours a day. 5. He has to ______________(help) his mother________________(do) the housework. 五、完形填空

John is an American boy. He likes 11 football matches, 12 he doesn’t have enough money to buy tickets. He has to watch the matches 13 TV at home when he has 14 homework. He must go to school from Monday to Friday, so he misses a lot of important matches.

A big football match will be held in the afternoon tomorrow. 15 wants to watch it very much,but he can’t. He will have a physics test(考试)in 16 afternoon.“Can we have a video,Mum?”John asks his mother 17 he goes to



school.“Then from our TV set you can record the match for me.”“I’m 18 we can’t

afford(买得起) one,”sighs(叹息)his mother. The next morning John comes home with a smile, 19 a new video.“But where do you get the money,John?”his mother asks in surprise.

“That’s 20 ,Mum. I’ve sold our TV set.” 11.A.watching B.see C.looking at B.hearing

12.A.and B.so C.but D.though 13.A.in B.on C.at D.with 14.A.few B.a few C.little D.quite a little 15.A.Mother B.Father C.Teacher D. John 16.A.the same B.the different C.a D.an 17.A.after B.before C.because D.as

18.A.glad B.afraid C.pleased D.frightened 19.A.carrying B.carries C.carry D.to carry 20.A.difficult B.easy C.difficulty D.easily 六、书面表达


1.6:30起床 2.在校穿校服 3.上课不准迟到 4.上课时不能戴帽子 5.在家不能看电视,每晚练钢琴 6.9:00上床睡觉 7.周末打扫房间,洗衣服



┃易错点针对训练┃ Ⅰ.用wear,put on 或 dress 填空 1. He ____________his coat and goes out.

2. She is____________a red skirt today. 3. The little child can________himself now. Ⅱ.用too many, too much 或 much too 填空

1. There are ______________people and _____________ traffic in the street. It's ______________crowded. 2. Watching TV _______________is bad for our health. Ⅲ.用 too, also 或 either 填空

1. He speaks English. He can ________ speak Chinese.

2. I like Mount Tai. He likes it, ________. 3. She isn't late. I am not late, ________. Ⅴ.同义句转换

He often wears an old shirt. = He often ________ ________an old shirt.




