
更新时间:2024-02-08 07:52:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载







1. What will Susan do this Friday?

A. Go to Lisa’s birthday party. B. Invite Tom to a party. C. Pick up Tom.

2. What’s the time now?

A. 7:35. B. 7:45. C. 8:30.

3. What’s wrong with Mike’s pen?

A. It’s lost. B. It’s broken.C. It has no ink.

4. How much does the man need to pay?

A. 35 dollars. B. 115 dollars.C. 150 dollars.

5. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a library B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom.




6. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Manager and secretary.B. Husband and wife C. Teacher and student.

7. Which of the following is included in the free breakfast?

A. Beer. B. Bread. C. Fruit.


8. What kind of life does the man prefer?

A. A faster life. B. A slower life. C. A happier life.

9. Which aspect of a city life does the woman love the most?

A. The cost of living.B. Various opportunities

C. The places people can visit.

10. What will the woman probably do in the future?

A. Move to the city. B. Move to the country. C. Stay in the country.


11. Why is Ken calling?

A. Because he wants to ask about the address for the meeting.

B. Because he wants to ask about the time for the meeting.

C. Because he wants to remind Andy of the meeting.

12. Where is Andy?

A. He’s in his office.B. He’s gone to the supermarket.

C. He’s gone downtown.

13. What is Ken’s phone number?

A. 439 808 7754.B. 493 908 7754. C. 439 908 7754.


14. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. How to give a surprise to the girl’s mother. B. How to spend the weekend. C. What to buy at the weekend.

15. Where does the girl want to go for a walk?

A. Downtown.B. To the beach. C. To the park.

16. What is the girl’s mom doing?

A. Having a meeting. B. Watching a movie. C. Reading a newspaper.

17. What is the man going to do after getting dressed?

A. Send a message to his wife. B. Look for his car key.

C. Find something for his wife.


18. What did the speaker and those who grew up with him do together?

A. They used to discuss problems about studying together.

B. They learnt how to ride bikes together.

C. They used to play soccer together.

19. Which friends does the speaker feel closest to?

A. Those friends he made when he was 6.

B. Those friends who live near to him.

C. Those friend from college.

20. How does the speaker keep in touch with his friends?

A. They write letters to each other regularly.

B. They send each other e-mails.

C. They talk a lot on the telephone.

Written Part(90%)

I. 单项选择(20%)

21. I have just been in Australia for a week and I’m trying to ________ the new climate here.

A. adapt toB. adjust with C. fit in D. settle in

22. It is suggested that medicine should not be kept where it is ________ to children.

A. acceptable B. accessible C. available D. acknowledgeable

23. But for the captain’s quick mind, the sailors would have _______ fallen into the sea.

A. thereforeB. however C. otherwise D. furthermore 24. ________is required in the regulations is that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.

A. It B. AsC. WhatD. That

25. Usually a child’s behavior is a ________ of his family environment.

A. recognition B. reflection C. recordD. revision

26. She wrote very quickly, ________ writing the paper and handing it to the teacher on time.

A. so finished B. to finish C. as finished

A. In other words B. In a word

C. As far as I’m concerned D. In the meantime

28. Every minute should be made full ________ of _________ for the coming examination.

A. use; preparingB. use; to prepare

C. using; preparing D. using; to prepare

29. It is often recommended that children _________ chances to get close to nature.

A. are offered B. be offered C. should offer D. must be offered

30. The country life he was used to _________ greatly since 2000.

A. changeB. changing C. changedD. has changed

31. I don’t like such a person ________ often lies before your face.

A. who B. thatC. as

A. turn upB. keep up D. which C. put up D. team up 32. The agreement indicates that the two companies will ________ again.

33. Only a small percentage of the students ________ able to use the computer.

A. can beB. areC. is D. will

34. I’m going to Paris next week; would you like to deal with my letters during my _______?

A. disappearance B. presence C. absence D. appearance 35. All of us were ________ to hear that John, our company’s most valued clerk, should say he would leave the company.

A. eagerB. alarmed C. terrified D. satisfied D. thus finishing 27. I know he is dishonest. _______, I must admit he is a good worker.

36. Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _________ financial aid.

A. in favor of B. in honor of C. in face of D. in need of

37. The new _________ of furniture makes the room more beautiful.

A. arrangement B. concept C. rectangleD. supplement

38. It was in the library _______ I first met her ________ we had a talk yesterday.

A. where; that B. that; that C. that; whereD. where; which

39. I like this dress better than that one, but it costs almost three times ________.

A. as muchB. as many C. so muchD. so many

40. Without a passport, leaving the country is _________.

A. out of question B. beyond question

C. out of the question D. without question

II. 完形填空 ( 20% ) ―I'm too old and it's too late,‖ which played over and over in my mind. I was41and exhausted after ending my marriage and my law career at the same time.42my ambition to become a writer, I43my ability to succeed as one. Had I wasted years going44the wrong goals? I was at a low point45the voice on the radio began46the story of Grandma Moses. Ann Mary Moses left home at thirteen, bore ten children and worked hard to raise the five who47. Struggling to make a living on poor farms, she managed to48a bit of beauty for herself by embroidering (绣花) on cloth. At seventy-eight, her fingers became49awkward to hold a needle. 50give in to aging, she went out to an empty room and began to51 . For the first two years, these paintings were either given away or sold52a little money. But at the age of seventy-nine, she was

―discovered‖ by the53world---and the rest is54. She went on to produce more than two thousand paintings,55her book illustrations (插图) for It was the Night before Christmas were completed in her one-hundredth year! 56I listened to the radio, my57changed. If Grandma Moses58begin a new career and succeed after eighty, my life still had59after thirty. Before the program ended, I rushed to my computer to work on the novel I'd nearly60 .

It was published eight months later.

41. A. encouraged B. discouraged C. thrilled D. inspired

42. A. DespiteB. ExceptC. ForD. With

43. A. believed B. expectedC. provedD. doubted

44. A. by B. after C. againstD. over

45. A. unlessB. because C. whenD. while

46. A. telling B. remindingC. sayingD. playing

47. A. succeeded B. leftC. survived D. grew

48. A. noticeB. offerC. giveD. provide

49. A. so B. too C. suchD. that

50. A. Other than B. As well as C. Rather than D. Instead of

51. A. paintB. write C. thinkD. change

52. A. off B. at C. by D. for

53. A. literature B. art C. education

54. A. storyB. fortune C. historyD. fact

55. A. butB. and C. so D. therefore

56. A. UntilB. Thus C. As D. Then

57. A. moodB. heart C. interestD. spirit

58. A. shouldB. must C. mightD. could

59. A. abilityB. hope C. freedomD. dream

60. A. finishedB. abandonedC. publishedD. sold

III. 阅读理解 (20%)

( A ) D. entertainment

When you first meet a disabled person, what is your first reaction? Curiosity? Sympathy? If you experience any of these emotions, you are not alone.Chances are that you don’t regularly associate with someone who is disabled.Here are four points to keep in mind if you should happen to meet a disabled person.

Disabled people can lead active lives With few exceptions, a disability does not prevent someone from working, raising a family, or taking part in social activities.Many sports and recreation programs have been adapted to a person with a disability.Instead of concentrating on the disability, look at the person the same way you would look at any normal person.

It’s all right to ask questions

Many people are afraid of offending someone by asking about their disability.When meeting them for the first time, it’s natural to be curious about who he or she is, and where they’re from.Asking questions is usually acceptable, as long as you use common sense.Don’t, for example, ask a blind person how he feeds and bathes himself.

Offer help when necessary

