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八年级英语上册期末测试 姓名 ___________ 成绩 __________

、单项填空(每小题 1 分,共 15分)

A. is going to be

B. are going to be

C. is going to have

D. is gong to has.

20. —Hi, Amy! How _______ your school trip to the beach?

— Hi, Tom! We ________ a good time there.

A. is, having

B. was, had

C. are, had

D. were, have

21. — How long did he ______ ? — For 12 years.

A. start swimming

B. started swimming

C. swim

D. swam

22. _______________________ T he man was born 1976.

A. in the 24th of June.

B. on the 24th of June

C. in June 24th

D. for June 24th

23. Tina?s sister began to ride a bike to school ________ .

A. when 6 years old

B.at the age of 6

C. at the age of 6 years

D. at 6 years old 24. ____________________________________ D oes your father often go to work ? A. by a train B. on a train C. take a train D. catch a train

25. It was an __________ soccer game. The soccer fans were very ___ . A. exciting, exciting B. exciting, excited C. excited, excited D.excited, exciting

26. It?s raining. You ________ out now. A. had better not go B. had not better go C. should go

D. didn?t have better go 27. She didn?t answer the question, her mother kept her ____ for an hour.

A. standing

B. to stand

C. stood

D. stand 28. __________ — we keep the room clean enough all the time?

— No, you _______ .

A. Must; doesn?t have to

B. Do; don?t have to

C. Must; don?t have to

D. Must; mustn?t

29. What?s __________ food in China?

A. popular

B. more popular

C. the most popular

D. most popular

30. Alice stopped ___________ TV and started doing her homework.

A. watch

B. watching

C. watched

D. to watch

三、完形填空每 ((每小题 1.5分,共 15 分)

What do the people usually do on weekends? Some people like to 31 at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. Mr Smith 32 hard in a factory during ( 在期间 ) the 33 . On the weekends, he usually 34 the same thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on 35 he goes with his family to a village ( 村庄 ) by car. His uncle and aunt 36 a farm there. It isn't a big one, but there is always 37 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some

38 . Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all 39 and Mr Smith's aunt 40 them a big meal. 3 l. A. play B. stay C. be D. so 16. — who cooked the lunch today?



17. — Will you please _____ the TV?

A. turn off

B. turn down

18. — The banana is too big.

A. cut up them

B. cut them up 19. There

— I ______ . C.was D.do — I want to see the Animal World. C. turn on D. turn up — You can ____ first. C. cut it up D. cut up a concert sometime next week.

32. A. works B. does C. makes D. studies

33. A. day B. year C. week D. month

34. A. does B. do C. make D. has

35. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Thursday D. Sunday

36. A. have B. has C. bring D. find

37. A. many B. much C. any D. most

38. A. food B. rice C. cakes D. fruit

39. A. full B. angry C. hungry D. happy

40. A. give B. puts C. makes D. does

四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共30 分)

Every year there is the Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It?s the most

important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone has to prepare things. They buy beef, pork, chicken, fruit and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food called “ dumplings means “ cometogether i”n Chinese. On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their parents. On the festival eve, all the family members come back to their home. This is a happy moment. They sing, dance and play cards. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.

41. Which is the most important festival in China? .

A. Mid-autumn Festival

B. Spring Festival

C. Children?s Day

D. May Day

42. The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival in .

A. January or February

B. February or March

C. September or October

D. December or January

43. What?s the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China? .

A. Pork

B. Fish

C. Dumplings

D. Noodles

44. The food “ dumplings ” mean “ ”.

A. be delicious

B. be hungry

C. come together

D. come back

45. When they are having dinner on the festival eve, the Chinese

A. sing, dance and play cards

B. buy each other presents

C. never drinks

D. give each other the best wishes


Ann?s grandpa was very rich and he had some shops. The old man began to learn drawing

when he was sixty, and he loved it very much. For twelve years he drew a lot and there were many pictures in his workroom. He was pleased with them and kept them well. One day, the old man was ill. He had to stay in hospital. Before he died, he said to Ann, “I want to give my pictures to a school as presents. Then the students can remember me forever. But I don?t know which school I?m going to give them to. Can you help me? ”“ Wel,l ”said the little girl, “ you?dbetter give them to a blind school. ”

46. Ann?s grandpa was _________ .

A. a driver

B. a teacher

C. a blind man

D. a rich man

47. The old man tried his best to be __________.

A. an artist

B. a farmer

C. a doctor

D. a teacher

48. The old man loved __________ very much when he was sixty.

A. writing

B. his shops

C. money

D. drawing

49. When the old man was in hospital, he was __________ years old.

A. 60

B. 70

C. 72

D. 78

50. Ann thought her grandpa?spictures were __________ .

A. nice

B. beautiful


D. terrible


Once Goethe, the great German poet, was walking in a park. He was thinking about something whe n he noticed he came to a very, very narrow road. Just at that time, a young man came towards him fr om the other end of the road. It was too narrow for both of them to pass through at the same time. Th ey stopped and looked at each other for a while. Then the young man said rudely, "Inever make way for a fool. ”ut Goethe smiled and said, " Ialways do. "Then he turned back quickly and walked towar ds the end of the road.根据短文内容,回答问题。

1. Where was Goethe walking?

2. Who came towards Goethe from the other end of the road?

3. Was the road too narrow for both of them to pass through at the same time?

4. Did the young man make way for Goethe?

5. Who turned back quickly and walked towards the end of the road?


1. 中国以长城而闻名于世。


3. 我本周末有太多的家庭作业要做。

4. 学习英语对我们们很重要。

5. 我的兄弟们都比我高。


Andy was born in China 15 years ago . In 2005, she 77 to the USA with her family . As a high school stude nt, she has found many differe nces 78 Ch in ese and America ns:

About money

1) America ns like to spe nd 79 tha n they have , so many of them are always in debt( 欠债).But Chin ese usually spend less than they have, so many 0f them always have 80 left in the bank .

2) The American kids themselves make their own money. Most Chinese kids always 81 their parents for money.

3) Many American parents think there is 82 need to send their children to an expensive university . It?s different in China . Many Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to expensive universities 83 their family isn?t rich eno ugh .

About school

1) Many American girls take part in sports , dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in study groups .

2) Many America n stude nts think that B is a girl while many Chin ese stude nts think that B is too 84 ____

About friends

Most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by 85 . They never ask them about their friends while Chin ese pare nts usually enjoy knowing more about thei r childre n?s friends 86 ma ny differe nt ways, and usually stop them from staying out too late with friends

77. ___________ 78. ____________ 79. __________ 80. ___________ 81. __________

82. ___________ 83. ____________ 84. __________ 85. ___________ 86. __________

十、根据下列几个问题,以I'm going to be a/an 为题写一篇80字左右的文章(11分)

1. What are you going to be whe n you grow up?

2. Why are you going to be that?

3. How are you going to do that?

4. Where are you going to work? Why?




()1.What did Hele n do last mon th?

A. She went to the beach.

B. She visited museums.

C. She went to see Huan gguoshu Waterfall.

()2.How ofte n does the woma n go to the movies?

A. Once a week.

B.Twice a week.

C.Once a mon th.

()3.What does Sally drink?




()4.What is Gina?s sister like?

A.She is much quieter than Gina.

B.She is much taller than Gina.

C.She is more outgo ing tha n Gina.

()5.Who is Peter?

A.He is Mike ? best friend.

B.He is Mike ? brother.

C.He?> Mike?s un cle.



()6.Where did Mason go on vacation?

A.He went to Beiji ng.

B.He went to the mountains.

C.He stayed at home.


)8.Where are they going for lunch? A.Wang?s Fast Food. B.Jason?s Fast Food C.Zhang?s Fast Food.

)9.Why do they go there?

A.Because it?s close to school.

B.Because its service is the best.

C.Because it?s expensive. )10.How do they go there? A.On foot. B.By subway.

、听短文,选择正确的答案。听两遍。 (10 分) )11.What

day is it today?


B.Saturday ) 12.How often does Jenny go to the park?


B.Once a month ) 13.How long does it take the writer to walk to the park? A.3 minutes B.30 minutes

C.13 minutes

)14.Why d they like Hongshan Park better than Daishan Park? A. Because it?s cleaner and more beautiful.

B. Because it?s nearer.

C. Because it?s bigger and more beautiful.

)15.Jenny usually goes to the park with ____

A.her dad

B.her dog 笔试部分 一、单项选择( 15 分) ( _______ )16.— What?s your favorite ?

—Happy Camp 《快乐大本营》. A.subject B.sport C.program ( ) 17. — Mom,can I have ______ to eat??Im hungry.

—Sorry,theres ______ in the fridge(冰箱)

A.nothing;nothing C.something;nothing. ( ) 18.—Let?s go to the movies.

—Sorry,I have to _________ m y little sister.

A.look at

B.look after

C.look for ( ) 19.—Do you often play computer games?

—No, ____ .I don?t like it at all. A. always a5d50cbe1be8b8f67c1cfad6195f312b3169ebf8ually C.never

( )20.With Xiaoming?s help,Jack does his homework __________ t han

A.much more carefully

B.much carefully

C.more careful

( ) 21.—Who can reach the book on the top bookshelf?

—Jack can.He is______ boy.

A. taller

B.much tallest

C.the tallest ( ) 22.He is new here, _____ he has ______ f riends to play with. ( )7.What did Mason think of his vacation?

A.It was terrible.

B.It was great.

C.It was expensive.

听下面一段对话,回答 8—10 小题 (


C.Once a week

C.By bus.

C.her friend



