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题组层级快练37 Unit 2 Cloning

Ⅰ. 阅读理解

Most home fires occur in the kitchen while cooking and are the leading cause of injuries from fire. Common causes of fires at night can be particularly dangerous because they may burn slowly for a long period before being discovered.

Home fires are preventable! The following are simple steps that each of us can take to prevent a tragedy.


Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking especially frying. If you leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, turn off the stove.

Do not cook if you are sleepy, or have been drinking alcohol. Keep children away from cooking areas. Smoking

If you smoke, smoke outside. Most home fires caused by smoking materials start inside the home. Put your cigarettes out in a can filled with sand.

Make sure cigarettes and ashes are out. The cigarette really needs to be completely put out in an ashtray or in water before your throwing them away.

Check for cigarette butts. Don't put ashtrays on chairs and sofas because they catch fire fast. Never smoke in a home where oxygen is used, even if it is turned off.


Take the mystery out of fire play by teaching children that fire is a tool, not a toy.

Store matches and lighters out of children's reach and sight, preferably in a locked box.

Teach children not to pick up matches or lighters they may find. Instead, they should tell an adult immediately.

Electrical Equipment, Fireplaces and Woodstoves

Replace all worn, old or damaged wires immediately and do not run wires under rugs or furniture.

Examine and clean woodstove pipes and chimneys yearly and check monthly for damage.

Never burn trash, paper, or green wood.

Make sure the fire is completely out before leaving the house or going to bed.


1. The purpose of this article is to tell everyone ________. A. how to give up smoking B. how to cook at home

C. how to look after children while cooking D. how to prevent home fires

2. When you are frying eggs, the telephone in your bedroom is ringing, you had better ________.

A. go and answer the phone immediately B. ring him or her back later C. ask your child to help cook D. ask your tired husband to help cook

3. According to the passage, which is right about smoking? A. Throw away the cigarette ends just when you finish smoking. B. The leading cause of injuries from home fire is smoking. C. Put the ashtrays on chairs instead of sofas when smoking. D. You mustn't smoke in a home where there is an oxygen tank. 4. As a parent, you should teach your children (or child) ________. A. how to use matches properly B. how to keep away from matches C. how to hide matches from others D. how to play with matches 答案与解析

【文章大意】 大多数家庭火灾发生在厨房做饭时,并且家庭火灾是火灾受伤的主要原因。晚上的火灾可能更危险。家庭火灾是可以预防的! 采取以下简单的步骤,可以防止悲剧发生。 1. 答案 D

解析 主旨大意题。根据文章第二段可知,“The following are simple steps that each of us can take to prevent a tragedy.”以下几个步骤的主要目的是预防火灾发生。 2. 答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据文章第三、四、五段可知,做饭时要一直待在厨房不远离;瞌睡及醉酒不进厨房;让孩子远离。可知,实在无法接电话,稍后回电话。 3. 答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据六、七、八段特别是第八段最后一句“Never smoke in a home where oxygen is used, even if it is turned off.”可知家中有氧气瓶,即使关着,也要禁止


烟火,故选D项。 4. 答案 D

解析 推理判断题。根据文章九、十段“Take the mystery out of fire play by teaching children that fire is a tool, not a toy.和Teach children not to pick up ...”可知,要教会孩子们如何使用火柴。

Ⅱ. 完形填空


Each year the headmaster of the school where I work asks us to read a book chosen by him. This year's __1__ is The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Ken Robinson. Robinson uses “the term the Element to __2__ the place where the things we __3__ to do and the things we are good at come together.” He goes on to say that he feels it is __4__ for each of us to find our Element, not just for our own __5__, but for the improvement of our world.

How __6__ is it to look at those who seem to have found their Element. They are __7__ at what they do, and we assume they love to do it because they do what they do so __8__ . We assume that they have __9__ their Element. But what is important to note, Robinson says, is that each of us has the __10__ to find the Element.

In academic settings, there is an effort to help students __11__ what talents they have been __12__ . The goal then is to help them __13__ the most of these talents through experience, __14__, and individualized attention. But this is only one piece of the puzzle, as __15__ by Robinson. The other piece is finding where a person's talent and the love of __16__ that talent intersect (交点).

I have enjoyed conversations around this book, looking at the Element __17__ it relates to my own life. It also relates to how I parent, how I teach, how I __18__ support for the students I work with, individually and __19__. I appreciate the __20__ of this book as it helps to frame growth potential. 1. A. article C. outcome 2. A. describe C. discover 3. A. agree

B. book D. theory B. circulate D. repeat B. love


C. decide 4. A. essential C. reasonable 5. A. arrangement C. achievement 6. A. complex C. normal 7. A. satisfied C. great 8. A. often C. much 9. A. offered C. kept 10. A. right C. ability 11. A. discover C. predict 12. A. allowed C. taught 13. A.take C. set

14. A. suggestion C. education 15. A. denied C. assumed 16. A. exercising C. previewing 17. A. as C. though 18. A. applaud C. subscribe 19. A. beyond doubt C. in groups 20. A. curiosity

D. happen B. convenient D. natural B. satisfaction D. application B. beneficial D. easy B. anxious D. quick B. soon D. well B. found D. suffered B. patience D. chance B. guess D. develop B. shown D. given B. make D. put B. operation D. reflection B. acknowledged D. stressed B. preparing D. accelerating B. until D. once B. provide D. choose B. on hand D. by nature B. inclination


C. temptation 答案与解析

D. guidance

【文章大意】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者所在的大学每年都有校长指定的读书计划,作者由今年这本指定的书,想到了自己的教学,想到了应该给予学生的指导和自己及学生的人生。 1. 答案 B

解析 根据上一句和本句的表语可知,这是一本书。故选B项。 2. 答案 A

解析 在这本书中,作者鲁滨逊使用了Element这个词,来“描述(describe)”这样的一个场景。故选A项。 3. 答案 B

解析 根据下文可知,这些成功的人往往是把“喜欢做的事和做得最好的事”完美结合在一起的。故选B项。 4. 答案 A

解析 作者进一步阐述:“关键之处(essential)”在于每个人都要努力找出自己的这个“要素”,把喜欢做的事和做得最好的事完美地结合在一起。故选A项。 5. 答案 C

解析 下文中提到“为了改善这个世界”,可见此处表示为了个人有所“成就(achievement)”。故选C项。 6. 答案 D

解析 根据下文可知,看看那些获得了成功的人,觉得他们找到他们自己的这些要素是非常“容易的”。故选D项。 7. 答案 C

解析 根据第一段第二句可知,做喜欢做的事,且又做得好,就会“容易”获得成功,也就是一个“了不起(great)”的人。故选C项。 8. 答案 D

解析 看到别人很容易就成功,成了伟大的人物,总觉得别人是在做喜欢做的事,而且,正是因为如此,才做得非常的好。故选D项。 9. 答案 B

解析 根据第一段最后一句和第二段第一句可知,这些人获得成功,在我们看来,他们一定是“找到了”自己的要素之所在。故选B项。 10. 答案 C

解析 此处升华主题。根据原书作者的观点,能做自己喜欢的事,而且把它做好,就能成功;根据本文作者的观点,我们都认为那些成功的人,一定是在做自己喜欢的事,因为他们把这


