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EPTIP English Course for IT ProfessionalsTeacher’s Courseware, Level Two for Software Engineers


Unit Two Formulating Plans

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信息产业部电子教育与考试中心 全国IT职业英语水平考试项目组




Listening & speaking Technical conversations

Formulating plans Project plans

Reading Writing

Discussing by e-mail


ObjectivesThis unit will teach you– To open a meeting;

To assign tasks; To discuss and explain issues in planning;

To read and write project plans; To write meaningful e-mail subject lines;

To outline a technical document.


2.1 Meetings

A. TeaserListen to the audio and then read the text in this section. Find the answers to these questions: Why is the programmer seeing a doctor? Are meetings really boring? According to the text, how can you make meetings



2.1 Meetings

B. Conversations in meetings1. Listen to the following conversation when a project

team is talking about task assignments in a meeting led by David.

2. Listen to the following conversation when the project manager asks the team members for their personal opinions.


2.1 Meetings

B. Conversations in meetingsSentence patternsLearn to use these expressions to Get others’ attention;

Welcome and introduce someone; State objectives of the meeting; Preview the agenda; Drive the agenda.6


2.1 Meetings

C. ExercisesDictationThe opening of a meeting1. It’s nice 2. let’s get down to business 3. agenda 4. say something 5. reminds me of 6. I suggest 7. Thursday’s meeting 8. let’s get back to7


2.1 Meetings

C. ExercisesOral practice 2. Sample answers:a) b) c) Welcome to our first monthly meeting of 2005. our new colleague, Mr. Feng. a new marketing I would like to start by welcoming I have called this meeting strategy. d) As we can see on the agenda , we have two items to discuss today. e) Let’s move on to the next item.8




2.1 Meetings

C. ExercisesOral practice 3. Role playing

Meeting Agenda1. Progress report from the R&D Team; 2. Progress report from the Marketing Team; 3. Progress report from the Finance Team; 4. Discussion of future actions.9


2.2 Formulating plans

A. Discussing a phase planJane, a Systems Analyst on Jacky’s team, is calling Jacky to discuss some issues about a phase plan. Listen to the following telephone conversation.there is no way … Do you mean that …? quite a bit I see your point. put together iteration

Language points:

Technical terms:


2.2 Formulating plans

B. Explaining a development timetableJacky is calling Mrs. Brown, the client from Zhonghua University, to discuss a project timetable. Listen to the following telephone conversation.I’m afraid … I understand your concern. that’s why … That sounds great. as long as project development plan

Language poin


Technical terms:


2.2 Formulating plans

C. Fill in the blanks1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the given expressions.a) – What if we just used a free scheduling software to keep track of the progress? That would save ___________. quite a bit – ___________ I’m afraid that’s not workable. I don’t know of any decent free scheduler. – I think if we use the legacy HTML files instead of _______ putting _________ together new stuff with , we’ll save a whole lot of time. – But _______________ there is no way we would give thousands of HTML files to the clients. We don’t deliver inferior products.12



2.2 Formulating plansc) – We’d really appreciate it if you can port the software to GNU/Linux environment, ____________ as long as that won’t be a big problem for you. – _______________________. I understand your concern But do we have to release it as free software under the GPL license? d) – We have to reschedule. I think ___________ that’s why we’re all here today. Well, do you think it’s better if we develop the software in multiple versions?

– _________________. That sounds great We will win a lot of extra time if we can persuade the client.e) – ________________ Do you mean that our program crashed due to a security leak? But according to our investigation, the downtime was due to a vulnerability in your Windows system. – _______________. I see your point Thank you for the information. Maybe we need to update our operating system more often.13


2.2 Formulating plans2. Imagine you are talking over the phone. Write down what you would say in the following situations.

Sample Answers:a) You are calling a colleague, Gary, for a due report. Ask him if he is busy right now.Hi, Gary. Do you have a minute? Can you send me the report right ____________________________________________________ away? ____________________________________________________

b) Ask what is troubling a colleague who is calling you, and offer help.So, what kind of problem are you having now? I’ll do everything I can ____________________________________________________ to help you. ____________________________________________________14


2.2 Formulating plansc) Tell Mr. Ford that you just want to check out if he is satisfied with the current project plan.Hello, Mr. Ford. I am calling concerning the current project plan. Are ____________________________________________________ you satisfied with it? ____________________________________________________

d) You are asking if the client company can assign two of their software engineers into your development team.We found that we needed two more software engineers. Would you ____________________________________________________ assign two of your people into our development team? ____________________________________________________

e) You are reassuring a client, Ms. Black, that the project will be completed on time.Rest assured, Ms. Black,

the program will be delivered to you __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ before the deadline.15


2.2 Formulating plans

D. Work in pairsImagine you and your partner are communicating by phone. Sit back to back, and make up conversations according to the following information. Take turns playing

different roles.


2.2 Formulating plans

E. Group work1. Discuss: a) what should be planned ahead in a software development project, and b) which of those factors are highly subject to constant change.

2. Form a group, and make multiple phone calls. The setting has to be related to project planning.


2.3 Project plans

A. An overviewRead the overview and answer these questions:

What does a project plan describe? What is a project plan composed of? According to the passage, why are project plans so important to project teams?18


2.3 Project plans

B. A software development planBefore you scan the whole document, keep these questions in mind:1. What is this plan mainly talking about?

2. Why is this Software Development Report proposed?3. What is the main constraint of this project? 4. Where shall we go if we want to know Jacky Chen’s job title and primary responsibilities?


2.3 Project plansWords & expressionsGLOSSARYregistration acronym abbreviation reference objective deliverable evolution iteration release n. 注册,登记 n. 首字母缩写词 n. 缩写词 n. 参考书目 n. 目标,目的 n. 交付品 n. 发展 n. 敏捷开发周期 n. 版本, 发布



n. 资源管理


2.3 Project plansWords & expressionsGLOSSARYstaffing acquisition budget monitor close-out glossary vision deliver milestone n. 职工配置 n. 获取 n. 预算 v. 监控 n. 结束 n. 术语表 n. 前景,蓝图 v. 交付 n. 里程标



adj. 首要的

