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香港朗文LWTE 2B 语法汇总练习:

一、 用like 和likes 填空

1. My father __________ salty food 。

2.1 _________ c hilli fish too.

3. We ___________ potato chips.

4. Sam ______________ ice cream.

5. My dogs ____________ beef 牛 肉).

6. They _____________ fish too.

7. Does Lily _____ hamburgers?

8. Mr.Huang doesn ' t _________ s our plums.

二、 用 don' t like 和 doesn ' t like 填空

1. Paul __________ potato chips.

2. The childre n _________ p ea nu ts.

、用 Do 和 Does, don '和 doesn '填空,

3. ________ the childre n like chilli fish?

4. ________ Bee no like ice cream?

5. _________ y our sister like gin ger? 四、用 do/does/like/likes 填空

1. What he ?

He __________ potato chips and cheese rin gs. They are salty.

2. What ____________ your sisters ___________ ?

They ___________ curry beef balls and hamburgers.

五、 在横线上填写所缺的单词

(is/are )

1. There ________ some butter.

2. There ________ some grapes.

3. There _________ an egg.

4. There _________ some people in the


5. There _________ some childre n.

6. There _________ some fruit on the d esk.

7. _______ t here any flour? Yes, there ___________________ .

8. ________ there any oranges? No, there ____________ not.


too many too much

1. Don' t drink ____________________ s our milk, Lilylt ' s not good for you.

2. There are _______________________ c hildren in the swimming pool.

3. There are __________________________ t omatoes in the basket.

4. There is _______________ food in the fridge. Yes they ___________ . No, he _____________ . No, she _______________ like gin

__________________________ ger.

5.There are ____________ people in the swimmi ng pool.

6.A: Can I have some butter, Mum?

B: OK, Here you are . Don ' t eat __________________

7.1 don ' t want to eat ____________ fruit. I ' m full.

some any

1.Sam is hun gry. He wants _________________ hamburgers.

2A: Is there _________________ orange juice? B: Yes, there is.

3There isn ' t _________________ sugar.

4.A: Are there __________________ cookies? B: Yes, there are.

5.May I have ____________________ cola, please?

七、Look and write the time.(读时钟,判断英语是否正确,打“皿打“X。)


1.________ y ou like chilli fish? Yes, I do (do; does)

2.How ___________ y ou help at home? I water the pla nts (do ;does)

3.How _________ Ben and Koko help at home? ( do ;does)

They _____________ the bed. (make ;makes)

4.What __________ h e do?( do; does)

He ____________ t he dishes. (wash; washes )

5.Jane __________ t he bed every mornin g.( make ;makes)

6.My brother ___________ his homework in the eve ning. (do ;does)

7.The childre n ___________ their teacher at school.(help ;helps)

8.How _________ your sister help at home? (do; does )

She _______ the floor. (sweep; sweeps)


1.She ( likes / like ) ( swim ming/ swim) in the river.

2.He ( like / likes ) ( climb/ climbing ) the tree.

3.Hi, I am Michael. I ( like / likes ) ( watching/ watch ) TV .

4.Look at the childre n. They( like / likes ) ( play in g/play ) football.

5.My father ( likes / like ) ( cook/ cooki ng ).

6.The tigers ( like / likes ) ( sleep in g/sleep ).

7.Danny ( likes / like ) ( tidy/ tidying) the toys(玩具).


1.Tom and Jane ________________ the bedroom at home. ( tidy, tidies )

2.Does Peter like curry beef balls? Nohe _______________ .(don ' t, doesn ' t )

3.How ______________ Tina help at home? ( do, does )

4.What ____________ he do on Saturday? ( do, does )

5.Is there any butter? Yes, there _______________ .( are, is )

6.Can I have some lemon sweets Yes, you __________________ . ( can, can ' t )

7.What ____________ you do on Thursday? ( do, does )

8.What ____________ Sammy like doing? ( do, does )

9.She _____________ play ing shopp ing. ( like, likes )

10.Coco ______________ c hess in the after noon. ( plays, play )

11.Susa n _____________ her homework in the after noon. ( do, does )

12.I ____________ (set , sets ) the table at home.

13.They ______________ (go , goes ) to school at eight o ' clock.

14.Peter _____________ (. go , goes ) to school at eight o ' clock.

15.They _______________ (tidy , tidies ) the classroom together.

16.We ________________ ( like , likes ) hot dogs.

17.Sue _______________ (wash , washes ) the dishes at home.

读图答题:请认真看表格,判断下面的句子是否正确,对的打 *错的打&

( )1. Joe doesn ' t like playing chess.

( )2. Kitty likes play ing tennis.

( )3. Ben doesn ' t like playing chess.

( )4. Jenny likes swim ming.

( )5. Charlie doesn ' t like playing badminton.

