ipad2 英文介绍 - 图文
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Beijing March 3, 2011 morning, Apple iPad 2 officially released. Jobs attend the conference, and reviewed their iPad2 all the new features: If iPad in your hand like a book, iPad2 like a magazine.
Apple iPad2 new features are as follows:
1. Lighter and thinner;
2. With a faster Apple A5 1.0GHz dual-core processor, PowerVR SGX543MP graphics core, single-chip integrated design; 3. Before and after the two cameras; 4. Support two 3G networks; 5. Black and white shell; 6. Cool, smart covered; 7. Edges more smooth edges, a natural extension to the back curvature of the plane;
8. Built-in microphone is moved from the headphone jack next to the top of the center;
9. Behind the speaker openings increased;
10. Built-in three-axis gyroscope, support for digital compass functions.
The following is iPad2 inherited and retained the classic characteristics of the first generation of iPad:
1.9.7 inch screen;
3. Bluetooth;
4. Sub-3G version and the non-3G version;
5. WiFi ten hours of life, nine-hour battery life 3G, one month standby time;
6. Multi-touch screen
7.16G, 32G, 64G in three sizes;
8. Pricing WiFi Edition $ 499 / $ 599 / $ 699, WiFi +3 G Edition $ 629 / $ 729 / $ 829.
iPad 2 difference with iPad 1
Speed: iPad 2 A5 with a new processor. The dual-core processor
architecture, compared to iPad 1, iPad 2 has twice the processing speed, 9 times the graphics processing power. The A5 processor power consumption while enhancing capacity has remained flat with the A4, making iPad2 with 10 hours of use, 1 month standby time.
Slim: iPad 2 thickness is reduced to 8.8 mm, and thickness of iPad
1 13.4 mm, a decrease of 33%.
Weight: iPad 2 weighs 1.3 pounds, while the iPad 1 to 1.5 pounds,
a decrease of 13%.
Camera: iPad 2 is equipped with two cameras front and rear, through
FaceTime and other iPad, iPhone 4 or Mac computer video calls, support for post-720P HD video camera recording. The iPad 1 no camera.
iPad2 new software features
iOS 4.3 will come with iPad 2. New features include:
1.Safari browser performance significantly improved by adding Nitro JavaScript engine 2.iTunes family sharing, Mac or PC iTunes video files stored in the
database, iPhone / iPad / iPod touch WiFi network through direct streaming media player.
3.AirPlay functional improvements, support for third-party
software or website streaming video output, support shot on camera, streaming video or photo slide output.
4.iPad2 side of the switch can be set to mute or turn the lock. 5. Personal hotspot Internet Connection Sharing feature (only
supports iPhone 4).
6. For the built-in camera iPad 2, iOS 4.3 will add two new built-in
applications are: (1). Photo Booth, a variety of real-time preview of effects and photo shoot.
(2). FaceTime, support iPad as well as with iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac video calls.
iOS 4.3 update will be March 11 iPad 2 listing released, support the first / second generation iPad, iPhone 3GS / 4 (only the GSM version), the third / fourth-generation iPod touch.
In addition, Apple also demonstrated two additional software for
the iPad 2, respectively, new iMovie video editing software, and GarageBand-made music, sound recording software. Both software
will be March 11 in the App Store on-line sales, prices are $ 4.99.
iPad2 Accessories
Apple iPad 2 provides for the two new peripherals. First, HDMI adapter cable \video output, without any set can be applied to all software, support the view that the direction of automatic rotation, and may continue to charge the data line connecting the original. The adapter cable is priced at $ 39, with the exception iPad 2 can also be used outside the iPhone 4, fourth-generation iPod touch and the first generation of iPad.
The protective cover problem, Jobs said at the meeting: \created the first generation of iPad a special protective case, it performed very well. But we spent so much time to think about design iPad, but to have it The tightly cover, rather a pity. iPad 2 Therefore, we should be a little better idea to come up with. \
Smart Cover is not actually a new protective cover, but a \cover,\adsorption depend on the side of the fuselage in the iPad 2, removable change at any time.
Collapsible cover as the iPad stent. IPad 2 built-in close to rely on sensors, opened the cover iPad 2 automatically activated sleep is automatically closed.
Micro Fiber inner cover material can help clean the screen, the outer layer, or cortex, compared with polyurethane. Smart Cover total of 10 colors, all 5 of polyurethane and leather, priced at $ 39 version for the polyurethane, leather version of 69 dollars.
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