初一下Module1 学习笔记

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Module1 学习笔记 Unit 1

1. Welcome back to + n. 欢迎返回······ Welcome back + adv.

例如:Welcome back to China. Welcome back home.

2. 区别:first of all 1) 名词,第一 2) 副词,首先

at first 只能是副词,首先,起先

at first 表示顺序上的先后,如大家来踢球,首先是小王踢,那就用at first,first of all 表示重要性上的先后,比如遇到地震首先要保持冷静,强调的是重要性上的先后,用first of all。 例如:1)At first, I did not know how to use the machine, then I read the instruction for a few times, later I try again and again , at last I can do it myself.

2)Marriage is, first of all, a contract which must be governed by justice. 婚姻首先是一种契约,它必须以公正为制约。

3)First of all, let me tell you the news. 首先,让我告诉你这个消息。 3. in the lost and found box=case 在失物招领箱里

4. a purple wallet 多指男士的钱包 purse 多指女士的钱包 5. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. be careful with sth. 小心(做/处理)某物,与 be careful to do sth. 小心做某事 差不多,例:

Be careful with the eggs./Be careful to take the eggs to the kitchen from now on. from now on adv. 从现在开始;从此;从今以后;往后 We will try our best to study English from now on. 我们今后一定尽最大地努力学习英语。 We must study harder from now on. 从今以后我们必须更努力地学习。 Please do more exercise from now on. 从今往后请多做运动吧 6. Here are some nice gloves.

Here is a pair of gloves. 一副手套 Expressions:

1. I wonder if you can help me. I could’t find my? 2.Where did you lose it? Where have you been to? When did you last see it? 3. Can you describe it? What kind of? is it?

4. I think we have found yours. Here it is.

Yes, that’s it. Thank you. I thought I had lost it. 5. I’m afraid we haven’t got anything like that.

Please fill in this form. Write down your name and telephone number. Don’t worry. If we got something like that, we would inform you.

Unit 2


1.That’s why ?意为“是? ?的原因” That’s why they are on the news. 那就是新闻报道他们的原因。 2. in a hurry 意为“匆匆忙忙地” do sth. in a hurry 匆忙之中做某事 hurry to do sth. 匆忙做某事 be in a hurry 匆忙之中

They’re hurrying to catch the train. Hurry up

3.leave sth. + somewhere: 表示把某物落在某地(= not to take sth. with you when you leave a place)

I often leave my homework at home. 我经常把作业忘在家里。 注意:

不能说 I forget my wallet at home. 可以说 I’ve forgotten my wallet. 4. look for 与 find look for意为“寻找”,指有目的的找,强调“寻找”这一动作。 What are you looking for? I’m looking for my bike.

find意为“找到;发现”, 强调“找”的结果。 I’m looking for my bag, but I can’t find it. 5. hundreds of 意为“数百”

thousands of(数以千计/成千上万的) millions of (数百万的) 注意:

hundreds of, thousands of 等表示的是一个概数,前面不能再加基数词修饰。当hundred, thousand等表示确切数目时,其前有一个具体的基数词修饰,此时只能用原形。比如: two thousand mobile phones a hundred bikes

6. Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages. 你在寻找15公斤的香肠吗? 数量词的用法:


“数量+ kilo (s) + of + 名词”结构 例如:three kilos of eggs 3千克鸡蛋 one kilo of vegetables 1公斤蔬菜

Unit 3



表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词(Possessive Pronouns),也叫人称代词的所有格。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。物主代词有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数的物主代词还有性别的变化 1.Are these trousers yours?


No. Mine are over there. 2. Her hair is much longer than mine . (我的). 3. This dog of yours (你的) never bites. Grammar 人代 I we you they she he it adj.物代 my our your their her his its n.物代 mine ours yours theirs hers his its 用英语写失物招领和寻物启事

招领启示:一个紫色钱包,找John 电话号码:3539495 Found

I found a wallet. It’s purple. Is it your wallet? If it is your ring , please call John at 3539495.

寻物:一个照相机 失主是Steve 电话:6034685 Lost

I lost a camera. If you find my camera, please call Steve at 6034685. Thank you very much! 补充词语

Describing things: What shape is it?

triangular( 三角形 ), square ( 正方形 ) rectangular( 长方形) rhombus( 菱形六面体 ), taper ( 椎体 ), circular( 圆形 ) What size is it?

big, small, tiny(极小的,微小的) medium(中等的) long, short

What color is it?

pink(粉色), sliver(银), golden(金), light blue(浅兰), dark red (深红),sandy(砂黄), ginger(姜黄) What is it made of?

cloth (布), canvas(帆布), wood (木), steel (钢), iron (铁), nylon (尼龙), glass (玻璃), plastic (塑料), leather (皮), rubber (橡胶)


(1)tell常用于结构tell sb sth.或tell sb to do sth. “告诉某人某事”或“告诉某人去做某事”,时tell还可以表示“讲故事”。


(3)say意为“说”,其后必须加说的内容,常用结构say sth. to sb “告诉某人某事”。 (4)talk意为“谈论,报告”,常用结构talk to/with sb.“同某人讲话”。

2. (2012·山西·21) Look at eraser on the floor. Whose is it?

A. a B. an C. the D. / 注解:看地板上这块橡皮,是谁的?



3. (2012·河南·28) —I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in ____ the window. —It’s dangerous to do that.

A. in B. through C. over D. to get in through表示的是进入房间的方式是通过窗户 答案:(B)

辨析:across, cross, through,与over

across, cross是横过的意思,across是介词,通常在用go, run, swim. 等搭配;cross是动词,通常可以直接放在句子中; through是穿过,跟across一样介词,通常在用go, run, swim.等搭配through与cross的不同在于:through是从中间通过,

across是从事物表面穿过, over 是越过,在…上方。 4. (2012·东营·17)Whenever you meet with difficulties, you can ask the policeman ____help. A. at B. in C. for D. with 注解:ask sb. for help 向某人寻求帮助 答案:(C)

5. (2010·安徽·37)—How can I ________ well with my lessons,Dad?

—Practice makes perfect.

A. work on B. hold on C. get on D. keep on 注解:get on well with sth. 在某方面进展顺利 答案:(C)


